[Lme4-commits] r1584 - in pkg/lme4Eigen: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Feb 9 19:39:11 CET 2012

Author: dmbates
Date: 2012-02-09 19:39:11 +0100 (Thu, 09 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 1584

Update documentation and exports

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lme4Eigen-package.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lme4Eigen-package.R	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lme4Eigen-package.R	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -87,18 +87,14 @@
 ##' ## response as a matrix
 ##' (m1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
 ##'              cbpp, binomial, nAGQ=25L))
-##' dput(unname(fixef(m1)))
-##' dput(unname(ranef(m1, drop=TRUE)[[1]]))
 ##' ## response as a vector of probabilities and usage of argument "weights"
 ##' m1p <- glmer(incidence / size ~ period + (1 | herd), weights = size,
 ##'              cbpp, binomial, nAGQ=25L)
-##' dput(unname(fixef(m1p)))
-##' dput(unname(ranef(m1p, drop=TRUE)[[1]]))
 ##' ## Confirm that these are equivalent:
 ##' stopifnot(all.equal(fixef(m1), fixef(m1p), tol = 1e-5),
 ##'           all.equal(ranef(m1), ranef(m1p), tol = 1e-5),
 ##'           TRUE)
+##' ## Can this section be moved to a test file?  I don't think it belongs in an example. DB
 ##' for(m in c(m1, m1p)) {
 ##'     cat("-------\n\nCall: ",
 ##'         paste(format(getCall(m)), collapse="\n"), "\n")

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -624,31 +624,30 @@
 ##' \code{x}.
 ##' @param x fitted \code{*lmer()} model, see \code{\link{lmer}},
-##' \code{\link{glmer}}, etc.
+##'     \code{\link{glmer}}, etc.
 ##' @param FUN a \code{\link{function}(x)}, computating the \emph{statistic} of
-##' interest, which must be a numeric vector, possibly named.
+##'     interest, which must be a numeric vector, possibly named.
 ##' @param nsim number of simulations, positive integer; the bootstrap \eqn{B}
-##' (or \eqn{R}).
+##'     (or \eqn{R}).
 ##' @param seed optional argument to \code{\link{set.seed}}.
 ##' @param use.u logical, indicating, if the spherized random effects should be
-##' simulated / bootstrapped as well.  If \code{FALSE}, they are not changed,
-##' and all inference is conditional on these.
+##'     simulated / bootstrapped as well.  If \code{FALSE}, they are not changed,
+##'     and all inference is conditional on these.
 ##' @param verbose logical indicating if progress should print output
 ##' @param control an optional \code{\link{list}}, to be passed to the minimizer
-##' (of the log-likelihood, or RE likelihood), which is currently set to
-##' \code{\link[minqa]{bobyqa}} in package \pkg{minqa}.
+##'     (of the log-likelihood, or RE likelihood), which is currently set to
+##'     \code{\link[minqa]{bobyqa}} in package \pkg{minqa}.
 ##' @return an object of S3 \code{\link{class}} \code{"boot"}, compatible with
-##' \pkg{boot} package's \code{boot()} result.
+##'     \pkg{boot} package's \code{boot()} result.
 ##' @seealso For inference, including confidence intervals,
-##' \code{\link{profile-methods}}.
+##'     \code{\link{profile-methods}}.
-##' \code{\link[boot]{boot}()}, and then \code{\link[boot]{boot.ci}} from
-##' package \pkg{boot}.
+##'     \code{\link[boot]{boot}()}, and then \code{\link[boot]{boot.ci}} from
+##'     package \pkg{boot}.
 ##' @references Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) \emph{Bootstrap Methods
-##' and Their Application}.  Cambridge University Press.
+##'     and Their Application}.  Cambridge University Press.
 ##' @keywords models htest
 ##' @examples
 ##' fm01ML <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML = FALSE)
 ##' ## see ?"profile-methods"
 ##' mySumm <- function(.) { s <- sigma(.)
@@ -678,8 +677,7 @@
 ##' }
 ##' @export
 bootMer <- function(x, FUN, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, use.u = FALSE,
-		    verbose = FALSE, control = list())
+		    verbose = FALSE, control = list()) {
     stopifnot((nsim <- as.integer(nsim[1])) > 0,
 	      is(x, "merMod"), is(x at resp, "lmerResp"))
     FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
@@ -708,9 +706,9 @@
     sigm.x <- sigma(x)
     ## Here, and below ("optimize"/"bobyqa") using the "logic" of lmer() itself:
-## lmer..Update <- if(is(x, "lmerSp")) lmerSpUpdate else lmerDeUpdate
-#    devfun <- mkdevfun(x)
-##    oneD <- length(x at re@theta) < 2
+    ## lmer..Update <- if(is(x, "lmerSp")) lmerSpUpdate else lmerDeUpdate
+    ##    devfun <- mkdevfun(x)
+    ##    oneD <- length(x at re@theta) < 2
     theta0 <- getME(x,"theta")
     ## just for the "boot" result -- TODOmaybe drop
     mle <- list(beta = beta, theta = theta0, sigma = sigm.x)
@@ -734,16 +732,16 @@
 	##	   devfun(0) # -> theta	 := 0  and update the rest
 	## } else {
 	opt <- bobyqa(theta0, mkdevfun(resp, x at pp), x at lower, control = control)
-##	  xx <- updateMod(x, opt$par, opt$fval)
-	    ## FIXME: also here, prefer \hat\sigma^2 == 0 (exactly)
-##	  }
+        ##	  xx <- updateMod(x, opt$par, opt$fval)
+        ## FIXME: also here, prefer \hat\sigma^2 == 0 (exactly)
+        ##	  }
 	foo <- tryCatch(FUN(xx), error = function(e)e)
 	if(verbose) { cat(sprintf("%5d :",i)); str(foo) }
 	t.star[,i] <- if (inherits(foo, "error")) NA else foo
     rownames(t.star) <- names(t0)
-## boot() ends with the equivalent of
+    ## boot() ends with the equivalent of
     ## structure(list(t0 = t0, t = t.star, R = R, data = data, seed = seed,
     ##		      statistic = statistic, sim = sim, call = call,
     ##		      ran.gen = ran.gen, mle = mle),
@@ -1261,9 +1259,17 @@
 ##' @importFrom stats simulate
-##' @S3method simulate merMod
-##' @aliases simulate.merMod
-##' @param use.u (logical) generate new random-effects values (FALSE) or generate a simulation condition on the current random-effects estimates (TRUE)?
+##' Simulate responses from the model represented by a fitted model object
+##' @title Simulate responses from a \code{\linkS4class{merMod}} object
+##' @param object a fitted model object
+##' @param nsim positive integer scalar - the number of responses to simulate
+##' @param seed an optional seed to be used in \code{set.seed} immediately
+##'     before the simulation so as to to generate a reproducible sample.
+##' @param use.u (logical) generate new random-effects values (FALSE) or
+##'     generate a simulation condition on the current random-effects estimates (TRUE)?
+##' @param ... optional additional arguments, none are used at present
 ##' @examples
 ##' ## test whether fitted models are consistent with the
 ##' ##  observed number of zeros in CBPP data set:
@@ -1273,7 +1279,8 @@
 ##' zeros <- sapply(gg,function(x) sum(x[,"incidence"]==0))
 ##' plot(table(zeros))
 ##' abline(v=sum(cbpp$incidence==0),col=2)
+##' @method simulate merMod
+##' @export
 simulate.merMod <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, use.u = FALSE, ...) {
     stopifnot((nsim <- as.integer(nsim[1])) > 0,
 	      is(object, "merMod"))
@@ -1718,6 +1725,7 @@
 ## FIXME: should ... go to formatVC or to print ... ?
+##' @S3method print VarCorr.merMod
 print.VarCorr.merMod <- function(x,digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), ...) {
   print(formatVC(x, digits = digits, useScale = attr(x,"useSc"),  ...),quote=FALSE)

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/predict.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/predict.R	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/predict.R	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -1,77 +1,97 @@
+##' \code{\link{predict}} method for \code{\linkS4class{merMod}} objects
+##' @title Predictions from a model at new data values
+##' @param object a fitted model object
 ##' @param newdata data frame for which to evaluate predictions
-##' @param REform formula for random effects to include.  If NULL, include all random effects; if NA, include no random effects
-##' @param allow.new.levels (logical) if FALSE, then any new levels detected in \code{newdata} will trigger an error; if TRUE, then the prediction will use the unconditional (population-level) values for data with previously unobserved levels
+##' @param REform formula for random effects to include.  If NULL,
+##'    include all random effects; if NA, include no random effects
+##' @param terms a \code{\link{terms}} object - not used at present
+##' @param type character string - either \code{"link"}, the default,
+##'    or \code{"response"} indicating the type of prediction object returned.
+##' @param allow.new.levels (logical) if FALSE, then any new levels
+##'    detected in \code{newdata} will trigger an error; if TRUE, then
+##'    the prediction will use the unconditional (population-level)
+##'    values for data with previously unobserved levels
+##' @param ... optional additional parameters.  None are used at present.
+##' @return a numeric vector of predicted values
 ##' @note explain why there is no option for computing standard errors of predictions!
 ##' @note offsets not yet handled
-## FIXME: take some of the stuff from tests/predict.R and incorporate it as examples
+##' @examples
+##' (gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 |herd), cbpp, binomial))
+##' str(p0 <- predict(gm1))            # fitted values
+##' str(p1 <- predict(gm1,REform=NA))  # fitted values, unconditional (level-0)
+##' newdata <- with(cbpp, expand.grid(period=unique(period), herd=unique(herd)))
+##' str(p2 <- predict(gm1,newdata))    # new data, all RE
+##' str(p3 <- predict(gm1,newdata,REform=NA)) # new data, level-0
+##' str(p4 <- predict(gm1,newdata,REform=~(1|herd))) # explicitly specify RE
+##' @method predict merMod
+##' @export
 predict.merMod <- function(object, newdata=NULL, REform=NULL,
                            terms=NULL, type=c("link","response"),
                            allow.new.levels=FALSE, ...) {
-  ## FIXME: appropriate names for result vector?
-  if (any(getME(object,"offset")!=0)) stop("offsets not handled yet")  ## FIXME
-  type <- match.arg(type)
-  if (!is.null(terms)) stop("terms functionality for predict not yet implemented")
-  X_orig <- getME(object, "X")
-  ## FIXME/WARNING: how do we do this in an eval-safe way???
-  form_orig <- eval(object at call$formula,parent.frame())
-  if (is.null(newdata) && is.null(REform)) {
-    if (is(object at resp,"lmerResp")) return(fitted(object))
-    return(switch(type,response=object at resp$mu, ## fitted(object),
-                  link=object at resp$eta))  ## fixme: getME() ?
- } else {
-    if (is.null(newdata)) {
-      X <- X_orig
+    ## FIXME: appropriate names for result vector?
+    if (any(getME(object,"offset")!=0)) stop("offsets not handled yet")  ## FIXME
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    if (!is.null(terms)) stop("terms functionality for predict not yet implemented")
+    X_orig <- getME(object, "X")
+    ## FIXME/WARNING: how do we do this in an eval-safe way???
+    form_orig <- eval(object at call$formula,parent.frame())
+    if (is.null(newdata) && is.null(REform)) {
+        if (is(object at resp,"lmerResp")) return(fitted(object))
+        return(switch(type,response=object at resp$mu, ## fitted(object),
+                      link=object at resp$eta))  ## fixme: getME() ?
     } else {
-      form <- form_orig
-      form[[3]] <- if(is.null(nb <- nobars(form[[3]]))) 1 else nb
-      RHS <- form[-2]
-      X <- model.matrix(RHS, newdata, contrasts.arg=attr(X_orig,"contrasts"))
+        if (is.null(newdata)) {
+            X <- X_orig
+        } else {
+            form <- form_orig
+            form[[3]] <- if(is.null(nb <- nobars(form[[3]]))) 1 else nb
+            RHS <- form[-2]
+            X <- model.matrix(RHS, newdata, contrasts.arg=attr(X_orig,"contrasts"))
+        }
+        pred <- drop(X %*% fixef(object))
+        if (is.null(REform)) {
+            REform <- form_orig[-2]
+        }
+        ## FIXME: ??? can't apply is.na() to a 'language' object?
+        ##  what's the appropriate test?
+        if (is.language(REform)) {
+            re <- ranef(object)
+            ## 
+            ReTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(REform[[2]]),newdata)
+            new_levels <- lapply(newdata[unique(sort(names(ReTrms$cnms)))],levels)
+            re_x <- mapply(function(x,n) {
+                if (any(!new_levels[[n]] %in% rownames(x))) {
+                    if (!allow.new.levels) stop("new levels detected in newdata")
+                    ## create an all-zero data frame corresponding to the new set of levels ...
+                    newx <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(new_levels[[n]]),ncol=ncol(x),
+                                                 dimnames=list(new_levels[[n]],names(x))))
+                    ## then paste in the matching RE values from the original fit/set of levels
+                    newx[rownames(x),] <- x
+                    x <- newx
+                }
+                x
+            },
+                           re,names(re),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
+            ## separate random effects from orig model into individual columns
+            re_List <- do.call(c,lapply(re_x,as.list))
+            re_names <- names(re_List)
+            z_names <- mapply(paste,names(ReTrms$cnms),ReTrms$cnms,MoreArgs=list(sep="."))
+            ## pick out random effects values that correspond to
+            ##  random effects incorporated in REform ...
+            ## FIXME: more tests for possible things going wrong here?
+            m <- match(z_names,re_names)
+            if (any(is.na(m)))
+                stop("random effects specified in REform that were not present in original model")
+            re_new <- unlist(re_List[m])
+            pred <- pred + drop(as.matrix(re_new %*% ReTrms$Zt))
+        } ## REform provided
+    } ## predictions with new data or new REform
+    ## FIXME: would like to have an isGLMM() accessor for merMod objects?
+    if (is(object at resp,"glmResp") && type=="response") {
+        pred <- object at resp$family$linkinv(pred)
-    pred <- drop(X %*% fixef(object))
-    if (is.null(REform)) {
-      REform <- form_orig[-2]
-    }
-    ## FIXME: ??? can't apply is.na() to a 'language' object?
-    ##  what's the appropriate test?
-    if (is.language(REform)) {
-      re <- ranef(object)
-      ## 
-      ReTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(REform[[2]]),newdata)
-      new_levels <- lapply(newdata[unique(sort(names(ReTrms$cnms)))],levels)
-      re_x <- mapply(function(x,n) {
-        if (any(!new_levels[[n]] %in% rownames(x))) {
-          if (!allow.new.levels) stop("new levels detected in newdata")
-          ## create an all-zero data frame corresponding to the new set of levels ...
-          newx <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(new_levels[[n]]),ncol=ncol(x),
-                                       dimnames=list(new_levels[[n]],names(x))))
-          ## then paste in the matching RE values from the original fit/set of levels
-          newx[rownames(x),] <- x
-          x <- newx
-        }
-        x
-      },
-                     re,names(re),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
-      ## separate random effects from orig model into individual columns
-      re_List <- do.call(c,lapply(re_x,as.list))
-      re_names <- names(re_List)
-      z_names <- mapply(paste,names(ReTrms$cnms),ReTrms$cnms,MoreArgs=list(sep="."))
-      ## pick out random effects values that correspond to
-      ##  random effects incorporated in REform ...
-      ## FIXME: more tests for possible things going wrong here?
-      m <- match(z_names,re_names)
-      if (any(is.na(m)))
-        stop("random effects specified in REform that were not present in original model")
-      re_new <- unlist(re_List[m])
-      pred <- pred + drop(as.matrix(re_new %*% ReTrms$Zt))
-    } ## REform provided
-  } ## predictions with new data or new REform
-  ## FIXME: would like to have an isGLMM() accessor for merMod objects?
-  if (is(object at resp,"glmResp") && type=="response") {
-    pred <- object at resp$family$linkinv(pred)
-  }
-  return(pred)
+    return(pred)

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/utilities.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/utilities.R	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/utilities.R	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@
 ##' From the right hand side of a formula for a mixed-effects model,
 ##' determine the pairs of expressions that are separated by the
-##' vertical bar operator.
+##' vertical bar operator.  Also expand the slash operator in grouping
+##' factor expressions.
 ##' @title Determine random-effects expressions from a formula
 ##' @seealso \code{\link{formula}}, \code{\link{model.frame}}, \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
@@ -203,6 +204,8 @@
 ##' ## => list( Days | Subject )
 ##' findbars(y ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject))
 ##' ## => list of length 2:  list ( 1 | Subject ,  0+Days|Subject)
+##' findbars(~ 1 + (1|batch/cask))
+##' ## => list of length 2:  list ( 1 | cask:batch ,  1 | batch)
 ##' \dontshow{
 ##' stopifnot(identical(findbars(f1),
 ##'                     list(expression(Days | Subject)[[1]])))

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/Nelder_Mead.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/Nelder_Mead.Rd	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/Nelder_Mead.Rd	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
   a list with 4 components \item{fval}{numeric scalar - the
-  minimum function value achieved} \item{pars}{numeric
+  minimum function value achieved} \item{par}{numeric
   vector - the value of \code{x} providing the minimum}
-  \item{code}{integer scalar - convergence code}
+  \item{ierr}{integer scalar - error code}
   \item{control}{list - the list of control settings after
   substituting for defaults}

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/VarCorr.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/VarCorr.Rd	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/VarCorr.Rd	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -18,17 +18,14 @@
   Default is \code{3}.}
-  a matrix with the estimated variances, standard
-  deviations, and correlations for the random effects.  The
-  first two columns, named \code{Variance} and
-  \code{StdDev}, give, respectively, the variance and the
-  standard deviations.  If there are correlation components
-  in the random effects model, the third column, named
-  \code{Corr}, and the remaining unnamed columns give the
-  estimated correlations among random effects within the
-  same level of grouping.  The within-group error variance
-  and standard deviation are included as the last row in
-  the matrix.
+  a list of matrices, one for each random effects grouping
+  term. For each grouping term, the standard deviations and
+  correlation matrices for each grouping term are stored as
+  attributes \code{"stddev"} and \code{"correlation"},
+  respectively, of the variance-covariance matrix, and the
+  residual standard deviation is stored as attribute
+  \code{"sc"} (for \code{glmer} fits, this attribute stores
+  the scale parameter of the model).
   This function calculates the estimated variances,

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/cbpp.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/cbpp.Rd	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/cbpp.Rd	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -40,18 +40,14 @@
 ## response as a matrix
 (m1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
              cbpp, binomial, nAGQ=25L))
-dput(unname(ranef(m1, drop=TRUE)[[1]]))
 ## response as a vector of probabilities and usage of argument "weights"
 m1p <- glmer(incidence / size ~ period + (1 | herd), weights = size,
              cbpp, binomial, nAGQ=25L)
-dput(unname(ranef(m1p, drop=TRUE)[[1]]))
 ## Confirm that these are equivalent:
 stopifnot(all.equal(fixef(m1), fixef(m1p), tol = 1e-5),
           all.equal(ranef(m1), ranef(m1p), tol = 1e-5),
+## Can this section be moved to a test file?  I don't think it belongs in an example. DB
 for(m in c(m1, m1p)) {
     cat("-------\\n\\nCall: ",
         paste(format(getCall(m)), collapse="\\n"), "\\n")

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/findbars.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/findbars.Rd	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/findbars.Rd	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
   From the right hand side of a formula for a mixed-effects
   model, determine the pairs of expressions that are
-  separated by the vertical bar operator.
+  separated by the vertical bar operator.  Also expand the
+  slash operator in grouping factor expressions.
   This function is called recursively on individual terms
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@
 ## => list( Days | Subject )
 findbars(y ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject))
 ## => list of length 2:  list ( 1 | Subject ,  0+Days|Subject)
+findbars(~ 1 + (1|batch/cask))
+## => list of length 2:  list ( 1 | cask:batch ,  1 | batch)
                     list(expression(Days | Subject)[[1]])))

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/man/getME.Rd
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/man/getME.Rd	2012-02-08 22:40:20 UTC (rev 1583)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/man/getME.Rd	2012-02-09 18:39:11 UTC (rev 1584)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \title{Extract or Get Generalize Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model}
-    name = c("X", "Z", "Zt", "u", "Gp", "L", "Lambda", "Lambdat", "Lind", "RX", "RZX", "beta", "theta", "REML", "n_rtrms", "is_REML", "devcomp"))
+    name = c("X", "Z", "Zt", "u", "Gp", "L", "Lambda", "Lambdat", "Lind", "RX", "RZX", "beta", "theta", "REML", "n_rtrms", "is_REML", "devcomp", "offset"))
   \item{object}{a fitted mixed-effects model of class
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
   \item{is_REML}{same as the result of
   \code{\link{isREML}}} \item{devcomp}{a list consisting of
   a named numeric vector, \dQuote{cmp}, and a named integer
-  vector, \dQuote{dims}, describing the fitted model} }}
+  vector, \dQuote{dims}, describing the fitted model}
+  \item{offset}{model offset} }}
   Unspecified, as very much depending on the

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