[IPSUR-commits] r122 - in pkg/IPSUR: R man

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Tue Jan 5 14:40:25 CET 2010

Author: gkerns
Date: 2010-01-05 14:40:25 +0100 (Tue, 05 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 122

added them back

Added: pkg/IPSUR/R/clt.R
--- pkg/IPSUR/R/clt.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/IPSUR/R/clt.R	2010-01-05 13:40:25 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# The Central Limit Theorem                       
+clt1 <- function(population = "rt",
+                 r = 3,
+                 sample.size = 2,
+                 N.iter = 100000){
+# initialize variables
+population <- get(population, mode = "function")
+xbar <- rep(0, N.iter)
+curve( dt(x, df = r ),
+        xlim = c(-5,5),
+        xlab = "Support Set",
+        ylab = "Density",
+        lwd = 2,
+        main = "The Population Distribution \n (while we're waiting)" )
+abline( h = 0 , col = "grey" )
+# Label the plot with mu
+text(   5, 
+        dt(0, df = r )*0.9, 
+        bquote( mu ==.(0) ),
+        cex = 1.5, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Label the plot with sigma^2
+text(   5, 
+        dt(0, df = r )*0.8, 
+        bquote( sigma^2 ==.(r/(r-2)) ),
+        cex = 1.5, 
+        pos = 2 )
+# simulate xbar's
+xbar <- rowMeans( matrix(population(sample.size * N.iter, df = r),
+                         nrow = N.iter)
+                 )
+# Find mean and variance of xbar
+xbar.mean <- round( mean( xbar ), 4)
+xbar.var <- round( var( xbar ), 4)
+# window for graph
+low <- xbar.mean - 3*sqrt(xbar.var)
+up <- xbar.mean + 3*sqrt(xbar.var)
+# Draw histogram of simulated x-bars
+hist(   xbar,
+        breaks = 280,
+        xlim = c(low,up),
+        xlab = "",
+        prob = TRUE,
+        main = "Sampling Distribution of X-bar",
+        sub = "Click to see Limiting Normal Density (in red)")
+# Label the histogram with mean(xbar)
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar)), 
+        bquote( mean(xbar)==.(xbar.mean) ),
+        cex = 1, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Label the histogram with var(xbar)
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar))*0.9, 
+        bquote( var(xbar) ==.(xbar.var) ),
+        cex = 1, 
+        pos = 2 )
+# Label the histogram with n
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar))*0.8, 
+        bquote( n ==.(sample.size) ),
+        cex = 1.85, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Draw limiting Normal curve
+z <- locator( n = 1 )      
+curve(  dnorm(x, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar)), 
+        lwd = 2,
+        col = "red",
+        add = T )
+clt2 <- function(population = "runif",
+                 a = 0,
+                 b = 10,
+                 sample.size = 2,
+                 N.iter = 100000){
+# initialize variables
+population <- get(population, mode = "function")
+xbar <- rep(0, N.iter)
+curve( dunif(x, min = a, max = b ),
+        xlim = c(a-1,b+1), ylim = c(0, 1.3/(b-a)),
+        xlab = "Support Set",
+        ylab = "Density",
+        lwd = 2,
+        main = "The Population Distribution \n (while we're waiting)" )
+abline( h = 0 , col = "grey" )
+# Label the plot with mu
+text(   (a+b)/2, 
+        0.9/(b-a), 
+        bquote( mu ==.((a+b)/2) ),
+        cex = 1.5, 
+        pos = 1 )              
+# Label the plot with sigma^2
+text(   (a+b)/2, 
+        0.8/(b-a), 
+        bquote( sigma^2 ==.( (b-a)^2/12 ) ),
+        cex = 1.5, 
+        pos = 1 )
+# simulate xbar's
+xbar <-rowMeans(matrix(population(sample.size * N.iter, min = a, max = b),
+                       nrow = N.iter)
+                )
+# Find mean and variance of xbar
+xbar.mean <- round( mean( xbar ), 4)
+xbar.var <- round( var( xbar ), 4)
+# window for graph
+low <- xbar.mean - 3*sqrt(xbar.var)
+up <- xbar.mean + 3*sqrt(xbar.var)
+# Draw histogram of simulated x-bars
+hist(   xbar,
+        breaks = 80,
+        xlim = c(low,up),
+        xlab = "",
+        prob = TRUE,
+        main = "Sampling Distribution of X-bar",
+        sub = "Click to see Limiting Normal Density (in red)")
+# Label the histogram with mean(xbar)
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar)), 
+        bquote( mean(xbar)==.(xbar.mean) ),
+        cex = 1, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Label the histogram with var(xbar)
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar))*0.9, 
+        bquote( var(xbar)==.(xbar.var) ),
+        cex = 1, 
+        pos = 2 )
+# Label the histogram with n
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar))*0.8, 
+        bquote( n ==.(sample.size) ),
+        cex = 1.85, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Draw limiting Normal curve
+z <- locator( n = 1 )      
+curve(  dnorm(x, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar)), 
+        lwd = 2,
+        col = "red",
+        add = T )
+clt3 <- function(population = "rgamma",
+                 alpha = 1.21,
+                 theta = 2.37,
+                 sample.size = 2,
+                 N.iter = 100000){
+# initialize variables
+population <- get(population, mode = "function")
+xbar <- rep(0, N.iter)
+curve( dgamma(x, shape = alpha, scale = theta ),
+        xlim = c(0, alpha*theta*(1 + 3*theta)),
+        xlab = "Support Set",
+        ylab = "Density",
+        lwd = 2,
+        main = "The Population Distribution \n (while we're waiting)" )
+abline( h = 0 , col = "grey" )
+f = function(x){dgamma(x, shape = alpha, scale = theta )} 
+OPT = optimize( f,
+        interval = c(0, alpha*theta*(1 + 3*theta)),
+        maximum = TRUE) 
+# Label the plot with mu
+text(   alpha*theta*(1 + 2*theta), 
+        (OPT$objective)*0.9, 
+        bquote( mu ==.(alpha*theta )),
+        cex = 1.5, 
+        pos = 1 )              
+# Label the plot with sigma^2
+text(   alpha*theta*(1 + 2*theta), 
+        (OPT$objective)*0.8, 
+        bquote( sigma^2 ==.( alpha*theta^2 ) ),
+        cex = 1.5, 
+        pos = 1 )
+# simulate xbar's
+xbar <- rowMeans(matrix(population(sample.size * N.iter, shape = alpha, scale = theta),
+                        nrow = N.iter)
+                 )
+# Find mean and variance of xbar
+xbar.mean <- round( mean( xbar ), 4)
+xbar.var <- round( var( xbar ), 4)
+# window for graph
+low <- xbar.mean - 3*sqrt(xbar.var)
+up <- xbar.mean + 3*sqrt(xbar.var)
+# Draw histogram of simulated x-bars
+hist(   xbar,
+        breaks = 80,
+        xlim = c(low,up),
+        xlab = "",
+        prob = TRUE,
+        main = "Sampling Distribution of X-bar",
+        sub = "Click to see Limiting Normal Density (in red)")
+# Label the histogram with mean(xbar)
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar)), 
+        bquote( mean(xbar)==.(xbar.mean) ),
+        cex = 1, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Label the histogram with var(xbar)
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar))*0.9, 
+        bquote( var(xbar)==.(xbar.var) ),
+        cex = 1, 
+        pos = 2 )
+# Label the histogram with n
+text(   up, 
+        dnorm(xbar.mean, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar))*0.8, 
+        bquote( n ==.(sample.size) ),
+        cex = 1.85, 
+        pos = 2 )              
+# Draw limiting Normal curve
+z = locator( n = 1 )      
+curve(  dnorm(x, mean = xbar.mean, sd = sd(xbar)), 
+        lwd = 2,
+        col = "red",
+        add = T )

Added: pkg/IPSUR/man/clt.Rd
--- pkg/IPSUR/man/clt.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/IPSUR/man/clt.Rd	2010-01-05 13:40:25 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\name{The Central Limit Theorem}
+\alias{The Central Limit Theorem}
+\title{Investigating the Central Limit Theorem}
+  These functions were written for students to investigate the Central Limit Theorem.  For more information, see the exercises at the end of the chapter "Sampling Distributions" in IPSUR.
+clt1(population = "rt", r = 3, sample.size = 2, N.iter = 100000)
+clt2(population = "runif", a = 0, b = 10, sample.size = 2, N.iter = 100000)
+clt3(population = "rgamma", alpha = 1.21, theta = 2.37, sample.size = 2, N.iter = 100000)
+  \item{population}{the name of a population distribution, in its random generator form.}
+  \item{sample.size}{the sample size.}
+  \item{N.iter}{the number of samples desired.}
+  \item{r}{the degrees of freedom for Student's t distribution.}
+  \item{a}{the minimum value of a continuous uniform distribution.}
+  \item{b}{the maximum value of a continuous uniform distribution.}
+  \item{alpha}{the shape parameter of a gamma distribution.}
+  \item{theta}{the scale parameter of a gamma distribution.}
+ When the functions are called a plot window opens to show a graph of the PDF of the population distribution. On the display are shown numerical values of the population mean and variance. The computer simulates random samples of size \code{sample.size} from the distribution a total of 
+\code{N.iter} times, and sample means are calculated for each sample. Next follows a histogram of the simulated sample means, which closely approximates the sampling distribution of the sample mean.
+Also shown are the sample mean and sample variance of all of the simulated sample means. As a final step, when the user clicks the second plot, a normal curve with the same mean and variance as the simulated sample means is superimposed over the histogram.
+\author{G. Jay Kerns \email{gkerns at ysu.edu}}

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