[Lme4-commits] r1578 - pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 8 21:00:31 CET 2012

Author: dmbates
Date: 2012-02-08 21:00:31 +0100 (Wed, 08 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 1578

Removing unit tests in RUnit form

Deleted: pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runTests.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runTests.R	2012-02-08 19:19:52 UTC (rev 1577)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runTests.R	2012-02-08 20:00:31 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-pkg <- "lme4Eigen"
-if(require("RUnit", quietly = TRUE)) {
-    is_local <- function(){
-    	if( exists( "argv", globalenv() ) && "--local" %in% argv ) return(TRUE)
-    	if( "--local" %in% commandArgs(TRUE) ) return(TRUE)
-    	FALSE
-    }
-    if( is_local() ) path <- getwd()
-    library(package=pkg, character.only = TRUE)
-    if(!(exists("path") && file.exists(path)))
-        path <- system.file("unitTests", package = pkg)
-    ## --- Testing ---
-    ## Define tests
-    testSuite <- defineTestSuite(name=paste(pkg, "unit testing"), dirs = path)
-    if(interactive()) {
-        cat("Now have RUnit Test Suite 'testSuite' for package '", pkg,
-            "' :\n", sep='')
-        str(testSuite)
-        cat('', "Consider doing",
-            "\t  tests <- runTestSuite(testSuite)", "\nand later",
-            "\t  printTextProtocol(tests)", '', sep="\n")
-    } else { ## run from shell / Rscript / R CMD Batch / ...
-        ## Run
-        tests <- runTestSuite(testSuite)
-        output <- NULL
-        process_args <- function(argv){
-        	if( !is.null(argv) && length(argv) > 0 ){
-        		rx <- "^--output=(.*)$"
-        		g  <- grep( rx, argv, value = TRUE )
-        		if( length(g) ){
-        			sub( rx, "\\1", g[1L] )
-        		}
-        	}
-        }
-        # give a chance to the user to customize where he/she wants 
-        # the unit tests results to be stored with the --output= command 
-        # line argument
-        if( exists( "argv",  globalenv() ) ){
-        	# littler
-        	output <- process_args(argv)
-        } else {
-        	# Rscript
-        	output <- process_args(commandArgs(TRUE))
-        }
-        # if it did not work, try to use /tmp
-        if( is.null(output) ){
-        	if( file.exists( "/tmp" ) ){
-        		output <- "/tmp"
-        	} else{
-        		output <- getwd()
-        	}
-        }
-        ## Print results
-        output.txt  <- file.path( output, sprintf("%s-unitTests.txt", pkg))
-        output.html <- file.path( output, sprintf("%s-unitTests.html", pkg))
-        printTextProtocol(tests, fileName=output.txt)
-        message( sprintf( "saving txt unit test report to '%s'", output.txt ) )
-        ## Print HTML version to a file
-        ## printHTMLProtocol has problems on Mac OS X
-        if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Darwin"){
-        	message( sprintf( "saving html unit test report to '%s'", output.html ) )
-        	printHTMLProtocol(tests, fileName=output.html)
-        }
-        ##  stop() if there are any failures i.e. FALSE to unit test.
-        ## This will cause R CMD check to return error and stop
-        if(getErrors(tests)$nFail > 0) {
-            stop("one of the unit tests failed")
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    cat("R package 'RUnit' cannot be loaded -- no unit tests run\n",
-    "for package", pkg,"\n")

Deleted: pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.compDev.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.compDev.R	2012-02-08 19:19:52 UTC (rev 1577)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.compDev.R	2012-02-08 20:00:31 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-if (FALSE) {                 # compDev no longer exists for lmer models - maybe check glmer?
-test.compDev <- function() {            # cross-check compDev versus R evaluation
-    fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, doFit = FALSE)
-    dd1c <- mkdevfun(fm1)
-    dd1u <- mkdevfun(fm1, compDev = FALSE)
-    checkEquals(dd1c(1), dd1u(1))
-    checkEquals(bobyqa(1,dd1c,0), bobyqa(1,dd1u,0))

Deleted: pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.link.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.link.R	2012-02-08 19:19:52 UTC (rev 1577)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.link.R	2012-02-08 20:00:31 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-eps <- .Machine$double.eps
-oneMeps <- 1 - eps
-etas <- data.frame(A = seq.int(-8, 8, by=1),  # equal spacing to asymptotic area
-                   B = runif(17, -8, 8),  # random sample from wide uniform dist
-                   C = rnorm(17, 0, 8),   # random sample from wide normal dist
-                   D = c(-10^30, rnorm(15, 0, 4), 10^30))
-etapos <- data.frame(A = seq.int(1, 20, by=1),
-                     B = rexp(20),
-                     C = rgamma(20, 3),
-                     D = pmax(.Machine$double.eps, rnorm(20, 2, 1)))
-mubinom <-
-    lapply(list(runif(100, 0, 1),
-                rbeta(100, 1, 3),
-                pmin(pmax(eps, rbeta(100, 0.1, 3)), oneMeps),
-                pmin(pmax(eps, rbeta(100, 3, 0.1)), oneMeps)), as.numeric)
-tst.lnki <- function(fam, frm) {
-    ff <- glmFamily$new(family=fam)
-    sapply(frm, function(x) checkEquals(fam$linkinv(x), ff$linkInv(x)))
-tst.link <- function(fam, frm) {
-    ff <- glmFamily$new(family=fam)
-    sapply(frm, function(x) checkEquals(fam$linkfun(x), ff$link(x)))
-tst.muEta <- function(fam, frm) {
-    ff <- glmFamily$new(family=fam)
-    sapply(frm, function(x) checkEquals(fam$mu.eta(x), ff$muEta(x)))
-tst.variance <- function(fam, frm) {
-    ff <- glmFamily$new(family=fam)
-    sapply(frm, function(x) checkEquals(fam$variance(x), ff$variance(x)))
-test.uncons.lnki <- function() {        # linkinv on unconstrained eta
-    tst.lnki(binomial(), etas)          # binomial with logit link
-    tst.muEta(binomial(), etas)
-    tst.lnki(binomial("probit"), etas)  # binomial with probit link
-    tst.muEta(binomial("probit"), etas)
-    tst.lnki(binomial("cloglog"), etas) # binomial with cloglog link
-    tst.muEta(binomial("cloglog"), etas)
-    tst.lnki(binomial("cauchit"), etas) # binomial with cauchit link
-    tst.muEta(binomial("cauchit"), etas)
-    tst.lnki(poisson(), etas)           # Poisson with log link
-    tst.muEta(poisson(), etas)
-    tst.lnki(gaussian(), etas)          # Gaussian with identity link
-    tst.muEta(gaussian(), etas)
-test.pos.lnki <- function() {           # linkinv for positive eta
-    tst.lnki(Gamma(), etapos)           # gamma family
-    tst.muEta(Gamma(), etapos)
-    tst.lnki(inverse.gaussian(), etapos) # inverse Gaussian
-    tst.muEta(inverse.gaussian(), etapos)    
-test.binom.link <- function() {         # link and variance for binomial mu
-    tst.link(binomial(), mubinom)
-    tst.variance(binomial(), mubinom)    
-    tst.link(binomial("probit"), mubinom)
-    tst.variance(binomial("probit"), mubinom)
-    tst.link(binomial("cauchit"), mubinom)
-    tst.variance(binomial("cauchit"), mubinom)
-test.pos.link <- function() {           # link for positive mu (using positive etas)
-    tst.link(poisson(), etapos)
-    tst.variance(poisson(), etapos)    
-    tst.link(Gamma(), etapos)
-    tst.variance(Gamma(), etapos) 
-    tst.link(inverse.gaussian(), etapos)
-    tst.variance(inverse.gaussian(), etapos)    
-test.uncons.link <- function() {        # link for unconstrained mu (using unconstrained etas)
-    tst.link(gaussian(), etas)
-    tst.variance(gaussian(), etas)    

Deleted: pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.lmerResp.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.lmerResp.R	2012-02-08 19:19:52 UTC (rev 1577)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/inst/unitTests/runit.lmerResp.R	2012-02-08 20:00:31 UTC (rev 1578)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-test.lmerResp <- function() {
-    n <- nrow(Dyestuff)
-    YY <- Dyestuff$Yield
-    mYY <- mean(YY)
-    mres <- YY - mYY
-    rr <- lmerResp$new(y=YY)
-    checkEquals(rr$weights, rep.int(1, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$sqrtrwt(), rep.int(1, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$sqrtXwt(), array(rep.int(1, n), c(n, 1L)))
-    checkEquals(rr$offset, rep.int(0, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$fitted(), rep.int(0, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$wtres(), YY)
-    checkEquals(rr$wrss(), sum(YY * YY))
-    checkEquals(rr$updateMu(rep.int(mYY, n)), sum(mres^2))
-    checkEquals(rr$reml, 0L)
-    rr$reml <- 1L
-    checkEquals(rr$reml, 1L)
-test.glmResp <- function() {
-    n <- nrow(Dyestuff)
-    YY <- Dyestuff$Yield
-    mlYY <- mean(log(YY))
-    gmeanYY <- exp(mlYY)                # geometric mean
-    mres <- YY - gmeanYY
-    rr <- glmResp$new(family=poisson(), y=YY)
-    checkEquals(rr$weights, rep.int(1, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$sqrtrwt(), rep.int(1, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$sqrtXwt(), array(rep.int(1, n), c(n, 1L)))
-    checkEquals(rr$offset, rep.int(0, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$fitted(), rep.int(0, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$wtres(), YY)
-    checkEquals(rr$wrss(), sum(YY^2))
-    checkEquals(rr$n, rep.int(1, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$updateMu(rep.int(mlYY, n)), sum(mres^2))
-    checkEquals(rr$fitted(), rep.int(gmeanYY, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$muEta(), rep.int(gmeanYY, n))
-    checkEquals(rr$variance(), rep.int(gmeanYY, n))
-    rr$updateWts()
-    checkEquals(1/sqrt(rr$variance()), rr$sqrtrwt())
-    checkEquals(as.vector(rr$sqrtXwt()), rr$sqrtrwt() * rr$muEta())

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