[Rcpp-devel] linking fail when building examples of my local copy of Rcpp gallery (windows)
John Buonagurio
jbuonagurio at exponent.com
Wed Apr 17 23:13:04 CEST 2013
Hi Robin,
Those exact linker errors occur if you use a different version of MinGW than the Rcpp static library. Could that possibly be the case?
If so make sure to install Rcpp from source. For example:
install.packages("C:/CRAN/Rcpp_0.10.3.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
Make sure you have the Rtools bin directory and the MinGW version you are using in your path.
You said you don't have C++11; are you using a version of GCC older than that supplied with Rtools? In that case you may have issues compiling for R 64-bit in my experience. Run this from R i386:
install.packages("C:/CRAN/Rcpp_0.10.3.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source", INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"))
Best of luck,
-----Original Message-----
From: rcpp-devel-bounces at lists.r-forge.r-project.org [mailto:rcpp-devel-bounces at lists.r-forge.r-project.org] On Behalf Of Robin Girard
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:44 AM
To: rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
Subject: [Rcpp-devel] linking fail when building examples of my local copy of Rcpp gallery (windows)
Salut list,
I'm trying to become soon a (small) contributor to Rcpp Gallery and I would like to be able to visualize the result before pushing it. I'm on windows...
I managed to install jeckyll and made it work (this http://bradleygrainger.com/2011/09/07/how-to-use-github-pages-on-windows.html helped me if other people want to do the same).
I removed all src that are c++11 since I don't have it (that would be another question about having it on windows but I did not try yet)
I did "make" in the src folder
but it appeared that I had to change the first two line, my dumb guess was that it did not like the relative path stuff, I changed the first two line of the makefile to KNIT = /c/GitHub/rcpp-gallery/_scripts/knit.sh
POSTS_DIR = /c/GitHub/rcpp-gallery/_posts
then I did "make" again and got a lot of ...
library/Rcpp/lib/i386/libRcpp.a(api.o):api.cpp:(.text+0x160c): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
library/Rcpp/lib/i386/libRcpp.a(api.o):api.cpp:(.text+0x162b): undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'
library/Rcpp/lib/i386/libRcpp.a(api.o):api.cpp:(.text+0x166f): undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'
library/Rcpp/lib/i386/libRcpp.a(api.o):api.cpp:(.text+0x1726): undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Resume'
endding with
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/RtmpIDf7mh/sourcecpp_15c479677107' g++ -I"c:/R/R-215~1.2/include" -DNDEBUG -I"c:/R/R-2.15.2/library/Rcpp/include" -O2 -Wall -mtune=core2 -c file15c426717ca8.cpp
-o file15c426717ca8.o g++ -shared -s -static-libgcc -o sourceCpp_78831.dll tmp.def file15c426717ca8.o c:/R/R-2.15.2/library/Rcpp/lib/i386/libRcpp.a -Lc:/R/R-215~1.2/bin/i386 -lR make[1]: Leaving directory `/ tmp/RtmpIDf7mh/sourcecpp_15c479677107'
Quitting from lines 11-56 ()
Erreur dans function (file = "", code = NULL, env = globalenv(), rebuild = FALSE, :
Error occurred building shared library.
Calls: knit ... block_exec -> in_dir -> <Anonymous> -> do.call -> <Anonymous>
I know this has to do with my library path (and actually when I launch the function "knit(input,output)" in R for a given Rcpp example this works and generate the markdown file) but don't find where this comes from.
any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?
Dr. Girard Robin
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