[Lme4-commits] r1675 - in pkg/lme4: . R tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Mar 17 22:11:57 CET 2012

Author: bbolker
Date: 2012-03-17 22:11:57 +0100 (Sat, 17 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 1675


  profiling is working for GLMMs (although not yet for NLMMs or GLMMs using a scale parameter)
  added 'maxmult' cap on increase in step size (default is large enough to make little difference to existing results)
  added as.data.frame.thpr to add '.focal' variable to thpr for lattice/ggplot plotting

Modified: pkg/lme4/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/lme4/NAMESPACE	2012-03-17 21:07:17 UTC (rev 1674)
+++ pkg/lme4/NAMESPACE	2012-03-17 21:11:57 UTC (rev 1675)
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@

Modified: pkg/lme4/R/profile.R
--- pkg/lme4/R/profile.R	2012-03-17 21:07:17 UTC (rev 1674)
+++ pkg/lme4/R/profile.R	2012-03-17 21:11:57 UTC (rev 1675)
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
 ##' @aliases profile-methods profile.merMod
 ##' @docType methods
 ##' @param fitted a fitted model, e.g., the result of \code{\link{lmer}(..)}.
+##' @param which which parameters to profile (UNDER CONSTRUCTION): default is all parameters
 ##' @param alphamax maximum alpha value for likelihood ratio confidence regions; used to establish the range of values to be profiled
 ##' @param maxpts maximum number of points (in each direction, for each parameter) to evaluate in attempting to construct the profile
 ##' @param delta stepping scale for deciding on next point to profile
 ##' @param verbose level of output from internal calculations
 ##' @param devtol tolerance for fitted deviances less than baseline (supposedly minimum) deviance
-##' @param startval method for picking starting conditions for optimization (STUB)
+##' @param startmethod method for picking starting conditions for optimization (STUB)
 ##' @param optimizer (character or function) optimizer to use (see \code{\link{lmer}} for details)
 ##' @param \dots potential further arguments for \code{profile} methods.
 ##' @section Methods: FIXME: These (signatures) will change soon --- document
@@ -33,10 +34,10 @@
 ##' @importFrom stats profile
 ##' @method profile merMod
 ##' @export
-profile.merMod <- function(fitted, alphamax = 0.01, maxpts = 100, delta = cutoff/8,
+profile.merMod <- function(fitted, which=1:nptot, alphamax = 0.01, maxpts = 100, delta = cutoff/8,
                            ##  tr = 0,  ## FIXME:  remove if not doing anything ...
                            verbose=0, devtol=1e-9,
-                           startval = "prev",
+                           startmethod = "prev",
                            optimizer="bobyqa", ...) {
   ## FIXME: allow choice of nextstep/nextstart algorithm?
@@ -49,7 +50,11 @@
   ##  profile all parameters at once rather than RE first and then fixed)
-    dd <- devfun2(fitted)
+    useSc <- isLMM(fitted) || isNLMM(fitted)
+    dd <- devfun2(fitted,useSc)
+    ## FIXME: figure out to what do here ...
+    if (isGLMM(fitted) && sigma(fitted)!=1)
+        stop("can't (yet) profile GLMMs with non-fixed scale parameters")
     base <- attr(dd, "basedev")
     thopt <- attr(dd, "thopt")
     stderr <- attr(dd, "stderr")
@@ -78,18 +83,26 @@
     ## profiled based on the desired step in the profile zeta
     ## (absstep) and the values of zeta and column cc for rows
     ## r-1 and r.  The parameter may not be below lower (or above upper)
-    nextpar <- function(mat, cc, r, absstep, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, minstep=1e-6) {
+    nextpar <- function(mat, cc, r, absstep,
+                        lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, minstep=1e-6, maxmult=10.0) {
         rows <- r - (1:0)         # previous two row numbers
         pvals <- mat[rows, cc]
         zeta <- mat[rows, ".zeta"]
         num <- diff(pvals)
         if (is.na(denom <- diff(zeta)) || denom==0) {
-          ## this may happen due to numerical fuzz ...
-          warning("Last two rows have identical or NA .zeta values: using minstep")
-          step <- minstep
+            warning("Last two rows have identical or NA .zeta values: using minstep")
+            step <- minstep
         } else {
-          step <- absstep*num/denom
+            step <- absstep*num/denom
+        if (r>1) {
+            if (abs(step) > (maxstep <- abs(maxmult*num))) {
+                maxstep <- sign(step)*maxstep
+                if (verbose) cat(sprintf("capped step at %1.2f (multiplier=%1.2f > %1.2f)\n",
+                                         maxstep,abs(step/num),maxmult))
+                step <- maxstep
+            }
+        }
         min(upper, max(lower, pvals[2] + sign(num) * step))
@@ -119,51 +132,70 @@
         i <- 2L
         while (i < nr && mat[i, cc] > lowcut && mat[i,cc] < upcut &&
                (is.na(curzeta <- abs(mat[i, ".zeta"])) || curzeta <= cutoff)) {
-             np <- nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut)
-             ns <- nextstart(mat, cc-1, i, startval)
-             mat[i + 1L, ] <- zetafun(np,ns)
+            np <- nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut, upcut, step)
+            ns <- nextstart(mat, cc-1, i, startmethod)
+            mat[i + 1L, ] <- zetafun(np,ns)
             if (verbose>0) {
-              cat(i,cc,np,mat[i+1L,],"\n")
+                cat(i,cc,np,mat[i+1L,],"\n")
             i <- i + 1L
+        if (mat[i-1,cc]==lowcut) {
+            ## fill in more values near the minimum
+        }
+        if (mat[i-1,cc]==upcut) {
+            ## fill in more values near the maximum
+        }
-    lower <- c(pmax(fitted at lower,-1.0), 0, rep.int(-Inf, p))
-    upper <- c(ifelse(fitted at lower==0,Inf,1.0), Inf, rep.int(Inf, p))
-    seqnvp <- seq_len(nvp)
+    ## bounds on Cholesky: [0,Inf) for diag, (-Inf,Inf) for diag
+    ## bounds on sd-corr:  [0,Inf) for diag, (-1.0,1.0) for diag
+    lower <- pmax(fitted at lower,-1.0)
+    upper <- ifelse(fitted at lower==0,Inf,1.0)
+    if (useSc) {
+        lower <- c(lower,0)
+        upper <- c(upper,Inf)
+    }
+    ## bounds on fixed parameters (could allow user-specified bounds for esp. NLMMs?)
+    lower <- c(lower,rep.int(-Inf, p))
+    upper <- c(upper, rep.int(Inf, p))
+    npar1 <- if (isLMM(fitted)) nvp else nptot
+    stopifnot(all.equal(unname(dd(opt[seq(npar1)])),base,tol=1e-5))
+    seqnvp <- intersect(seq_len(npar1),which)
     lowvp <- lower[seqnvp]
     upvp <- upper[seqnvp]
     form <- .zeta ~ foo           # pattern for interpSpline formula
     for (w in seqnvp) {
-       if (verbose) cat("var-cov parameter ",w,":\n",sep="")
+       if (verbose) cat(if (isLMM(fitted)) "var-cov " else "", "parameter ",w,":\n",sep="")
+       wp1 <- w + 1L
+       start <- opt[seqnvp][-w]
+       pw <- opt[w]
+       lowcut <- lower[w]
+       upcut <- upper[w]
+       zeta <- function(xx,start) {
+           ores <- optwrap(optimizer, par=start,
+                           fn=function(x) dd(mkpar(npar1, w, xx, x)),
+                           lower = lowvp[-w],
+                           upper = upvp[-w])
+           devdiff <- ores$fval-base
+           if (is.na(ores$fval)) {
+               warning("NAs detected in profiling")
+           } else if (devdiff < (-devtol))
+               stop("profiling detected new, lower deviance")
+           if(devdiff<0)
+               warning("slightly lower deviances (diff=",devdiff,") detected")
+           devdiff <- max(0,devdiff)
+           zz <- sign(xx - pw) * sqrt(devdiff)
+           r <- c(zz, mkpar(npar1, w, xx, ores$par))
+           if (isLMM(fitted)) r <- c(r,pp$beta(1))
+           r
+       }
-        wp1 <- w + 1L
-        start <- opt[seqnvp][-w]
-        pw <- opt[w]
-        lowcut <- lower[w]
-        upcut <- upper[w]
-        zeta <- function(xx,start) {
-          ores <- optwrap(optimizer, par=start,
-                          fn=function(x) dd(mkpar(nvp, w, xx, x)),
-                          lower = lowvp[-w],
-                          upper = upvp[-w])
-            devdiff <- ores$fval-base
-            if (is.na(ores$fval)) {
-              ## NA/NaN detected
-              warning("NAs detected in profiling")
-            } else if (devdiff < (-devtol))
-                stop("profiling detected new, lower deviance")
-            if(devdiff<0)
-                warning("slightly lower deviances (diff=",devdiff,") detected")
-            devdiff <- max(0,devdiff)
-            zz <- sign(xx - pw) * sqrt(devdiff)
-            c(zz, mkpar(nvp, w, xx, ores$par), pp$beta(1))
-        }
 ### FIXME: The starting values for the conditional optimization should
 ### be determined from recent starting values, not always the global
 ### optimum values.
@@ -172,75 +204,80 @@
 ### the two last points and extrapolating.
-        ## intermediate storage for pos. and neg. increments
-        pres <- nres <- res
-        ## assign one row, determined by inc. sign, from a small shift
-        nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- zeta(pw * 1.01, start=opt[seqnvp][-w])
-        ## fill in the rest of the arrays and collapse them
-        bres <-
-            as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,lowcut, upcut, zeta, wp1),
-                                        fillmat(nres,lowcut, upcut, zeta, wp1))))
-        bres$.par <- names(opt)[w]
-        ans[[w]] <- bres[order(bres[, wp1]), ]
-        form[[3]] <- as.name(names(opt)[w])
+       ## intermediate storage for pos. and neg. increments
+       pres <- nres <- res
+       ## assign one row, determined by inc. sign, from a small shift
+       ## FIXME:: do something if pw==0 ???
+       nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- zeta(pw * 1.01, start=opt[seqnvp][-w])
+       ## fill in the rest of the arrays and collapse them
+       bres <-
+           as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,lowcut, upcut, zeta, wp1),
+                                       fillmat(nres,lowcut, upcut, zeta, wp1))))
+       bres$.par <- names(opt)[w]
+       ans[[w]] <- bres[order(bres[, wp1]), ]
+       form[[3]] <- as.name(names(opt)[w])
-       ## FIXME: test for nearly-vertical slopes here ...
-        bakspl[[w]] <- try(backSpline(forspl[[w]] <- interpSpline(form, bres)),silent=TRUE)
+       ## FIXME: test for bad things here??
+       bakspl[[w]] <- try(backSpline(forspl[[w]] <- interpSpline(form, bres)),silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(bakspl[[w]],"try-error")) {
-         warning("non-monotonic profile")
-       }
+           warning("non-monotonic profile")
+     }
     } ## for(w in ..)
-    offset.orig <- fitted at resp$offset
-    for (j in seq_len(p)) {
-      if (verbose) cat("fixed-effect parameter ",j,":\n",sep="")
-        pres <-            # intermediate results for pos. incr.
-            nres <- res    # and negative increments
-        est <- opt[nvp + j]
-        std <- stderr[j]
-        Xw <-X.orig[, j, drop=TRUE]
-        Xdrop <- .modelMatrixDrop(X.orig, j)
-        pp1 <- do.call(new, list(Class = class(pp),
-                                X = Xdrop,
-                                Zt = pp$Zt,
-                                Lambdat = pp$Lambdat,
-                                Lind = pp$Lind,
-                                theta = pp$theta,
-                                 n = nrow(Xdrop))
-                      )
-        ### FIXME Change this to use the deep copy and setWeights, setOffset, etc.
-        rr <- new(Class=class(fitted at resp), y=fitted at resp$y)
-        rr$setWeights(fitted at resp$weights)
-        fe.zeta <- function(fw, start) {
-          ## (start parameter ignored)
-            rr$setOffset(Xw * fw + offset.orig)
-            rho <- as.environment(list(pp=pp1, resp=rr))
-            parent.env(rho) <- parent.frame()
-            ores <- optwrap(optimizer,
-                            par=thopt, fn=mkdevfun(rho, 0L),
-                            lower = pmax(fitted at lower, -1.0),
-                            upper =  ifelse(fitted at lower==0,Inf,1.0))
-            fv <- ores$fval
-            sig <- sqrt((rr$wrss() + pp1$sqrL(1))/n)
-            c(sign(fw - est) * sqrt(fv - base),
-              Cv_to_Sv(ores$par, sapply(fitted at cnms,length),s=sig),
-              ## ores$par * sig, sig,
-              mkpar(p, j, fw, pp1$beta(1)))
-        }
-        nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- fe.zeta(est + delta * std)
-        poff <- nvp + 1L + j
-        bres <-
-            as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,-Inf, Inf, fe.zeta, poff),
-                                        fillmat(nres,-Inf, Inf, fe.zeta, poff))))
-        thisnm <- names(fe.orig)[j]
-        bres$.par <- thisnm
-        ans[[thisnm]] <- bres[order(bres[, poff]), ]
-        form[[3]] <- as.name(thisnm)
-        bakspl[[thisnm]] <-
-            try(backSpline(forspl[[thisnm]] <- interpSpline(form, bres)),silent=TRUE)
-        if (inherits(bakspl[[thisnm]],"try-error")) warning("non-monotonic profile")
-    } ## for(j in 1..p)
+    ## profile fixed effects separately (for LMMs)
+    if (isLMM(fitted)) {
+        offset.orig <- fitted at resp$offset
+        fp <- seq_len(p)
+        for (j in fp) {
+            if (verbose) cat("fixed-effect parameter ",j,":\n",sep="")
+            pres <-            # intermediate results for pos. incr.
+                nres <- res    # and negative increments
+            est <- opt[nvp + j]
+            std <- stderr[j]
+            Xw <-X.orig[, j, drop=TRUE]
+            Xdrop <- .modelMatrixDrop(X.orig, j)
+            pp1 <- do.call(new, list(Class = class(pp),
+                                     X = Xdrop,
+                                     Zt = pp$Zt,
+                                     Lambdat = pp$Lambdat,
+                                     Lind = pp$Lind,
+                                     theta = pp$theta,
+                                     n = nrow(Xdrop))
+                           )
+### FIXME Change this to use the deep copy and setWeights, setOffset, etc.
+            rr <- new(Class=class(fitted at resp), y=fitted at resp$y)
+            rr$setWeights(fitted at resp$weights)
+            fe.zeta <- function(fw, start) {
+                ## (start parameter ignored)
+                rr$setOffset(Xw * fw + offset.orig)
+                rho <- as.environment(list(pp=pp1, resp=rr))
+                parent.env(rho) <- parent.frame()
+                ores <- optwrap(optimizer,
+                                par=thopt, fn=mkdevfun(rho, 0L),
+                                lower = pmax(fitted at lower, -1.0),
+                                upper =  ifelse(fitted at lower==0,Inf,1.0))
+                fv <- ores$fval
+                sig <- sqrt((rr$wrss() + pp1$sqrL(1))/n)
+                c(sign(fw - est) * sqrt(fv - base),
+                  Cv_to_Sv(ores$par, sapply(fitted at cnms,length),s=sig),
+                  ## ores$par * sig, sig,
+                  mkpar(p, j, fw, pp1$beta(1)))
+            }
+            nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- fe.zeta(est + delta * std)
+            poff <- nvp + 1L + j
+            bres <-
+                as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,-Inf, Inf, fe.zeta, poff),
+                                            fillmat(nres,-Inf, Inf, fe.zeta, poff))))
+            thisnm <- names(fe.orig)[j]
+            bres$.par <- thisnm
+            ans[[thisnm]] <- bres[order(bres[, poff]), ]
+            form[[3]] <- as.name(thisnm)
+            bakspl[[thisnm]] <-
+                try(backSpline(forspl[[thisnm]] <- interpSpline(form, bres)),silent=TRUE)
+            if (inherits(bakspl[[thisnm]],"try-error")) warning("non-monotonic profile")
+        } ## for(j in 1..p)
+    } ## if isLMM
     ans <- do.call(rbind, ans)
     ans$.par <- factor(ans$.par)
@@ -280,60 +317,63 @@
 ## @return a function for evaluating the deviance in the extended
 ##     parameterization.  This is profiled with respect to the
 ##     variance-covariance parameters (fixed-effects done separately).
-devfun2 <- function(fm)
+devfun2 <- function(fm,useSc=TRUE)
-    stopifnot(is(fm, "lmerMod"))
+    stopifnot(is(fm, "merMod"))
     fm <- refitML(fm)
     basedev <- deviance(fm)
-    sig <- sigma(fm)
+    vlist <- sapply(fm at cnms,length)
+    sig <- sigma(fm)  ## only if useSc=TRUE?
     stdErr <- unname(coef(summary(fm))[,2])
     pp <- fm at pp$copy()
     ## opt <- c(pp$theta*sig, sig)
     if (!isGLMM(fm)) {
-      opt <- Cv_to_Sv(pp$theta, n=sapply(fm at cnms,length), s=sig)
-      ## FIXME: alternatively use/allow names as in getME(.,"theta") ?
-      names(opt) <- c(sprintf(".sig%02d", seq_along(pp$theta)), ".sigma")
+        opt <- Cv_to_Sv(pp$theta, n=vlist, s=sig)
+        ## FIXME: alternatively use/allow names as in getME(.,"theta") ?
+        names(opt) <- c(sprintf(".sig%02d", seq(length(opt)-1)), ".sigma")
     } else {
-      opt <- Cv_to_Sv(pp$theta, n=sapply(fm at cnms,length))
-      ## FIXME: alternatively use/allow names as in getME(.,"theta") ?
-      names(opt) <- sprintf(".sig%02d", seq_along(pp$theta))
+        opt <- Cv_to_Sv(pp$theta, n=vlist)
+        ## FIXME: alternatively use/allow names as in getME(.,"theta") ?
+        names(opt) <- sprintf(".sig%02d", seq_along(opt))
     opt <- c(opt, fixef(fm))
     resp <- fm at resp$copy()
     np <- length(pp$theta)
+    nf <- length(fixef(fm))
     if (!isGLMM(fm)) np <- np + 1L
     n <- nrow(pp$V)                   # use V, not X so it works with nlmer
     if (isLMM(fm)) {
-      ans <- function(pars)
+        ans <- function(pars)
-          stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np)
-          ## Assumption:  all parameters, including the residual SD on SD-scale
-          sigma <- pars[np]
-          ## .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), pars[-np]/sigma)
-          ## convert from sdcor vector back to 'unscaled theta'
-          thpars <- Sv_to_Cv(pars,n=sapply(fm at cnms,length),s=sigma)
-          .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), thpars)
-          sigsq <- sigma^2
-          pp$ldL2() + (resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
+            stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np)
+            ## Assumption:  all parameters, including the residual SD on SD-scale
+            sigma <- pars[np]
+            ## .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), pars[-np]/sigma)
+            ## convert from sdcor vector back to 'unscaled theta'
+            thpars <- Sv_to_Cv(pars,n=vlist,s=sigma)
+            .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), thpars)
+            sigsq <- sigma^2
+            pp$ldL2() + (resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
     } else {
-      stop("GLMM/NLMM profiling under development")
-      d0 <- mkdev(fm)
-      ans <- function(pars)
+        d0 <- update(fm,devFunOnly=TRUE)
+        ## from glmer:
+        ## rho <- new.env(parent=parent.env(environment()))
+        ## rho$pp <- do.call(merPredD$new, c(reTrms[c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind")], n=nrow(X), list(X=X)))
+        ## rho$resp <- mkRespMod(fr, if(REML) p else 0L)
+        ans <- function(pars)
-          stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np)
-          thpars <- pars[seq(np)]
-          ## FIXME: allow useSc (i.e. NLMMs)
-          sigma <- pars[np]
-          ## .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), pars[-np]/sigma)
-          ## convert from sdcor vector back to 'unscaled theta'
-          thpars <- Sv_to_Cv(pars,n=sapply(fm at cnms,length))
-          stop("STUB!")
-          sigsq <- sigma^2
-          pp$ldL2() + (resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
+            stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np+nf)
+            ## FIXME: allow useSc (i.e. NLMMs)
+            if (!useSc) {
+                thpars <- Sv_to_Cv(pars[seq(np)],n=vlist)
+            } else {
+                thpars <- Sv_to_Cv(pars[seq(np)],n=vlist,s=pars[np])
+            }
+            fixpars <- pars[-seq(np)]
+            d0(c(thpars,fixpars))
-     }
+    }
     attr(ans, "optimum") <- opt         # w/ names()
     attr(ans, "basedev") <- basedev
     attr(ans, "thopt") <- pp$theta
@@ -803,3 +843,19 @@
+## convert profile to data frame, adding a .focal parameter to simplify lattice/ggplot plotting
+as.data.frame.thpr <- function(x,...) {
+    class(x) <- "data.frame"
+    m <- as.matrix(x[,seq(ncol(x))-1]) ## omit .par
+    x[[".focal"]] <- m[cbind(seq(nrow(x)),match(x$.par,names(x)))]
+    x[[".par"]] <- factor(x[[".par"]],levels=unique(as.character(x[[".par"]]))) ## restore order
+    x
+if (FALSE) {
+    source("~/R/misc/slice.R")
+    dd <- lme4:::devfun2(nm1,useSc=TRUE)
+    s1 <- slice(attr(dd,"optimum"),dd,dim=2)
+    splom(s1)

Modified: pkg/lme4/tests/profile.R
--- pkg/lme4/tests/profile.R	2012-03-17 21:07:17 UTC (rev 1674)
+++ pkg/lme4/tests/profile.R	2012-03-17 21:11:57 UTC (rev 1675)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 fm01ML <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML = FALSE)
 ## 0.8s (on a 5600 MIPS 64bit fast(year 2009) desktop "AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925"):
 system.time( tpr <- profile(fm01ML) )
 (confint(tpr) -> CIpr)
@@ -20,18 +20,33 @@
 (confint(pr2) -> CIpr2)
 lme4a_CIpr2 <-
-structure(c(0.633565787613112, 1.09578224011285, -0.721864513060904, 
-21.2666273835452, 1.1821039843372, 3.55631937954106, -0.462903300019305, 
-24.6778176174587), .Dim = c(4L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c(".sig01", 
+structure(c(0.633565787613112, 1.09578224011285, -0.721864513060904,
+21.2666273835452, 1.1821039843372, 3.55631937954106, -0.462903300019305,
+24.6778176174587), .Dim = c(4L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c(".sig01",
 ".sig02", ".lsig", "(Intercept)"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
 lme4a_CIpr2[".lsig",] <- exp(lme4a_CIpr2[".lsig",])
 print(xyplot(pr2, absVal=0, aspect=1.3, layout=c(4,1)))
-## NOT RUN:  ~ 23 seconds
+gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
+             data = cbpp, family = binomial)
+system.time(pr4 <- profile(gm1))  ## ~ 7 seconds
+nm1 <- nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ Asym|Tree,
+             Orange, start = c(Asym = 200, xmid = 725, scal = 350))
+## pr5 <- profile(nm1)
+## xyplot(.zeta~.focal|.par,type="l",data=as.data.frame(pr5),
+##        scale=list(x=list(relation="free")),
+##       as.table=TRUE)
+## NOT RUN:  ~ 4 theta-variables, 19 seconds
 fm3ML <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy, REML=FALSE)
 if (FALSE) {
   system.time(pr3 <- profile(fm3ML))

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