[hyperSpec-help] hyperSpec announcements

Claudia Beleites chemometrie at beleites.de
Wed Jul 25 16:27:14 CEST 2012

Dear all,

*maintainer email*

The first announcement is that the maintainer email address for
hyperSpec changes to

chemometrie at beleites.de

as the original email address at university of Trieste will be deleted

Secondly, hyperSpec is finally approaching version 1.0 :-)

There is one important decision still to be made on which I'd like to
hear your opinion:

*logbook functionality*
So far, hyperSpec tries to log what is done to the object. Thus, you can
look up the "history" of the data set. However, keeping track of this
slows down things considerably and I find that personally, I hardly ever
make use of the logbook () feature: I find it more useful to work with
transcripts or directly with scripts or Sweave files for my data analyses.

Therefore, I'll switch the default to not keeping track of the history.
this will happen in the development version tonight, and in the official
release within a few weeks. Everyone will still be able to turn this
feature on by

hy.setOptions (log = TRUE)

However, based on your opinion and experience with this feature, I may
completely drop the logbook in the future.
In that case, this is the plan:
- I'll announce the decision on this mailing list
- the logbook related functions will be marked as deprecated and issue
warnings till next summer
- in approximately one year, the logbook-related functionality would
really be dropped.

Many thanks,

Claudia Beleites

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