[Phylobase-commits] r919 - pkg/R

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Tue Apr 8 23:14:16 CEST 2014

Author: francois
Date: 2014-04-08 23:14:16 +0200 (Tue, 08 Apr 2014)
New Revision: 919

deleting file, now called setAs-methods.R

Deleted: pkg/R/setAs-Methods.R
--- pkg/R/setAs-Methods.R	2014-04-08 21:13:38 UTC (rev 918)
+++ pkg/R/setAs-Methods.R	2014-04-08 21:14:16 UTC (rev 919)
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-## Importing from ape
-#' Converting between phylo4/phylo4d and other phylogenetic tree formats
-#' Translation functions to convert between phylobase objects (\code{phylo4} or
-#' \code{phylo4d}), and objects used by other comparative methods packages in
-#' R: \code{ape} objects (\code{phylo}, \code{multiPhylo}), \code{ade4} objects
-#' (\code{phylog}, \emph{now deprecated}), and to \code{data.frame}
-#' representation.
-#' @name as
-#' @aliases as as-method as,phylo,phylo4-method as,phylo,phylo4d-method
-#' as,multiPhylo4,multiPhylo-method as,multiPhylo,multiPhylo4-method
-#' as,multiPhylo4d,multiPhylo-method as,phylo4,phylo-method
-#' as,phylo4d,phylo-method as,phylo4,data.frame-method
-#' as,phylo4d,data.frame-method as,phylo4vcov,phylo4-method
-#' as,phylo4,phylo4vcov-method coerce-methods coerce,phylo,phylo4-method
-#' coerce,phylo,phylo4d-method coerce,multiPhylo4,multiPhylo-method
-#' coerce,multiPhylo,multiPhylo4-method coerce,multiPhylo4d,multiPhylo-method
-#' coerce,phylo4,phylo-method coerce,phylo4d,phylo-method
-#' coerce,phylo4,data.frame-method coerce,phylo4d,data.frame-method
-#' coerce,phylo4vcov,phylo4-method coerce,phylo4,phylo4vcov-method
-#' @docType methods
-#' @section Usage: \code{as(object, class)}
-#' @author Ben Bolker, Thibaut Jombart, Marguerite Butler, Steve Kembel
-#' @seealso generic \code{\link[methods]{as}}, \code{\link{phylo4}},
-#' \code{\link{phylo4d}}, \code{\link{extractTree}}, the original
-#' \code{\link[ade4]{phylog}} from the \code{ade4} package and
-#' \code{\link[ape]{as.phylo}} from the \code{ape} package.
-#' @keywords methods
-#' @export
-#' @include phylo4-methods.R
-#' @include phylo4d-methods.R
-#' @examples
-#' tree.owls <- ape::read.tree(text="(((Strix_aluco:4.2,Asio_otus:4.2):3.1,Athene_noctua:7.3):6.3,Tyto_alba:13.5);")
-#' ## round trip conversion
-#' tree_in_phylo <- tree.owls                  # tree is a phylo object
-#' (tree_in_phylo4 <- as(tree.owls,"phylo4"))  # phylo converted to phylo4
-#' identical(tree_in_phylo,as(tree_in_phylo4,"phylo"))
-#' ## test if phylo, and phylo4 converted to phylo are identical
-#' ## (no, because of dimnames)
-#' ## Conversion to phylog (ade4)
-#' as(tree_in_phylo4, "phylog")
-#' ## Conversion to data.frame
-#' as(tree_in_phylo4, "data.frame")
-#' ## Conversion to phylo (ape) 
-#' as(tree_in_phylo4, "phylo")
-#' ## Conversion to phylo4d, (data slots empty)    
-#' as(tree_in_phylo4, "phylo4d")
-setAs("phylo", "phylo4", function(from, to) {
-  ## fixme SWK kludgy fix may not work well with unrooted trees
-  ## TODO should we also attempt to get order information?
-  ## BMB horrible kludge to avoid requiring ape explicitly
-  ape_is.rooted <- function(phy) {
-    if (!is.null(phy$root.edge)) 
-      TRUE
-    else if (tabulate(phy$edge[, 1])[length(phy$tip.label) + 1] > 2)
-      FALSE
-    else TRUE
-  }
-  if (ape_is.rooted(from)) {
-    tip.idx <- 1:nTips(from)
-    if (nTips(from) < nrow(from$edge)) {
-      int.idx <- (nTips(from)+1):dim(from$edge)[1]
-    } else {
-      int.idx <- NULL
-    }
-    root.node <- as.numeric(setdiff(unique(from$edge[,1]), unique(from$edge[,2])))
-    from$edge <- rbind(from$edge[tip.idx,],c(0,root.node),from$edge[int.idx,])
-    if (!is.null(from$edge.length)) {
-      if (is.null(from$root.edge)) {
-        from$edge.length <- c(from$edge.length[tip.idx],as.numeric(NA),from$edge.length[int.idx])
-      }
-      else {
-        from$edge.length <- c(from$edge.length[tip.idx],from$root.edge,from$edge.length[int.idx])
-      }
-    }
-    if (!is.null(from$edge.label)) {
-      from$edge.label <- c(from$edge.label[tip.idx],NA,from$edge.label[int.idx])
-    }
-  }
-  newobj <- phylo4(from$edge, from$edge.length, unname(from$tip.label),
-                   node.label = from$node.label,
-                   edge.label = from$edge.label,
-                   order = "unknown")
-  oldorder <- attr(from,"order")
-  neworder <- if (is.null(oldorder)) { "unknown" } else
-    if (!oldorder %in% phylo4_orderings) {
-      stop("unknown ordering '",oldorder,"' in ape object")
-    } else if (oldorder == "cladewise" || oldorder == "preorder") "preorder"
-    else if (oldorder == "pruningwise" || oldorder == "postorder") "postorder"
-  if (isRooted(newobj)) {
-    if (neworder == "preorder") {
-      newobj <- reorder(newobj, order="preorder")
-    }
-    if (neworder == "postorder") {
-      newobj <- reorder(newobj, order="postorder")
-    }
-  }
-  newobj at order <- neworder
-  attr(from,"order") <- NULL
-  attribs <- attributes(from)
-  attribs$names <- NULL
-  knownattr <- c("logLik", "origin", "para", "xi")
-  known <- names(attribs)[names(attribs) %in% knownattr]
-  unknown <- names(attribs)[!names(attribs) %in% c(knownattr, "class", "names")]
-  if (length(unknown) > 0) {
-    warning(paste("unknown attributes ignored: ", unknown, collapse = " "))
-  }
-  for (i in known) attr(newobj, i) <- attr(from, i)
-  newobj
-setAs("phylo", "phylo4d", function(from, to) {
-    phylo4d(as(from, "phylo4"), tip.data = data.frame())
-#' multiPhylo4 and extended classes
-#' Classes for lists of phylogenetic trees.  These classes and methods are
-#' planned for a future version of \code{phylobase}.
-#' @name multiPhylo-class
-#' @aliases multiPhylo-class multiPhylo4-class multiPhylo4d-class tbind
-#' @docType class
-#' @keywords classes
-setAs("multiPhylo", "multiPhylo4", function(from, to) {
-    trNm <- names(from)
-    if(is.null(trNm)) trNm <- character(0)
-    newobj <- new("multiPhylo4", phylolist = lapply(from, function(x)
-                                 as(x, "phylo4")),
-                  tree.names = trNm)
-    newobj
-## Exporting to ape
-## BMB: adding an explicit as method, and the warning,
-##  here is a very bad idea, because
-##   even implicit conversions from phylo4d to phylo4 (e.g.
-##  to use inherited methods) will produce the warning
-## setAs("phylo4d", "phylo4",function(from,to) {
-##   warning("losing data while coercing phylo4d to phylo")
-##   phylo4(from at edge, from at edge.length, from at tip.label,
-##         from at node.label,from at edge.label,from at order)
-## })
-setAs("phylo4", "phylo", function(from, to) {
-    if(is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(from))) {
-      stop(checkval)
-    }
-    if (inherits(from, "phylo4d"))
-        warning("losing data while coercing phylo4d to phylo")
-    phy <- list()
-    ## Edge matrix (dropping root edge if it exists)
-    edgemat <- unname(edges(from, drop.root=TRUE))
-    storage.mode(edgemat) <- "integer"
-    phy$edge <- edgemat
-    ## Edge lengths
-    if(hasEdgeLength(from)) {
-        edge.length <- edgeLength(from)
-        if(isRooted(from)) {
-            iRoot <- match(edgeId(from, "root"), names(edge.length))
-            phy$edge.length <- unname(edge.length[-iRoot])
-        }
-        else {
-            phy$edge.length <- unname(edge.length)
-        }
-    }
-    ## Tip labels
-    phy$tip.label <- unname(tipLabels(from))
-    ## nNodes
-    phy$Nnode <- as.integer(nNodes(from))
-    ## Node labels
-    if(hasNodeLabels(from)) {
-        phy$node.label <- unname(nodeLabels(from))
-    }
-    ## Root edge
-    if(isRooted(from) && hasEdgeLength(from)) {
-        root.edge <- unname(edgeLength(from,rootNode(from)))
-        if(!is.na(root.edge)) {
-            phy$root.edge <- root.edge
-        }
-    }
-    ## Converting to class phylo
-    class(phy) <- "phylo"
-    ## Tree order
-    ## TODO postorder != pruningwise -- though quite similar
-    if (edgeOrder(from) == "unknown") {
-        warning("trees with unknown order may be",
-                " unsafe in ape")
-    }
-    else {
-        attr(phy, "order") <- switch(edgeOrder(from),
-                                     postorder = "unknown",
-                                     preorder = "cladewise",
-                                     pruningwise = "pruningwise")
-    }
-    phy
-## BMB: redundant????
-## JR: updated (but untested) to reflect slot changes, in case this ever
-##     needs to come out of its commented hibernation
-## setAs("phylo4d", "phylo", function(from, to) {
-##     y <- list(edge = edges(from, drop.root=TRUE),
-##         Nnode = nNodes(from), tip.label = tipLabels(from))
-##     class(y) <- "phylo"
-##     if (hasEdgeLength(from))
-##         y$edge.length <- edgeLength(from)
-##     if (hasNodeLabels(from))
-##         y$node.label <- nodeLabels(from)
-##     #if (!is.na(from at root.edge))
-##     #    y$root.edge <- from at root.edge
-##    warning("losing data while coercing phylo4d to phylo")
-##    y
-#' Class "phylog"
-#' S4 version of the class \code{phylog} from the \code{ade4} package.
-#' @name phylog-class
-#' @aliases phylog-class coerce,phylo4,phylog-method
-#' @docType class
-#' @section Objects from the Class: A virtual Class: No objects may be created
-#' from it.
-#' @author Thibaut Jombart \email{jombart@@biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr}
-#' @seealso The original \code{\link[ade4]{phylog}} from the \code{ade4}
-#' package.
-#' @keywords classes
-setAs("multiPhylo4", "multiPhylo", function(from, to) {
-    y <- lapply(from at phylolist, function(x) as(x, "phylo"))
-    names(y) <- from at tree.names
-    if (hasTipData(from))
-        warning("discarded tip data")
-    class(y) <- "multiPhylo"
-    y
-## Exporting to ade4
-setAs("phylo4", "phylog", function(from, to) {
-    x <- as(from, "phylo")
-    xstring <- write.tree(x, file = "")
-    warning("ade4::phylog objects are deprecated, please use the adephylo package instead")
-    ade4::newick2phylog(xstring)
-## Exporting to dataframe
-.phylo4ToDataFrame <- function(from, edgeOrder=c("pretty", "real")) {
-    edgeOrder <- match.arg(edgeOrder)
-    ## Check the phylo4
-    if (is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(from)))
-        stop(checkval)
-    ## The order of 'node' defines the order of all other elements
-    if (edgeOrder == "pretty") {
-        node <- nodeId(from, "all")
-        ancestr <- ancestor(from, node)
-        # ancestor returns an NA, replace this w/ 0 to construct names correctly
-        ancestr[is.na(ancestr)] <- as.integer(0)
-    } else {
-        E <- edges(from)
-        node <- E[, 2]
-        ancestr <- E[, 1]
-    }
-    ## extract and reorder (as needed) other object slots
-    nmE <- paste(ancestr, node, sep="-")
-    edge.length <- edgeLength(from)
-    edge.length <- edge.length[match(nmE, names(edge.length))]
-    ndType <- nodeType(from)
-    ndType <- ndType[match(node, names(ndType))]
-    label <- labels(from, type="all")
-    label <- label[match(node, names(label))]
-    tDf <- data.frame(label, node, ancestor=ancestr, edge.length,
-                    node.type=ndType, row.names=node)
-    tDf$label <- as.character(tDf$label)
-    if (class(from) == "phylo4d") {
-        dat <- tdata(from, "all", label.type="column") # get data
-        ## reorder data to edge matrix order, drop labels (first column)
-        if(nrow(dat) > 0 && ncol(dat) > 1) {
-            dat <- dat[match(rownames(tDf), rownames(dat)), ]
-            tDf <- cbind(tDf, dat[ ,-1 , drop=FALSE])
-        }
-        else {
-            cat("No data associated with the tree\n")
-       }
-    }
-    tDf
-setAs(from = "phylo4", to = "data.frame", def=function(from) {
-    d <- .phylo4ToDataFrame(from, edgeOrder="pretty")
-    d

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