[GenABEL-dev] Question about a fix for bug #1432 (default strand in exported file)

Yury Aulchenko yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 13:32:10 CEST 2011

I believe there is not real argument except the fact that many people may have there data on "+" as default option while exporting from GenomeStudio etc. However, while "+" may be common, it is not necessarily so. I agree that changing to "u" is good option, but it may be worth adding a few words into documentation to mention the fact that by default it is "u". 


On Aug 12, 2011, at 1:01 PM, L.C. Karssen wrote:

> Dear list,
> I would like to fix Bug #1432, "convert.snp.tped() uses "+" as default
> option for 'strand', using "u" would be more appropriate".
> https://r-forge.r-project.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1432&group_id=505&atid=2058
> Does anybody know a reason why the default strand should not be "u"?
> According to the documentation convert.snp.ped() already has "u" as
> default, so why not do the same for the tped export?
> Unless I hear an argument against this fix within a couple of days, I'll
> go ahead and implement it. 
> Of course we should announce this change in default behaviour explicitly
> when releasing the next version of GenABEL. 
> Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this,
> Lennart.
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------
> L.C. Karssen
> Erasmus MC
> Department of Epidemiology
> Room Ee2224
> Postbus 2040
> 3000 CA Rotterdam
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> phone: +31-10-7044217
> fax: +31-10-7044657
> email: l.karssen at erasmusmc.nl
> GPG key ID: 0E1D39E3
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