[Gsdesign-commits] r163 - pkg/tex
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Fri May 22 23:33:16 CEST 2009
Author: keaven
Date: 2009-05-22 23:33:16 +0200 (Fri, 22 May 2009)
New Revision: 163
v 2 manual completion
Deleted: pkg/tex/Rd2latex.py
--- pkg/tex/Rd2latex.py 2009-05-22 21:32:33 UTC (rev 162)
+++ pkg/tex/Rd2latex.py 2009-05-22 21:33:16 UTC (rev 163)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# convert Rd files to tex files, so they can be included
-# as part of the user manual
-import sys, os
-# gsDesign package help file
-gsDesign_package_files = [
- "gsDesign-package",
- ]
-# second set of gsDesign files
-main_gs_design_files = [
- "gsDesign",
- "gsProbability",
- "plot.gsDesign",
- "gsCP",
- "gsBoundCP",
- ]
-# third set of gsDesign files
-bin_trial_files = [
- "normalGrid",
- "binomial",
- "nSurvival",
- ]
-# spending function files
-spendfun_files = [
- "spendingfunctions",
- "sfHSD",
- "sfpower",
- "sfexp",
- "sfLDPocock",
- "sfpoints",
- "sflogistic",
- "sfTDist",
- ]
-# other files
-other_files = [
- "Wang-Tsiatis-bounds",
- "checkScalar",
- "gsbound",
- ]
-all_files = gsDesign_package_files + main_gs_design_files + bin_trial_files + spendfun_files + other_files
-# Make temporary directories to hold the Rd and tex files
-#os.system("mkdir ./tmphelp")
-#os.system("mkdir ./tmphelp/Rd")
-#os.system("mkdir ./tmphelp/tex")
-# source paths for all the help files
-gsDesign_man_path = "../man/"
-Rd_ext = ".Rd"
-latex_ext = ".tex"
-src_path = "./tmphelp/Rd/"
-dest_path = "./tmphelp/tex/"
-cmd = "R CMD Rdconv --type=latex "
-output_files = ["gsDesign_package", "gsDesign_main", "bin_trial", "spending_functions", "other"]
-# copy all the source files from their SVN directory to the tmp .Rd dir
-for file_name in all_files:
- cp_cmd = "cp " + gsDesign_man_path + file_name + Rd_ext + " " + src_path + file_name + Rd_ext
- os.system(cp_cmd)
-# convert Rd to tex
-for file_name in all_files:
- exec_cmd = cmd + src_path + file_name + Rd_ext + " " + "-o " + dest_path + file_name + latex_ext
- os.system(exec_cmd)
-# check to see all tex files are generated
-for file_name in all_files:
- if not os.path.exists(dest_path + file_name + latex_ext):
- print "ERROR: " + dest_path + file_name + latex_ext + " was not created"
- sys.exit(1)
-# construct all tex files into five main tex files based on their classification
-for out_file in output_files:
- f = file(out_file + "_doc.tex", 'w')
- if out_file=="gsDesign_package":
- content = "\section{Function and Class Reference}\n" + "\subsection{gsDesign Package}\n"
- for f_name in gsDesign_package_files:
- content = content + "\input{" + dest_path + f_name + "}\n"
- elif out_file=="gsDesign_main":
- content = "\subsection{gsDesign main functions}"
- for f_name in main_gs_design_files:
- content = content + "\input{" + dest_path + f_name + "}\n"
- elif out_file=="bin_trial":
- content = "\subsection{Binomial trial functions}"
- for f_name in bin_trial_files:
- content = content + "\input{" + dest_path + f_name + "}\n"
- elif out_file=="spending_functions":
- content = "\subsection{Spending Functions}"
- for f_name in spendfun_files:
- content = content + "\input{" + dest_path + f_name + "}\n"
- elif out_file=="other":
- content = "\subsection{Other Files}"
- for f_name in other_files:
- content = content + "\input{" + dest_path + f_name + "}\n"
- else:
- print "ERROR: file " + out_file + " is not specified"
- exit(1)
- f.write(content)
- f.close() # close file
Deleted: pkg/tex/overview.tex
--- pkg/tex/overview.tex 2009-05-22 21:32:33 UTC (rev 162)
+++ pkg/tex/overview.tex 2009-05-22 21:33:16 UTC (rev 163)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Three R functions are supplied to provide basic computations related to
-designing group sequential clinical trials:
-\item The \texttt{gsDesign()} function provides sample size and
-boundaries for a group sequential design based on treatment effect, spending
-functions for boundary crossing probabilities, and relative timing of each
-analysis. Standard and user-specified spending functions may be used. In
-addition to spending function designs, the family of Wang-Tsiatis
-designs---including O'Brien-Fleming and Pocock designs---are also available.
-\item The \texttt{gsProbability()} function computes boundary crossing
-probabilities and expected sample size of a design for arbitrary
-user-specified treatment effects, bounds, and interim analysis sample sizes.
-\item The \texttt{gsCP()} function computes the conditional probability of
-future boundary crossing given a result at an interim analysis.
-The \texttt{gsCP()} function returns a value of the same type as
-The package design strategy should make these routines useful both as an
-everyday tool for simple group sequential design as well as a research tool
-for a wide variety of group sequential design problems. Both \texttt{print()}
-and \texttt{plot()} functions are available for both \texttt{gsDesign()} and
-\texttt{gsProbability()}. This should make it easy to incorporate design
-specification and properties into documents, as required.
-Functions are set up to be called directly from the R command line. Default
-arguments and output for \texttt{gsDesign()} are included to make initial use
-simple. Sufficient options are available, however, to make the routine very
-To get started with \texttt{gsDesign}, read Section~\ref{sec:basicfeatures},
-Basic Features, and then proceed to Section~\ref{sec:detailedex}, Detailed
-Examples, to get a feel for how the routines work. To try the routines out,
-read Section~\ref{sec:install}, Installation and Online Help. These three
-sections along with online help allow you to develop a design
-quickly without reading the full specification given in succeeding sections.
-For those interested in the theory behind this package,
-Section~\ref{sec:statmethods}, Statistical Methods, provides background.
-Complete clean-up and review of the manual (e.g., adding the references) will
-occur in version 1.20. Generally, the manual should be up-to-date with package revisions.
Deleted: pkg/tex/spendfn.tex
--- pkg/tex/spendfn.tex 2009-05-22 21:32:33 UTC (rev 162)
+++ pkg/tex/spendfn.tex 2009-05-22 21:33:16 UTC (rev 163)
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-\section{Spending Functions\label{sec:spendfun}}
-Standard published spending functions commonly used for group sequential
-design are included as part of the gsDesign package. Several `new' spending
-functions are included that are of potential interest.
-Users can also write their own spending functions to pass directly
-to \texttt{gsDesign()}. Available spending functions and the syntax for
-writing a new spending function are documented here. For users
-needing more background in spending functions, basic material is included in
-Section~\ref{sec:statmethods}, Statistical Methods. We begin here with
-simple examples of how to apply
-standard spending functions in calls to \texttt{gsDesign()}. This may be as
-far as many readers may want to read. However, for those interested in more
-esoteric spending functions, full documentation of the extensive spending
-function capabilities available is included. Examples for each type of
-spending function in the package are included in the online help documentation.
-\subsection{Spending Function Basics}
-As noted previously, the default spending function for \texttt{gsDesign()} is
-\texttt{sfHSD()}, the Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function. The default
-parameter for the upper bound is $\gamma = -4$ to produce a conservative,
-O'Brien-Fleming-like bound. The default for the lower bound is $\gamma = -2$,
-a less conservative bound. To change these to $-3$ (less conservative than an
-O'Brien-Fleming bound) and $1$ (an aggressive Pocock-like bound), respectively,
-requires only the following:
-> gsDesign(sfupar=-3, sflpar=1)
-The Kim-DeMets function, \texttt{sfPower()}, with upper bound parameter $\rho
-= 3$ (a conservative, O'Brien-Fleming-like bound) and lower bound parameter
-$\rho = 0.75$ (an aggressive, Pocock-like bound) is specified as follows:
-> gsDesign(sfu=sfPower, sfupar=3, sfl=sfPower, sflpar=0.75)}
-O'Brien-Fleming, Pocock, and Wang-Tsiatis ($\Delta = 0.25$; between Pocock and
-O'Brien-Fleming) bounds can be obtained (only for \texttt{test.type = 1} or
-\texttt{2}) as follows:
-> gsDesign(test.type=2, sfu="OF")
-> gsDesign(test.type=2, sfu="Pocock")
-> gsDesign(test.type=2, sfu="WT", sfupar=0.25)}
-Following is example code to plot Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending
-functions for three values of the $\gamma$ parameter. The first two $\gamma$
-values are the defaults for upper bound spending ($\gamma = -4$; a conservative
-bound somewhat similar to an O'Brien-Fleming bound) and lower bound spending
-($\gamma = -2$; a less conservative bound). The third ($\gamma = 1$) is
-included as it approximates a Pocock stopping rule; see Hwang, Shih and DeCani
-\cite{HwangShihDeCani}. The Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function class
-implemented in the function \texttt{sfHSD()} may be sufficient for designing
-many clinical trials without considering the other spending function forms
-available in this package. The three parameters in the calls to
-\ below are the total Type I\ error, values for which the spending function is
-evaluated (and later plotted), and the $\gamma$ parameter for the
-Hwang-Shih-DeCani design.
-The code
-below yields the plot in Figure~\ref{fig:hsd} below (note the typesetting of Greek characters!):
-> plot(0:100/100, sfHSD(.025, 0:100/100, -4)$spend, type="l", lwd=2,
-+ xlab="Proportion of information",
-+ ylab=expression(paste("Cumulative \ ",alpha,"-spending")),
-+ main="Hwang-Shih-DeCani Spending Functions")
-> lines(0:100/100, sfHSD(.025, 0:100/100, -2)$spend, lty=2, lwd=2)
-> lines(0:100/100, sfHSD(.025, 0:100/100, 1)$spend, lty=3, lwd=2)
-> legend(x=c(.0, .27), y=.025 * c(.8, 1), lty=1:3, lwd=2,
-+ legend=c(expression(paste(gamma," = -4")),
-+ expression(paste(gamma," = -2")),
-+ expression(paste(gamma," = 1"))))
-Similarly, Jennison and Turnbull \cite{JTBook},
-suggest that the Kim-DeMets spending function is flexible enough to suit most
-purposes. To compare the Kim-DeMets family with the Hwang-Shih-DeCani family
-just demonstrated, substitute \texttt{sfPower()} instead of
-\texttt{sfHSD()}; use parameter values $3$, $2$ and $0.75$ to
-replace the values $-4$,$-2$, and $1$ in the code shown above:
-> plot(0:100/100,sfPower(.025, 0:100/100, 3)$spend, type="l", lwd=2,
-+ xlab="Proportion of information",
-+ ylab=expression(paste("Cumulative \ ",alpha,"-spending")),
-+ main="Kim-DeMets Spending Functions")
-> lines(0:100/100, sfPower(.025, 0:100/100, 2)$spend, lty=2, lwd=2)
-> lines(0:100/100, sfPower(.025, 0:100/100, 0.75)$spend, lty=3, lwd=2)
-> legend(x=c(.0, .27), y=.025 * c(.8, 1), lty=1:3, lwd=2,
-+ legend=c(expression(paste(gamma," = 3")),
-+ expression(paste(gamma," = 2")),
-+ expression(paste(gamma," = 0.75"))))
-Users satisfied with these previously published and standard options
-may stop here!
-\caption{Hwang-Shih-DeCani spending function example\label{fig:hsd}}
-\subsection{Spending Function Details}
-Except for the "OF", "Pocock" and "WT" examples just given, a spending
-function passed to \texttt{gsDesign()} must have the following calling sequence:
-\texttt{sfname(alpha, t, param)}
-where \texttt{sfname} is an arbitrary name for a spending function available
-from the package or written by the user. The arguments are as follows:
-\item \texttt{alpha}: a real value ($0 < \mathtt{alpha} < 1$).
-The total error spending for the boundary to be determined. This would be
-replaced with the following values from a call to \texttt{gsDesign()}:
-\texttt{alpha} for the upper bound, and either \texttt{beta} (for
-\texttt{test.type = 3} or \texttt{4}) or \texttt{astar} (for
-\texttt{test.type = 5} or \texttt{6}) for the lower bound.
-\item \texttt{t}: a vector of arbitrary length $m$ of real values, $0 \leq
-t_{1} < t_{2} < \ldots t_{m}\leq1$. Specifies the proportion of spending for which
-values of the spending function are to be computed.
-\item \texttt{param}: for all cases here, this is either a real value or a
-vector of real values. One or more parameters that (with the parameter
-\texttt{alpha}) fully specify the spending function. This is specified in
-a call to \texttt{gsDesign()} with \texttt{sfupar} for the upper bound and
-\texttt{sflpar} for the lower bound.
-The value returned is of the class \texttt{spendfn} which was described in
-Section~\ref{sec:spendfn}, The \texttt{spendfn} Class.
-Table 1 summarizes many spending functions available in the package. A basic
-description of each type of spending function is given. The table begins with
-standard spending functions followed by two investigational spending
-functions: \texttt{sfExponential()} and \texttt{sfLogistic()}. These spending
-functions are discussed further in Section~\ref{sec:invspendfun}, Investigational Spending Functions, but
-are included here due to their simple forms. The logistic spending function
-represented by \texttt{sfLogistic()} has been used in several trials. It
-represents a class of two-parameter spending functions that can provide
-flexibility not available from one-parameter families. The
-\texttt{sfExponential()} spending function is included here as it provides an
-excellent approximation of an O'Brien-Fleming design as follows:
-gsDesign(test.type=2, sfu=sfExponential, sfupar=0.75)
-See also subsections below and online documentation of spending functions.
-Mathematical background is in Section~\ref{sec:statmethods}, Statistical Methods.
-\caption{Spending function definitions and parameterizations.}
-Function & Spending Function & Functional & Parameter\\
-(parameter) & Family & Form & (\texttt{sfupar} or \texttt{sflpar})\\\hline
-\texttt{sfHSD} & Hwang-Shih- & & Value in [-40,40).\\
-\texttt{\ (gamma)} & DeCani & $\alpha\frac{1-\exp(-\gamma t)}{1-\exp(-\gamma
-)}$ & -4=O'Brien-Fleming like;\\
-& & & 1=Pocock-like\\\hline
-\texttt{sfPower} & & & Value in $(0,+\infty)$\\
-\texttt{(rho)} & Kim-DeMets & $\alpha t^{\rho}$ & 3=O'Brien-Fleming like\\
-& & & 1=Pocock-like\\\hline
-\texttt{sfLDPocock} & Pocock & $\alpha\log(1+(e-1)t)$ & None\\
-\texttt{(none)} & approximation & & \\\hline
-\texttt{sfLDOF } & O'Brien-Fleming & $2\left( 1-\Phi\left( \frac{\Phi
-^{-1}(\alpha/2)}{\sqrt{t}}\right) \right) $ & None\\
-\texttt{(none)} & approximation & & \\\hline
-\texttt{sfPoints} & Pointwise & Specified points & Cumulative proportion of\\
-\texttt{(p}$_{1}$,\texttt{p}$_{2}$,...,\texttt{p}$_{K}$\texttt{)} &
-specification & $0<p_{1}\ldots<p_{K}=1$ & total boundary crossing\\
-& & & probability for each analysis\\\hline
-\texttt{sfExponential} & & & $(0,10]$\\
-\texttt{(nu)} & Exponential & $\alpha^{t^{-\nu}}$ & Recommend $\nu<1$\\
-& & & $0.75=$O'Brien-Fleming-like\\\hline
-\texttt{sfLogistic} & Logistic & $\alpha\frac{e^{a}\left( \frac{t}%
-{1-t}\right) ^{b}}{1+e^{a}\left( \frac{t}{1-t}\right) ^{b}}$ & $b>0$\\
-\texttt{(a,b)} & & & \\\hline
-\texttt{"WT"} & Wang-Tsiatis & $C(k,\alpha,\Delta)(i/K)^{\Delta-1/2}$ &
-0=O'Brien-Fleming bound\\
-\texttt{(Delta)} & bounds & & 0.5=Pocock bound\\\hline
-\texttt{"Pocock"} & Pocock & & This is a special case\\
-\texttt{(none)} & bounds & & of WT with $\Delta=1/2.$\\\hline
-\texttt{"OF"} & O'Brien-Fleming & & This is a special case\\
-\texttt{(none)} & bounds & & of WT with $\Delta=0.$\\\hline
-\subsection{Investigational Spending Functions\label{sec:invspendfun}}
-When designing a clinical trial with interim analyses, the rules for stopping
-the trial at an interim analysis for a positive or a negative efficacy result
-must fit the medical, ethical, regulatory and statistical situation that is
-presented. Once a general strategy has been chosen, it is not unreasonable to
-discuss precise boundaries at each interim analysis that would be considered
-ethical for the purpose of continuing or stopping a trial. Given such
-specified boundaries, we discuss here the possibility of numerically fitting
-$\alpha$- and $\beta$-spending functions that produce these boundaries.
-Commonly-used one-parameter families may not provide an adequate fit to
-multiple desired critical values. We present a method of deriving
-two-parameter families to provide some additional flexibility along with
-examples to demonstrate their usefulness. This method has been found to be
-useful in designing multiple trials, including the CAPTURE\ trial
-\cite{CAPTURE}, the GUSTO\ V trial \cite{GUSTOV} and three ongoing trials at Merck.
-One method of deriving a two-parameter spending function is to use the
-incomplete beta distribution which is commonly denoted by $I_{x}(a,b)$ where
-$a>0$, $b>0$. We let%
-\alpha(t;a,b)=\alpha I_{t}(a,b).
-This spending function is implemented in \texttt{sfBetaDist()}; developing
-code for this is also demonstrated below in Section~\ref{sec:newspendfn},
-Writing Code for a New Spending Function.
-Another approach allows fitting spending functions by solving a linear system
-of 2 equations in 2 unknowns. A two-parameter family of spending function is
-defined using an arbitrary, continuously increasing cumulative distribution
-function $F()$ defined on $(-\infty, \infty)$, a real-valued parameter $a$ and
-a positive parameter $b$:
-\alpha(t;a,b)=\alpha F(a+bF^{-1}(t)).\label{2 param sf}%
-Fix two points of the spending function
-$0 < \mathtt{t0} < \mathtt{t1} < 1 $ to have spending function values specified by \texttt{u0} $\times
-$ \texttt{alpha} and \texttt{u1} $\times$ \texttt{alpha}, respectively, where
-$0 < \mathtt{u0} < \mathtt{u1} < 1$. Equation (\ref{2 param sf}) now yields two linear equations with two
-unknowns, namely for $i=1,2$
-The four value specification of \texttt{param} for this family of spending
-functions is \texttt{param=c(t0, t1, u0, u1)} where the objective is that
-\texttt{sf(t0) = alpha*u0} and \texttt{sf(t1) = alpha*u1}. In this
-parameterization, all four values must be between 0 and 1 and
-$\mathtt{t0} < \mathtt{t1}$, $\mathtt{u0} < \mathtt{u1}$.
-The logistic distribution has been used with this strategy to
-produce spending functions for ongoing trials at Merck Research Laboratories
-in addition to the GUSTO V trial \cite{GUSTOV}. The logit function is defined
-for $0<u<1$ as ${\rm logit}(u)=\log(u/(1-u))$. Its inverse is defined for
-$x\in(-\infty,\infty)$ as ${\rm logit}^{-1}(x)=e^{x}/(1+e^{x})$. Letting $b>0$,
-$c=e^{a}>0$, $F(x)={\rm logit}^{-1}(x)$ and applying (\ref{2 param sf}) we obtain
-the logistic spending function family:
-\alpha(t;a,b) & =\alpha\times {\rm logit}^{-1}(\log(c)+b\times
-{\rm logit}(u))\label{logistic sf}\\
-& =\alpha\frac{c\left( \frac{t}{1-t}\right) ^{b}}{1+c\left( \frac{t}%
-{1-t}\right) ^{b}}%
-The logistic spending function is implemented in \texttt{sfLogistic()}.
-Functions are also available replacing $F()$ with the cumulative distribution
-functions for the standard normal distribution (\texttt{sfNormal()}), two
-versions of the extreme value distribution (sfExtremeValue() with
-$F(x)=exp(-exp(-x)$) and sfExtremeValue2 with $F(x)=1-exp(-exp(x))$), the
-central t-distribution (\texttt{sfTDist()}), and the Cauchy distribution
-(\texttt{sfCauchy()}). Of these, \texttt{sfNormal()} is fairly similar to
-\texttt{sfLogistic()}. \ On the other hand, \texttt{sfCauchy()} can behave
-quite differently. The function \texttt{sfTDist()} provides intermediary
-spending functions bounded by \texttt{sfNormal()} and \texttt{sfCauchy()}; it
-requires an additional parameter, the degrees of freedom \ See online help for
-more complete documentation, particularly for \texttt{sfTDist()}. \ Following
-is an example that plots several of these spending functions that fit through
-the same two points (\texttt{t1}=0.25, \ \texttt{t2}=0.5, \texttt{u1}=0.1,
-\texttt{u2}=0.2) but behave differently for $t>1/2$.
-> plotsf <- function(alpha,t,param)
- plot(t, sfCauchy(alpha, t, param)$spend, lwd=2,
- xlab="Proportion of enrollment",
- ylab="Cumulative spending", type="l")
- lines(t, sfLogistic(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty=4, lwd=2)
- lines(t, sfNormal(alpha, t, param)$spend, lty=5, lwd=2)
- lines(t, sfTDist(alpha, t, c(param, 1.5))$spend, lty=2, lwd=2)
- lines(t, sfTDist(alpha, t, c(param,2.5))$spend, lty=3, lwd=2)
- legend(x=c(.0, .3), y=alpha * c(.7,1), lty=1:5, lwd=2,
- legend=c("Cauchy", "t 1.5 df", "t 2.5 df", "Logistic", "Normal"))
-> t <- 1:199/200
-> t <- c(t, .9975, .99875, .9995, .99975)
-> param <- c(.25, .5, .1, .2)
-> plotsf(.025,t,param)
-\caption{Example fitting two- and three-parameter spending functions}
-\subsection{Resetting timing of analyses\label{sec:reset}}
-When designed with a spending function, the timing and number of analyses may
-be altered during the course of the trial. \ This is very easily handled in
-the \texttt{gsDesign()} routine using the input arguments \texttt{n.I} and
-\texttt{maxn.IPlan}. We demonstrate this by example. Suppose a trial was
-originally designed with the call:
-> x <- gsDesign(k=5, n.fix=800)
-> x$upper$bound
-> x$n.I
-The second and third lines above show the planned upper bounds and sample
-sizes at analyses. Suppose that when executed the final interim was skipped,
-the first 2 interims were completed on time, the third interim was completed
-at 575 patients (instead of 529 as originally planned), the fourth interim was
-skipped, and the final analysis was performed after 875 patients (instead of
-after 882 as originally planned). The boundaries for the analyses can be
-obtained as follows:
-> gsDesign(k=4, n.fix=800, n.I=c(177,353,575,875), maxn.IPlan=x$n.I[x$k])
-This design now has slightly higher power (90.4\%) than the originally planned
-90\%. This is because the final boundary was lowered relative to the original
-plan when the $\alpha$-spending planned for the fourth interim was saved
-for the final analysis by skipping the final interim. Note that all of the
-arguments for the original design must be supplied when the study is
-re-designed---in addition to adding \texttt{n.I}, which may have the same
-number, fewer, or more interim analyses compared to the original plan. If the
-sample size for the final analysis is changed, \texttt{maxn.IPlan} should be
-passed in as the original final sample size in order to appropriately assign
-$\alpha$- and $\beta$-spending for the interim analyses.
-\subsection{Optimized Spending Functions}
-The following two examples demonstrate some of the flexibility and research
-possibilities for the \texttt{gsDesign} package. The particular examples may or may not
-be of interest, but the strategy may be applied using a variety of
-optimization criteria. First, we consider finding a spending function to match
-a Wang-Tsiatis design. This could be useful to adjust a Wang-Tsiatis design if
-the timing of interim analyses are not as originally planned. Second, we
-replicate a result from Anderson \cite{AndBMJ} which minimized expected value
-of the square of sample size over a family of spending functions and a prior distribution.
-Approximating a Wang-Tsiatis design
-We have noted several approximations of O'Brien-Fleming and Pocock spending
-rules using spending functions in the table above. Following is sample code to
-provide a good approximation of Wang-Tsiatis bounds with a given parameter
-$\Delta$. \ This includes O'Brien-Fleming ($\Delta$=0) and Pocock ($\Delta
-$=0.5) designs. First, we define a function that computes the sum of squared
-deviations of the boundaries of a Wang-Tsiatis design compared to a
-one-parameter spending function family with a given parameter value of
-\texttt{x}. Note that \texttt{Delta} is the parameter for the Wang-Tsiatis
-design that we are trying to approximate. Other parameters are as before;
-recall that \texttt{test.type} should be limited to 1 or 2 for Wang-Tsiatis
-designs. Defaults are used for parameters for \texttt{gsDesign()} not included here.
-WTapprox <- function(x, alpha=0.025, beta=.1, k=3, sf=sfHSD, Delta=.25, test.type=2)
- # Wang-Tsiatis comparison with a one-parameter spending function
- y1 <- gsDesign(k=k, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, test.type=test.type, sfu="WT",
- sfupar=Delta)$upper$bound
- y2 <- gsDesign(k=k, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, test.type=test.type, sfu=sf,
- sfupar=x)$upper$bound
- z <- y1-y2
- return(sum(z*z))
-We consider approximating a two-sided O'Brien-Fleming design with \texttt{alpha}%
-=0.025 (one-sided) using the exponential spending function. The function
-\texttt{nlminb()} is a standard R function used for minimization. It minimizes
-a function passed to it as a function of that function's first
-argument, which may be a vector. The first parameter of \texttt{nlminb()} is
-a starting value for the minimization routine. The second is the function to be
-minimized. The parameter \texttt{lower} below provides a lower bound for first
-argument to the function being passed to \texttt{nlminb()}. \ Following
-parameters are fixed parameters for the function being passed to
-\texttt{nlminb()}. The result suggests that for $k=4$, an exponential spending
-function with $\nu=0.75$ approximates an O'Brien-Fleming design well.
-Examining this same optimization for $k=2$ to 10 suggests that $\nu=0.75$
-provides a good approximation of an O'Brien-Fleming design across this range.
-> nu <- nlminb(.67, WTapprox, lower=0, sf=sfExponential, k=4, Delta=0, test.type=2)$par
-> nu
-[1] 0.7562779
-Running comparable code for \texttt{sfHSD()} and \texttt{sfPower()}
-illustrates that the exponential spending function can provide a better
-approximation of an O'Brien-Fleming design than either the Hwang-Shih-DeCani
-or Kim-DeMets spending functions. For Pocock designs, the Hwang-Shih-DeCani
-spending function family provides good approximations.
-\bigskip Minimizing the expected value of a power of sample size
-In this example, we first define a function that computes a weighted average
-across a set of \texttt{theta} values of the expected value of a given power
-of the sample size for a design. \ Note that \texttt{sfupar} and
-\texttt{sflpar} are specified in the first input argument so that they may later
-be optimized using the R routine \texttt{nlminb()}. The code is compact, which
-is very nice for writing, but it may be difficult to interpret. A good way to
-see how the code works is to define values for all of the parameters and run
-each line from the R command prompt, examining the result.
-# Expected value of the power of sample size of a trial
-# as a function of upper and lower spending parameter.
-# Get sfupar from x[1] and sflpar from x[2].
-# val is the power of the sample size for which expected
-# values are computed.
-# theta is a vector for which expected values are to be computed.
-# thetawgt is a vector of the same length used to compute a
-# weighted average of the expected values.
-# Other parameters are as for gsDesign.
-enasfpar <- function(x, timing=1, theta, thetawgt, k=4,
- test.type=4, alpha=0.025, beta=0.1,
- astar=0, delta=0, n.fix=1, sfu=sfHSD,
- sfl=sfHSD, val=1, tol=0.000001, r=18)
- # derive design}
- x <- gsDesign(k=k, test.type=test.type, alpha=alpha, beta=beta,
- astar=astar, delta=delta, n.fix=n.fix, timing=timing,
- sfu=sfu,s fupar=x[1], sfl=sfl, sflpar=x[2], tol=tol, r=r)
- # compute boundary crossing probabilities for input theta
- x <- gsProbability(theta=theta, d=x)
- # compute sample sizes to the val power
- n <- x$n.I^val
- # compute expected values
- en <- n %*% (x$upper$prob +x$lower$prob)
- # compute weighted average of expected values
- en <- sum(as.vector(en) * as.vector(thetawgt))
- return(en)
-Now we use this function along with the R routine \texttt{nlminb()} which
-finds a minimum across possible values of \texttt{sfupar} and \texttt{sflpar}.
-The design derived using the code below and a more extensive discussion can be
-found in \cite{AndBMJ}. The code above is more general than in \cite{AndBMJ},
-however, as that paper was restricted to \texttt{test.type}=5 (the program
-provided there also worked for \texttt{test.type}=6).
-> # example from Anderson (2006)
-> delta <- abs(qnorm(.025) + qnorm(.1))
-> # use normal distribution to get weights
-> x <- normalGrid(mu=delta, sigma=delta/2)
-> x <- nlminb(start=c(.7, -.8), enasfpar, theta=x$z, timing=1, thetawgt=x$wgts,
-+ val=2,k=4,test.type=5,tol=0.000000001)
-> x$message
-> y <- gsDesign(k=4, test.type=5, sfupar=x$par[1], sflpar=x$par[2])
-> y
-\subsection{Writing Code for a New Spending Function\label{sec:newspendfn}}
-Following is sample code using a cumulative distribution function for a
-beta-distribution as a spending function. Let B(a,b) denote the complete beta
-function. The beta distribution spending function is denoted for any
-fixed $a>0$ and $b>0$ by%
-%TCIMACRO{\tint \limits_{0}^{t}}%
-This spending function provides much of the flexibility of spending functions
-in the last subsection, but is not of the same general form. This sample code
-is intended to provide guidance in writing code for a new spending function,
-if needed.
-# implementation of 2-parameter version of beta distribution spending function
-# assumes t and alpha are appropriately specified (does not check!)
-sfbdist <- function(alpha, t, param)
- # set up return list and its class
- x <- list(name="B-dist example", param=param, parname=c("a","b"), sf=sfbdist,
- spend=NULL, bound=NULL, prob=NULL, errcode=0, errmsg="No error")
- class(x) <- "spendfn"
- # check for errors in specification of a and b
- # gsReturnError is a simple function available from the
- # package for saving errors in the returned value}
- if (length(param) != 2)
- {
- return(gsReturnError(x,errcode=.3,
- errmsg="b-dist example spending function parameter must be of length 2"))
- }
- if (!is.numeric(param))
- {
- return(gsReturnError(x,errcode=.1,
- errmsg="Beta distribution spending function parameter must be numeric"))
- }
- if (param[1] <= 0)
- {
- return(gsReturnError(x,errcode=.12,
- errmsg="1st Beta distribution spending function parameter must be > 0."))
- }
- if (param[2] <= 0)
- {
- return(gsReturnError(x,errcode=.13,
- errmsg="2nd Beta distribution spending function parameter must be > 0."))
- }
- # set spending using cumulative beta distribution function and return
- x$spend <- alpha * pbeta(t, x$param[1], x$param[2])
- return(x)
-The flexibility of this spending function is demonstrated by the following
-code which produces the plot below. Using a=$\rho$, b=1 produces a Kim-DeMets
-spending function $\alpha t^{\rho}$ as shown by the solid line with $\rho$=2.
-The dashed line (\texttt{a}=6, \texttt{b}=4) shows a spending function that is
-conservative very early, but then aggressive in its spending pattern starting
-after about 40\% of data are available. The dotted (\texttt{a}=0.5,
-\texttt{b}=0.5) and dot-dashed (\texttt{a}=0.6, \texttt{b}=2) show
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