[Lme4-commits] r1795 - www/JSS
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Thu Feb 14 00:17:49 CET 2013
Author: bbolker
Date: 2013-02-14 00:17:49 +0100 (Thu, 14 Feb 2013)
New Revision: 1795
split original lmer.Rnw into parts I (lmer) and II ([gn]lmer)
Added: www/JSS/Makefile
--- www/JSS/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ www/JSS/Makefile 2013-02-13 23:17:49 UTC (rev 1795)
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+RM = rm -f
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+## $(RSCRIPT) -e "library(knitr); knit(\"$*.Rnw\")"
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+ pandoc -s -o $*.tex $*.txt
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+ $(RCMD) Stangle $*
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+%: %.cc
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cc $(LDLIBS) -o $*
+%: %.c
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+%: %.f
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+ $(RM) *.o *.tex *.log *.aux *.toc *.blg *.bbl *.out *-???.pdf Rplots.ps
Added: www/JSS/glmer.Rnw
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+++ www/JSS/glmer.Rnw 2013-02-13 23:17:49 UTC (rev 1795)
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+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+\newcommand{\bmb}[1]{{\color{red} \emph{#1}}}
+\newcommand{\scw}[1]{{\color{blue} \emph{#1}}}
+\usepackage[american]{babel} %% for texi2dvi ~ bug
+\author{Douglas Bates\\University of Wisconsin - Madison\And
+ Martin M\"achler\\ETH Zurich\And
+ Ben Bolker\\McMaster University\And
+ Steven C. Walker\\McMaster University
+\Plainauthor{Douglas Bates, Martin M\"achler, Ben Bolker, Steve Walker}
+\title{Fitting generalized \bmb{and nonlinear?} mixed-effects models using \pkg{lme4}}
+\Plaintitle{Fitting generalized linear mixed models using lme4}
+\Shorttitle{GLMMs with lme4}
+\bmb{abstract goes here}
+ sparse matrix methods,
+ linear mixed models,
+ penalized least squares,
+ Cholesky decomposition}
+ Douglas Bates\\
+ Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin\\
+ 1300 University Ave.\\
+ Madison, WI 53706, U.S.A.\\
+ E-mail: \email{bates at stat.wisc.edu}
+ \par\bigskip
+ Martin M\"achler\\
+ Seminar f\"ur Statistik, HG G~16\\
+ ETH Zurich\\
+ 8092 Zurich, Switzerland\\
+ E-mail: \email{maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch}\\
+ % URL: \url{http://stat.ethz.ch/people/maechler}
+ \par\bigskip
+ Benjamin M. Bolker\\
+ Departments of Mathematics \& Statistics and Biology \\
+ McMaster University \\
+ 1280 Main Street W \\
+ Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada \\
+ E-mail: \email{bolker at mcmaster.ca}
+\newcommand{\yobs}{\ensuremath{\bm y_{\mathrm{obs}}}}
+\newcommand*{\eq}[1]{eqn.~\ref{#1}}% or just {(\ref{#1})}
+\section{Generalized Linear Mixed Models}
+The generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) that can be fit by the
+\pkg{lme4} package preserve the multivariate Gaussian unconditional
+distribution of the random effects, $\mc B$
+(eqn.~\ref{eq:LMMuncondB}). Because most families used for the conditional
+distribution, $\mc Y|\mc B=\bm b$, do not incorporate a separate scale
+factor, $\sigma$, we remove it from the definition of $\bm\Sigma$ and
+from the distribution of the spherical random effects, $\mc U$. That
+ \label{eq:UdistGLMM}
+ \mc U\sim\mc N(\bm0,\bm I_q)
+ \label{eq:GLMMSigma}
+ \bm\Sigma_\theta=\bm\Lambda_\theta\bm\Lambda_\theta\trans .
+The conditional distributions, $\mc Y|\mc B=\bm b$ and $\mc Y|\mc
+U=\bm u$, preserve the properties that the components of $\mc Y$ are
+conditionally independent and that the mean, $\bm\mu_{\mc Y|\mc U=\bm
+ u}$, depends on $\bm u$ only through the linear predictor,
+ \label{eq:GLMMlinpred}
+ \bm\eta=\bm Z\bm\Lambda_\theta\bm u+\bm X\bm\beta .
+The mapping from $\bm\mu_{\mc Y|\mc U=\bm u}$ to $\bm\eta$, which is called
+the \emph{link function} and written
+ \label{eq:linkfun}
+ \bm Z\bm\Lambda_\theta\bm u+\bm X\bm\beta=\bm\eta=\bm g\left(
+ \bm\mu_{\mc Y|\mc U=\bm u }\right) ,
+is a \emph{diagonal mapping} in the sense that there is a scalar
+function, $g$, such that the $i$th component of $\bm\eta$ is $g$
+applied to the $i$th component of $\bm\mu_{\mc Y|\mc U=\bm u }$. (The
+name ``diagonal'' reflects the fact that the Jacobian matrix,
+$\frac{d\eta}{d\mu\trans}$, of such a mapping will be diagonal.)
+The scalar link function must be invertible over its range. The
+vector-valued \emph{inverse link} function, $\bm g^{-1}$, will be the
+scalar inverse link, $g^{-1}$, applied component-wise to $\bm\eta$.
+Common forms of the conditional distribution are Bernoulli, for binary
+responses, binomial for binary responses that are recorded as the
+number of trials and the number of successes, and Poisson, for count
+data. The combination of a distributional form and a link function is
+called a \emph{family}. For distributional forms in the exponential
+family there is a \emph{canonical link}. For Bernoulli or binomial
+forms the canonical link is the \emph{logit} link function
+ \label{eq:logitLink}
+ \eta_i=\log\left(\frac{\mu_i}{1-\mu_i}\right);
+for the Poisson distribution the canonical link is the natural
+The form of the distribution determines the conditional variance,
+$\Var(\mc Y|\mc U=\bm u)$, as a function of the conditional mean and,
+possibly, a separate scale factor. (In most cases the conditional
+variance is completely determined by the conditional mean.)
+The likelihood of the parameters, given the observed data, is now
+ \label{eq:GLMMlike}
+ L(\bm\beta,\bm\theta|\yobs)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^q}f_{\mc Y,\mc U}(\yobs,\bm u)\,d\bm u
+where, as in the case of linear mixed models, $f_{\mc Y,\mc
+ U}(\yobs,\bm u)$ is the unscaled conditional density of $\mc U$
+given $\mc Y=\yobs$. The notation here is a bit blurred because,
+although the joint distribution of $\mc Y$ and $\mc U$ is always
+continuous with respect to $\mc U$, it can be (and often is) discrete
+with respect to $\mc Y$. However, when we condition on the observed
+value $\mc Y=\yobs$, the resulting function is continuous with respect
+to $\bm u$ so the unscaled conditional density is indeed well-defined
+as a density, up to a scale factor.
+To evaluate the integrand in (\ref{eq:GLMMlike}) we use the value of
+the \code{dev.resids} function in the GLM family. This vector,
+$\bm d(\yobs,\bm u)$, with elements, $d_i(\yobs,\bm u), i=1,\dots,n$,
+provides the deviance of a generalized linear model as
+ \sum_{i=1}^n d_i(\yobs,\bm u) .
+(We should note that there
+some confusion in \proglang{R} (and in its predecessor,
+\proglang{S}) about what exactly the deviance residuals
+for a family are. As indicated above, we will use this name for the
+value of the \code{dev.resids} function in the family. The signed
+square root of this vector, using the signs of $\yobs-\mu$, is returned
+from \code{residuals} applied to a fitted model
+of class \code{"glm"} when \code{type="deviance"}, the
+default, is specified. Both are called ``deviance residuals''
+in the documentation but, although they are related, they are not the same.)
+The likelihood can now be expressed as
+ \label{eq:GLMMlike1}
+ L(\bm\beta,\bm\theta|\yobs)=
+ \int_{\mathbb{R}^q}\exp\left(-\frac{\sum_{i=1}^nd_i(\yobs,\bm u)+\|\bm u\|^2}{2}\right)\,(2\pi)^{-q/2}\,d\bm u
+As for linear mixed models, we simplify evaluation of the integral
+(\ref{eq:GLMMlike}) by determining the value, $\tilde{\bm
+ u}_{\beta,\theta}$, that maximizes the integrand.
+When the conditional density, $\mc U|\mc Y=\yobs$, is multivariate
+Gaussian, this conditional mode will also be the conditional mean.
+However, for most families used in GLMMs, the mode and the mean need
+not coincide so use the more general term and call $\tilde{\bm
+ u}_{\beta,\theta}$ the \emph{conditional mode}. We first describe
+the numerical methods
+for determining the conditional mode using the Penalized Iteratively
+Reweighted Least Squares (PIRLS) algorithm then return to the question
+of evaluating the integral (\ref{eq:GLMMlike}).
+\subsection{Determining the conditional mode}
+The iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm is an
+incredibly efficient method of determining the maximum likelihood
+estimates of the coefficients in a generalized linear model. We
+extend it to a \emph{penalized iteratively reweighted least squares}
+(PIRLS) algorithm for determining the conditional mode, $\tilde{\bm
+ u}_{\beta,\theta}$. This algorithm has the form
+\item Given parameter values, $\bm\beta$ and $\bm\theta$, and starting
+ estimates, $\bm u_0$, evaluate the linear predictor, $\bm\eta$, the
+ corresponding conditional mean, $\bm\mu_{\mc Y|\mc U=\bm u}$, and
+ the conditional variance. Establish the weights as the inverse of
+ the variance. We write these weights in the form of a diagonal
+ weight matrix, $\bm W$, although they are stored and manipulated as
+ a vector.
+\item Solve the penalized, weighted, nonlinear least squares problem
+ \begin{equation}
+ \label{eq:weightedNLS}
+ \arg\min_{\bm u}\left(\left\|\bm W^{1/2}\left(\yobs-\bm\mu_{\mc
+ Y|\mc U=\bm u}\right)\right\|^2+\|\bm u\|^2\right)
+ \end{equation}
+\item Update the weights, $\bm W$, and check for convergence. If not
+ converged, go to step 2.
+We use a Gauss-Newton algorithm with an orthogonality convergence
+criterion~\citep[\S 2.2.3]{bateswatts88:_nonlin} to solve the
+penalized, weighted, nonlinear least squares problem in step 2. At
+the $i$th iteration we determine an increment, $\bm\delta_i$, as the
+solution to the penalized, weighted, linear least squares problem
+ \label{eq:incr}
+ \bm\delta_i=\arg\min_{\bm\delta}\left\|
+ \begin{bmatrix}
+ \bm W^{1/2}\left(\yobs-\bm\mu_i\right)\\
+ \bm u_i
+ \end{bmatrix}-
+ \begin{bmatrix}
+ \bm W^{1/2}\bm M_i\bm Z\bm\Lambda_\theta\\
+ \bm I_q
+ \end{bmatrix}\bm u\right\|^2
+where $\bm u_i$ is current value of $\bm u$, $\bm\mu_i$ is the
+corresponding conditional mean of $\mc Y|\mc U=\bm u_i$ and $\bm M_i$ is
+the Jacobian matrix of the vector-valued inverse link, evaluated at
+$\bm\mu_i$. That is
+ \label{eq:Jacobian}
+ \bm M_i=\left.\frac{d\bm\mu}{d\bm\eta\trans}\right|_{\bm\eta_i},
+which will be a diagonal matrix so, as for the weights, we store and
+manipulate the Jacobian as a vector.
+The minimizer, $\bm\delta_i$, of (\ref{eq:incr}) satisfies
+ \label{eq:incrEq}
+ \bm P\left(\bLt\trans\bm Z\trans\bm M_i\bm W\bm M_i\bm Z\bLt+\bm I_q\right)\bm P\trans
+ \bm\delta_i=\bLt\trans\bm Z\trans\bm M_i\bm W(\yobs-\bm\mu_i) - \bm u_i
+which we solve using the sparse Cholesky factor. At convergence, the
+factor, $\bm L_{\beta,\theta}$, satisfies
+ \label{eq:CholFactorGLMM}
+ \bm L_{\beta,\theta}\bm L_{\beta,\theta}\trans =
+ \bm P\left(\bLt\trans\bm Z\trans\bm M\bm W\bm M\bm Z\bLt+\bm I_q\right)\bm P\trans
+\subsection{Evaluating the likelihood for GLMMs using the Laplace approximation}
+A second-order Taylor series approximation to $-2\log[f_{\mc
+ Y,\mc U}(\yobs,\bm u)]$ based at $\tilde{\bm u}$ provides an approximation of
+unscaled conditional density as a multiple of the density for the
+multivariate Gaussian $\mathcal{N}(\tilde{\bm u},\bm L\bm L\trans)$.
+The change of variable
+ \label{eq:LaplaceChg}
+ \bm u = \tilde{\bm u} + \bm L\bm z
+ \label{eq:GLMMLaplace}
+ \begin{aligned}
+ L(\bm\beta,\bm\theta|\yobs)&=\int_{\mathbb{R}^q}f_{\mc Y,\mc U}(\yobs,\bm u)\,d\bm u\\
+ &\approx \tilde{f}\,|\bm L|\, \int_{\mathbb{R}^q}e^{-\|\bm z\|^2/2}\,(2\pi)^{-q/2}\,d\bm z\\
+ =\tilde{f}\,\abs(|\bm L|)
+ \end{aligned}
+or, on the deviance scale,
+ \label{eq:LaplaceDev}
+ -2\ell(\bm\beta,\bm\theta|\yobs)\approx\sum_{i=1}^nd_i(\yobs,\tilde{\bm u}) +
+ \|\tilde{\bm u}\|^2 + \log(|\bm L|^2)+\frac{q}{2}\log(2\pi)
+\subsubsection{Decomposing the deviance for simple models}
+A special, but not uncommon, case is that of scalar random effects
+associated with levels of a single grouping factor, $\bm h$. In this
+case the dimension, $q$, of the random effects is the number of levels
+of $\bm h$ --- i.e.{} there is exactly one random effect associated
+with each level of $\bm h$. We will write the vector of
+variance-covariance parameters, which is one-dimensional, as a scalar,
+$\theta$. The matrix $\bm\Lambda_{\bm\theta}$ is a multiple of the
+identity, $\theta\bm I_q$, and $\bm Z$ is the $n\times q$ matrix of
+indicators of the levels of $\bm f$. The permutation matrix, $\bm
+P$, can be set to the identity and $\bm L$ is diagonal, but not
+necessarily a multiple of the identity.
+Because each element of $\bm\mu$ depends on only one element of $\bm
+u$ and the elements of $\mc Y$ are conditionally independent, given
+$\mc U=\bm u$, the conditional densities of the $u_j,j=1,\dots,q$
+given $\mc Y=\yobs$ are independent. We partition the indices
+$1,\dots,n$ as $\mathbb{I}_j,j=1,\dots,q$ according to the levels of
+$\bm h$. That is, the index $i$ is in $\mathbb{I}_j$ if $h_i=j$.
+This partitioning also applies to the deviance residuals in that
+the $i$th deviance residual depends only on $u_j$ when $i\in\mathbb{I}_j$.
+Writing the univariate conditional densities as
+ \label{eq:univariateCondDens}
+ f_j(\yobs,u_j)=\exp\left(-\frac{\sum_{i\in\mathbb{I}_j}d_i(\yobs, u_j)+u_j^2}{2}\right)(2\pi)^{-1/2}
+we have
+ \label{eq:vectorCondDens}
+ f_{\mc Y,\mc U}(\yobs,\bm u)=\prod_{j=1}^q f_j(\yobs,u_j)
+ \label{eq:ssLike}
+ \begin{aligned}
+ L(\bm\beta,\bm\theta|\yobs)=\prod_{j=1}^q\int_{\mathbb{R}}f_j(\yobs,u)\,du
+ \end{aligned}
+We consider this special case both because it occurs frequently and
+because, for some software, it is the only type of GLMM that can be
+fit. Also, in this particular case we can graphically assess the
+quality of the Laplace approximation by comparing the actual integrand
+to its approximation.
+Consider the \code{cbpp} data on contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
+incidence according to season and herd, available in the \pkg{lme4} package.
+and the model
+print(m1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size-incidence) ~ period + (1|herd),
+ cbpp, binomial), corr=FALSE)
+This model has been fit by minimizing the Laplace approximation to the
+deviance. We can assess the quality of this approximation by
+evaluating the unscaled conditional density at $u_j(z)=\tilde{u_j} +
+z/{\bm L_{j,j}}$ and comparing the ratio,
+$f_j(\yobs,u)/(\tilde{f_j}\sqrt{2\pi})$, to the standard normal
+density, $\phi(z)=e^{-z^2/2}/\sqrt{2\pi}$, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:densities}.
+ \centering
+zeta <- function(m, zmin=-3, zmax=3, npts=301L) {
+ stopifnot (is(m, "glmerMod"),
+ length(m at flist) == 1L, # single grouping factor
+ length(m at cnms[[1]]) == 1L) # single column for that grouping factor
+ pp <- m
+ rr <- m at resp
+ u0 <- getME(pp,"u")
+ sd <- 1/getME(pp,"L")@x
+ ff <- as.integer(getME(pp,"flist")[[1]])
+ fc <- getME(pp,"X") %*% getME(pp,"beta") # fixed-effects contribution to linear predictor
+ ZL <- t(getME(pp,"Lambdat") %*% getME(pp,"Zt"))
+ dc <- function(z) { # evaluate the unscaled conditional density on the deviance scale
+ uu <- u0 + z * sd
+ rr$updateMu(fc + ZL %*% uu)
+ unname(as.vector(tapply(rr$devResid(), ff, sum))) + uu * uu
+ }
+ zvals <- seq(zmin, zmax, length.out = npts)
+ d0 <- dc(0) # because this is the last evaluation, the model is restored to its incoming state
+ list(zvals=zvals,
+ sqrtmat=t(sqrt(vapply(zvals, dc, d0, USE.NAMES=FALSE) - d0)) * # signed square root
+ array(ifelse(zvals < 0, -1, 1), c(npts, length(u0))))
+zm <- zeta(m1, -3.750440, 3.750440)
+dmat <- exp(-0.5*zm$sqrtmat^2)/sqrt(2*pi)
+xyplot(as.vector(dmat) ~ rep.int(zm$zvals, ncol(dmat))|gl(ncol(dmat), nrow(dmat)),
+ type=c("g","l"), aspect=0.6, layout=c(5,3),
+ xlab="z", ylab="density",
+ panel=function(...){
+ panel.lines(zm$zvals, dnorm(zm$zvals), lty=2)
+ panel.xyplot(...)}
+ )
+ \caption{Comparison of univariate integrands (solid line) and standard normal density function (dashed line)}
+ \label{fig:densities}
+As we can see from this figure, the univariate integrands are very
+close to the standard normal density, indicating that the Laplace
+approximation to the deviance is a good approximation in this case.
+\section{Adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature for GLMMs}
+When the integral (\ref{eq:GLMMlike}) can be expressed as a product of
+low-dimensional integrals, we can use Gauss-Hermite quadrature to
+provide a closer approximation to the integral. Univariate
+Gauss-Hermite quadrature evaluates the integral of a function that is
+multiplied by a ``kernel'' where the kernel is a multiple of
+$e^{-z^2}$ or $e^{-z^2/2}$. For statisticians the natural candidate
+is the standard normal density, $\phi(z)=e^{-z^2/2}/\sqrt(2\pi)$.
+A $k$th-order Gauss-Hermite formula provides knots, $z_i,i=1,...,k$,
+and weights, $w_i,i=1,\dots,k$, such that
+ \int_{\mathbb{R}}t(z)\phi(z)\,dz\approx\sum_{i=1}^kw_it(z_i)
+The function \code{GHrule} in \pkg{lme4} (based on code in the
+\pkg{SparseGrid} package) provides knots and weights relative to the
+standard normal kernel for orders $k$ from 1 to 25. For example,
+The choice of the value of $k$ depends on the behavior of the function
+$t(z)$. If $t(z)$ is a polynomial of degree $k-1$ then the
+Gauss-Hermite formula for orders $k$ or greater provides an exact
+answer. The fact that we want $t(z)$ to behave like a low-order
+polynomial is often neglected in the formulation of a Gauss-Hermite
+approximation to a quadrature. The quadrature knots on the $u$ scale
+are chosen as
+ \label{eq:quadraturepts}
+ u_{i,j}(z)=\tilde{u_j} + z_i/{\bm L_{j,j}},\quad i=1,\dots,k;\;j=1,\dots,q
+exactly so that the function $t(z)$ should behave like a low-order
+polynomial over the region of interest, which is to say the region
+where quadrature knots with large weights are located. The term
+``adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature'' reflects the fact that the
+approximating Gaussian density is scaled and shifted to provide a
+second order approximation to the logarithm of the unscaled
+conditional density.
+ \centering
+xyplot(as.vector(dmat/dnorm(zm$zvals)) ~ rep.int(zm$zvals, ncol(dmat))|gl(ncol(dmat), nrow(dmat)),
+ type=c("g","l"), aspect=0.6, layout=c(5,3),
+ xlab="z", ylab="t(z)")
+ \caption{The function $t(z)$, which is the ratio of the normalized
+ unscaled conditional density to the standard normal density, for
+ each of the univariate integrals in the evaluation of the deviance
+ for model \code{m1}. These functions should behave like low-order
+ polynomials.}
+ \label{fig:tfunc}
+shows $t(z)$ for each of the unidimensional integrals in the
+likelihood for the model \code{m1} at the parameter estimates.
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+% \section{%
+% Introductions
+%% %% New v4.00: `s'
+% \unskip}
+% (New v4.00) Parts of former first section
+% have been rendered separate subsections for package
+% version_v4.00. (/New v4.00)
+% \subsection{%
+% Introduction to versions $\textrm{v}\lessthan4$
+% \unskip}
+% This package provides line numbers on paragraphs.
+% After \TeX\ has broken a paragraph into lines there will
+% be line numbers attached to them, with the possibility to
+% make references through the \LaTeX\ ~\ref~, ~\pageref~
+% cross reference mechanism. This includes four issues:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item attach a line number on each line,
+% \item create references to a line number,
+% \item control line numbering mode,
+% \item count the lines and print the numbers.
+% \end{itemize}
+% The first two points are implemented through patches to
+% the output routine. The third by redefining ~\par~, ~\@par~
+% and ~\@@par~. The counting is easy, as long as you want
+% the line numbers run through the text. If they shall
+% start over at the top of each page, the aux-file as well
+% as \TeX s memory have to carry a load for each counted line.
+% I wrote this package for my wife Petra, who needs it for
+% transcriptions of interviews. This allows her to
+% precisely refer to passages in the text. It works well
+% together with ~\marginpar~s, but not too well with displaymath.
+% ~\footnote~s are a problem, especially when they
+% are split, but we may get there.
+% (New v4.00 UL) Version v4.00 overcomes the problem, I believe.
+% (/UL /New v4.00)
+% lineno.sty works
+% surprisingly well with other packages, for
+% example, ~wrapfig.sty~. So please try if it
+% works with whatever you need, and if it does,
+% please tell me, and if it does not, tell me as
+% well, so I can try to fix it.
+% \subsection{%
+% Introduction to versions v4.00ff. (UL)
+% \unskip}
+% ~lineno.sty~ has been maintained by Stephan until version_v3.14.
+% From version_v4.00 onwards, maintenance is shifting towards
+% Uwe L\"uck (UL), who is the author of v4\dots code and of v4\dots
+% changes in documentation. This came about as follows.
+% Since late 2002, Christian Tapp and Uwe L\"uck have employed
+% ~lineno.sty~ for their ~ednotes.sty~, a package supporting
+% critical editions---cf.
+% \[\mbox{\tt
+% http://ednotes.sty.de.vu
+% \unskip}\]
+% ---while you find ~ednotes.sty~ and surrounding files in
+% CTAN folder \path{macros/latex/contrib/ednotes}.
+% Soon, some weaknesses of ~lineno.sty~ showed up, mainly since
+% Christian's critical editions (using ~ednotes.sty~) needed lots
+% of ~\linelabel~s and footnotes. (These weaknesses are due to
+% weaknesses of \LaTeX's ~\marginpar~ mechanism that Stephan
+% used for ~\linelabel~.) So we changed some ~lineno.sty~
+% definitions in some extra files, which moreover offered new
+% features. We sent these files to Stephan, hoping he would take
+% the changes into ~lineno.sty~. However, he was too short of time.
+% Writing a TUGboat article on Ednotes in 2004, we hoped to
+% reduce the number of files in the Ednotes bundle and so asked
+% Stephan again. Now he generously offered maintenance to me, so
+% I could execute the changes on my own.
+% The improvements are as follows:
+% \begin{itemize}\item
+% [(i)] Footnotes placement approaches intentions better
+% (footnotes formerly liked to pile up at late pages).
+% \item
+% [(ii)] The number of ~\linelabel~s in one paragraph is no longer
+% limited to 18.
+% \item
+% [(iii)] ~\pagebreak~, ~\nopagebreak~, ~\vspace~, and the star
+% and optional versions of ~\\~ work as one would expect
+% (section_\ref{s:MVadj}). %% Added for v4.1
+% \item
+% [(iv)] A command is offered which chooses the first line number
+% to be printed in the margin
+% (subsection_\ref{ss:Mod}). %% Added for v4.1
+% \item
+% [(v)] (New v4.1) \LaTeX\ tabular environments (optionally)
+% get line numbers as well, and you can refer to them in the
+% usual automatic way. (It may be considered a shortcoming that,
+% precisely, \emph{rows} are numbered, not lines.---See
+% subsection_\ref{ss:Tab}.)
+% \item
+% [(vi)] We are moving towards referring to math items
+% (subsection_\ref{ss:MathRef} and the hooks in
+% subsection_\ref{ss:LL}).
+% (/New v4.1)
+% \end{itemize}
+% (Thanks to Stephan for making this possible!)
+%% Unpublish:
+%% You may trace the earlier developments of these changes by
+%% requesting our files ~linenox0.sty~, ~linenox1.sty~, and
+%% ~lnopatch.sty~. Most of our changes have been in ~linenox0.sty~.
+%% Our ~linenox1.sty~ has extended ~linenox0.sty~ for one single
+%% purpose in a not very stable way.
+%%% (See ~\linenumberpar~ below).
+%% ~lnopatch.sty~ has done the first line number thing referred
+%% to in case_(iv) up to now.
+%% (New v4.1)
+%% Case_(v) earlier was provided by our ~edtab02.sty~---now
+%% called ~edtable.sty~.
+%% (/New v4.1)
+% Ednotes moreover profits from Stephan's offer with regard
+% to the documentation of our code which yielded these
+% improvements formerly. This documentation now becomes
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