[Pomp-commits] r1145 - in www: content vignettes

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Mon Mar 23 13:59:09 CET 2015

Author: kingaa
Date: 2015-03-23 13:59:09 +0100 (Mon, 23 Mar 2015)
New Revision: 1145

- add mif2 vignette

Modified: www/content/vignettes.htm
--- www/content/vignettes.htm	2015-03-16 12:21:59 UTC (rev 1144)
+++ www/content/vignettes.htm	2015-03-23 12:59:09 UTC (rev 1145)
@@ -11,6 +11,11 @@
 <td><a target="_blank" href="vignettes/getting_started.html">(HTML)</a></td>
 <td><a target="_blank" href="vignettes/getting_started.R">(R code)</a></td>
+<td>An example using IF2</td>
+<td><a target="_blank" href="vignettes/mif2.html">(HTML)</a></td>
+<td><a target="_blank" href="vignettes/mif2.R">(R code)</a></td>
 <td><strong>pomp</strong> package manual</td>
 <td><a target="_blank" href="vignettes/pomp.pdf">(PDF)</a></td>

Modified: www/vignettes/Makefile
--- www/vignettes/Makefile	2015-03-16 12:21:59 UTC (rev 1144)
+++ www/vignettes/Makefile	2015-03-23 12:59:09 UTC (rev 1145)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 RSCRIPT = $(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript --vanilla
-REXE = $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla
+REXE = $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla --slave
 LATEX = latex
 BIBTEX = bibtex
 PDFLATEX = pdflatex

Added: www/vignettes/mif2.R
--- www/vignettes/mif2.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ www/vignettes/mif2.R	2015-03-23 12:59:09 UTC (rev 1145)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+## ----options,include=FALSE,cache=FALSE-----------------------------------
+prefix <- "mif2"
+  progress=TRUE,
+  prompt=FALSE,tidy=FALSE,highlight=TRUE,
+  strip.white=TRUE,
+  warning=FALSE,
+  message=FALSE,
+  error=FALSE,
+  echo=TRUE,
+  cache=TRUE,
+  results='markup',
+  fig.show='asis',
+  size='small',
+  fig.lp="fig:",
+  fig.path=paste0("figure/",prefix,"-"),
+  cache.path=paste0("cache/",prefix,"-"),
+  fig.pos="h!",
+  fig.align='center',
+  fig.height=4,fig.width=6.83,
+  dpi=300,
+  dev='png',
+  dev.args=list(bg='transparent')
+  )
+  keep.source=TRUE,
+  stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
+  encoding="UTF-8",
+  scipen=5,
+  cores=5
+  )
+## ----gompertz-init,cache=FALSE-------------------------------------------
+theta <- coef(gompertz)
+theta.true <- theta
+## ----gompertz-multi-mif2-eval,results='hide'-----------------------------
+save.seed <- .Random.seed
+estpars <- c("r","sigma","tau")
+mf <- foreach(i=1:10,
+              .inorder=FALSE,
+              .options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)
+              ) %dopar%
+  {
+    theta.guess <- theta.true
+    theta.guess[estpars] <- rlnorm(
+      n=length(estpars),
+      meanlog=log(theta.guess[estpars]),
+      sdlog=1
+      )
+    m1 <- mif(
+      gompertz,
+      Nmif=50,
+      method="mif2",
+      start=theta.guess,
+      transform=TRUE,
+      rw.sd=c(r=0.02,sigma=0.02,tau=0.05),
+      Np=2000,
+      var.factor=2,
+      cooling.type="hyperbolic",
+      cooling.fraction=0.95
+      )
+    m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,cooling.fraction=0.8)
+    m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,cooling.fraction=0.6)
+    m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,cooling.fraction=0.2)
+    ll <- replicate(n=10,logLik(pfilter(m1,Np=10000)))
+    list(mif=m1,ll=ll)
+    }
+  mle=c(signif(theta.mif[estpars],3),loglik=round(loglik.mif,2)),
+  truth=c(signif(theta.true[estpars],3),loglik=round(loglik.true,2))
+  ) -> results.table
+## ----gompertz-post-mif2--------------------------------------------------
+theta.true <- coef(gompertz)
+loglik.true <- replicate(n=10,logLik(pfilter(gompertz,Np=10000)))
+loglik.true <- logmeanexp(loglik.true,se=TRUE)
+theta.mif <- t(sapply(mf,function(x)coef(x$mif)))
+loglik.mif <- t(sapply(mf,function(x)logmeanexp(x$ll,se=TRUE)))
+best <- which.max(loglik.mif[,1])
+theta.mif <- theta.mif[best,]
+loglik.mif <- loglik.mif[best,]
+## ----mif2-plot,echo=FALSE,cache=FALSE------------------------------------
+op <- par(mfrow=c(4,1),mar=c(3,3,0,0),mgp=c(2,1,0),bty='l')
+loglik <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"loglik"))
+log.r <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"r"))
+log.sigma <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"sigma"))
+log.tau <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"tau"))
+matplot(log.tau,type='l',lty=1,xlab="MIF iteration",ylab=expression(log~tau))
+## ----first-mif-results-table,echo=FALSE,cache=FALSE----------------------

Added: www/vignettes/mif2.Rmd
--- www/vignettes/mif2.Rmd	                        (rev 0)
+++ www/vignettes/mif2.Rmd	2015-03-23 12:59:09 UTC (rev 1145)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+title: "An IF2 example"
+author: "Aaron A. King"
+  html_document:
+    theme: flatly
+    toc: yes
+bibliography: pomp.bib
+csl: ecology.csl
+```{r options,include=FALSE,cache=FALSE}
+prefix <- "mif2"
+  progress=TRUE,
+  prompt=FALSE,tidy=FALSE,highlight=TRUE,
+  strip.white=TRUE,
+  warning=FALSE,
+  message=FALSE,
+  error=FALSE,
+  echo=TRUE,
+  cache=TRUE,
+  results='markup',
+  fig.show='asis',
+  size='small',
+  fig.lp="fig:",
+  fig.path=paste0("figure/",prefix,"-"),
+  cache.path=paste0("cache/",prefix,"-"),
+  fig.pos="h!",
+  fig.align='center',
+  fig.height=4,fig.width=6.83,
+  dpi=300,
+  dev='png',
+  dev.args=list(bg='transparent')
+  )
+  keep.source=TRUE,
+  stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
+  encoding="UTF-8",
+  scipen=5,
+  cores=5
+  )
+Iterated filtering is a technique for maximizing the likelihood obtained by filtering.
+In `pomp`, it is the particle filter that is iterated.
+Iterated filtering is implemented in the `mif` function.
+ at Ionides2015 describe an improvement on the original [@Ionides2006] algorithm.
+This "IF2" algorithm is currently implemented by setting the `method="mif2"` option in `mif`.
+Let's use iterated filtering to obtain an approximate MLE for the data in the Gompertz model example provided with `pomp`.
+We'll initialize the algorithm at several starting points around `theta.true` and just estimate the parameters $r$, $\tau$, and $\sigma$:
+```{r gompertz-init,cache=FALSE}
+theta <- coef(gompertz)
+theta.true <- theta
+Note that we've set `transform=TRUE` in the above.
+This means that the likelihood maximization is done on the estimation scale (see the section above on Parameter Transformations).
+```{r gompertz-multi-mif2-eval,results='hide'}
+save.seed <- .Random.seed
+estpars <- c("r","sigma","tau")
+mf <- foreach(i=1:10,
+              .inorder=FALSE,
+              .options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)
+              ) %dopar%
+  {
+    theta.guess <- theta.true
+    theta.guess[estpars] <- rlnorm(
+      n=length(estpars),
+      meanlog=log(theta.guess[estpars]),
+      sdlog=1
+      )
+    m1 <- mif(
+      gompertz,
+      Nmif=50,
+      method="mif2",
+      start=theta.guess,
+      transform=TRUE,
+      rw.sd=c(r=0.02,sigma=0.02,tau=0.05),
+      Np=2000,
+      var.factor=2,
+      cooling.type="hyperbolic",
+      cooling.fraction=0.95
+      )
+    m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,cooling.fraction=0.8)
+    m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,cooling.fraction=0.6)
+    m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,cooling.fraction=0.2)
+    ll <- replicate(n=10,logLik(pfilter(m1,Np=10000)))
+    list(mif=m1,ll=ll)
+    }
+```{r gompertz-post-mif2}
+loglik.true <- replicate(n=10,logLik(pfilter(gompertz,Np=10000)))
+loglik.true <- logmeanexp(loglik.true,se=TRUE)
+theta.mif <- t(sapply(mf,function(x)coef(x$mif)))
+loglik.mif <- t(sapply(mf,function(x)logmeanexp(x$ll,se=TRUE)))
+best <- which.max(loglik.mif[,1])
+theta.mif <- theta.mif[best,]
+loglik.mif <- loglik.mif[best,]
+  mle=c(signif(theta.mif[estpars],3),loglik=round(loglik.mif,2)),
+  truth=c(signif(theta.true[estpars],3),loglik=round(loglik.true,2))
+  ) -> results.table
+Each of the `r length(mf)` `mif` runs ends up at a different place.
+In this case (but by no means in every case), we can average across these parameter estimates to get an approximate maximum likelihood estimate.
+We'll evaluate the likelihood several times at this estimate to get an idea of the Monte Carlo error in our likelihood estimate.
+The particle filter produces an unbiased estimate of the likelihood;
+therefore, we'll average the likelihoods, not the log likelihoods.
+Convergence plots can be used to help diagnose convergence of the iterated filtering algorithm.
+The following shows part of the output of `plot(mf)`.
+```{r mif2-plot,echo=FALSE,cache=FALSE,fig.height=6}
+op <- par(mfrow=c(4,1),mar=c(3,3,0,0),mgp=c(2,1,0),bty='l')
+loglik <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"loglik"))
+log.r <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"r"))
+log.sigma <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"sigma"))
+log.tau <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"tau"))
+matplot(log.tau,type='l',lty=1,xlab="MIF iteration",ylab=expression(log~tau))
+Here is a summary of the results.
+```{r first-mif-results-table,echo=FALSE,cache=FALSE}
+## References

Added: www/vignettes/mif2.html
--- www/vignettes/mif2.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ www/vignettes/mif2.html	2015-03-23 12:59:09 UTC (rev 1145)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
+<meta name="author" content="Aaron A. King" />
+<title>An IF2 example</title>

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 1145

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