[Lme4-commits] r1582 - in pkg/lme4Eigen: R src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 8 22:21:16 CET 2012

Author: dmbates
Date: 2012-02-08 22:21:15 +0100 (Wed, 08 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 1582

Add the aic method for the glmFamily and glmResp classes.  Still need to incorporate it in the evaluation of the deviance of the fitted model.

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R	2012-02-08 20:27:07 UTC (rev 1581)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R	2012-02-08 21:21:15 UTC (rev 1582)
@@ -462,6 +462,9 @@
                          n <<- if (!is.null(ll$n)) as.numeric(ll$n) else rep.int(1,length(y))
                          eta <<- numeric(length(y))
+                     aic          = function() {
+                         .Call(glm_aic, ptr())
+                     },
                      allInfo = function() {
                          'return all the information available on the object'

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/external.cpp
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/external.cpp	2012-02-08 20:27:07 UTC (rev 1581)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/external.cpp	2012-02-08 21:21:15 UTC (rev 1582)
@@ -78,6 +78,12 @@
+    SEXP glm_aic(SEXP ptr_) {
+	return ::Rf_ScalarReal(XPtr<glmResp>(ptr_)->aic());
+    }
     SEXP glm_setN(SEXP ptr_, SEXP n) {
@@ -341,6 +347,7 @@
     void nstepFac(nlsResp *rp, merPredD *pp, int verb) {
 	double prss0(pwrss(rp, pp, 0.));
@@ -816,15 +823,16 @@
     CALLDEF(glm_setN, 2),	// setters
-    CALLDEF(glm_devResid, 1),	// getters
-    CALLDEF(glm_family, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_link, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_muEta, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_resDev, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_sqrtWrkWt, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_variance, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_wrkResids, 1),
-    CALLDEF(glm_wrkResp, 1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_aic,            1), // getters
+    CALLDEF(glm_devResid,       1),	
+    CALLDEF(glm_family,         1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_link,           1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_muEta,          1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_resDev,         1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_sqrtWrkWt,      1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_variance,       1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_wrkResids,      1),
+    CALLDEF(glm_wrkResp,        1),
     CALLDEF(glm_Laplace,        4), // methods
     CALLDEF(glm_updateMu,       2),

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/glmFamily.cpp
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/glmFamily.cpp	2012-02-08 20:27:07 UTC (rev 1581)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/glmFamily.cpp	2012-02-08 21:21:15 UTC (rev 1582)
@@ -1,25 +1,146 @@
 #include "glmFamily.h"
-#include <limits>
+#include <Rmath.h>
+#include <cmath>
 using namespace Rcpp;
 using namespace std;
 namespace glm {
-    // Establish the values for the class constants
-    double glmFamily::epsilon = numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
+    /** 
+     * Utility to evaluate y * log(y/mu) with correct limit at y = 0
+     * 
+     * @param y numerator of log argument, if non-zero
+     * @param mu denominator of log argument
+     * 
+     * @return y * log(y/mu) with correct limit at at y = 0
+     */
+    static inline double y_log_y(const double& y, const double& mu) {
+	return y ? y * std::log(y/mu) : 0;
+    }
+    /** Cumulative probability function of the complement of the Gumbel distribution
+     * 
+     * (i.e. pgumbel(q,0.,1.,0) == 1-pgumbel2(-q,0.,1.,0))
+     * 
+     * @param q the quantile at which to evaluate the cumulative probability
+     * @param loc location parameter
+     * @param scale scale parameter
+     * @param lower_tail when zero evaluate the complement of the cdf
+     * 
+     * @return Cumulative probability value or its complement, according to the value of lower_tail
+     */
+    static inline double	
+    pgumbel2(const double& q, const double& loc, const double& scale, int lower_tail) {
+	double qq = (q - loc) / scale;
+	qq = -std::exp(qq);
+	return lower_tail ? -expm1(qq) : std::exp(qq);
+    }
+    /** 
+     * density of the complement of the Gumbel distribution
+     * 
+     * @param x numeric argument
+     * @param loc location parameter
+     * @param scale scale parameter
+     * @param give_log should the logarithm of the density be returned
+     * 
+     * @return density or its logarithm, according to the value of give_log
+     */    
+    static inline double
+    dgumbel2(const double& x, const double& loc, const double& scale, int give_log) {
+	double xx = (x - loc) / scale;
+	xx = xx - std::exp(xx) - std::log(scale);
+	return give_log ? xx : std::exp(xx);
+    }
+    template<typename Scalar>
+    struct Round {
+	const Scalar operator()(const Scalar& x) const {return nearbyint(x);}
+    };
+    //@{  Scalar functions for components
+    static inline double          cubef(const double& x) {return x * x * x;}
+    static inline double           expf(const double& x) {return std::exp(x);}
+    static inline double         identf(const double& x) {return x;}
+    static inline double      invderivf(const double& x) {return -1./(x * x);}
+    static inline double       inversef(const double& x) {return 1./x;}
+    static inline double           logf(const double& x) {return std::log(x);}
+    static inline double           onef(const double& x) {return 1.;}
+    static inline double           sqrf(const double& x) {return x * x;}
+    static inline double          sqrtf(const double& x) {return std::sqrt(x);}
+    static inline double          twoxf(const double& x) {return 2. * x;}
+    static inline double          x1mxf(const double& x) {return std::max(epsilon, x*(1 - x));}
+    static inline double   logitLinkInv(const double& x) {return ::Rf_plogis(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
+    static inline double      logitLink(const double& x) {return ::Rf_qlogis(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
+    static inline double     logitMuEta(const double& x) {return ::Rf_dlogis(x, 0., 1., 0);}
+    static inline double  probitLinkInv(const double& x) {return ::Rf_pnorm5(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
+    static inline double     probitLink(const double& x) {return ::Rf_qnorm5(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
+    static inline double    probitMuEta(const double& x) {return ::Rf_dnorm4(x, 0., 1., 0);}
+    static inline double cloglogLinkInv(const double& x) {return pgumbel2(x, 0., 1., 1);}
+    //@}
-    // initialize the function maps (i.e. associative arrays of functions)
-    drmap  glmFamily::devRes = drmap();
-    aicmap glmFamily::aics = aicmap();
+    static inline double   cloglogMuEta(const double& x) {return dgumbel2(x, 0., 1., 0);}
+    //@{ deviance residuals functions
+    static inline double
+    BinomialDevRes(const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
+	return 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) + y_log_y(1 - y, 1 - mu));
+    }
+    static inline double logYMu(const double& y, const double& mu) {
+	return y ? std::log(y/mu) : 0;
+    }
+    static inline double
+    GammaDevRes   (const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
+	return -2 * wt * (logYMu(y, mu) - (y - mu)/mu);
+    }
+    static inline double
+    GaussianDevRes(const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
+	double res = y - mu;
+	return wt * res * res;
+    }
+    static inline double
+    PoissonDevRes (const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
+	return 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) - (y - mu));
+    }
+    //@}
+    //@{  AIC functions (which actually return the deviance, go figure)
+    static inline double
+    BinomialAIC   (const VectorXd& y, const VectorXd& n, const VectorXd& mu,
+		   const VectorXd& wt, double dev) {
+	Eigen::ArrayXd m((n.array() > 1).any() ? n : wt);
+	Eigen::ArrayXd yy((m * y.array()).unaryExpr(Round<double>()));
+	m = m.unaryExpr(Round<double>());
+	double ans(0.);
+	for (int i=0; i < mu.size(); ++i)
+	    ans += (m[i] <= 0. ? 0. : (wt[i]/m[i]) * ::Rf_dbinom(yy[i], m[i], mu[i], true));
+	return (-2. * ans);
+    }
-    fmap   glmFamily::linvs = fmap();
-    fmap   glmFamily::lnks = fmap();
-    fmap   glmFamily::muEtas = fmap();
+    static inline double
+    PoissonAIC    (const VectorXd& y, const VectorXd& n, const VectorXd& mu,
+		   const VectorXd& wt, double dev) {
+	double ans(0.);
+	for (int i=0; i < mu.size(); ++i) ans += ::Rf_dpois(y[i], mu[i], true) * wt[i];
+	return (-2. * ans);
+    }
+    //@}
+    // initialize the function maps (i.e. associative arrays of
+    // functions).  Needed because these are static maps.
+    drmap  glmFamily::devRes   = drmap();
+    aicmap glmFamily::aics     = aicmap();
+    fmap   glmFamily::linvs    = fmap();
+    fmap   glmFamily::lnks     = fmap();
+    fmap   glmFamily::muEtas   = fmap();
     fmap   glmFamily::varFuncs = fmap();
+    /** 
+     * Initialize the static maps.  The identity link is guaranteed to be initialized if
+     * any of the maps are initialized.  FIXME: Should probably check the size of the map instead?
+     * 
+     */
     void glmFamily::initMaps() {
-	// initialize the static maps.  The identity link is
-	// guaranteed to be initialized if any maps are initialized
 	    lnks["log"]                  = &logf;
 	    muEtas["log"] = linvs["log"] = &expf;
@@ -50,6 +171,7 @@
 	    devRes["Gamma"]              = &GammaDevRes;
 	    varFuncs["Gamma"]            = &sqrf;   // x^2
+	    aics["binomial"]             = &BinomialAIC;
 	    devRes["binomial"]           = &BinomialDevRes;
 	    varFuncs["binomial"]         = &x1mxf;  // x * (1 - x)
@@ -58,6 +180,7 @@
 	    varFuncs["inverse.gaussian"] = &cubef;  // x^3
+	    aics["poisson"]              = &PoissonAIC;
 	    devRes["poisson"]            = &PoissonDevRes;
 	    varFuncs["poisson"]          = &identf; // x

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/glmFamily.h
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/glmFamily.h	2012-02-08 20:27:07 UTC (rev 1581)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/glmFamily.h	2012-02-08 21:21:15 UTC (rev 1582)
@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
-#include <Rmath.h>
 #include <RcppEigen.h>
-#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
 namespace glm {
     using Eigen::VectorXd;
@@ -16,6 +14,12 @@
 					    const VectorXd&,double)> aicmap;
     class glmFamily {
+    public:
+    typedef std::map<std::string, double(*)(const double&)> fmap; /**< associative array of functions returning double from a double */
+    typedef std::map<std::string, double(*)(const double&,const double&,const double&)> drmap; /**< associative array of deviance residual functions */
+    typedef std::map<std::string, double(*)(const VectorXd&,const VectorXd&,const VectorXd&,
+					    const VectorXd&,double)> aicmap;
 	Rcpp::List     lst;		 /**< original list from R */
 	std::string    d_family, d_link; /**< as in the R glm family */
@@ -52,114 +56,10 @@
 	static drmap devRes;	/**< scalar deviance residuals functions */
 	static aicmap aics;	/**< scalar aic functions */
-	static double epsilon;	/**< Threshold for some comparisons */
-	/** 
-	 * Utility to evaluate y * log(y/mu) with correct limit at y = 0
-	 * 
-	 * @param y numerator of log argument, if non-zero
-	 * @param mu denominator of log argument
-	 * 
-	 * @return y * log(y/mu) with correct limit at at y = 0
-	 */
-	static inline double y_log_y(const double& y, const double& mu) {
-	    return y ? y * std::log(y/mu) : 0;
-	}
-        //@{  Scalar functions for components
-	static inline double         cubef(const double& x) {return x * x * x;}
-	static inline double          expf(const double& x) {return std::exp(x);}
-	static inline double        identf(const double& x) {return x;}
-	static inline double     invderivf(const double& x) {return -1./(x * x);}
-	static inline double      inversef(const double& x) {return 1./x;}
-	static inline double          logf(const double& x) {return std::log(x);}
-	static inline double          onef(const double& x) {return 1.;}
-	static inline double          sqrf(const double& x) {return x * x;}
-	static inline double         sqrtf(const double& x) {return std::sqrt(x);}
-	static inline double         twoxf(const double& x) {return 2. * x;}
-	static inline double         x1mxf(const double& x) {return std::max(epsilon, x*(1 - x));}
-	static inline double  logitLinkInv(const double& x) {return ::Rf_plogis(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
-	static inline double     logitLink(const double& x) {return ::Rf_qlogis(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
-	static inline double    logitMuEta(const double& x) {return ::Rf_dlogis(x, 0., 1., 0);}
-	static inline double probitLinkInv(const double& x) {return ::Rf_pnorm5(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
-	static inline double    probitLink(const double& x) {return ::Rf_qnorm5(x, 0., 1., 1, 0);}
-	static inline double   probitMuEta(const double& x) {return ::Rf_dnorm4(x, 0., 1., 0);}
-	/** cumulative probability function of the complement of the Gumbel distribution
-	  * 
-          * (i.e. pgumbel(x,0.,1.,0) == 1-pgumbel2(-x,0.,1.,0))
-          */
-	static inline double	
-	pgumbel2(const double& q, const double& loc, const double& scale, int lower_tail) {
-	    double qq = (q - loc) / scale;
-	    qq = -std::exp(qq);
-	    return lower_tail ? -expm1(qq) : std::exp(qq);
-	}
-	static inline double cloglogLinkInv(const double& x) {
-	    return pgumbel2(x, 0., 1., 1);
-	}
-	//density of the complement of the Gumbel distribution
-	static inline double
-	dgumbel2(const double& x, const double& loc, const double& scale, int give_log) {
-	    double xx = (x - loc) / scale;
-	    xx = xx - std::exp(xx) - std::log(scale);
-	    return give_log ? xx : std::exp(xx);
-	}
-	static inline double   cloglogMuEta(const double& x) {
-	    return dgumbel2(x, 0., 1., 0);
-	}
-        //@{ deviance residuals functions
-	static inline double
-	BinomialDevRes(const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
-	    return 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) + y_log_y(1 - y, 1 - mu));
-	}
-	static inline double logYMu(const double& y, const double& mu) {
-	    return y ? std::log(y/mu) : 0;
-	}
-	static inline double
-	GammaDevRes   (const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
-	    return -2 * wt * (logYMu(y, mu) - (y - mu)/mu);
-	}
-	static inline double
-	GaussianDevRes(const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
-	    double res = y - mu;
-	    return wt * res * res;
-	}
-	static inline double
-	PoissonDevRes (const double& y, const double& mu, const double& wt) {
-	    return 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) - (y - mu));
-	}
-	//@}
-        //@{  AIC functions (which actually return the deviance, go figure)
-	struct CwiseRound {
-	    const double operator()(const double& x) const {return nearbyint(x);}
-	};
-	static inline double
-	BinomialAIC   (const VectorXd& y, const VectorXd& n, const VectorXd& mu,
-		       const VectorXd& wt, double dev) {
-	    Eigen::ArrayXd m((n.array() > 1).any() ? n : wt);
-	    Eigen::ArrayXd yy((m * y.array()).unaryExpr(CwiseRound()));
-	    m = m.unaryExpr(CwiseRound());
-	    double ans(0.);
-	    for (int i=0; i < mu.size(); ++i)
-                ans += (m[i] <= 0. ? 0. : (wt[i]/m[i]) * ::Rf_dbinom(yy[i], m[i], mu[i], true));
-	    return (-2. * ans);
-	}
-	static inline double
-	PoissonAIC    (const VectorXd& y, const VectorXd& n, const VectorXd& mu,
-		       const VectorXd& wt, double dev) {
-	    double ans(0.);
-	    for (int i=0; i < mu.size(); ++i) ans += ::Rf_dpois(y[i], mu[i], true) * wt[i];
-	    return (-2. * ans);
-	}
-	//@}
-    //@}
+    static double epsilon(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
+	/**< Threshold for some comparisons */
 #endif /* LME4_GLMFAMILY_H */

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/respModule.cpp
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/respModule.cpp	2012-02-08 20:27:07 UTC (rev 1581)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/respModule.cpp	2012-02-08 21:21:15 UTC (rev 1582)
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@
 	return d_wrss;
- * Set a new value of the offset.
- *
- * The values are copied into the d_offset member because it is mapped. 
- * @param oo New value of the offset
- */
+    /** 
+     * Set a new value of the offset.
+     *
+     * The values are copied into the d_offset member because that member is mapped. 
+     * @param oo New value of the offset
+     */
     void lmResp::setOffset(const VectorXd& oo) {
 	if (oo.size() != d_offset.size())
 	    throw invalid_argument("setOffset: Size mismatch");
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@
 	  d_n(as<MVec>(n)) {
+    double  glmResp::aic() const {
+	return d_fam.aic(d_y, d_n, d_mu, d_weights, resDev());
+    }
     VectorXd glmResp::devResid() const {
 	return d_fam.devResid(d_mu, d_weights, d_y);

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/respModule.h
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/respModule.h	2012-02-08 20:27:07 UTC (rev 1581)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/respModule.h	2012-02-08 21:21:15 UTC (rev 1582)
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
 	const std::string& family() const {return d_fam.fam();}
 	const std::string&   link() const {return d_fam.lnk();}
+	double                aic() const;
 	double            Laplace(double,double,double) const;
 	double             resDev() const;
 	double           updateMu(const Eigen::VectorXd&);

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