[Lme4-commits] r1845 - www/JSS

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Fri Aug 23 22:53:29 CEST 2013

Author: dmbates
Date: 2013-08-23 22:53:29 +0200 (Fri, 23 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 1845

Remove explicit file of Julia code.

Deleted: www/JSS/lmer.jl
--- www/JSS/lmer.jl	2013-08-23 20:52:58 UTC (rev 1844)
+++ www/JSS/lmer.jl	2013-08-23 20:53:29 UTC (rev 1845)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-using DataFrames
-using Base.LinAlg.BLAS: trmm, gemm!
-using Base.LinAlg.CHOLMOD: CholmodFactor, chm_factorize_p!
-type MixedModel{Ti<:Union(Int32,Int64)}
-    L::CholmodFactor{Float64,Ti}
-    LambdatZt::CholmodSparse{Float64,Ti}
-    X::ModelMatrix                      # fixed-effects model matrix
-    Xs::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}         # X_1,X_2,...,X_k
-    beta::Vector{Float64}
-    inds::Matrix{Ti}                    # n by k
-    lambda::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}     # k lower triangular mats
-    u::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}
-    y::Vector{Float64}
-function updateL(m::MixedModel, theta::Vector{Float64})
-    n,k = size(m.inds)
-    LamZ = m.LambdatZt
-    N = reshape(LamZ.nzvals, (div(length(LamZ),n),n))
-    lambda = m.lambda; Xs = m.Xs
-    tpos = 1; roff = 0                  # position in theta, row offset
-    for i in 1:k
-        T = lambda[i]
-        p = size(T,1)                   # size of i'th template matrix
-        for j in 1:p, i in j:p          # fill lower triangle from theta
-            T[i,j] = theta[tpos]; tpos += 1
-            if i == j && T[i,j] < 0. error("Negative diagonal element in T") end
-        end
-        gemm!('T','T',1.0,T,Xs[i],0.0,sub(nzmat,roff+(1:p),1:n))
-        roff += p
-    end
-    chm_factorize_p!(m.L,m.LambdaZt,1.)
-    m
-function linpred(m::MixedModel)
-    lp = m.X.m * m.beta                 # initialize value to X*beta
-    lm = m.lambda
-    Xs = m.Xs
-    for i in 1:length(Xs)               # iterate over r.e. terms
-        X = Xs[i]
-        gemv!('N', 1.,
-              trmm('R','L','N','N',1.,lm[i],X) .* m.u[i][m.inds[:,i],:],
-              ones(size(X,2)), 1., lp)
-    end
-    lp

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