[Rcpp-devel] multidimensional arrays

Frederico Mestre mestre.frederico at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 11:27:12 CEST 2012

Hello all:


I'm a regular user of R, but my knowledge of C++ is limited. 


I need to create functions to generate random landscapes (with two habitat
classes) based on area and distance amongst patches. This would take quite a
long time in R so I thought it would be better to use Rcpp (which seems a
simpler way to integrate R and C++). I need to generate these landscapes for
the current time and their evolution in the future (about 1000 to each of
these time steps).


I thought it would be better to generate these "landscapes" as
multidimensional arrays but I'm finding it hard to work with C++.


Would it be adequate to use this functions:


rdlandscape <- cxxfunction(signature(x = "numeric"), body = "C++ code",


I don't need to retain these objects after the run just calculate several
parameters (as extinction probability) of a species that would be present in
these landscapes.


Any ideas?



Frederico Mestre


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