[FLR-list] size
Laurie Kell
lauriekell at googlemail.com
Wed May 22 14:23:01 CEST 2013
There is an issue, boring but may be important to agree on now, i.e.
labeling of length bins.
What does a length bin mean, i.e. if the "quant" dim represents length? and
the values are 5, 10, ...?
In the mixdist package these are the righthand boundaries i.e. they
represent (0,5] and (5,10]. But if they are the lefthand boundaries then
they represent (5,10] and (10,INF]. Or they could be midpoints. One option
would be to explicitly label the bins with the boundaries and then have
methods for going backwards and forwards between parametric and
non-parametric methods. Or to have an attribute that tracks the properties.
Otherwise I can see a lot of time being wasted in stock assessments. well
more than normal.
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Ernesto <ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.europa.eu>wrote:
> On 05/22/2013 12:02 PM, Ernesto wrote:
>> On 05/22/2013 11:34 AM, Sarah Kraak wrote:
>>> Hi FLR-guys,
>>> As you know I am not an active FLR user, but last year I showed some
>>> interest in whether you have size-based stuff in FLR (see attached email).
>>> In the meanwhile Coilin Minto and myself have been working on something
>>> (also attached - note this is a draft of the idea; at the moment we are
>>> working on the code to get the final graphs out) which we are coding in R
>>> but which could/should eventually been done in FLR. Perhaps you are
>>> interested.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sarah
>> Hi,
>> Following Laurie's suggestion I've started a git repository for length
>> methods in FLRhttps://github.com/ejardim/**FLMethLen<http://github.com/ejardim/FLMethLen>
>> Maybe our first task should be o write down what we're doing with length
>> data. Laurie's working on ALKs, so I guess you're interested in
>> converting length frequencies to ages for stock assessment !? We (a4a)
>> are working on OMs and how to generate them from length based data so
>> that uncertainty on the growth model can be included in the MSE. Sarah
>> and Colin Minto are working on selectivity. What else ?
>> Best
>> EJ
> Hi,
> I've updated the readme to reflect the latest messages.
> EJ
> --
> Ernesto Jardim<ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.**europa.eu<ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.europa.eu>
> >
> Fisheries Scientist
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