[Rcpp-devel] Work-around for Stangle failure on Rcpp-modules.Rnw?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Mon Jun 28 17:12:18 CEST 2010

On 28 June 2010 at 10:00, Douglas Bates wrote:
| $ make Rcpp-extending.pdf
| rm Rcpp-extending.Rnw
| cp -f Rcpp-extending/Rcpp-extending.Rnw .
| Rscript -e "require(highlight); driver <- HighlightWeaveLatex(boxes =
| TRUE, bg = 'white' ); Sweave( 'Rcpp-extending.Rnw', driver = driver );
| "
| Loading required package: highlight
| Loading required package: tools
| Loading required package: codetools
| Loading required package: parser
| Loading required package: Rcpp
| Loading required package: methods
| Writing to file Rcpp-extending.tex
| Processing code chunks ...
|  1 : term verbatim
| Loading required package: inline
|  3 : term verbatim
|  4 : term tex
| sh: highlight: not found

Please try 

    sudo apt-get install highlight

We do not pre-test for this as clearly as we maybe should. It is also 'just'
in the pdf-creation so we have not added it to SystemRequirements. Maybe we

In short, 'highlight' has become overloaded as there is Romain's on CRAN and
Andre's in Debian and elsewhere.  Some of Andre's code may end up in Romain's
R package at which point we may no longer require the external binary.

  Regards, Dirk

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