[Phylobase-devl] Splitting up the source files

Peter Cowan pdc at berkeley.edu
Thu Mar 6 00:19:19 CET 2008

I'm going to split up the phylo4.R file and simplify things a bit  
either tonight or tomorrow.

Does anyone have outstanding commits?  It will be a pain to commit  
them after the transition.

Also any last votes for how to divide the files up?


On Feb 27, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:

> 1. One file with all the class descriptions and one with all the   
> generics, with methods in files named for the generic, e.g show-  
> methods.R.  This the approach of bioconductor and lme4, which has a   
> similar number of classes but fewer methods.
> 2. One file for each class (e.g. a phylo4 file, phylo4d file,   
> multiphylo file ...) and a corresponding generics/methods file for   
> each.  This is the approach of the sp package, which is similar in   
> number of classes and methods.

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