[Lme4-commits] r1499 - pkg/lme4Eigen/man

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Sun Jan 8 00:35:51 CET 2012

Author: dmbates
Date: 2012-01-08 00:35:51 +0100 (Sun, 08 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 1499

Documentation updates.

Added: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/GHrule.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/GHrule.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/GHrule.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+  Nodes and weights for Gauss-Hermite quadrature
+  Returns the nodes, weights and the logarithm of the standard Gaussian
+  density for a Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule, with the standard
+  Gaussian density as the kernel, of order \code{ord}.
+  \item{ord}{
+    positive integer not exceeding 25 - the order of the rule.
+  }
+  Univariate Gauss-Hermite quadrature evaluates the integral of a
+  function that is multiplied by a \dQuote{kernel} where the kernel is a
+  multiple of \eqn{e^{-z^2}}{exp(-z^2)} or
+  \eqn{e^{-z^2/2}}{exp(-z^2/2)}.  For statisticians the natural
+  candidate is the standard normal density,
+  \eqn{\phi(z)=e^{-z^2/2}/\sqrt(2\pi)}{exp(-z^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi)}.
+  A \eqn{k}{k}th-order Gauss-Hermite formula provides knots,
+  \eqn{z_i,i=1,...,k}{z[i]}, and weights, \eqn{w_i,i=1,\dots,k}{w[i]}, such that
+  \deqn{\int_{\mathbb{R}}t(z)\phi(z)\,dz\approx\sum_{i=1}^kw_it(z_i)}{int[-Inf]^Inf t(z) phi(z) dz ~ sum[i=1]^k w[i] t(z[i])}
+  The choice of the value of \eqn{k} depends on the behavior of the function
+  \eqn{t(z)}.  If \eqn{t(z)} is a polynomial of degree \eqn{k-1} then the
+  Gauss-Hermite formula for order \eqn{k} or greater provides the exact
+  value of the integral.  The fact that we want \eqn{t(z)} to behave
+  like a low-order polynomial is often neglected in the formulation of
+  a Gauss-Hermite approximation to an integral.
+  a numeric matrix with \code{ord} rows and three columns named
+  \dQuote{z}, \dQuote{w} and \dQuote{ldnorm}.
+  Based on code in the \dQuote{SparseGrid} package.

Added: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/NelderMead-class.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/NelderMead-class.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/NelderMead-class.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\title{Class \code{"NelderMead"}}
+  A reference class for a Nelder-Mead simplex optimizer allowing box
+  constraints on the parameters and using reverse communication.
+  All reference classes extend and inherit methods from \code{"\linkS4class{envRefClass}"}.
+  Based on code in the NLopt collection.
+\note{This is the default optimizer for the second stage of
+  \code{\link{glmer}} and \code{\link{nlmer}} fits.  We found that it
+  was more reliable and often faster than more sophisticated optimizers.}
+\seealso{\code{\link{glmer}}, \code{\link{nlmer}}}
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{Ptr}:}{\code{externalptr} to the instance of the C++ class}
+    \item{\code{lowerbd}:}{\code{numeric} vector of lower bounds - some
+      or all of the elements may be \code{-Inf} for parameters with no
+      lower bound.}
+    \item{\code{upperbd}:}{\code{numeric} vector of upper bounds - some
+      or all of the elements may be \code{Inf} for parameters with no
+      upper bound.}
+    \item{\code{xstep}:}{\code{numeric} vector of initial steps to
+      generate the simplex.  All the elements must be non-zero.}
+    \item{\code{xtol}:}{\code{numeric} vector of tolerances on the parameters}
+  }
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{setFtolAbs(fta)}:}{set the absolute tolerance on the
+      function value.}
+    \item{\code{newf(value)}:}{provide the function value at the current
+      \code{xeval} vector.}
+    \item{\code{setMaxeval(mxev)}:}{set the maximum number of function evaluations.}
+    \item{\code{value()}:}{return the lowest function value previously recorded}
+    \item{\code{setMinfMax(minf)}:}{set the maximum value to be declared
+      as the minimum function value.  Defaults to \code{-Inf}.}
+    \item{\code{setFtolRel(ftr)}:}{set the relative tolerance on the
+      function value.}
+    \item{\code{setForceStop(stp)}:}{Force the iterations to stop.  This
+      method is unlikely to be used in an algorithm using reverse communication.}
+    \item{\code{ptr()}:}{return the external pointer, \code{Ptr},
+      regenerating the C++ object if necessary.}
+    \item{\code{xeval()}:}{next value of the parameters at which to
+      evaluate the objective function}
+    \item{\code{setIprint(iprint)}:}{set the parameter controlling
+      printing of intermediate results.  If \code{iprint > 0} then the
+      function and parameter values are printed every \code{iprint} evaluations.}
+    \item{\code{xpos()}:}{position of the minimum objective value seen
+      to this point.}
+  }

Added: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/NelderMead.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/NelderMead.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/NelderMead.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{Generator object for the Nelder-Mead optimizer class.}
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{new(lower, upper, xst, x0, xt, \dots)}:}{Create a new
+      \code{\linkS4class{NelderMead}} object.}
+  }
+  \item{lower}{numeric vector of lower bounds - elements may be
+    \code{-Inf}.}
+  \item{upper}{numeric vector of upper bounds - elements may be
+    \code{Inf}.}
+  \item{xst}{numeric vector of initial step sizes to establish the
+    simplex - all elements must be non-zero.}
+  \item{x0}{numeric vector of starting values for the parameters.}
+  \item{xt}{numeric vector of tolerances on the parameters.}
+  \item{\dots}{additional, optional arguments.  None are used at present.}
+\note{Arguments to the \code{new} methods must be named arguments.}
+\description{The generator objects for the
+  \code{\linkS4class{NelderMead}} class of optimizers subject to box
+  constraints and using reverse communications.}

Added: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/golden-class.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/golden-class.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/golden-class.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\title{Class \code{"golden"}}
+  A reference class for a golden search scalar optimizer using reverse
+  communication.
+  All reference classes extend and inherit methods from \code{"\linkS4class{envRefClass}"}.
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{Ptr}:}{\code{externalptr} to the instance of the C++ class}
+    \item{\code{lowerbd}:}{numeric scalar - the lower bound on the
+      interval within which to minimize the objective.}
+    \item{\code{upperbd}:}{numeric scalar - the upper bound on the
+      interval within which to minimize the objective.}
+  }
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{newf(value)}:}{provide the function value at the current
+      \code{xeval}.}
+    \item{\code{value()}:}{return the lowest function value recorded to
+      this point.}
+    \item{\code{ptr()}:}{return the external pointer, \code{Ptr},
+      regenerating the C++ object if necessary.}
+    \item{\code{xeval()}:}{next value of the parameter at which to
+      evaluate the objective function.}
+    \item{\code{xpos()}:}{position of the minimum objective value seen
+      to this point.}
+  }

Added: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/golden.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/golden.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/golden.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\title{Generator object for the Nelder-Mead optimizer class.}
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{new(lower, upper, \dots)}:}{Create a new
+      \code{\linkS4class{golden}} object.}
+  }
+  \item{lower}{lower bound for the scalar parameter - must be finite.}
+  \item{upper}{upper bound for the scalar parameter - must be finite.}
+  \item{\dots}{additional, optional arguments.  None are used at present.}
+\note{Arguments to the \code{new} methods must be named arguments.}
+\description{The generator objects for the
+  \code{\linkS4class{golden}} class of a scalar optimizer for a
+  parameter within an interval.  The optimizer uses reverse communications.}

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/lmer.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/lmer.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:27 UTC (rev 1498)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/lmer.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -13,20 +13,17 @@
 lmer(formula, data, REML = TRUE, sparseX = FALSE,
      control = list(), start = NULL, verbose = 0L,
-     %doFit = TRUE, %compDev = TRUE, _support too - FIXME? _
      subset, weights, na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL,
-     devFunOnly = FALSE,
-     \dots)
+     devFunOnly = FALSE, \dots)
 glmer(formula, data, family = gaussian, sparseX = FALSE,
       control = list(), start = NULL, verbose = 0, nAGQ = 1,
       compDev = TRUE, subset, weights, na.action, offset,
       contrasts = NULL, mustart, etastart, devFunOnly = FALSE,
-      tolPwrss = 1e-06, \dots)
-nlmer(formula, data, family = gaussian, start = NULL,
-      verbose = 0L, nAGQ = 1L, doFit = TRUE, subset, weights,
-      na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL, devFunOnly = 0L, \dots)
+      tolPwrss = 1e-10, optimizer = c("NelderMead", "bobyqa"), \dots)
+nlmer(formula, data, control=list(), start = NULL, verbose = 0L,
+      nAGQ = 1L, subset, weights, na.action, offset,
+      contrasts = NULL, devFunOnly = 0L, tolPwrss = 1e-10,
+      optimizer = c("NelderMead", "bobyqa"), \dots)
   \item{formula}{a two-sided linear formula object describing the
@@ -82,6 +79,11 @@
   \item{tolPwrss}{numeric scalar - the tolerance for declaring
       convergence in the penalized weighted residual sum-of-squares
       step.  Defaults to 1e-06.}
+  \item{optimizer}{which optimizer to use in the second phase of
+    optimization.  The default is \code{\link{NelderMead}} and the
+    alternative is \code{\link{bobyqa}}.  For difficult model fits we
+    have found \code{\link{NelderMead}} to be more reliable but
+    occasionally slower than \code{\link{bobyqa}}.}
   \item{\dots}{other potential arguments.  A \code{method} argument was
     used in earlier versions of the package. Its functionality has been
     replaced by the \code{REML} and \code{nAGQ} arguments.}
@@ -165,6 +167,12 @@
 ## using nAGQ=0L only gets close to the optimum
 (gm1a <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
                cbpp, binomial, nAGQ = 0L))
+## using nAGQ=9L provides a better evaluation of the deviance
+(gm1b <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
+               cbpp, binomial, nAGQ = 9L))
+## check with nAGQ=25L
+(gm1c <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
+               cbpp, binomial, nAGQ = 25L))
 ## GLMM with individual-level variability (accounting for overdispersion)
 cbpp$obs <- 1:nrow(cbpp)

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/mkdevfun.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/mkdevfun.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:27 UTC (rev 1498)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/mkdevfun.Rd	2012-01-07 23:35:51 UTC (rev 1499)
@@ -9,16 +9,14 @@
-mkdevfun(pp, resp, rho, nAGQ=1L)
+mkdevfun(rho, nAGQ=1L)
-  \item{pp}{a prediction module, typically of class
-    \code{\linkS4class{merPredD}}.%% FIXME merPred --> *D and *S ??
-  }
-  \item{resp}{a response module, e.g., of class
+  \item{rho}{an environment containing \code{pp},
+    a prediction module, typically of class
+    \code{\linkS4class{merPredD}},%% FIXME merPred --> *D and *S ??
+    and \code{resp}, a response module, e.g., of class
-  \item{rho}{an environment containing auxillary information for the
-    function evaluation}
   \item{nAGQ}{scalar integer - the number of adaptive Gauss-Hermite
     quadrature points.  A value of 0 indicates that both the
     fixed-effects parameters and the random effects are optimized by the

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