[Lme4-commits] r1472 - in pkg/lme4Eigen: R src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Dec 7 00:25:08 CET 2011

Author: dmbates
Date: 2011-12-07 00:25:08 +0100 (Wed, 07 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 1472

Add many more fields to the merPredD class and allow for serialize/unserialize.  Lower the default tolPwrss as per testing by Ben.

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R	2011-12-06 17:42:13 UTC (rev 1471)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/AllClass.R	2011-12-06 23:25:08 UTC (rev 1472)
@@ -15,27 +15,57 @@
 merPredD <- 
     setRefClass("merPredD", # Predictor class for mixed-effects models with dense X
                 fields =
-                list(Ptr     = "externalptr",
+                list(Lambdat = "dgCMatrix",
+                     LamtUt  = "dgCMatrix",
+                     Lind    = "integer",
+                     Ptr     = "externalptr",
+                     RZX     = "matrix",
+                     Ut      = "dgCMatrix",
+                     Utr     = "numeric",
+                     V       = "matrix",
+                     VtV     = "matrix",
+                     Vtr     = "numeric",
                      X       = "ddenseModelMatrix",
                      Zt      = "dgCMatrix",
-                     Lambdat = "dgCMatrix",
-                     Lind    = "integer",
                      beta0   = "numeric",
-                     u0      = "numeric",
-                     theta   = "numeric"),
+                     delb    = "numeric",
+                     delu    = "numeric",                     
+                     theta   = "numeric",
+                     u0      = "numeric"),
                 methods =
-                     initialize = function(X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta, ...) {
+                     initialize = function(X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta, S, ...) {
                          if (!nargs()) return
                          X <<- as(X, "ddenseModelMatrix")
                          Zt <<- as(Zt, "dgCMatrix")
                          Lambdat <<- as(Lambdat, "dgCMatrix")
                          Lind <<- as.integer(Lind)
-                         theta <<- as.numeric(theta) # force a copy
-                         stopifnot(length(theta) > 0L, length(Lind) > 0L, 
-                                   all(sort(unique(Lind)) == seq_along(theta)))
-                         if (!length(u0))    u0 <<- numeric(nrow(Zt))
-                         if (!length(beta0)) beta0 <<- numeric(ncol(X))
+                         theta <<- as.numeric(theta)
+                         N <- nrow(X)
+                         S <- as.integer(S)[1]
+                         n <- N %/% S
+                         p <- ncol(X)
+                         q <- nrow(Zt)
+                         stopifnot(length(theta) > 0L,
+                                   length(Lind) > 0L, 
+                                   all(sort(unique(Lind)) == seq_along(theta)),
+                                   S > 0L,
+                                   n * S == N)
+                         if (!length(RZX))     RZX <<- array(0, c(q, p))
+                         if (!length(Utr))     Utr <<- numeric(q)
+                         if (!length(V))         V <<- array(0, c(n, p))
+                         if (!length(VtV))     VtV <<- array(0, c(p, p))
+                         if (!length(Vtr))     Vtr <<- numeric(p)
+                         if (!length(beta0)) beta0 <<- numeric(p)
+                         if (!length(delb))   delb <<- numeric(p)
+                         if (!length(delu))   delu <<- numeric(q)
+                         if (!length(u0))       u0 <<- numeric(q)
+                         if (!length(Ut at x)) {
+                             Ut <<- if (S == 1) Zt + 0 else
+                             Zt %*% sparseMatrix(i=seq_len(N), j=as.integer(gl(n, 1, N)), x=rep.int(1,N))
+                         }
+                         if (!length(LamtUt at x)) LamtUt <<- Lambdat %*% Ut   
+                         updateXwts(rep.int(1, N))
                      CcNumer      = function() {
                          'returns the numerator of the orthogonality convergence criterion'
@@ -45,10 +75,10 @@
                          'returns the current value of the sparse Cholesky factor'
                          .Call(merPredDL, ptr())
-                     LamtUt       = function() {
-                         'returns the current value of the product Lambdat %*% Ut'
-                         .Call(merPredDLamtUt, ptr())
-                     },
+                     ## LamtUt       = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the current value of the product Lambdat %*% Ut'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDLamtUt, ptr())
+                     ## },
                      P            = function() {
                          'returns the permutation vector for the sparse Cholesky factor'
                          .Call(merPredDPvec, ptr())
@@ -61,30 +91,30 @@
                          'returns the diagonal of the dense downdated Cholesky factor'
                          .Call(merPredDRXdiag, ptr())
-                     RZX          = function() {
-                         'returns the cross term in Cholesky decomposition for all coefficients'
-                         .Call(merPredDRZX, ptr())
-                     },
-                     Ut           = function() {
-                         'returns the transposed weighted random-effects model matrix'
-                         .Call(merPredDUt, ptr())
-                     },
-                     Utr          = function() {
-                         'returns the cross-product of the weighted random-effects model matrix\nand the weighted residuals'
-                         .Call(merPredUtr, ptr())
-                     },
-                     V            = function() {
-                         'returns the weighted fixed-effects model matrix'
-                         .Call(merPredDV, ptr())
-                     },
-                     VtV          = function() {
-                         'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix'
-                         .Call(merPredDVtV, ptr())
-                     },
-                     Vtr          = function() {
-                         'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix\nand the residuals'
-                         .Call(merPredVtr, ptr())
-                     },
+                     ## RZX          = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the cross term in Cholesky decomposition for all coefficients'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDRZX, ptr())
+                     ## },
+                     ## Ut           = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the transposed weighted random-effects model matrix'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDUt, ptr())
+                     ## },
+                     ## Utr          = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the cross-product of the weighted random-effects model matrix\nand the weighted residuals'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredUtr, ptr())
+                     ## },
+                     ## V            = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the weighted fixed-effects model matrix'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDV, ptr())
+                     ## },
+                     ## VtV          = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDVtV, ptr())
+                     ## },
+                     ## Vtr          = function() {
+                     ##     'returns the weighted cross-product of the fixed-effects model matrix\nand the residuals'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredVtr, ptr())
+                     ## },
                      b            = function(fac) {
                          'random effects on original scale for step factor fac'
                          .Call(merPredDb, ptr(), as.numeric(fac))
@@ -93,14 +123,14 @@
                          'fixed-effects coefficients for step factor fac'
                          .Call(merPredDbeta, ptr(), as.numeric(fac))
-                     delb         = function() {
-                         'increment for the fixed-effects coefficients'
-                         .Call(merPredDdelb, ptr())
-                     },
-                     delu         = function() {
-                         'increment for the orthogonal random-effects coefficients'
-                         .Call(merPredDdelu, ptr())
-                     },
+                     ## delb         = function() {
+                     ##     'increment for the fixed-effects coefficients'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDdelb, ptr())
+                     ## },
+                     ## delu         = function() {
+                     ##     'increment for the orthogonal random-effects coefficients'
+                     ##     .Call(merPredDdelu, ptr())
+                     ## },
                      ldL2         = function() {
                          'twice the log determinant of the sparse Cholesky factor'
                          .Call(merPredDldL2, ptr())
@@ -125,7 +155,9 @@
                          'returns the external pointer, regenerating if necessary'
                          if (length(theta)) {
                              if (.Call(isNullExtPtr, Ptr))
-                                 Ptr <<- .Call(merPredDCreate, X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta, u0, beta0)
+                                 Ptr <<- .Call(merPredDCreate, X, Lambdat, LamtUt, Lind,
+                                               RZX, Ut, Utr, V, VtV, Vtr, Zt,
+                                               beta0, delb, delu, theta, u0)
@@ -171,7 +203,8 @@
-merPredD$lock("X", "Zt", "Lind", "Lambdat", "u0", "beta0", "theta")
+merPredD$lock("Lambdat", "LamtUt", "Lind", "Ptr", "RZX", "Ut", "Utr", "V", "VtV",
+              "Vtr", "X", "Zt", "beta0", "delb", "delu", "theta", "u0")
 lmResp <-                               # base class for response modules

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R	2011-12-06 17:42:13 UTC (rev 1471)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/R/lmer.R	2011-12-06 23:25:08 UTC (rev 1472)
@@ -41,17 +41,15 @@
     reTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(formula[[3]]), fr)
     if (any(unlist(lapply(reTrms$flist, nlevels)) >= nrow(fr)))
 	stop("number of levels of each grouping factor must be less than number of obs")
-    ## fixed-effects model matrix X - remove random parts from formula:
+    ## fixed-effects model matrix X - remove random effects from formula:
     form <- formula
     form[[3]] <- if(is.null(nb <- nobars(form[[3]]))) 1 else nb
     X <- model.Matrix(form, fr, contrasts, sparse = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) ## sparseX not yet
     p <- ncol(X)
     if ((qrX <- qr(X))$rank < p)
 	stop(gettextf("rank of X = %d < ncol(X) = %d", qrX$rank, p))
-    pp <- do.call(merPredD$new, c(list(X=X), reTrms[c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind")]))
-#    pp <- do.call(merPredD$new, c(list(X=X, Theta=reTrms$theta), reTrms[c("Zt","Lambdat","Lind")]))
+    pp <- do.call(merPredD$new, c(list(X=X, S=1L), reTrms[c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind")]))
     resp <- mkRespMod2(fr, if(REML) p else 0L)
-#    if (REML) resp$reml <- p
     devfun <- mkdevfun(pp, resp, emptyenv())
     if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@
 	     sigmaML=sqrt(pwrss/n), sigmaREML=sqrt(pwrss/(n-p)))
     new("lmerMod", call=mc, frame=fr, flist=reTrms$flist, cnms=reTrms$cnms,
-	theta=pp$theta, beta=pp$delb(), u=pp$delu(), lower=reTrms$lower, Gp=reTrms$Gp,
+	theta=pp$theta, beta=pp$delb, u=pp$delu, lower=reTrms$lower, Gp=reTrms$Gp,
 	devcomp=list(cmp=cmp, dims=dims), pp=pp, resp=resp)
 }## { lmer }
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@
                   control = list(), start = NULL, verbose = 0L, nAGQ = 1L,
                   doFit = TRUE, compDev=TRUE, subset, weights, na.action, offset,
                   contrasts = NULL, mustart, etastart, devFunOnly = 0L,
-                  tolPwrss = 0.000001, ...)
+                  tolPwrss = 1e-10, ...)
     verbose <- as.integer(verbose)
     mf <- mc <- match.call()
@@ -1045,7 +1043,7 @@
 ### FIXME: Should modify the call slot to set REML=FALSE.  It is
 ### tricky to do so without causing the call to be evaluated
     new("lmerMod", call=x at call, frame=x at frame, flist=x at flist,
-	cnms=x at cnms, theta=pp$theta, beta=pp$delb(), u=pp$delu(),
+	cnms=x at cnms, theta=pp$theta, beta=pp$delb, u=pp$delu,
 	lower=x at lower, devcomp=list(cmp=cmp, dims=dims), pp=pp, resp=resp)

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/external.cpp
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/external.cpp	2011-12-06 17:42:13 UTC (rev 1471)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/external.cpp	2011-12-06 23:25:08 UTC (rev 1472)
@@ -398,11 +398,14 @@
     // dense predictor module for mixed-effects models
-    SEXP merPredDCreate(SEXP Xs, SEXP Zt, SEXP Lambdat, SEXP Lind, SEXP theta,
-			SEXP u0, SEXP beta0) {
+    SEXP merPredDCreate(SEXP Xs, SEXP Lambdat, SEXP LamtUt, SEXP Lind,
+			SEXP Vtr, SEXP Zt, SEXP beta0, SEXP delb, SEXP delu,
+			SEXP theta, SEXP u0) {
 	S4 X(Xs);
-	merPredD *ans = new merPredD(X, Zt, Lambdat, Lind, theta, u0, beta0);
+	merPredD *ans = new merPredD(X, Lambdat, LamtUt, Lind, RZX, Ut, Utr,
+				     V, VtV, Vtr, Zt, beta0, delb, delu, theta, u0);
 	return wrap(XPtr<merPredD>(ans, true));
@@ -741,7 +744,7 @@
     CALLDEF(lmer_Deviance, 3),    // method
     CALLDEF(lmer_Laplace, 4),
-    CALLDEF(merPredDCreate, 7),	  // generate external pointer
+    CALLDEF(merPredDCreate, 16), // generate external pointer
     CALLDEF(merPredDsetTheta, 2), // setters
     CALLDEF(merPredDsetBeta0, 2),

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/predModule.cpp
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/predModule.cpp	2011-12-06 17:42:13 UTC (rev 1471)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/predModule.cpp	2011-12-06 23:25:08 UTC (rev 1472)
@@ -10,11 +10,14 @@
 namespace lme4Eigen {
     using std::invalid_argument;
+    typedef   Map<MatrixXd>    MMat;
     typedef   Map<VectorXd>    MVec;
     typedef   Map<VectorXi>    MiVec;
-    merPredD::merPredD(S4 X, SEXP Zt, SEXP Lambdat, SEXP Lind,
-		       SEXP theta, SEXP u0, SEXP beta0)
+    merPredD::merPredD(S4 X, SEXP Lambdat, SEXP LamtUt, SEXP Lind,
+		       SEXP RZX, SEXP Ut, SEXP Utr, SEXP V, SEXP VtV,
+		       SEXP Vtr, SEXP Zt, SEXP beta0, SEXP delb, SEXP delu,
+		       SEXP theta, SEXP u0)
 	: d_X(       X),
           d_Zt(      as<MSpMatrixd>(Zt)),
 	  d_theta(   as<MVec>(theta)),
@@ -24,18 +27,19 @@
 	  d_p(       d_X.cols()),
 	  d_q(       d_Zt.rows()),
 	  d_Lambdat( as<MSpMatrixd>(Lambdat)),
-	  d_RZX(     d_q, d_p),
-	  d_V(       d_X.rows(), d_X.cols()),
-	  d_VtV(     d_p,d_p),
-	  d_Vtr(     d_p),
-	  d_Utr(     d_q),
-	  d_delb(    d_p),
-	  d_delu(    d_q),
+	  d_RZX(     as<MMat>(RZX)),
+	  d_V(       as<MMat>(V)),
+	  d_VtV(     as<MMat>(VtV)),
+	  d_Vtr(     as<MVec>(Vtr)),
+	  d_Utr(     as<MVec>(Utr)),
 	  d_beta0(   as<MVec>(beta0)),
+	  d_delb(    as<MVec>(delb)),
+	  d_delu(    as<MVec>(delu)),
 	  d_u0(      as<MVec>(u0)),
-	  d_Ut(      d_Zt),
-	  d_RX(      d_p),
-	  d_LamtUtRestructure(false)
+	  d_Ut(      as<MSpMatrixd>(Ut)),
+	  d_LamtUt(  as<MSpMatrixd>(LamtUt)),
+	  d_RX(      d_p)
+	  //	  d_LamtUtRestructure(false)
     {				// Check consistency of dimensions
 	if (d_n != d_Zt.cols())
 	    throw invalid_argument("Z dimension mismatch");
@@ -43,42 +47,32 @@
 	    throw invalid_argument("size of Lind does not match nonzeros in Lambda");
 	// checking of the range of Lind is now done in R code for reference class
 				// initialize beta0, u0, delb, delu and VtV
-	d_beta0.setZero(); d_u0.setZero(); d_delu.setZero(); d_delb.setZero();
-	d_V       = d_X;
+//	d_beta0.setZero(); d_u0.setZero(); d_delu.setZero(); d_delb.setZero();
+//	d_V       = d_X;
 	d_RX.compute(d_VtV);	// ensure d_RX is initialized even in the 0-column X case
 	setTheta(d_theta);	    // starting values into Lambda
         d_L.cholmod().final_ll = 1; // force an LL' decomposition
-	d_LamtUt = d_Lambdat * d_Ut;
+	updateLamtUt();
 	d_L.analyzePattern(d_LamtUt); // perform symbolic analysis
         if (d_L.info() != Eigen::Success)
 	    throw runtime_error("CholeskyDecomposition.analyzePattern failed");
     void merPredD::updateLamtUt() {
-	if (d_LamtUtRestructure) {
-	    d_LamtUt                           = d_Lambdat * d_Ut;
-	    return;
-	}
-	// This code fails if Lambdat is a MappedSparseMatrix<double>,
-	// which is why it is stored as a SparseMatrix<double>.
 	// This complicated code bypasses problems caused by Eigen's
 	// sparse/sparse matrix multiplication pruning zeros.  The
 	// Cholesky decomposition croaks if the structure of d_LamtUt changes.
 	std::fill(d_LamtUt._valuePtr(), d_LamtUt._valuePtr() + d_LamtUt.nonZeros(), Scalar());
-//	Rcpp::Rcout << "Lambdat[" << d_Lambdat.rows() << ", " << d_Lambdat.cols() << "]: "
-//		    << "innerSize() = " << d_Lambdat.innerSize() 
-//		    << ", outerSize() = " << d_Lambdat.outerSize() << std::endl;
 	for (Index j = 0; j < d_Ut.cols(); ++j) {
-//	    Rcpp::Rcout << "d_Ut column index: " << j << std::endl;
-	    for(SpMatrixd::InnerIterator rhsIt(d_Ut, j); rhsIt; ++rhsIt) {
+	    for(MSpMatrixd::InnerIterator rhsIt(d_Ut, j); rhsIt; ++rhsIt) {
 		Scalar                       y(rhsIt.value());
 		Index                        k(rhsIt.index());
 //		Rcpp::Rcout << "d_Ut row k = " << k << ", v = " << y;
 //		Rcpp::Rcout << ", Lambdat: col has " << d_Lambdat.innerNonZeros(k)
 //			    << " nonzeros" << std::endl;
-		SpMatrixd::InnerIterator prdIt(d_LamtUt, j);
+		MSpMatrixd::InnerIterator prdIt(d_LamtUt, j);
 		for (MSpMatrixd::InnerIterator lhsIt(d_Lambdat, k); lhsIt; ++lhsIt) {
 		    Index                    i = lhsIt.index();
 //		    Rcpp::Rcout << "lhsIt: i = " << i << ", v = " << lhsIt.value() << std::endl;
@@ -109,7 +103,7 @@
     void merPredD::updateL() {
-	d_L.factorize_p(d_LamtUt, ArrayXi(), 1.);
+	d_L.factorize_p(d_LamtUt, Eigen::ArrayXi(), 1.);
 	d_ldL2 = ::M_chm_factor_ldetL2(d_L.factor());
@@ -162,7 +156,10 @@
 	    throw invalid_argument("updateXwts: dimension mismatch");
 	if (sqrtXwt.size() == d_V.rows()) {
 	    d_V              = sqrtXwt.asDiagonal() * d_X;
-	    d_Ut             = d_Zt * sqrtXwt.asDiagonal();
+	    for (int j = 0; j < d_n; ++j)
+		for (MSpMatrixd::InnerIterator Uit(d_Ut, j), Zit(d_Zt, j);
+		     Uit && Zit; ++Uit, ++Zit)
+		    Uit.valueRef() = Zit.value() * sqrtXwt.data()[j];
 	} else {
 	    int n            = d_X.rows()/d_V.rows();
 	    SpMatrixd      W(n, sqrtXwt.size());
@@ -174,11 +171,12 @@
 	    d_V              = W * d_X;
-	    d_Ut             = d_Zt * W.adjoint();
+//FIXME: work out the corresponding code for Ut and Zt
+//	    d_Ut             = d_Zt * W.adjoint();
-	if (d_LamtUt.rows() != d_Ut.rows() || 
-	    d_LamtUt.cols() != d_Ut.cols()) d_LamtUtRestructure = true;
-	d_VtV.setZero().selfadjointView<Upper>().rankUpdate(d_V.adjoint());
+//	if (d_LamtUt.rows() != d_Ut.rows() || 
+//	    d_LamtUt.cols() != d_Ut.cols()) d_LamtUtRestructure = true;
+	d_VtV.setZero().selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().rankUpdate(d_V.adjoint());

Modified: pkg/lme4Eigen/src/predModule.h
--- pkg/lme4Eigen/src/predModule.h	2011-12-06 17:42:13 UTC (rev 1471)
+++ pkg/lme4Eigen/src/predModule.h	2011-12-06 23:25:08 UTC (rev 1472)
@@ -12,17 +12,13 @@
 #include <RcppEigen.h>
 namespace lme4Eigen {
-    using Eigen::ArrayXi;
     using Eigen::CholmodDecomposition;
-    using Eigen::Dynamic;
     using Eigen::LLT;
     using Eigen::Lower;
     using Eigen::Map;
-    using Eigen::Matrix;
     using Eigen::MatrixXd;
     using Eigen::SelfAdjointView;
     using Eigen::SparseMatrix;
-    using Eigen::Upper;
     using Eigen::VectorXd;
     using Eigen::VectorXi;
@@ -137,15 +133,15 @@
 	Index          d_n, d_nnz, d_p, d_q;
 	MSpMatrixd     d_Lambdat;
 	Scalar         d_CcNumer, d_ldL2, d_ldRX2;
-	MatrixXd       d_RZX, d_V, d_VtV;
-	VectorXd       d_Vtr, d_Utr, d_delb, d_delu;
-	Map<VectorXd>  d_beta0, d_u0;
-	SpMatrixd      d_Ut, d_LamtUt;
+	Map<MatrixXd>  d_RZX, d_V, d_VtV;
+	Map<VectorXd>  d_Vtr, d_Utr, d_beta0, d_delb, d_delu, d_u0;
+	MSpMatrixd     d_Ut, d_LamtUt;
 	ChmDecomp      d_L;
 	LLT<MatrixXd>  d_RX;
-	bool           d_LamtUtRestructure;
+//	bool           d_LamtUtRestructure;
 	IntegerVector          Pvec() const;
@@ -168,22 +164,22 @@
 	const ChmDecomp&          L() const {return d_L;}
-	const MatrixXd&           V() const {return d_V;}
-	const MatrixXd&         VtV() const {return d_VtV;}
-	const MatrixXd&         RZX() const {return d_RZX;}
+	const Map<MatrixXd>&      V() const {return d_V;}
+	const Map<MatrixXd>&    VtV() const {return d_VtV;}
+	const Map<MatrixXd>&    RZX() const {return d_RZX;}
 	const Map<VectorXd>&  theta() const {return d_theta;}
 	const MSpMatrixd&   Lambdat() const {return d_Lambdat;}
-	const SpMatrixd&     LamtUt() const {return d_LamtUt;}
-	const SpMatrixd&         Ut() const {return d_Ut;}
+	const MSpMatrixd&    LamtUt() const {return d_LamtUt;}
+	const MSpMatrixd&        Ut() const {return d_Ut;}
 	const MSpMatrixd&        Zt() const {return d_Zt;}
-	const VectorXd&         Utr() const {return d_Utr;}
-	const VectorXd&         Vtr() const {return d_Vtr;}
-	const VectorXd&        delb() const {return d_delb;}
-	const VectorXd&        delu() const {return d_delu;}
+	const Map<VectorXd>&    Utr() const {return d_Utr;}
+	const Map<VectorXd>&    Vtr() const {return d_Vtr;}
+	const Map<VectorXd>&   delb() const {return d_delb;}
+	const Map<VectorXd>&   delu() const {return d_delu;}
 	const Map<VectorXd>&  beta0() const {return d_beta0;}
 	const Map<VectorXd>&     u0() const {return d_u0;}

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