[Lme4-commits] r1631 - in pkg/lme4Eigen: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 29 14:51:51 CET 2012

Author: mmaechler
Date: 2012-02-29 14:51:51 +0100 (Wed, 29 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 1631

drop old bootMer() and rename new 'bootMer2' to 'bootMer'

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/NAMESPACE	2012-02-29 11:57:05 UTC (rev 1630)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/NAMESPACE	2012-02-29 13:51:51 UTC (rev 1631)
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/NEWS
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/NEWS	2012-02-29 11:57:05 UTC (rev 1630)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/NEWS	2012-02-29 13:51:51 UTC (rev 1631)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-		 CHANGES IN lme4 VERSION 0.999375-16
+		 CHANGES IN lme4 VERSION 0.999375-16  [Jun 23, 2008]
 This midsummer release has many, many changes, relative to earlier
 versions.  Be careful.

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/bootMer.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/bootMer.R	2012-02-29 11:57:05 UTC (rev 1630)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/bootMer.R	2012-02-29 13:51:51 UTC (rev 1631)
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@
 ##    instead of using	rnorm()
 ##' Model-based (Semi-)Parametric Bootstrap for Mixed Models
 ##' Perform model-based (Semi-)parametric bootstrap for mixed models.
 ##' The semi-parametric variant is not yet implemented, and we only
 ##' provide a method for \code{\link{lmer}}  and \code{\link{glmer}} results.
 ##' The working name for bootMer() was \dQuote{simulestimate()}, as it is an
 ##' extension of \code{\link{simulate}}, but we rather want to emphasize its
 ##' potential for valid inference.
 ##' In each of the \code{nsim} simulations --- that is what the
 ##' \emph{parametric} bootstrap does, both \dQuote{\emph{spherized}} random
 ##' effects \eqn{u} and the i.i.d errors \eqn{\epsilon} are generated, using
 ##' \code{\link{rnorm}()} with parameters corresponding to the fitted model
 ##' \code{x}.
 ##' @param x fitted \code{*lmer()} model, see \code{\link{lmer}},
 ##'     \code{\link{glmer}}, etc.
 ##' @param FUN a \code{\link{function}(x)}, computating the \emph{statistic} of
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 ##'     \pkg{boot} package's \code{boot()} result.
 ##' @seealso For inference, including confidence intervals,
 ##'     \code{\link{profile-methods}}.
 ##'     \code{\link[boot]{boot}()}, and then \code{\link[boot]{boot.ci}} from
 ##'     package \pkg{boot}.
 ##' @references Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) \emph{Bootstrap Methods
@@ -65,39 +65,38 @@
 ##' mySumm <- function(.) { s <- sigma(.)
 ##'     c(beta =getME(., "beta"), sigma = s, sig01 = s * getME(., "theta")) }
 ##' (t0 <- mySumm(fm01ML)) # just three parameters
-##' \dontrun{%%--- fails for now --- FIXME
 ##' ## 3.8s (on a 5600 MIPS 64bit fast(year 2009) desktop "AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925"):
 ##' system.time( boo01 <- bootMer(fm01ML, mySumm, nsim = 100) )
 ##' ## to "look" at it
 ##' if(need.boot <- is.na(match("package:boot", search())))
 ##'   require("boot")## is a recommended package, i.e. *must* be there
 ##' boo01 # look at estimated bias for sig01 (-9.1, also when nsim = 1000)
 ##' ## ------ Bootstrap-based confidence intervals ------------
 ##' (bCI.1 <- boot.ci(boo01, index=1, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))# beta
 ##' ## Sigma - original scale, and interval calculation on log-scale:
 ##' (bCI.2  <- boot.ci(boo01, index=2, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))
 ##' (bCI.2l <- boot.ci(boo01, index=2, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc"),
 ##'                    h = log, hdot = function(.) 1/., hinv = exp))
 ##' (bCI.3 <- boot.ci(boo01, index=3, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))# sig01
-##' }
 ##' @export
-bootMer2 <- function(x, FUN, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, use.u = FALSE,
+bootMer <- function(x, FUN, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, use.u = FALSE,
 		    verbose = FALSE, control = list(),
-                    .progress="none", PBargs=list()) {
-  stopifnot((nsim <- as.integer(nsim[1])) > 0)
-  if (.progress!="none") {  ## progress bar
-    pbfun <- get(paste(.progress,"ProgressBar",sep=""))
-    setpbfun <- get(paste("set",.simpleCap(.progress),"ProgressBar",sep=""))
-    pb <- do.call(pbfun,PBargs)
-  }
+                    .progress="none", PBargs=list())
+    stopifnot((nsim <- as.integer(nsim[1])) > 0)
+    if (.progress!="none") { ## progress bar
+        pbfun <- get(paste(.progress,"ProgressBar",sep=""))
+        setpbfun <- get(paste("set",.simpleCap(.progress),"ProgressBar",sep=""))
+        pb <- do.call(pbfun,PBargs)
+    }
     FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
     type <- match.arg(type)
     if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
@@ -115,24 +114,24 @@
     ## FIXME: remove prefix when incorporated in package
     if (type=="parametric") {
-      ss <- simulate(x, nsim=nsim, use.u=use.u)
+        ss <- simulate(x, nsim=nsim, use.u=use.u)
     } else {
-      if (use.u) {
-        ## FIXME: does this work for GLMMs???
-        ss <- replicate(nsim,fitted(x)+sample(residuals(x,"response")),
-                        simplify=FALSE)
-      } else {
-        stop("not implemented")
-      }
+        if (use.u) {
+            ## FIXME: does this work for GLMMs???
+            ss <- replicate(nsim,fitted(x)+sample(residuals(x,"response")),
+                            simplify=FALSE)
+        } else {
+            stop("not implemented")
+        }
     t.star <- matrix(t0, nrow = length(t0), ncol = nsim)
     for(i in 1:nsim) {
-      if (.progress!="none") { setpbfun(pb,i/nsim) }
-      foo <- try(FUN(refit(x,ss[[i]])))
-      if(verbose) { cat(sprintf("%5d :",i)); str(foo) }
-      t.star[,i] <- if (inherits(foo, "error")) NA else foo
+        if (.progress!="none") { setpbfun(pb,i/nsim) }
+        foo <- try(FUN(refit(x,ss[[i]])))
+        if(verbose) { cat(sprintf("%5d :",i)); str(foo) }
+        t.star[,i] <- if (inherits(foo, "error")) NA else foo
-  if (.progress!="none") { close(pb) }
+    if (.progress!="none") { close(pb) }
     rownames(t.star) <- names(t0)
     ## boot() ends with the equivalent of
@@ -146,4 +145,4 @@
 		   ## these two are dummies
 		   ran.gen = "simulate(<lmerMod>, 1, *)", mle = mle),
 	      class = "boot")
-}## {bootMer}
+} ## {bootMer}

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R	2012-02-29 11:57:05 UTC (rev 1630)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R	2012-02-29 13:51:51 UTC (rev 1631)
@@ -611,171 +611,9 @@
 ##     }
 ## }
-### bootMer() --- <==>	(TODO: semi-*)parametric bootstrap
-### -------------------------------------------------------
-## Doc: show how  this is equivalent - but faster than
-##		boot(*, R = nsim, sim = "parametric", ran.gen = simulate(.,1,.), mle = x)
-## --> return a "boot" object -- so we could use boot.ci() etc
-## TODO: also allow "semi-parametric" model-based bootstrap:
-##    resampling the (centered!) residuals (for use.u=TRUE) or for use.u=FALSE,
-##    *both* the centered u's + centered residuals
-##    instead of using	rnorm()
+## bootMer() ---> now in ./bootMer.R
-##' Model-based (Semi-)Parametric Bootstrap for Mixed Models
-##' Perform model-based (Semi-)parametric bootstrap for mixed models.
-##' Currently, the semi-parametric variant is not yet implemented, and we only
-##' provide a method for \code{\linkS4class{merMod}} classes, i.e.,
-##' \code{\link{lmer}} results.
-##' The working name for bootMer() was \dQuote{simulestimate()}, as it is an
-##' extension of \code{\link{simulate}}, but we rather want to emphasize its
-##' potential for valid inference.
-##' In each of the \code{nsim} simulations --- that is what the
-##' \emph{parametric} bootstrap does, both \dQuote{\emph{spherized}} random
-##' effects \eqn{u} and the i.i.d errors \eqn{\epsilon} are generated, using
-##' \code{\link{rnorm}()} with parameters corresponding to the fitted model
-##' \code{x}.
-##' @param x fitted \code{*lmer()} model, see \code{\link{lmer}},
-##'     \code{\link{glmer}}, etc.
-##' @param FUN a \code{\link{function}(x)}, computating the \emph{statistic} of
-##'     interest, which must be a numeric vector, possibly named.
-##' @param nsim number of simulations, positive integer; the bootstrap \eqn{B}
-##'     (or \eqn{R}).
-##' @param seed optional argument to \code{\link{set.seed}}.
-##' @param use.u logical, indicating, if the spherized random effects should be
-##'     simulated / bootstrapped as well.  If \code{FALSE}, they are not changed,
-##'     and all inference is conditional on these.
-##' @param verbose logical indicating if progress should print output
-##' @param control an optional \code{\link{list}}, to be passed to the minimizer
-##'     (of the log-likelihood, or RE likelihood), which is currently set to
-##'     \code{\link[minqa]{bobyqa}} in package \pkg{minqa}.
-##' @return an object of S3 \code{\link{class}} \code{"boot"}, compatible with
-##'     \pkg{boot} package's \code{boot()} result.
-##' @seealso For inference, including confidence intervals,
-##'     \code{\link{profile-methods}}.
-##'     \code{\link[boot]{boot}()}, and then \code{\link[boot]{boot.ci}} from
-##'     package \pkg{boot}.
-##' @references Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) \emph{Bootstrap Methods
-##'     and Their Application}.  Cambridge University Press.
-##' @keywords models htest
-##' @examples
-##' fm01ML <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML = FALSE)
-##' ## see ?"profile-methods"
-##' mySumm <- function(.) { s <- sigma(.)
-##'     c(beta =getME(., "beta"), sigma = s, sig01 = s * getME(., "theta")) }
-##' (t0 <- mySumm(fm01ML)) # just three parameters
-##' \dontrun{%%--- fails for now --- FIXME
-##' ## 3.8s (on a 5600 MIPS 64bit fast(year 2009) desktop "AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925"):
-##' system.time( boo01 <- bootMer(fm01ML, mySumm, nsim = 100) )
-##' ## to "look" at it
-##' if(need.boot <- is.na(match("package:boot", search())))
-##'   require("boot")## is a recommended package, i.e. *must* be there
-##' boo01 # look at estimated bias for sig01 (-9.1, also when nsim = 1000)
-##' ## ------ Bootstrap-based confidence intervals ------------
-##' (bCI.1 <- boot.ci(boo01, index=1, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))# beta
-##' ## Sigma - original scale, and interval calculation on log-scale:
-##' (bCI.2  <- boot.ci(boo01, index=2, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))
-##' (bCI.2l <- boot.ci(boo01, index=2, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc"),
-##'                    h = log, hdot = function(.) 1/., hinv = exp))
-##' (bCI.3 <- boot.ci(boo01, index=3, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))# sig01
-##' }
-##' @export
-bootMer <- function(x, FUN, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, use.u = FALSE,
-		    verbose = FALSE, control = list()) {
-    stopifnot((nsim <- as.integer(nsim[1])) > 0,
-	      is(x, "merMod"), is(x at resp, "lmerResp"))
-    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
-    if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
-    else if(!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv))
-	runif(1) # initialize the RNG if necessary
-    mc <- match.call()
-    t0 <- FUN(x)
-    if (!is.numeric(t0))
-	stop("bootMer currently only handles functions that return numeric vectors")
-    ## simplistic approach {original for old-lme4 by DB was much smarter}
-    n <- nrow(X <- getME(x, "X"))
-    if(use.u) {
-	u <- getME(x,"u")
-    } else {
-	U <- getME(x,"Z") %*% getME(x, "Lambda")
-	q <- ncol(U)
-    }
-    ##    Zt <- x at Z
-    beta <- getME(x, "beta")
-    X.beta <- as.vector(X %*% beta) # fixed-effect contribution
-    sigm.x <- sigma(x)
-    ## Here, and below ("optimize"/"bobyqa") using the "logic" of lmer() itself:
-    ## lmer..Update <- if(is(x, "lmerSp")) lmerSpUpdate else lmerDeUpdate
-    ##    devfun <- mkdevfun(x)
-    ##    oneD <- length(x at re@theta) < 2
-    theta0 <- getME(x,"theta")
-    ## just for the "boot" result -- TODOmaybe drop
-    mle <- list(beta = beta, theta = theta0, sigma = sigm.x)
-    t.star <- matrix(t0, nrow = length(t0), ncol = nsim)
-    ## resp <- x at resp
-    for(i in 1:nsim) {
-	y <- {
-	    X.beta + sigm.x *
-		((if(use.u) u else as.vector(U %*% rnorm(q))) + rnorm(n))
-	    ##	    random effects  contribution	    +	  Error
-	}
-	x @ resp <- new(Class=class(resp), REML=resp$REML, y=y, offset=resp$offset, weights=resp$weights)
-        rho <- new.env(parent=parent.env(environment()))
-        rho$pp <- x at pp
-        rho$resp <- x @ resp ## FIXME: ???
-	## if (oneD) { # use optimize
-	##     d0 <- devfun(0)
-	##     opt <- optimize(devfun, c(0, 10))
-	##     ##		       -------- <<< arbitrary
-	##     ## FIXME ?! if optimal theta > 0, optimize will *not* warn!
-	##     if (d0 <= opt$objective) ## prefer theta == 0 when close
-	##	   devfun(0) # -> theta	 := 0  and update the rest
-	## } else {
-        devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, 0L)
-	opt <- bobyqa(theta0, devfun, x at lower, control = control)
-        xx <- mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, vals$reTrms, x at frame, mc)
-        ## xx <- updateMod(x, opt$par, opt$fval)
-        ## FIXME: also here, prefer \hat\sigma^2 == 0 (exactly)
-        ##	  }
-	foo <- tryCatch(FUN(xx), error = function(e)e)
-	if(verbose) { cat(sprintf("%5d :",i)); str(foo) }
-	t.star[,i] <- if (inherits(foo, "error")) NA else foo
-    }
-    rownames(t.star) <- names(t0)
-    ## boot() ends with the equivalent of
-    ## structure(list(t0 = t0, t = t.star, R = R, data = data, seed = seed,
-    ##		      statistic = statistic, sim = sim, call = call,
-    ##		      ran.gen = ran.gen, mle = mle),
-    ##		 class = "boot")
-    structure(list(t0 = t0, t = t(t.star), R = nsim, data = x at frame,
-		   seed = .Random.seed,
-		   statistic = FUN, sim = "parametric", call = mc,
-		   ## these two are dummies
-		   ran.gen = "simulate(<lmerMod>, 1, *)", mle = mle),
-	      class = "boot")
-}## {bootMer}
 ## Methods for the merMod class
 ## Anova for merMod objects

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/bootMer.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/bootMer.Rd	2012-02-29 11:57:05 UTC (rev 1630)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/bootMer.Rd	2012-02-29 13:51:51 UTC (rev 1631)
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
 \title{Model-based (Semi-)Parametric Bootstrap for Mixed Models}
   bootMer(x, FUN, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, use.u = FALSE,
-    verbose = FALSE, control = list())
+    type = c("parametric", "semiparametric"),
+    verbose = FALSE, control = list(), .progress = "none",
+    PBargs = list())
   \item{x}{fitted \code{*lmer()} model, see
@@ -23,13 +25,23 @@
   \code{FALSE}, they are not changed, and all inference is
   conditional on these.}
+  \item{type}{character string specifying the type of
+  bootstrap, \code{"parametric"} or
+  \code{"semiparametric"}.  Default is \code{"parametric"}.
+  Partial matching is allowed.}
   \item{verbose}{logical indicating if progress should
   print output}
   \item{control}{an optional \code{\link{list}}, to be
   passed to the minimizer (of the log-likelihood, or RE
-  likelihood), which is currently set to
-  \code{\link[minqa]{bobyqa}} in package \pkg{minqa}.}
+  likelihood).}
+  \item{.progress}{character string - type of progress bar
+  to display.  Default is \code{"none"}.}
+  \item{PBargs}{a list of additional arguments to the
+  progress bar function.}
   an object of S3 \code{\link{class}} \code{"boot"},
@@ -41,10 +53,9 @@
-  Currently, the semi-parametric variant is not yet
-  implemented, and we only provide a method for
-  \code{\linkS4class{merMod}} classes, i.e.,
-  \code{\link{lmer}} results.
+  The semi-parametric variant is not yet implemented, and
+  we only provide a method for \code{\link{lmer}} and
+  \code{\link{glmer}} results.
   The working name for bootMer() was
   \dQuote{simulestimate()}, as it is an extension of
@@ -65,8 +76,6 @@
     c(beta =getME(., "beta"), sigma = s, sig01 = s * getME(., "theta")) }
 (t0 <- mySumm(fm01ML)) # just three parameters
-\dontrun{\%\%--- fails for now --- FIXME
 ## 3.8s (on a 5600 MIPS 64bit fast(year 2009) desktop "AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925"):
 system.time( boo01 <- bootMer(fm01ML, mySumm, nsim = 100) )
@@ -85,8 +94,8 @@
                    h = log, hdot = function(.) 1/., hinv = exp))
 (bCI.3 <- boot.ci(boo01, index=3, type=c("norm", "basic", "perc")))# sig01
   Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) \emph{Bootstrap
   Methods and Their Application}.  Cambridge University
@@ -101,4 +110,3 @@

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