[Patchwork-commits] r35 - in pkg: . patchwork patchwork/R patchwork/inst patchwork/inst/perl patchwork/inst/python patchwork/inst/python/pysam patchwork/man
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noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Nov 30 17:32:01 CET 2011
Author: sebastian_d
Date: 2011-11-30 17:32:00 +0100 (Wed, 30 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 35
Initial recommit post separation,,, again
Added: pkg/patchwork/._.DS_Store
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: pkg/patchwork/._.DS_Store
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: pkg/patchwork/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/patchwork/DESCRIPTION (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/DESCRIPTION 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Package: patchwork
+Type: Package
+Title: Allele-specific Copy Number Analysis of Whole genome data
+Version: 2.0
+Date: 2011-10-13
+Author: Markus Rasmussen, Sebastian DiLorenzo
+Maintainer: Markus Rasmussen <Markus.Rasmussen at medsci.uu.se>
+Description: Performs a copy number analysis of whole genome data.
+License: GPL-2
+LazyLoad: no
+#LazyData: yes
+Depends: DNAcopy, patchworkData
+Imports: DNAcopy, patchworkData
Added: pkg/patchwork/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/patchwork/NAMESPACE (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/NAMESPACE 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ karyotype_chroms,
+ karyotype_chromsCN,
+ karyotype,
+ patchwork.alleledata,
+ patchwork.applyref,
+ patchwork.CNA,
+ patchwork.createreference,
+ patchwork.findCNs,
+ patchwork.GCNorm,
+ patchwork.Medians_n_AI,
+ patchwork.readChroms,
+ patchwork.segment,
+ patchwork.smoothing,
+ #subfunctions_findCNs
+ weightedMedian,
+ weightedMean,
+ is.autosome,
+ deChrom_ucsc,
+ chrom_ucsc)
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+karyotype <- function(chr,start,end,int,ai,chroms,
+ name='',xlim=c(-1.02,1.02),ylim=0:1)
+ {
+ png(paste(name,'.karyotype.png',sep=''),width=1300,height=1300)
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ data(ideogram,package="patchworkData")
+ #substitute ideogram chr names with chroms-object chr names
+ # so it will work independent of chr field name.
+ ideogram$chr = chroms
+ colors_p <- colorRampPalette(c("#6600FF","#9900CC"),space="rgb")
+ colors_q <- colorRampPalette(c("#CC0099","#CC0000"),space="rgb")
+ layout(matrix(1:25,nrow=5,byrow=T), widths=1,heights=1)
+ aix=ai!=0
+ chr=chr[aix]
+ start=start[aix]
+ end=end[aix]
+ int=int[aix]
+ ai=ai[aix]
+ pos <- (start+end)/2
+ length=end-start
+ size=rep(0.5,length(chr))
+ size[length>2000000]=1
+ size[length>5000000]=2
+ size[length>10000000]=3
+ for (c in chroms)
+ {
+ this <- ideogram[ideogram$c==c,]
+ ix <- chr==this$chr
+ ix[is.na(ix)]=FALSE
+ col <- rep('#B0B0B070',length(chr))
+ col[ix & (pos < this$mid)] <- paste(colors_p(sum(ix & (pos < this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ col[ix & (pos > this$mid)] <- paste(colors_q(sum(ix & (pos > this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ plot(c(int[!ix],int[ix]),c(ai[!ix],ai[ix]),
+ pch=16,
+ cex=c(size[!ix],size[ix]),
+ cex.lab=3,
+ mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = this$chr,
+ ylab = "",
+ col = c(col[!ix],col[ix]),
+ xlim = xlim,
+ ylim = ylim,
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=1.5)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=1.5)
+ par(new=F)
+ }
+ dev.off()
+ }
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_check.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_check.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_check.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+karyotype_check <- function(chr,start,end,int,ai,Cn,mCn,t,name='',xlim=c(-1.02,1.02),ylim=0:1)
+ {
+ ## TAPS scatter plot of a full sample, used for visual quality control.
+ png(paste(name,'_karyotype_check.png',sep=''),width=1300,height=1300)
+ colors_p <- colorRampPalette(c("#6600FF","#9900CC"),space="rgb")
+ colors_q <- colorRampPalette(c("#CC0099","#CC0000"),space="rgb")
+ #layout(matrix(1:25,nrow=5,byrow=T), widths=1,heights=1)
+ aix=!(is.na(mCn)|is.na(Cn))
+ chr=chr[aix]
+ start=start[aix]
+ end=end[aix]
+ int=int[aix]
+ ai=ai[aix]
+ Cn=Cn[aix]
+ mCn=mCn[aix]
+ pos <- (start+end)/2
+ length=end-start
+ labels=paste(Cn,mCn,sep='m')
+ size=rep(1,length(chr))
+ size[length>2000000]=2
+ size[length>5000000]=3
+ size[length>10000000]=4
+ ## The variants present in this data
+ variants <- unique(labels)
+ variants_data <- NULL
+ ## Extracts the Log-R and Allelic Imbalance Ratio of variants
+ for (v in variants)
+ {
+ t_cn <- paste('cn',strsplit(v,'m')[[1]][1],sep='')
+ t_int <- as.numeric(t$int[t_cn][[1]])
+ t_ai <- as.numeric(t$ai[paste('cn',v,sep='')][[1]])
+ variants_data <- rbind(variants_data,c(t_int,t_ai))
+ }
+ col <- rep('#B0B0B070',length(chr))
+ plot(int,ai,
+ pch=16,
+ cex=c(size),
+ cex.lab=3,
+ mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = name,
+ ylab = "",
+ col = col,
+ xlim = xlim,
+ ylim = ylim,
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ text(variants_data[,1],variants_data[,2],
+ labels=variants,
+ col='black',
+ cex=2)
+ dev.off()
+ }
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_chroms.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_chroms.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_chroms.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+karyotype_chroms <- function(chr,start,end,int,ai,chroms,mchr,mpos,mval,
+ schr,spos,sval,name='',xlim=c(0,2.4),ylim=c(0.3,1))
+ {
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ data(ideogram,package="patchworkData")
+ #substitute ideogram chr names with chroms-object chr names
+ # so it will work independent of chr field name.
+ ideogram$chr = chroms
+ #create a color ramp palette to segue the color scheme for plot.
+ colors_p <- colorRampPalette(c("#6600FF","#9900CC"),space="rgb")
+ colors_q <- colorRampPalette(c("#CC0099","#CC0000"),space="rgb")
+ ai[is.na(ai)]=0
+ aix=ai!=0
+ chr=chr[aix]
+ start=start[aix]
+ end=end[aix]
+ int=int[aix]
+ ai=ai[aix]
+ pos <- (start+end)/2
+ length=end-start
+ size=rep(1,length(chr))
+ size[length>2000000]=2
+ size[length>5000000]=3
+ size[length>10000000]=4
+ for (c in chroms)
+ {
+ this <- ideogram[ideogram$c==c,]
+ png(paste(name,'_karyotype.',this$chr,'.png',sep=''),width=1080,height=1300)
+ layout(matrix(1:3,nrow=3,byrow=T), widths=10,heights=c(10,5,5))
+ mar.default <- c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1
+ par(mar = mar.default + c(0, 4, 0, 0))
+ ix <- chr==this$chr
+ col <- rep('#B0B0B070',length(chr))
+ col[ix & (pos < this$mid)] <- paste(colors_p(sum(ix & (pos < this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ col[ix & (pos > this$mid)] <- paste(colors_q(sum(ix & (pos > this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ plot(c(int[!ix],int[ix]),c(ai[!ix],ai[ix]),
+ pch=16,
+ cex=c(size[!ix],size[ix]),
+ cex.lab=3,
+ #mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = "Total intensity -->",
+ ylab = '',
+ col = c(col[!ix],col[ix]),
+ xlim = xlim,
+ ylim = ylim,
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ mtext(text="Allelic imbalance -->",side=2,line=4,las=3,cex=2)
+ par(new=F)
+ mix <- mchr==as.character(this$chr)
+ #col <- rep('#D0D0D0D0',sum(mix))
+ #col[ix & (pos < this$mid)] <- paste(colors_p(sum(ix & (pos < this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ #col[ix & (pos > this$mid)] <- paste(colors_q(sum(ix & (pos > this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ col=rep('#000000',sum(ix))
+ col[pos[ix] < this$mid] <- colors_p(sum(pos[ix] < this$mid))
+ col[pos[ix] > this$mid] <- colors_q(sum(pos[ix] > this$mid))
+ plot(mpos[mix],mval[mix],
+ pch=16,
+ cex=2,
+ cex.lab=3,
+ #mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = "Total intensity",
+ ylab = "",
+ col = '#00000010',
+ xlim = c(0,this$length),
+ ylim = xlim,
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ segments(x0=start[ix],x1=end[ix],
+ y0=int[ix],y1=int[ix],
+ col=col,
+ lwd=4,)
+ par(new=F)
+ six <- schr==as.character(this$chr)
+ plot(spos[six],sval[six],
+ pch=16,
+ cex=2,
+ cex.lab=3,
+ #mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = "Allelic imbalance",
+ ylab = "",
+ col = '#00000010',
+ xlim = c(0,this$length),
+ ylim = c(0,1),
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ dev.off()
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_chromsCN.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_chromsCN.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/karyotype_chromsCN.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+karyotype_chromsCN <- function(chr,start,end,int,ai,Cn,mCn,mchr,mpos,mval,
+ schr,spos,sval,name='',xlim=c(-1.02,1.82),ylim=0:1,
+ maxCn=8)
+ {
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ data(ideogram,package="patchworkData")
+ #substitute ideogram chr names with chroms-object chr names
+ # so it will work independent of chr field name.
+ chroms = as.character(unique(schr))
+ chroms = chroms[chroms != chroms[grep("M",chroms)]]
+ ideogram$chr = chroms
+ colors_p <- colorRampPalette(c("#6600FF","#9900CC"),space="rgb")
+ colors_q <- colorRampPalette(c("#CC0099","#CC0000"),space="rgb")
+ ai[is.na(ai)]=0
+ aix=ai!=0
+ chr=chr[aix]
+ start=start[aix]
+ end=end[aix]
+ int=int[aix]
+ ai=ai[aix]
+ Cn=Cn[aix]
+ mCn=mCn[aix]
+ pos <- (start+end)/2
+ length=end-start
+ size=rep(1,length(chr))
+ size[length>2000000]=2
+ size[length>5000000]=3
+ size[length>10000000]=4
+ for (c in chroms)
+ {
+ this <- ideogram[ideogram$c==c,]
+ png(paste(name,'_karyotypeCN.',this$chr,'.png',sep=''),width=1080,height=1300)
+ layout(matrix(1:4,nrow=4,byrow=T), widths=10,heights=c(10,5,5,5))
+ mar.default <- c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1
+ par(mar = mar.default + c(0, 4, 0, 0))
+ ix <- chr==this$chr
+ col <- rep('#B0B0B070',length(chr))
+ col[ix & (pos < this$mid)] <- paste(colors_p(sum(ix & (pos < this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ col[ix & (pos > this$mid)] <- paste(colors_q(sum(ix & (pos > this$mid))), '70', sep='')
+ plot(c(int[!ix],int[ix]),c(ai[!ix],ai[ix]),
+ pch=16,
+ cex=c(size[!ix],size[ix]),
+ cex.lab=3,
+ #mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = "Total intensity -->",
+ #ylab = "Allelic imbalance -->",
+ ylab = '',
+ col = c(col[!ix],col[ix]),
+ xlim = xlim,
+ ylim = ylim,
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ mtext(text="Allelic imbalance -->",side=2,line=4,las=3,cex=2)
+ col=rep('#000000',sum(ix))
+ col[pos[ix] < this$mid] <- colors_p(sum(pos[ix] < this$mid))
+ col[pos[ix] > this$mid] <- colors_q(sum(pos[ix] > this$mid))
+ par(new=F)
+ plot(1,1,type='n',
+ xlab='Total and minor copy number',
+ ylab='',
+ cex.lab=3,
+ xlim = c(0,this$length),
+ ylim = c(-0.1,8.1),
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ segments(x0=start[ix],x1=end[ix],
+ y0=Cn[ix],y1=Cn[ix],
+ col=col,
+ lwd=5,) #Om fel, prova ta bort detta komma
+ segments(x0=start[ix],x1=end[ix],
+ y0=mCn[ix],y1=mCn[ix],
+ col='#BBBBBB',
+ lwd=5,) #Om fel, prova ta bort detta komma
+ par(new=F)
+ mix <- as.character(mchr)==this$chr
+ plot(mpos[mix],mval[mix],
+ pch=16,
+ cex=2,
+ cex.lab=3,
+ #mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = "Total intensity",
+ ylab = "",
+ col = '#00000010',
+ xlim = c(0,this$length),
+ ylim = xlim,
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ segments(x0=start[ix],x1=end[ix],
+ y0=int[ix],y1=int[ix],
+ col=col,
+ lwd=4,)
+ par(new=F)
+ six <- as.character(schr)==this$chr
+ plot(spos[six],sval[six],
+ pch=16,
+ cex=2,
+ cex.lab=3,
+ #mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),
+ main = "",
+ xlab = "Allelic imbalance",
+ ylab = "",
+ col = '#00000010',
+ xlim = c(0,this$length),
+ ylim = c(0,1),
+ yaxt="n",
+ xaxt="n")
+ axis(1,cex.axis=2)
+ axis(2,cex.axis=2)
+ dev.off()
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.CNA.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.CNA.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.CNA.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+patchwork.CNA <- function(BamFile,Pileup,reference,Alpha=0.0001,SD=1)
+ {
+ #Load DNAcopy
+ #library(DNAcopy)
+ #Load data included in package
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/commonSnps132.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/normaldata.RData",sep=""))
+ #Attempt to read file pile.alleles, incase its already been created.
+ alf = NULL
+ try( load("pile.alleles.Rdata"), silent=TRUE )
+ #If it wasnt created, create it using the perl script pile2alleles.pl
+ #which is included in the package. Creates pile.alleles in whichever folder
+ #you are running R from. (getwd())
+ if(length(alf) == 1)
+ {
+ cat("Initiating Allele Data Generation \n")
+ alf = patchwork.alleledata(Pileup)
+ cat("Allele Data Generation Complete \n")
+ save(alf,file="pile.alleles.Rdata")
+ }
+ chroms=as.character(unique(alf$achr))
+ chroms = chroms[chroms != chroms[grep("M",chroms)]]
+ ## Read coverage data. If already done, will load "data.Rdata" instead.
+ data=NULL
+ try ( load('data.Rdata'), silent=TRUE )
+ #If data object does not exist, IE it was not loaded in the previous line
+ #perform the function on the chromosomes to create the object.
+ if(is.null(data))
+ {
+ cat("Initiating Read Chroms \n")
+ data = patchwork.readChroms(BamFile,chroms)
+ cat("Read Chroms Complete \n")
+ save(data,file='data.Rdata')
+ }
+ #Perform GC normalization if the amount of columns indicate that gc normalization
+ #has not already been performed.
+ if(length(data) < 7)
+ {
+ cat("Initiating Gc Normalization \n")
+ data = patchwork.GCNorm(data)
+ cat("GC Normalization Complete \n")
+ save(data,file='data.Rdata')
+ }
+ #after this, no further normalization was done on reference sequences.
+ #Apply normal reference to data.
+ #If solid is true it will runa gainst a SOLiD reference, else
+ # it will go with Illumina.
+ if(length(data) < 9)
+ {
+ cat("Initiating Application of Reference \n")
+ data = patchwork.applyref(data,reference)
+ cat("Application of Reference Complete \n")
+ save(data,file='data.Rdata')
+ }
+ kbsegs = NULL
+ try( load("smoothed.Rdata"), silent=TRUE )
+ if(length(kbsegs) == 1)
+ {
+ #Apply smoothing to the data.
+ cat("Initiating Smoothing \n")
+ kbsegs = patchwork.smoothing(data,chroms)
+ save(kbsegs,file="smoothed.Rdata")
+ cat("Smoothing Complete \n")
+ }
+ #Segment the data.
+ cat("Initiating Segmentation \n")
+ segs = patchwork.segment(kbsegs,chroms,Alpha,SD)
+ cat("Segmentation Complete \n")
+ #Get medians and AI for the segments.
+ cat("Initiating Segment data extraction (Medians and AI) \n")
+ segs = patchwork.Medians_n_AI(segs,kbsegs,alf)
+ save(segs,file="Segments.Rdata")
+ cat("Segment data extraction Complete \n \n \n")
+ cat("Saving information objects needed for patchwork.findCNs in findCNs.Rdata \n \n \n")
+ save(segs,alf,kbsegs,BamFile,file="findCNs.Rdata")
+ #Plot it
+ cat("Initiating Plotting \n")
+ karyotype(segs$chr,segs$start,segs$end,segs$median,segs$ai,
+ chroms,name=as.character(BamFile),
+ xlim=c(0,2.4),ylim=c(0.3,1))
+ karyotype_chroms(segs$chr,segs$start,segs$end,segs$median,segs$ai,
+ chroms,kbsegs$chr,kbsegs$pos,kbsegs$ratio,
+ alf$achr,alf$apos,(1-alf$amin/alf$amax),
+ name=as.character(BamFile),xlim=c(0,2.4),
+ ylim=c(0.3,1))
+ cat("Plotting Complete \n")
+ cat("Shutting down..... \n")
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.GCNorm.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.GCNorm.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.GCNorm.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+patchwork.GCNorm <- function(data)
+ {
+ #Load data included in package
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="CNA")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/commonSnps132.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/normaldata.RData",sep=""))
+ ## GC content normalization
+ info = data.frame(from=c(0,seq(10,90,2)),to=c(seq(10,90,2),100),mean=NA,median=NA,np=NA)
+ xnorm = data$counts
+ #1st round
+ for (i in 1:nrow(info))
+ {
+ ix = (data$gc >= info$from[i]) & (data$gc <= info$to[i])
+ info$mean[i] = mean(data$counts[ix])
+ info$median[i] = median(data$counts[ix])
+ info$sd[i] = sd(data$counts[ix])
+ info$np[i] = sum(ix)
+ xnorm[ix] = 1 * ( data$counts[ix] / info$mean[i] )
+ }
+ #xnorm = data$counts
+ #for (i in 1:nrow(info))
+ # {
+ # ix = (data$gc >= info$from[i]) & (data$gc <= info$to[i])
+ # xnorm[ix] = 1 * ( data$counts[ix] / info$mean[i] )
+ # }
+ xnorm = round(xnorm,2)
+ # 2nd round
+ info2 = data.frame(from=c(0,seq(20,80,2)),to=c(seq(20,80,2),100),mean=NA,median=NA,np=NA)
+ xnorm2 = xnorm
+ for (i in 1:nrow(info2))
+ {
+ ix = (data$gck >= info2$from[i]) & (data$gck <= info2$to[i])
+ info2$mean[i] = mean(xnorm[ix])
+ info2$median[i] = median(xnorm[ix])
+ info2$sd[i] = sd(xnorm[ix])
+ info2$np[i] = sum(ix)
+ xnorm2[ix] = 1 * ( xnorm[ix] / info2$mean[i] )
+ }
+ #xnorm2 = xnorm
+ #for (i in 1:nrow(info2))
+ # {
+ # ix = (data$gck >= info2$from[i]) & (data$gck <= info2$to[i])
+ # xnorm2[ix] = 1 * ( xnorm[ix] / info2$mean[i] )
+ # }
+ xnorm2 = round(xnorm2,2)
+ data$norm=xnorm2
+ return(data)
+ }
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.Medians_n_AI.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.Medians_n_AI.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.Medians_n_AI.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+patchwork.Medians_n_AI <- function(segs,kbsegs,alf)
+ {
+ ## Get medians and AI for them segs
+ segs$median <- segs$ai <- segs$snvs <- NA
+ for (i in 1:nrow(segs))
+ {
+ ix = kbsegs$chr==as.character(segs$chr[i]) & ( kbsegs$pos > segs$start[i] & kbsegs$pos < segs$end[i] )
+ segs$median[i] = median(kbsegs$ratio[ix])
+ ix = alf$achr==as.character(segs$chr[i]) & ( alf$apos > segs$start[i] & alf$apos < segs$end[i] )
+ segs$snvs[i] = sum(ix)
+ segs$ai[i] = 1 - sum(alf$amin[ix]) / sum(alf$amax[ix])
+ }
+ segs$ai[is.nan(segs$ai)]=0
+ return(segs)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.alleledata.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.alleledata.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.alleledata.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+patchwork.alleledata <- function(Pileup)
+ {
+ #Load data included in package
+ packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/commonSnps132.RData",sep=""))
+ data(commonSnps132,package="patchworkData")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/normaldata.RData",sep=""))
+ system(paste("cp -r ",packagepath,"/perl .perl",sep=""))
+ system(paste("cat ",Pileup," | perl .perl/pile2alleles.pl > ",getwd(),"/pile.alleles",sep=""))
+ system("rm -r .perl")
+ alf = read.csv('pile.alleles', sep='\t',header=F)[,1:6]
+ system("rm pile.alleles")
+ colnames(alf) = c('achr','apos','atype','aqual','atot','amut')
+ alf$aref = alf$atot - alf$amut
+ alf = alf [alf$amut >= 1 & alf$aref >= 1,]
+ alf$amax = apply(alf[,6:7],1,max)
+ alf$amin = alf$atot-alf$amax
+ #alf=alf[alf$atot<100,] # outlierz
+ alf=merge(alf,dbSnp[,c(1,3)], all=F, by=1:2)
+ return(alf)
+ }
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.applyref.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.applyref.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.applyref.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+patchwork.applyref <- function(data,reference)
+ {
+ #Load data included in package
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/commonSnps132.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ if(tolower(reference) == "solid")
+ {
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/datasolid.RData",sep=""))
+ data(datasolid,package="patchworkData")
+ normaldata = datasolid
+ }
+ else if(tolower(reference) %in% c("solexa","illumina"))
+ {
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/datasolexa.RData",sep=""))
+ data(datasolexa,package="patchworkData")
+ normaldata = datasolexa
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ load(reference)
+ }
+ ## read and apply normal/reference
+ #load('/proj/b2010074/GC/normaldata.Rdata')
+ data <- merge(data[,1:7],normaldata,all=F,by=1:2)
+ #data$ratio <- data$norm / data$norm_mean
+ data$reference <- data$norm_mean ## thats temporary
+ data=data[order(data$pos),]
+ data=data[order(data$chr),]
+ return(data)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.createreference.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.createreference.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.createreference.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+patchwork.createreference = function(...,output="REFOUT")
+ {
+ data=NULL
+ files = list(...)
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ alf = NULL
+ try( load("pile.alleles.Rdata"), silent=TRUE )
+ if(length(alf) > 1)
+ {
+ chroms=as.character(unique(alf$achr))
+ chroms = chroms[chroms != chroms[grep("M",chroms)]]
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data(ideogram,package="patchworkData")
+ chroms=as.character(unique(ideogram$chr))
+ }
+ j = 0
+ for (i in files)
+ {
+ j = j + 1
+ cat(paste("Reading Chromosomes of file ",i," \n",sep=""))
+ data[[j]] = patchwork.readChroms(i,chroms)
+ cat(paste("Initiating Gc Normalization of file ",i," \n",sep=""))
+ data[[j]] = patchwork.GCNorm(data[[j]])
+ data[[j]] = data[[j]][c("chr","pos",
+ #"counts",
+ "norm")]
+ }
+ if (j > 1)
+ {
+ cat("Merging the files into reference. \n")
+ data_ = merge(data[[1]],data[[2]],all=TRUE,by=1:2)
+ if (j > 2)
+ {
+ for (c in 3:j)
+ {
+ data_ = merge(data_,data[[c]],all=TRUE,by=1:2)
+ }
+ }
+ #counts_ = seq(from=3,to=(length(data_) - 1),by=2)
+ norm_ = seq(from=3,to=length(data_),by=1)
+ cat("Creating and applying mean functions to the reference. \n")
+ normaldata = data.frame(chr=data_$chr,pos=data_$pos,
+ #counts_mean=apply(data_[,counts_],
+ #1,mean,na.rm=TRUE),
+ norm_mean=apply(data_[,norm_],
+ 1,mean,na.rm=TRUE))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data = data[[j]]
+ cat("Creating and applying mean functions to the reference. \n")
+ cat("Note: Creating from single bamfile. Cannot obtain mean ")
+ cat("counts or norm however naming columns counts_mean and ")
+ cat("norm_mean for compatability \n")
+ normaldata = data.frame(chr=data$chr,pos=data$pos,gc=data$gc,
+ gck=data$gck,gcm=data$gcm,
+ counts_mean=data$counts,
+ norm_mean=data$norm)
+ }
+ cat("Saving to ",output,".Rdata \n",sep="")
+ save(normaldata,file=paste(output,".RData",sep=""))
+ return(normaldata)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.findCNs.r
--- pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.findCNs.r (rev 0)
+++ pkg/patchwork/R/patchwork.findCNs.r 2011-11-30 16:32:00 UTC (rev 35)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+patchwork.findCNs = function(cn2,delta,het,hom,maxCn=8,ceiling=1)
+ {
+ #packagepath = system.file(package="patchwork")
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/commonSnps132.RData",sep=""))
+ #load(paste(packagepath,"/data/ideogram.RData",sep=""))
+ data(ideogram,package="patchworkData")
+ load("findCNs.Rdata")
+ voidchrom <- c('chrX','chrY') # may add non-integer chroms here....
+ tix=NULL #temporary index
+ int=NULL ## contains coverage estimate of each (total) copy number
+ ai=NULL ## contains Allelic Imbalance Ratio estimate of each copy number variant.
+ regions <- segs
+ regions <- regions[(is.autosome(regions$chr)®ions$np>50)&(!is.nan(regions$ai)),] ## will use these regions
+ regions <- regions[!is.na(regions$median),]
+ ## likely cn2 regions sit within delta/3 from cn2.
+ expectedAt <- cn2
+ tix$cn2 <- abs(regions$median - expectedAt) < (delta/3) ## index of likely cn2 regions
+ temp <- regions[tix$cn2,] ## cn2 regions
+ med <- weightedMedian(temp$median,temp$np) ## improved value of Log-R at cn2 (returns NULL if theres nothing there)
+ int$cn2 <- ifelse(!is.null(med),med,expectedAt) ## saved to int.
+ ## likely cn1 regions sit at about cn2 - delta:
+ d <- delta ## the (Log-R) distance to cn1
+ expectedAt <- int$cn2-d ## cn1 is expected here
+ tix$cn1 <- abs(regions$median - expectedAt) < (d/3) ## index of likely cn1 regions
+ temp <- regions[tix$cn1,]
+ med <- weightedMedian(temp$median,temp$np)
+ int$cn1 <- ifelse(!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ ## likely cn0 regions sit below cn1 - delta:
+ d <- int$cn2-int$cn1
+ expectedAt <- int$cn1-d
+ tix$cn0 <- regions$median < expectedAt
+ temp <- regions[tix$cn0,]
+ med <- weightedMedian(temp$median,temp$np)
+ int$cn0 <- ifelse(!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ ## likely cn3 regions sit at about cn2+delta
+ d <- delta
+ expectedAt <- int$cn2+d
+ tix$cn3 <- abs(regions$median - expectedAt) < (d/3)
+ temp <- regions[tix$cn3,]
+ med <- weightedMedian(temp$median,temp$np)
+ int$cn3 <- ifelse(!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ ## cn4 follows at ...
+ d <- delta
+ expectedAt <- int$cn3+d
+ tix$cn4 <- abs(regions$median - expectedAt) < (d/4)
+ temp <- regions[tix$cn4,]
+ med <- weightedMedian(temp$median,temp$np)
+ int$cn4 <- ifelse(!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ ## generalized for higher cns
+ for (cn in 5:maxCn)
+ {
+ thisCn <- paste('cn',cn,sep='')
+ prevCn <- paste('cn',cn-1,sep='')
+ pprevCn <- paste('cn',cn-2,sep='')
+ d <- delta #dmin*(int[prevCn][[1]]-int[pprevCn][[1]])
+ expectedAt <- int[prevCn][[1]]+d
+ tix[[thisCn]] <- abs(regions$median - expectedAt) < (d/5)
+ temp <- regions[tix[thisCn][[1]],]
+ med <- weightedMedian(temp$median,temp$np)
+ int[thisCn] <- ifelse(!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ }
+ # smooth the cn relationship ?
+ ## at cn2, find the variant clusters (normal and CNNLOH)
+ ix <- (abs(regions$median - int$cn2) < 0.2*(int$cn3-int$cn2) ) # taking only closely-matching segments
+ data <- regions[ix,]
+ data <- data[!is.na(data$ai),] # ...with a calculated allelic imbalance.
+ expectedAt <- het
+ ix <- 2*abs(data$ai-het) < abs(data$ai-hom)
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix])
+ ai$cn2m1 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ expectedAt <- hom
+ ix <- 2*abs(data$ai-hom) < abs(data$ai-het)
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix])
+ ai$cn2m0 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ ## for cn1 (and 0)
+ ix <- (abs(regions$median - int$cn1) < 0.2*(int$cn2-int$cn1) )
+ data <- regions[ix,]
+ data <- data[!is.na(data$ai),]
+ expectedAt <- (ai$cn2m0+ai$cn2m1)*3/5 ## Decent estimate.
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai,data$snvs) ## Average allelic imbalance weighted on snp count
+ ai$cn1m0 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt) ## Will be NA if there was no CNNLOH
+ ai$cn0m0 <- NA #unimportant
+ ## for cn3:
+ ix <- (abs(regions$median - int$cn3) < 0.2*(int$cn4-int$cn3) )
+ data <- regions[ix,]
+ data <- data[!is.na(data$ai),]
+ range <- ai$cn2m0-ai$cn2m1 #the distance between 2normal and CNNLOH
+ # get the 3(1) regions:
+ expectedAt <- ai$cn2m1+range/3 # this is an approx if cn3m1 is absent.
+ ix <- (data$ai<ai$cn2m0) & (data$ai>ai$cn2m1) # take regions with less AI than cn2m0 but more than cn2m1
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix]) # average allelic imbalance weighted on snp count
+ ai$cn3m1 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ # now for cn3m0
+ expectedAt <- ai$cn3m1 + range # approx of cn3m0
+ ix <- (abs(data$ai-expectedAt) < (expectedAt-ai$cn3m1)/4) # take those much closer to exp than to cn3m1
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix])
+ try (if (med<ai$cn2m0) med <- NULL, silent=T) ## in case of heterogeneities or strange signals, we disallow this effect.
+ ai$cn3m0 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ if (is.na(ai$cn1m0)) ai$cn1m0 <- mean(ai$cn3m1,ai$cn2m0) ## If deletions were missing, place an estimate from cn3
+ ## now for cn4
+ ix <- abs(regions$median - int$cn4) < 0.2*(int$cn4-int$cn3)
+ data <- regions[ix,]
+ data <- data[!is.na(data$ai),]
+ # get the 4(2) regions: they are at AI about cn2m1
+ expectedAt <- ai$cn2m1 # this is a good approx
+ ix <- data$ai<ai$cn3m1 # let all below cn3m1 in
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix])
+ ai$cn4m2 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ if (ai$cn4m2>ai$cn2m1) ai$cn4m2 <- ai$cn2m1 # sanity check.
+ data <- data[!ix,] # coutinue with the remaining
+ # now 4(1) has less ai than 3(0) -> sits at about cn3m1+(cn3m1-cn2m1).
+ expectedAt <- ai$cn3m1+(ai$cn3m1-ai$cn2m1)
+ ix <- abs(data$ai-expectedAt)<abs(data$ai-ai$cn3m0) # take those closer to exp than to 3(0)
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix])
+ ai$cn4m1 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ # now 4(0) is at about 3(0) + [0.9 - 3(0)] * [3(0)-2(0)] / [0.9-2(0)]
+ expectedAt <- ai$cn3m0 + (ceiling-ai$cn3m0)*(ai$cn3m0-ai$cn2m0)/(ceiling-ai$cn2m0)
+ ix <- abs(data$ai-expectedAt) < 0.2*(expectedAt-ai$cn4m2) # we take those very close to exp
+ med <- weightedMedian(data$ai[ix],data$snvs[ix])
+ try (if (med<ai$cn3m0) med <- NULL, silent=T) ## in case of heterogeneities or strange signals, we disallow this effect.
+ ai$cn4m0 <- ifelse (!is.null(med),med,expectedAt)
+ ## generalization for higher copy numbers. it gets complicated.
+ for (cn in 5:maxCn) {
+ thisCn <- paste('cn',cn,sep='')
+ prevCn <- paste('cn',cn-1,sep='')
+ pprevCn <- paste('cn',cn-2,sep='')
+ ix <- (abs(regions$median - int[thisCn][[1]]) < 0.2*(int[thisCn][[1]]-int[prevCn][[1]]) )
+ data <- regions[ix,]
+ data <- data[!is.na(data$ai),]
+ data <- data[data$np>50,] # long regions for safety
+ ## try to find variants, starting with LOH
+ # LOH such as 5(0)
+ m <- 0
+ thisVariant=paste(thisCn,'m',0,sep='')
+ c4m0 <- ai[paste(prevCn,'m',m,sep='')][[1]] # relative naming for clarity
+ c3m0 <- ai[paste(pprevCn,'m',m,sep='')][[1]]
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/patchwork -r 35
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