[Phylobase-commits] r920 - pkg/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Apr 8 23:15:27 CEST 2014

Author: francois
Date: 2014-04-08 23:15:26 +0200 (Tue, 08 Apr 2014)
New Revision: 920

fixed @include for correct order in NAMESPACE collate, and cosmetic changes to roxygen doc

Modified: pkg/R/ancestors.R
--- pkg/R/ancestors.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/ancestors.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -1,85 +1,86 @@
-#' Tree traversal and utility functions
-#' Functions for describing relationships among phylogenetic nodes (i.e.
-#' internal nodes or tips).
-#' \code{ancestors} and \code{descendants} can take \code{node} vectors of
-#' arbitrary length, returning a list of output vectors if the number of valid
-#' input nodes is greater than one. List element names are taken directly from
-#' the input node vector.
-#' If any supplied nodes are not found in the tree, the behavior currently
-#' varies across functions.
-#' \item Invalid nodes are automatically omitted by \code{ancestors}
-#' and \code{descendants}, with a warning.
-#' \item \code{ancestor}
-#' will return \code{NA} for any invalid nodes, with a warning.
-#' \item Both \code{children} and \code{siblings} will return an empty
-#' vector, again with a warning.
-#' @param phy a \linkS4class{phylo4} object (or one inheriting from
-#' \linkS4class{phylo4}, e.g. a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object)
-#' @param x a \linkS4class{phylo4} object (or one inheriting from
-#' \linkS4class{phylo4}, e.g. a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object)
-#' @param node either an integer corresponding to a node ID number, or a
-#' character corresponding to a node label; for \code{ancestors} and
-#' \code{descendants}, this may be a vector of multiple node numbers or names
-#' @param type (\code{ancestors}) specify whether to return just direct
-#' ancestor ("parent"), all ancestor nodes ("all"), or all ancestor nodes
-#' including self ("ALL"); (\code{descendants}) specify whether to return just
-#' direct descendants ("children"), all extant descendants ("tips"), or all
-#' descendant nodes ("all")
-#' @param include.self whether to include self in list of siblings
-#' @param \dots a list of node numbers or names, or a vector of node numbers or
-#' names
-#' @return \item{\code{ancestors}}{ return a named vector (or a list
-#' of such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the
-#' ancestors and descendants of a node}
-#' \item{\code{descendants}}{ return a named vector (or a list of
-#' such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the ancestors
-#' and descendants of a node}
-#' \item{\code{ancestor}}{ \code{ancestor} is analogous to
-#' \code{ancestors(\dots{}, type="parent")} (i.e. direct ancestor
-#' only), but returns a single concatenated vector in the case of
-#' multiple input nodes}
-#' \item{\code{children}}{is analogous to \code{descendants(\dots{},
-#' type="children")} (i.e. direct descendants only), but is not
-#' currently intended to be used with multiple input nodes }
-#' \item{\code{siblings}}{ returns sibling nodes (children of the same
-#' parent)}
-#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{mrca}}, in the ape package, gives a list of all
-#' subtrees
-#' @export
-#' @include getNode-methods.R
-#' @include phylo4-accessors.R
-#' @examples
-#'   data(geospiza)
-#'   nodeLabels(geospiza) <- LETTERS[1:nNodes(geospiza)]
-#'   plot(as(geospiza, "phylo4"), show.node.label=TRUE)
-#'   ancestor(geospiza, "E")
-#'   children(geospiza, "C")
-#'   descendants(geospiza, "D", type="tips")
-#'   descendants(geospiza, "D", type="all")
-#'   ancestors(geospiza, "D")
-#'   MRCA(geospiza, "conirostris", "difficilis", "fuliginosa")
-#'   MRCA(geospiza, "olivacea", "conirostris")
-#'   ## shortest path between 2 nodes
-#'   shortestPath(geospiza, "fortis", "fuliginosa")
-#'   shortestPath(geospiza, "F", "L")
-#'   ## branch length from a tip to the root
-#'   sumEdgeLength(geospiza, ancestors(geospiza, "fortis", type="ALL"))
+##' Tree traversal and utility functions
+##' Functions for describing relationships among phylogenetic nodes (i.e.
+##' internal nodes or tips).
+##' \code{ancestors} and \code{descendants} can take \code{node} vectors of
+##' arbitrary length, returning a list of output vectors if the number of valid
+##' input nodes is greater than one. List element names are taken directly from
+##' the input node vector.
+##' If any supplied nodes are not found in the tree, the behavior currently
+##' varies across functions.
+##' \item Invalid nodes are automatically omitted by \code{ancestors}
+##' and \code{descendants}, with a warning.
+##' \item \code{ancestor}
+##' will return \code{NA} for any invalid nodes, with a warning.
+##' \item Both \code{children} and \code{siblings} will return an empty
+##' vector, again with a warning.
+##' @param phy a \linkS4class{phylo4} object (or one inheriting from
+##' \linkS4class{phylo4}, e.g. a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object)
+##' @param x a \linkS4class{phylo4} object (or one inheriting from
+##' \linkS4class{phylo4}, e.g. a \linkS4class{phylo4d} object)
+##' @param node either an integer corresponding to a node ID number, or a
+##' character corresponding to a node label; for \code{ancestors} and
+##' \code{descendants}, this may be a vector of multiple node numbers or names
+##' @param type (\code{ancestors}) specify whether to return just direct
+##' ancestor ("parent"), all ancestor nodes ("all"), or all ancestor nodes
+##' including self ("ALL"); (\code{descendants}) specify whether to return just
+##' direct descendants ("children"), all extant descendants ("tips"), or all
+##' descendant nodes ("all")
+##' @param include.self whether to include self in list of siblings
+##' @param \dots a list of node numbers or names, or a vector of node numbers or
+##' names
+##' @return \item{\code{ancestors}}{ return a named vector (or a list
+##' of such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the
+##' ancestors and descendants of a node}
+##' \item{\code{descendants}}{ return a named vector (or a list of
+##' such vectors in the case of multiple input nodes) of the ancestors
+##' and descendants of a node}
+##' \item{\code{ancestor}}{ \code{ancestor} is analogous to
+##' \code{ancestors(\dots{}, type="parent")} (i.e. direct ancestor
+##' only), but returns a single concatenated vector in the case of
+##' multiple input nodes}
+##' \item{\code{children}}{is analogous to \code{descendants(\dots{},
+##' type="children")} (i.e. direct descendants only), but is not
+##' currently intended to be used with multiple input nodes }
+##' \item{\code{siblings}}{ returns sibling nodes (children of the same
+##' parent)}
+##' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{mrca}}, in the ape package, gives a list of all
+##' subtrees
+##' @export
+##' @include phylo4-class.R
+##' @include phylo4-methods.R
+##' @include getNode-methods.R
+##' @examples
+##'   data(geospiza)
+##'   nodeLabels(geospiza) <- LETTERS[1:nNodes(geospiza)]
+##'   plot(as(geospiza, "phylo4"), show.node.label=TRUE)
+##'   ancestor(geospiza, "E")
+##'   children(geospiza, "C")
+##'   descendants(geospiza, "D", type="tips")
+##'   descendants(geospiza, "D", type="all")
+##'   ancestors(geospiza, "D")
+##'   MRCA(geospiza, "conirostris", "difficilis", "fuliginosa")
+##'   MRCA(geospiza, "olivacea", "conirostris")
+##'   ## shortest path between 2 nodes
+##'   shortestPath(geospiza, "fortis", "fuliginosa")
+##'   shortestPath(geospiza, "F", "L")
+##'   ## branch length from a tip to the root
+##'   sumEdgeLength(geospiza, ancestors(geospiza, "fortis", type="ALL"))
 ancestor <- function(phy,node) {
     node2 <- getNode(phy,node)
     ## r <- which(edges(phy)[,2]==node)

Modified: pkg/R/checkdata.R
--- pkg/R/checkdata.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/checkdata.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -1,49 +1,51 @@
 ## REQUIRED for all trees
-#' Validity checking for phylo4 objects
-#' Basic checks on the validity of S4 phylogenetic objects
-#' @aliases checkPhylo4 checkTree checkPhylo4Data
-#' @param object A prospective phylo4 or phylo4d object
-#' @return As required by \code{\link[methods]{validObject}}, returns an error
-#' string (describing problems) or TRUE if everything is OK.
-#' @note
-#' These functions are only intended to be called by other phylobase functions.
-#' \code{checkPhylo4} is an (inflexible) wrapper for \code{checkTree}.  The
-#' rules for \code{phylo4} objects essentially follow those for \code{phylo}
-#' objects from the \code{ape} package, which are in turn defined in
-#' \url{http://ape.mpl.ird.fr/misc/FormatTreeR_28July2008.pdf}.  These are
-#' essentially that: \itemize{ \item if the tree has edge lengths defined, the
-#' number of edge lengths must match the number of edges; \item the number of
-#' tip labels must match the number of tips; \item in a tree with \code{ntips}
-#' tips and \code{nnodes} (total) nodes, nodes 1 to \code{ntips} must be tips
-#' \item if the tree is rooted, the root must be node number \code{ntips+1} and
-#' the root node must be the first row of the edge matrix \item tip labels,
-#' node labels, edge labels, edge lengths must have proper internal names (i.e.
-#' internal names that match the node numbers they document) \item tip and node
-#' labels must be unique }
-#' You can alter some of the default options by using the function
-#' \code{phylobase.options}.
-#' For \code{phylo4d} objects, \code{checkTree} also calls
-#' \code{checkPhylo4Data} to check the validity of the data associated with the
-#' tree. It ensures that (1) the data associated with the tree have the correct
-#' dimensions, (2) that the row names for the data are correct.
-#' @author Ben Bolker, Steven Kembel, Francois Michonneau
-#' @seealso the \code{\link{phylo4}} constructor and \linkS4class{phylo4}
-#' class; \code{\link{formatData}}, the \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor and
-#' the \linkS4class{phylo4d} class do checks for the data associated with
-#' trees.  See \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions and
-#' \code{\link{phylobase.options} to change some of the default options of the
-#' validator.}
-#' @include RcppExports.R phylo4-accessors.R
-#' @keywords misc
+##' Validity checking for phylo4 objects
+##' Basic checks on the validity of S4 phylogenetic objects
+##' @aliases checkPhylo4 checkTree checkPhylo4Data
+##' @param object A prospective phylo4 or phylo4d object
+##' @return As required by \code{\link[methods]{validObject}}, returns an error
+##' string (describing problems) or TRUE if everything is OK.
+##' @note
+##' These functions are only intended to be called by other phylobase functions.
+##' \code{checkPhylo4} is an (inflexible) wrapper for \code{checkTree}.  The
+##' rules for \code{phylo4} objects essentially follow those for \code{phylo}
+##' objects from the \code{ape} package, which are in turn defined in
+##' \url{http://ape.mpl.ird.fr/misc/FormatTreeR_28July2008.pdf}.  These are
+##' essentially that: \itemize{ \item if the tree has edge lengths defined, the
+##' number of edge lengths must match the number of edges; \item the number of
+##' tip labels must match the number of tips; \item in a tree with \code{ntips}
+##' tips and \code{nnodes} (total) nodes, nodes 1 to \code{ntips} must be tips
+##' \item if the tree is rooted, the root must be node number \code{ntips+1} and
+##' the root node must be the first row of the edge matrix \item tip labels,
+##' node labels, edge labels, edge lengths must have proper internal names (i.e.
+##' internal names that match the node numbers they document) \item tip and node
+##' labels must be unique }
+##' You can alter some of the default options by using the function
+##' \code{phylobase.options}.
+##' For \code{phylo4d} objects, \code{checkTree} also calls
+##' \code{checkPhylo4Data} to check the validity of the data associated with the
+##' tree. It ensures that (1) the data associated with the tree have the correct
+##' dimensions, (2) that the row names for the data are correct.
+##' @author Ben Bolker, Steven Kembel, Francois Michonneau
+##' @seealso the \code{\link{phylo4}} constructor and \linkS4class{phylo4}
+##' class; \code{\link{formatData}}, the \code{\link{phylo4d}} constructor and
+##' the \linkS4class{phylo4d} class do checks for the data associated with
+##' trees.  See \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions and
+##' \code{\link{phylobase.options} to change some of the default options of the
+##' validator.}
+##' @include RcppExports.R
+##' @include phylo4-class.R
+##' @include phylo4-methods.R
+##' @keywords misc
 checkPhylo4 <- function(object) {
     ct <- checkTree(object)

Modified: pkg/R/edgeLength-methods.R
--- pkg/R/edgeLength-methods.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/edgeLength-methods.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@
 ##' @docType methods
 ##' @aliases hasEdgeLength
 ##' @rdname edgeLength-methods
-##' @include phylo4-class.R phylo4-methods.R phylo4-accessors.R nodeId-methods.R
+##' @include phylo4-class.R
+##' @include phylo4-methods.R
+##' @include nodeId-methods.R
 ##' @examples
 ##'   data(geospiza)
 ##'   hasEdgeLength(geospiza) # TRUE

Modified: pkg/R/extractTree.R
--- pkg/R/extractTree.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/extractTree.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 ##' \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation functions.
 ##' @keywords methods
 ##' @export
+##' @include setAs-methods.R
 ##' @examples
 ##' tree.phylo <- ape::read.tree(text = "((a,b),c);")
 ##' tree <- as(tree.phylo, "phylo4")

Modified: pkg/R/phylo4-accessors.R
--- pkg/R/phylo4-accessors.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/phylo4-accessors.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ##' edge respectively.
 ##' @docType methods
 ##' @export
-##' @include phylo4-methods.R
+##' @include phylo4-class.R phylo4-methods.R
 ##' @rdname nTips-methods
 setGeneric("nTips", function(x) {

Modified: pkg/R/phylobase-package.R
--- pkg/R/phylobase-package.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/phylobase-package.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
 #' @importFrom stats reorder
 #' @importFrom utils head tail
 #' @importFrom ade4 newick2phylog
 #' @exportMethod print head tail reorder plot summary
 #' @exportMethod phylo4 phylo4d
@@ -82,7 +83,6 @@
 #' @exportMethod [<- [[ [[<-
 #' @exportMethod labels labels<- nodeLabels nodeLabels<- tipLabels tipLabels<- edgeLabels edgeLabels<-
 #' @exportMethod hasNodeLabels hasEdgeLabels hasDuplicatedLabels

Modified: pkg/R/print-methods.R
--- pkg/R/print-methods.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/print-methods.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 ##' @note This is the default show() method for phylo4, phylo4d. It prints the
 ##' user-supplied information for building a phylo4 object. For a full
 ##' description of the phylo4 S4 object and slots, see \code{\link{phylo4}}.
-##' @author Marguerite Butler Thibaut Jombart
-##' \email{jombart@@biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr} Steve Kembel
+##' @author Marguerite Butler, Thibaut Jombart \email{jombart@@biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr}, Steve Kembel
+##' @include setAs-methods.R
 ##' @keywords methods
 ##' @examples
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
 ##' @rdname print-methods
 ##' @aliases show

Modified: pkg/R/reorder-methods.R
--- pkg/R/reorder-methods.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
+++ pkg/R/reorder-methods.R	2014-04-08 21:15:26 UTC (rev 920)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ##' \code{\link{children}} \code{\link{descendants}}
 ##' @keywords methods
 ##' @include phylo4-class.R
-##' @include phylo4-accessors.R
+##' @include phylo4-methods.R
 ##' @export
 ##' @examples
 ##' phy <- phylo4(ape::rtree(5))

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