[GenABEL-dev] joining the GenABEL project - what is the procedure?

Yurii Aulchenko yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com
Thu May 2 15:15:05 CEST 2013

Dear All,

I have recently received several requests from people who would like to
join to the GenABEL project with their software. Given this is a
community-based project, neither me nor someone else is in a position to
say 'yes' or 'no' - we need to develop some procedure how a software joins
the project.

We have discussed this with Nicola and Lennart during EMGM-2013, and we
think that we do need a technical review as a part of the procedure
(addressing the issues of license, clarity of the code, integration with
other packages, etc.). We also need to think how we do maintenance: the
suggestion would be to request that the author joins the forum and the
list. If we see that a package is not actively maintained (e.g. we can not
reach the maintainer), we should tag such a package as 'orphaned'.

In many respects, we can base our procedure on the procedures developed by
Bioconductor. In our procedures we need to achieve two conflicting goals:
a) we do not want to repel potential contributors by a long list of
technical requirements but at the same time b) in the sake of
maintainability we need the code to comply to some requirements. Probably
we should have 'minimal' and 'complete' requirements with packages clearly
tagged on the web pages.

Let us know what you think. I will initiate a PiratPad document after
having initial response from you.

best regards,
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