[Lme4-commits] r1408 - in pkg/lme4Eigen: . R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Sep 29 19:48:46 CEST 2011

Author: dmbates
Date: 2011-09-29 19:48:46 +0200 (Thu, 29 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 1408

new organization of response classes.  Use Ptr/ptr formulation to generate external pointers.

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/NAMESPACE	2011-09-27 18:25:56 UTC (rev 1407)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/NAMESPACE	2011-09-29 17:48:46 UTC (rev 1408)
@@ -96,13 +96,15 @@
        getL, getME,
+       glmResp,
-       glmerResp,
+       lmResp,       
+       nlsResp,

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R	2011-09-27 18:25:56 UTC (rev 1407)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R	2011-09-29 17:48:46 UTC (rev 1408)
@@ -12,183 +12,251 @@
 ## shouldn't we have "merPred"  with two *sub* classes "merPredD" and "merPredS"
 ## for the dense and sparse X cases ?
-merPredD <-
-setRefClass("merPredD", # Predictor class for mixed-effects models with dense X
-            fields =
-            list(
-                 X = "ddenseModelMatrix",
-                 Zt = "dgCMatrix",
-                 Lambdat = "dgCMatrix",
-                 Lind = "integer",
-                 ptr = "externalptr",
-                 beta0 = function(value)
-                 if (missing(value)) .Call(merPredDbeta0, ptr) else .Call(merPredDsetBeta0, ptr, value),
-                 theta = function(value)
-                 if (missing(value)) .Call(merPredDtheta, ptr) else .Call(merPredDsetTheta, ptr, value),
-                 u0 = function(value)
-                 if (missing(value)) .Call(merPredDu0, ptr) else .Call(merPredDsetU0, ptr, value)
-                 ),
-            methods =
-            list(
-                 initialize = function(X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta, ...) {
-                     X <<- as(X, "ddenseModelMatrix")
-                     Zt <<- as(Zt, "dgCMatrix")
-                     Lambdat <<- as(Lambdat, "dgCMatrix")
-                     Lind <<- as.integer(Lind)
-                     stopifnot(all(sort(unique(Lind)) == seq_along(theta)))
-                     ptr <<- .Call(merPredDCreate, X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta)
-                     callSuper(...)
-                 },
-                 CcNumer = function() {
-                     'returns the numerator of the orthogonality convergence criterion'
-                     .Call(merPredDCcNumer, ptr)
-                 },
-                 L = function() {
-                     'returns the current value of the sparse Cholesky factor'
-                     .Call(merPredDL, ptr)
-                 },
-                 LamtUt = function() {
-                     'returns the current value of the product Lambdat %*% Ut'
-                     .Call(merPredDLamtUt, ptr)
-                 },
-                 P = function() {
-                     'returns the permutation vector for the sparse Cholesky factor'
-                     .Call(merPredDPvec, ptr)
-                 },
-                 RX = function() {
-                     'returns the dense downdated Cholesky factor for the fixed-effects parameters'
-                     .Call(merPredDRX, ptr)
-                 },
-                 RXdiag = function() {
-                     'returns the diagonal of the dense downdated Cholesky factor'
-                     .Call(merPredDRXdiag, ptr)
-                 },
-                 RZX = function() {
-                     'returns the cross term in Cholesky decomposition for all coefficients'
-                     .Call(merPredDRZX, ptr)
-                 },
-                 Ut = function() {
-                     'returns the transposed weighted random-effects model matrix'
-                     .Call(merPredUt, ptr)
-                 },
-                 Utr = function() {
-                     'returns the cross-product of the weighted random-effects model matrix\nand the weighted residuals'
-                     .Call(merPredUtr, ptr)
-                 },
-                 V = function() {
-                     'returns the weighted fixed-effects model matrix'
-                     .Call(merPredDV, ptr)
-                 },
-                 VtV = function() {
-                     'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix'
-                     .Call(merPredDVtV, ptr)
-                 },
-                 Vtr = function() {
-                     'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix\nand the residuals'
-                     .Call(merPredVtr, ptr)
-                 },
-                 b = function(fac) {
-                     'random effects on original scale for step factor fac'
-                     .Call(merPredDb, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
-                 },
-                 beta = function(fac) {
-                     'fixed-effects coefficients for step factor fac'
-                     .Call(merPredDbeta, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
-                 },
-                 delb = function() {
-                     'increment for the fixed-effects coefficients'
-                     .Call(merPredDdelb, ptr)
-                 },
-                 delu = function() {
-                     'increment for the orthogonal random-effects coefficients'
-                     .Call(merPredDdelu, ptr)
-                 },
-                 getLambdat = function() {
-                     'returns the current value of the relative covariance factor'
-                     .Call(merPredDLambdat, ptr)
-                 },
-                 ldL2 = function() {
-                     'twice the log determinant of the sparse Cholesky factor'
-                     .Call(merPredDldL2, ptr)
-                 },
-                 ldRX2 = function() {
-                     'twice the log determinant of the downdated dense Cholesky factor'
-                     .Call(merPredDldRX2, ptr)
-                 },
-                 unsc = function() {
-                     'the unscaled variance-covariance matrix of the fixed-effects parameters'
-                     .Call(merPredDunsc, ptr)
-                 },
-                 linPred = function(fac) {
-                     'evaluate the linear predictor for step factor fac'
-                     .Call(merPredDlinPred, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
-                 },
-                 installPars = function(fac) {
-                     'update u0 and beta0 to the values for step factor fac'
-                     .Call(merPredDinstallPars, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
-                 },
-                 solve = function() {
-                     'solve for the coefficient increments delu and delb'
-                     .Call(merPredDsolve, ptr)
-                 },
-                 solveU = function() {
-                     'solve for the coefficient increment delu only (beta is fixed)'
-                     .Call(merPredDsolveU, ptr)
-                 },
-                 sqrL = function(fac) {
-                     'squared length of u0 + fac * delu'
-                     .Call(merPredDsqrL, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
-                 },
-                 u = function(fac) {
-                     'orthogonal random effects for step factor fac'
-                     .Call(merPredDu, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
-                 },
-                 updateDecomp = function() {
-                     'update L, RZX and RX from Ut, Vt and VtV'
-                     .Call(merPredDupdateDecomp, ptr)
-                 },
-                 updateRes = function(wtres) {
-                     'update Vtr and Utr using the vector of weighted residuals'
-                     .Call(merPredDupdateRes, ptr, as.numeric(wtres))
-                 },
-                 updateXwts = function(wts) {
-                     'update Ut and V from Zt and X using X weights'
-                     .Call(merPredDupdateXwts, ptr, as.numeric(wts))
-                 }
-                 )
-            )
-merPredD$lock("X", "Zt", "Lind")
-## FIXME --- glmerResp  &  lmerResp  should both extend a common (virtual) class
-glmerResp <-
-    setRefClass("glmerResp",
+merPredD <- 
+    setRefClass("merPredD", # Predictor class for mixed-effects models with dense X
                 fields =
-                     family = "family",
-                     y = "numeric",
+                     X = "ddenseModelMatrix",
+                     Zt = "dgCMatrix",
+                     Lambdat = "dgCMatrix",
+                     Lind = "integer",
                      ptr = "externalptr",
-                     n = function(value) # only used in deviance residuals for binomial
-                     if (missing(value)) .Call(glm_n, ptr) else .Call(glm_setN, ptr, as.numeric(value)),
-                     offset = function(value)
-                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lm_offset, ptr) else .Call(lm_setOffset, ptr, as.numeric(value)),
-                     weights = function(value)
-                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lm_weights, ptr) else .Call(lm_setWeights, ptr, as.numeric(value))
+                     beta0 = function(value)
+                     if (missing(value)) .Call(merPredDbeta0, ptr) else .Call(merPredDsetBeta0, ptr, value),
+                     theta = function(value)
+                     if (missing(value)) .Call(merPredDtheta, ptr) else .Call(merPredDsetTheta, ptr, value),
+                     u0 = function(value)
+                     if (missing(value)) .Call(merPredDu0, ptr) else .Call(merPredDsetU0, ptr, value)
                 methods =
-                     initialize = function(fam, y, ...) {
-                         if (missing(y)) stop("response vector y must be specified")
-                         y <<- as.numeric(y)
-                         if (missing(fam) || !inherits(fam, "family"))
-                             stop("glm family must be specified")
-                         family <<- fam
-                         ptr <<- .Call(glm_Create, family, y)
+                     initialize = function(X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta, ...) {
+                         X <<- as(X, "ddenseModelMatrix")
+                         Zt <<- as(Zt, "dgCMatrix")
+                         Lambdat <<- as(Lambdat, "dgCMatrix")
+                         Lind <<- as.integer(Lind)
+                         stopifnot(all(sort(unique(Lind)) == seq_along(theta)))
+                         ptr <<- .Call(merPredDCreate, X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta)
+                     CcNumer = function() {
+                         'returns the numerator of the orthogonality convergence criterion'
+                         .Call(merPredDCcNumer, ptr)
+                     },
+                     L = function() {
+                         'returns the current value of the sparse Cholesky factor'
+                         .Call(merPredDL, ptr)
+                     },
+                     LamtUt = function() {
+                         'returns the current value of the product Lambdat %*% Ut'
+                         .Call(merPredDLamtUt, ptr)
+                     },
+                     P = function() {
+                         'returns the permutation vector for the sparse Cholesky factor'
+                         .Call(merPredDPvec, ptr)
+                     },
+                     RX = function() {
+                         'returns the dense downdated Cholesky factor for the fixed-effects parameters'
+                         .Call(merPredDRX, ptr)
+                     },
+                     RXdiag = function() {
+                         'returns the diagonal of the dense downdated Cholesky factor'
+                         .Call(merPredDRXdiag, ptr)
+                     },
+                     RZX = function() {
+                         'returns the cross term in Cholesky decomposition for all coefficients'
+                         .Call(merPredDRZX, ptr)
+                     },
+                     Ut = function() {
+                         'returns the transposed weighted random-effects model matrix'
+                         .Call(merPredUt, ptr)
+                     },
+                     Utr = function() {
+                         'returns the cross-product of the weighted random-effects model matrix\nand the weighted residuals'
+                         .Call(merPredUtr, ptr)
+                     },
+                     V = function() {
+                         'returns the weighted fixed-effects model matrix'
+                         .Call(merPredDV, ptr)
+                     },
+                     VtV = function() {
+                         'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix'
+                         .Call(merPredDVtV, ptr)
+                     },
+                     Vtr = function() {
+                         'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix\nand the residuals'
+                         .Call(merPredVtr, ptr)
+                     },
+                     b = function(fac) {
+                         'random effects on original scale for step factor fac'
+                         .Call(merPredDb, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
+                     },
+                     beta = function(fac) {
+                         'fixed-effects coefficients for step factor fac'
+                         .Call(merPredDbeta, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
+                     },
+                     delb = function() {
+                         'increment for the fixed-effects coefficients'
+                         .Call(merPredDdelb, ptr)
+                     },
+                     delu = function() {
+                         'increment for the orthogonal random-effects coefficients'
+                         .Call(merPredDdelu, ptr)
+                     },
+                     getLambdat = function() {
+                         'returns the current value of the relative covariance factor'
+                         .Call(merPredDLambdat, ptr)
+                     },
+                     ldL2 = function() {
+                         'twice the log determinant of the sparse Cholesky factor'
+                         .Call(merPredDldL2, ptr)
+                     },
+                     ldRX2 = function() {
+                         'twice the log determinant of the downdated dense Cholesky factor'
+                         .Call(merPredDldRX2, ptr)
+                     },
+                     unsc = function() {
+                         'the unscaled variance-covariance matrix of the fixed-effects parameters'
+                         .Call(merPredDunsc, ptr)
+                     },
+                     linPred = function(fac) {
+                         'evaluate the linear predictor for step factor fac'
+                         .Call(merPredDlinPred, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
+                     },
+                     installPars = function(fac) {
+                         'update u0 and beta0 to the values for step factor fac'
+                         .Call(merPredDinstallPars, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
+                     },
+                     solve = function() {
+                         'solve for the coefficient increments delu and delb'
+                         .Call(merPredDsolve, ptr)
+                     },
+                     solveU = function() {
+                         'solve for the coefficient increment delu only (beta is fixed)'
+                         .Call(merPredDsolveU, ptr)
+                     },
+                     sqrL = function(fac) {
+                         'squared length of u0 + fac * delu'
+                         .Call(merPredDsqrL, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
+                     },
+                     u = function(fac) {
+                         'orthogonal random effects for step factor fac'
+                         .Call(merPredDu, ptr, as.numeric(fac))
+                     },
+                     updateDecomp = function() {
+                         'update L, RZX and RX from Ut, Vt and VtV'
+                         .Call(merPredDupdateDecomp, ptr)
+                     },
+                     updateRes = function(wtres) {
+                         'update Vtr and Utr using the vector of weighted residuals'
+                         .Call(merPredDupdateRes, ptr, as.numeric(wtres))
+                     },
+                     updateXwts = function(wts) {
+                         'update Ut and V from Zt and X using X weights'
+                         .Call(merPredDupdateXwts, ptr, as.numeric(wts))
+                     }
+                     )
+                )
+merPredD$lock("X", "Zt", "Lind")
+lmResp <-                               # base class for response modules
+    setRefClass("lmResp",
+                fields =
+                list(y = "numeric",
+                     Ptr = "externalptr",
+                     ptr = function (value) {
+                         if (!missing(value)) stop("ptr field cannot be assigned")
+                         if (.Call(isNullExtPtr, Ptr)) {
+                             if (!length(y)) stop("field y must have positive length")
+                             Ptr <<- .Call(lm_Create, y)
+                         }
+                         Ptr
+                     },
+                     offset = function(value)
+                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lm_offset, ptr) else
+                     .Call(lm_setOffset, ptr, as.numeric(value)),
+                     weights = function(value)
+                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lm_weights, ptr) else
+                     .Call(lm_setWeights, ptr, as.numeric(value))),
+                methods =
+                list(
+                     fitted = function() {
+                         'returns the current value of mu'
+                         .Call(lm_mu, ptr)
+                     },
+                     sqrtXwt = function() {
+                         'returns the square root of the X weights'
+                         .Call(lm_sqrtXwt, ptr)
+                     },
+                     sqrtrwt = function() {
+                         'returns the square root of the residual weights'
+                         .Call(lm_sqrtrwt, ptr)
+                     },
+                     updateMu = function(gamma) {
+                         'from the linear predictor, gamma, update the\nconditional mean response, mu, residuals and weights'
+                         .Call(lm_updateMu, ptr, as.numeric(gamma))
+                     },
+                     wrss = function() {
+                         'returns the weighted residual sum of squares'
+                         .Call(lm_wrss, ptr)
+                     },
+                     wtres = function() {
+                         'returns the vector of weighted residuals'
+                         .Call(lm_wtres, ptr)
+                     })
+                )
+lmerResp <-
+    setRefClass("lmerResp",
+                fields=
+                list(REML=function(value)
+                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lmer_REML, ptr) else .Call(lmer_setREML, ptr, value),
+                     ptr = function (value) {
+                         if (!missing(value)) stop("ptr field cannot be assigned")
+                         if (.Call(isNullExtPtr, Ptr)) {
+                             if (!length(y)) stop("field y must have positive length")
+                             Ptr <<- .Call(lmer_Create, y)
+                         }
+                         Ptr
+                     }
+                     ),
+                contains="lmResp",
+                methods=
+                list(
+                     Laplace = function(ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL) {
+                         'returns the profiled deviance or REML criterion'
+                         .Call(lmer_Laplace, ptr, ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL)
+                     })
+                )
+glmResp <-
+    setRefClass("glmResp",
+                fields=
+                list(family="family",
+                     ptr = function (value) {
+                         if (!missing(value)) stop("ptr field cannot be assigned")
+                         if (.Call(isNullExtPtr, Ptr)) {
+                             if (!length(y)) stop("field y must have positive length")
+                             if (!length(family$family)) stop("field family must be initialized")
+                             Ptr <<- .Call(glm_Create, family, y)
+                         }
+                         Ptr
+                     }
+                     ##,
+                     ## n=function(value)  # only used in aic function for binomial family
+                     ## if (missing(value)) .Call(glm_n, ptr) else
+                     ##     .Call(glm_setN, ptr, as.numeric(value))
+                     ),
+                contains="lmResp",
+                methods=
+                list(
                      allInfo = function() {
                          'return all the information available on the object'
                          data.frame(y=y, n=n, offset=offset, weights=weights,
@@ -209,22 +277,14 @@
                          'returns the name of the glm family'
                          .Call(glm_family, ptr)
-                     fitted = function() {
-                         'returns the value of the linear predictor'
-                         .Call(lm_mu, ptr)
-                     },
                      Laplace = function(ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL) {
-                         'returns the profiled deviance or REML criterion'
+                         'returns the Laplace approximation to the profiled deviance'
                          .Call(glm_Laplace, ptr, ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL)
                      link = function() {
                          'returns the name of the glm link'
                          .Call(glm_link, ptr)
-                     mu = function() {
-                         'returns the current mean response'
-                         .Call(lm_mu, ptr)
-                     },
                      muEta = function() {
                          'returns the diagonal of the Jacobian matrix, d mu/d eta'
                          .Call(glm_muEta, ptr)
@@ -233,14 +293,6 @@
                          'returns the sum of the deviance residuals'
                          .Call(glm_resDev, ptr)
-                     sqrtXwt = function() {
-                         'returns the square root of the X weights'
-                         .Call(lm_sqrtXwt, ptr)
-                     },
-                     sqrtrwt = function() {
-                         'returns the square root of the residual weights'
-                         .Call(lm_sqrtrwt, ptr)
-                     },
                      sqrtWrkWt = function() {
                          'returns the square root of the working X weights'
                          .Call(glm_sqrtWrkWt, ptr)
@@ -264,35 +316,56 @@
                      wrkResp = function() {
                          'returns the vector of working residuals'
                          .Call(glm_wrkResp, ptr)
+                     }
+                     )
+                )
+nlsResp <-
+    setRefClass("nlsResp",
+                fields=
+                list(nlmod="language",
+                     nlenv="environment",
+                     pnames="character",
+                     ptr = function (value) {
+                         if (!missing(value)) stop("ptr field cannot be assigned")
+                         if (.Call(isNullExtPtr, Ptr)) {
+                             if (!length(y)) stop("field y must have positive length")
+                             Ptr <<- .Call(nls_Create, nlmod, nlenv, y)
+                         }
+                         Ptr
+                     }),
+                contains="lmResp",
+                methods=
+                list(
+                     Laplace=function(ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL) {
+                         'returns the profiled deviance or REML criterion'
+                         .Call(nls_Laplace, ptr, ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL)
-                     wrss = function() {
-                         'returns the weighted residual sum of squares'
-                         .Call(lm_wrss, ptr)
-                     },
-                     wtres = function() {
-                         'returns the vector of weighted residuals'
-                         .Call(lm_wtres, ptr)
+                     updateMu=function(gamma) {
+                         'from the linear predictor, gamma, update the\nconditional mean response, mu, residuals and weights'
+                         .Call(nls_updateMu, ptr, as.numeric(gamma))
-glmerResp$lock("family", "y")
-## seems currently *unused* -FIXME-
-glmFamily <-
+glmFamily <-                            # used in tests of family definitions
-                fields =
+                fields=
-                     family = "family",
-                     ptr    = "externalptr"
-                     ),
-                methods =
+                     Ptr="externalptr",
+                     family="family",
+                     ptr=function(value) {
+                         if (!missing(value)) stop("ptr field cannot be assigned")
+                         if (.Call(isNullExtPtr, Ptr)) {
+                             if (!length(family$family)) stop("field family must be initialized")
+                             Ptr <<- .Call(glmFamily_Create, family)
+                         }
+                         Ptr
+                     }),
+                methods=
-                     initialize = function(fam, ...) {
-                         stopifnot(inherits(fam, "family"))
-                         family <<- fam
-                         ptr <<- .Call(glmFamily_Create, fam)
-                         callSuper(...)
-                     },
                      link = function(mu) {
                          'applies the (forward) link function to mu'
                          .Call(glmFamily_link, ptr, as.numeric(mu))
@@ -318,68 +391,23 @@
                                    length(mu) == length(y),
                                    all(weights >= 0))
                          .Call(glmFamily_devResid, ptr, mu, weights, y)
-                     }
-                 )
-                )
-lmerResp <-
-    setRefClass("lmerResp",
-                fields =
-                list(
-                     y = "numeric",
-                     ptr = "externalptr",
-                     offset = function(value)
-                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lm_offset, ptr) else .Call(lm_setOffset, ptr, as.numeric(value)),
-                     weights = function(value)
-                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lm_weights, ptr) else .Call(lm_setWeights, ptr, as.numeric(value)),
-                     REML = function(value)
-                     if (missing(value)) .Call(lmer_REML, ptr) else .Call(lmer_setREML, ptr, value)
-                     ),
-                methods =
-                list(
-                     initialize = function(y, ...) {
-                         if (missing(y)) stop("response vector y must be specified")
-                         y <<- as.numeric(y)
-                         ptr <<- .Call(lmer_Create, y)
-                         callSuper(...)
-                     },
-                     fitted = function() {
-                         'returns the value of the linear predictor'
-                         .Call(lm_mu, ptr)
-                     },
-                     Laplace = function(ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL) {
-                         'returns the profiled deviance or REML criterion'
-                         .Call(lmer_Laplace, ptr, ldL2, ldRX2, sqrL)
-                     },
-                     updateMu = function(gamma) {
-                         'from the linear predictor, gamma, update the\nconditional mean response, mu, residuals and weights'
-                         .Call(lm_updateMu, ptr, as.numeric(gamma))
-                     },
-                     wrss = function() {
-                         'returns the weighted residual sum of squares'
-                         .Call(lm_wrss, ptr)
-                     },
-                     wtres = function() {
-                         'returns the vector of weighted residuals'
-                         .Call(lm_wtres, ptr)
          representation(call    = "call",
 			frame   = "data.frame", # "model.frame" is not S4-ized yet
                         flist   = "list",
                         cnms    = "list",
                         lower   = "numeric",
-                        Gp      = "integer",
                         theta   = "numeric",
                         beta    = "numeric",
                         u       = "numeric",
                         devcomp = "list",
                         pp      = "merPredD"))
-setClass("lmerMod", representation(resp = "lmerResp"), contains = "merMod")
+setClass("lmerMod", representation(resp="lmerResp"), contains="merMod")
-setClass("glmerMod", representation(resp = "glmerResp"), contains = "merMod")
+setClass("glmerMod", representation(resp="glmResp"), contains="merMod")
+setClass("nlmerMod", representation(resp="nlsResp"), contains="merMod")

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