[Lme4-commits] r1464 - pkg/lme4Eigen/R
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Tue Nov 29 21:34:41 CET 2011
Author: dmbates
Date: 2011-11-29 21:34:40 +0100 (Tue, 29 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 1464
Profiling now works for lmer models with variance components only, including the case of a single fixed-effects parameter. Labeling of some plots needs to be corrected.
Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/profile.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/profile.R 2011-11-29 20:32:42 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/profile.R 2011-11-29 20:34:40 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -11,19 +11,202 @@
do.call("new", ll)
-##' Drop the which'th column from the fixed-effects model matrix in
-##' the predictor module.
-##' @title Drop the which'th column from X in an merMod object
+##' The deviance is profiled with respect to the fixed-effects
+##' parameters but not with respect to sigma. The other parameters
+##' are on the standard deviation scale, not the theta scale.
-##' @param x an merMod object
-##' @param which the column to drop. Must have 1 <= which <= ncol(x at pp$X)
-##' @param fw the value of the which'th fixed effect which will
-##' be held constant.
-##' @return a deviance function (of theta)
-dropX <- function(x, which, fw) {
+##' @title Return a function for evaluation of the deviance.
+##' @param fm a fitted model of class merMod
+##' @return a function for evaluating the deviance in the extended
+##' parameterization. This is profiled with respect to the
+##' variance-covariance parameters (fixed-effects done separately).
+devfun2 <- function(fm)
+ stopifnot(is(fm, "lmerMod"))
+ fm <- refitML(fm)
+ basedev <- deviance(fm)
+ sig <- sigma(fm)
+ stdErr <- unname(coef(summary(fm))[,2])
+ xpp <- fm at pp
+ th <- xpp$theta
+ pp <- new(Class=class(xpp), X=xpp$X, Zt=xpp$Zt, Lambdat=xpp$Lambdat, Lind=xpp$Lind, theta=th)
+ opt <- c(sig * th, sig)
+ names(opt) <- c(sprintf(".sig%02d", seq_along(pp$theta)), "sigma")
+ opt <- c(opt, fixef(fm))
+ rr <- fm at resp
+ resp <- new(Class=class(rr), y=rr$y)
+ resp$offset <- rr$offset
+ resp$weights <- rr$weights
+ rm(rr, xpp, fm)
+ np <- length(pp$theta) + 1L
+ n <- nrow(pp$V()) # use V(), not X so it works with nlmer
+ ans <- function(pars)
+ {
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np)
+ ## Assumption: all parameters, including the residual SD on SD-scale
+ sigma <- pars[np]
+ .Call(lme4Eigen:::lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr, resp$ptr, pars[-np]/sigma)
+ sigsq <- sigma^2
+ pp$ldL2() + (resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
+ }
+ attr(ans, "optimum") <- opt # w/ names()
+ attr(ans, "basedev") <- basedev
+ attr(ans, "thopt") <- th
+ attr(ans, "stderr") <- stdErr
+ class(ans) <- "devfun"
+ ans
+profile.merMod <- function(fitted, alphamax = 0.01, maxpts = 100, delta = cutoff/8,
+ tr = 0, ...)
+ dd <- devfun2(fitted)
+ base <- attr(dd, "basedev")
+ thopt <- attr(dd, "thopt")
+ stderr <- attr(dd, "stderr")
+ pp <- environment(dd)$pp
+ X.orig <- pp$X
+ n <- environment(dd)$n
+ p <- length(pp$beta0)
+ ans <- lapply(opt <- attr(dd, "optimum"), function(el) NULL)
+ bakspl <- forspl <- ans
+ nptot <- length(opt)
+ nvp <- nptot - p # number of variance-covariance pars
+ fe.orig <- opt[-seq_len(nvp)]
+ res <- c(.zeta = 0, opt)
+ res <- matrix(res, nr = maxpts, nc = length(res),
+ dimnames = list(NULL, names(res)), byrow = TRUE)
+ cutoff <- sqrt(qchisq(1 - alphamax, nptot))
+ ## helper functions
+ ## nextpar calculates the next value of the parameter being
+ ## profiled based on the desired step in the profile zeta
+ ## (absstep) and the values of zeta and column cc for rows
+ ## r-1 and r. The parameter may not be below lower
+ nextpar <- function(mat, cc, r, absstep, lower = -Inf) {
+ rows <- r - (1:0) # previous two row numbers
+ pvals <- mat[rows, cc]
+ zeta <- mat[rows, ".zeta"]
+ if (!(denom <- diff(zeta)))
+ stop("Last two rows have identical .zeta values")
+ num <- diff(pvals)
+ max(lower, pvals[2] + sign(num) * absstep * num / denom)
+ }
+ ## mkpar generates the parameter vector of theta and
+ ## sigma from the values being profiled in position w
+ mkpar <- function(np, w, pw, pmw) {
+ par <- numeric(np)
+ par[w] <- pw
+ par[-w] <- pmw
+ par
+ }
+ ## fillmat fills the third and subsequent rows of the matrix
+ ## using nextpar and zeta
+### FIXME: add code to evaluate more rows near the minimum if that
+### constraint was active.
+ fillmat <- function(mat, lowcut, zetafun, cc) {
+ nr <- nrow(mat)
+ i <- 2L
+ while (i < nr && abs(mat[i, ".zeta"]) <= cutoff &&
+ mat[i, cc] > lowcut) {
+ mat[i + 1L, ] <- zetafun(nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut))
+ i <- i + 1L
+ }
+ mat
+ }
+ lower <- c(fitted at lower, 0, rep.int(-Inf, p))
+ seqnvp <- seq_len(nvp)
+ lowvp <- lower[seqnvp]
+ form <- .zeta ~ foo # pattern for interpSpline formula
+ for (w in seqnvp) {
+ wp1 <- w + 1L
+ start <- opt[seqnvp][-w]
+ pw <- opt[w]
+ lowcut <- lower[w]
+ zeta <- function(xx) {
+ ores <- bobyqa(start,
+ function(x) dd(mkpar(nvp, w, xx, x)),
+ lower = lowvp[-w])
+ zz <- sign(xx - pw) * sqrt(ores$fval - base)
+ c(zz, mkpar(nvp, w, xx, ores$par), pp$beta(1))
+ }
+### FIXME: The starting values for the conditional optimization should
+### be determined from recent starting values, not always the global
+### optimum values.
+### Can do this by taking the change in the other parameter values at
+### the two last points and extrapolating.
+ ## intermediate storage for pos. and neg. increments
+ pres <- nres <- res
+ ## assign one row, determined by inc. sign, from a small shift
+ nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- zeta(pw * 1.01)
+ ## fill in the rest of the arrays and collapse them
+ bres <-
+ as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,lowcut, zeta, wp1),
+ fillmat(nres,lowcut, zeta, wp1))))
+ bres$.par <- names(opt)[w]
+ ans[[w]] <- bres[order(bres[, wp1]), ]
+ form[[3]] <- as.name(names(opt)[w])
+ bakspl[[w]] <- backSpline(forspl[[w]] <- interpSpline(form, bres))
+ }
+ offset.orig <- fitted at resp$offset
+ for (j in seq_len(p)) {
+ pres <- # intermediate results for pos. incr.
+ nres <- res # and negative increments
+ est <- opt[nvp + j]
+ std <- stderr[j]
+ Xw <-X.orig[, j, drop=TRUE]
+ pp1 <- do.call(new, list(Class = class(pp),
+ X = .modelMatrixDrop(X.orig, j),
+ Zt = pp$Zt,
+ Lambdat = pp$Lambdat,
+ Lind = pp$Lind,
+ theta = pp$theta)
+ )
+ rr <- new(Class=class(fitted at resp), y=fitted at resp$y)
+ rr$weights <- fitted at resp$weights
+ fe.zeta <- function(fw) {
+ rr$offset <- Xw * fw + offset.orig
+ ores <- bobyqa(thopt, mkdevfun(pp1, rr, emptyenv()), lower = fitted at lower)
+ fv <- ores$fval
+ sig <- sqrt((rr$wrss() + pp1$sqrL(1))/n)
+ c(sign(fw - est) * sqrt(fv - base),
+ ores$par * sig, sig, mkpar(p, j, fw, pp1$beta(1)))
+ }
+ nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- fe.zeta(est + delta * std)
+ poff <- nvp + 1L + j
+ bres <-
+ as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,-Inf, fe.zeta, poff),
+ fillmat(nres,-Inf, fe.zeta, poff))))
+ thisnm <- names(fe.orig)[j]
+ bres$.par <- thisnm
+ ans[[thisnm]] <- bres[order(bres[, poff]), ]
+ form[[3]] <- as.name(thisnm)
+ bakspl[[thisnm]] <-
+ backSpline(forspl[[thisnm]] <- interpSpline(form, bres))
+ }
+ ans <- do.call(rbind, ans)
+ ans$.par <- factor(ans$.par)
+ attr(ans, "forward") <- forspl
+ attr(ans, "backward") <- bakspl
+ row.names(ans) <- NULL
+ class(ans) <- c("thpr", "data.frame")
+ ans
##' extract only the y component from a prediction
predy <- function(sp, vv) predict(sp, vv)$y
@@ -372,208 +555,6 @@
-##' The deviance is profiled with respect to the fixed-effects
-##' parameters but not with respect to sigma, which is expressed
-##' on the logarithmic scale, lsigma. The other parameters are on
-##' the standard deviation scale, not the theta scale.
-##' @title Return a function for evaluation of the deviance.
-##' @param fm a fitted model of class merMod
-##' @return a function for evaluating the deviance in the extended
-##' parameterization. This is profiled with respect to the
-##' fixed-effects but not with respect to sigma.
-devfun2 <- function(fm)
- stopifnot(is(fm, "lmerMod"))
- fm <- refitML(fm)
- basedev <- deviance(fm)
- sig <- sigma(fm)
- stdErr <- unname(coef(summary(fm))[,2])
- xpp <- fm at pp
- th <- xpp$theta
- pp <- new(Class=class(xpp), X=xpp$X, Zt=xpp$Zt, Lambdat=xpp$Lambdat, Lind=xpp$Lind, theta=th)
- opt <- c(sig * th, sig)
- names(opt) <- c(sprintf(".sig%02d", seq_along(pp$theta)), "sigma")
- opt <- c(opt, fixef(fm))
- rr <- fm at resp
- resp <- new(Class=class(rr), y=rr$y)
- resp$offset <- rr$offset
- resp$weights <- rr$weights
- rm(rr, xpp, fm)
- np <- length(pp$theta) + 1L
- n <- nrow(pp$V()) # use V(), not X so it works with nlmer
- ans <- function(pars)
- {
- stopifnot(is.numeric(pars), length(pars) == np)
- ## Assumption: all parameters, including the residual SD on SD-scale
- sigma <- pars[np]
- .Call(lme4Eigen:::lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr, resp$ptr, pars[-np]/sigma)
- sigsq <- sigma^2
- pp$ldL2() + (resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(1))/sigsq + n * log(2 * pi * sigsq)
- }
- attr(ans, "optimum") <- opt # w/ names()
- attr(ans, "basedev") <- basedev
- attr(ans, "thopt") <- th
- attr(ans, "stderr") <- stdErr
- class(ans) <- "devfun"
- ans
-profile.merMod <- function(fitted, alphamax = 0.01, maxpts = 100, delta = cutoff/8,
- tr = 0, ...)
- dd <- devfun2(fitted)
- base <- attr(dd, "basedev")
- thopt <- attr(dd, "thopt")
- stderr <- attr(dd, "stderr")
- pp <- environment(dd)$pp
- X.orig <- pp$X
- n <- nrow(pp$V()) # use V() not X for the sake of nlmer
- p <- length(pp$beta0)
- ans <- lapply(opt <- attr(dd, "optimum"), function(el) NULL)
- bakspl <- forspl <- ans
- nptot <- length(opt)
- nvp <- nptot - p # number of variance-covariance pars
- fe.orig <- opt[-seq_len(nvp)]
- res <- c(.zeta = 0, opt)
- res <- matrix(res, nr = maxpts, nc = length(res),
- dimnames = list(NULL, names(res)), byrow = TRUE)
- cutoff <- sqrt(qchisq(1 - alphamax, nptot))
- ## helper functions
- ## nextpar calculates the next value of the parameter being
- ## profiled based on the desired step in the profile zeta
- ## (absstep) and the values of zeta and column cc for rows
- ## r-1 and r. The parameter may not be below lower
- nextpar <- function(mat, cc, r, absstep, lower = -Inf) {
- rows <- r - (1:0) # previous two row numbers
- pvals <- mat[rows, cc]
- zeta <- mat[rows, ".zeta"]
- if (!(denom <- diff(zeta)))
- stop("Last two rows have identical .zeta values")
- num <- diff(pvals)
- max(lower, pvals[2] + sign(num) * absstep * num / denom)
- }
- ## mkpar generates the parameter vector of theta and
- ## sigma from the values being profiled in position w
- mkpar <- function(np, w, pw, pmw) {
- par <- numeric(np)
- par[w] <- pw
- par[-w] <- pmw
- par
- }
- ## fillmat fills the third and subsequent rows of the matrix
- ## using nextpar and zeta
-### FIXME: add code to evaluate more rows near the minimum if that
-### constraint was active.
- fillmat <- function(mat, lowcut, zetafun, cc) {
- nr <- nrow(mat)
- i <- 2L
- while (i < nr && abs(mat[i, ".zeta"]) <= cutoff &&
- mat[i, cc] > lowcut) {
- mat[i + 1L, ] <- zetafun(nextpar(mat, cc, i, delta, lowcut))
- i <- i + 1L
- }
- mat
- }
- lower <- c(fitted at lower, 0, rep.int(-Inf, p))
- seqnvp <- seq_len(nvp)
- lowvp <- lower[seqnvp]
- form <- .zeta ~ foo # pattern for interpSpline formula
- for (w in seqnvp) {
- wp1 <- w + 1L
- start <- opt[seqnvp][-w]
- pw <- opt[w]
- lowcut <- lower[w]
- zeta <- function(xx) {
- ores <- bobyqa(start,
- function(x) dd(mkpar(nvp, w, xx, x)),
- lower = lowvp[-w])
- zz <- sign(xx - pw) * sqrt(ores$fval - base)
- c(zz, mkpar(nvp, w, xx, ores$par), pp$beta(1))
- }
-### FIXME: The starting values for the conditional optimization should
-### be determined from recent starting values, not always the global
-### optimum values.
-### Can do this by taking the change in the other parameter values at
-### the two last points and extrapolating.
- ## intermediate storage for pos. and neg. increments
- pres <- nres <- res
- ## assign one row, determined by inc. sign, from a small shift
- nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- zeta(pw * 1.01)
- ## fill in the rest of the arrays and collapse them
- bres <-
- as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,lowcut, zeta, wp1),
- fillmat(nres,lowcut, zeta, wp1))))
- bres$.par <- names(opt)[w]
- ans[[w]] <- bres[order(bres[, wp1]), ]
- form[[3]] <- as.name(names(opt)[w])
- bakspl[[w]] <- backSpline(forspl[[w]] <- interpSpline(form, bres))
- }
-### FIXME: something weird here in classroom example - the conditional estimates of the intercept turn negative
-## 12 -1.0957 9.616 8.518 26.39 -282.2 -0.4705 -8.356 5.354 sigma
-## 11 -0.5472 9.362 8.517 26.73 -282.2 -0.4703 -8.321 5.357 sigma
-## 1 0.0000 9.096 8.515 27.07 282.3 -0.4702 -8.285 5.361 sigma
-## 2 0.4206 8.883 8.514 27.34 -282.4 -0.4700 -8.256 5.363 sigma
- offset.orig <- fitted at resp$offset
- for (j in seq_len(p)) {
- pres <- # intermediate results for pos. incr.
- nres <- res # and negative increments
- est <- opt[nvp + j]
- std <- stderr[j]
- Xw <-X.orig[, j, drop=TRUE]
- pp1 <- do.call(new, list(Class = class(pp),
- X = .modelMatrixDrop(X.orig, j),
- Zt = pp$Zt,
- Lambdat = pp$Lambdat,
- Lind = pp$Lind,
- theta = pp$theta)
- )
- rr <- new(Class=class(fitted at resp), y=fitted at resp$y)
- rr$weights <- fitted at resp$weights
- fe.zeta <- function(fw) {
- rr$offset <- Xw * fw + offset.orig
- ores <- bobyqa(thopt, mkdevfun(pp1, rr, emptyenv()), lower = fitted at lower)
- fv <- ores$fval
- sig <- sqrt((rr$wrss() + pp1$sqrL(1))/n)
- c(sign(fw - est) * sqrt(fv - base),
- ores$par * sig, sig, mkpar(p, j, fw, pp1$beta(1)))
- }
- nres[1, ] <- pres[2, ] <- fe.zeta(est + delta * std)
- poff <- nvp + 1L + j
- bres <-
- as.data.frame(unique(rbind2(fillmat(pres,-Inf, fe.zeta, poff),
- fillmat(nres,-Inf, fe.zeta, poff))))
- thisnm <- names(fe.orig)[j]
- bres$.par <- thisnm
- ans[[thisnm]] <- bres[order(bres[, poff]), ]
- form[[3]] <- as.name(thisnm)
- bakspl[[thisnm]] <-
- backSpline(forspl[[thisnm]] <- interpSpline(form, bres))
- }
- ans <- do.call(rbind, ans)
- ans$.par <- factor(ans$.par)
- attr(ans, "forward") <- forspl
- attr(ans, "backward") <- bakspl
- row.names(ans) <- NULL
- class(ans) <- c("thpr", "data.frame")
- ans
dens <- function(pr, npts=201, upper=0.999) {
npts <- as.integer(npts)
stopifnot(inherits(pr, "thpr"), npts > 0,
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