[Eventstudies-commits] r325 - in pkg: . R man
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Wed May 14 12:29:02 CEST 2014
Author: vikram
Date: 2014-05-14 12:29:01 +0200 (Wed, 14 May 2014)
New Revision: 325
Added new ees functions to NAMESPACE; added documentation for the same
Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE 2014-05-12 14:53:23 UTC (rev 324)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE 2014-05-14 10:29:01 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export(eventstudy, inference.bootstrap, inference.wilcox, phys2eventtime,
remap.cumsum, remap.cumprod, remap.event.reindex, eesSummary, eesDates,
- eesInference)
+ eesInference, get.clusters.formatted)
Deleted: pkg/R/ees.R
--- pkg/R/ees.R 2014-05-12 14:53:23 UTC (rev 324)
+++ pkg/R/ees.R 2014-05-14 10:29:01 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -1,825 +0,0 @@
-# Total 16 functions
-# Identifying extreme events
-# 'input' : Output of get.clusters.formatted
-# 'prob.value': This is the tail value for which event is
-# to be defined. For eg: prob.value=5 will
-# consider 5% tail on both sides
-# Result will be in a list of 3 with following tables:
-# 1. Summary statistics
-# a. Summary of whole data-set
-# 2. Lower tail: Extreme event tables
-# a. Distribution of extreme events
-# b. Run length distribution
-# c. Quantile values
-# d. Yearly distribution
-# e. Extreme event data
-# - Clustered, Un-clustered and Both
-# 3. Upper tail: Extreme event tables
-# a. Distribution of extreme events
-# b. Run length distribution
-# c. Quantile values
-# d. Yearly distribution
-# e. Extreme event data
-# - Clustered, Un-clustered and Both
-# NOTE:
-eesSummary <- function(x, ...){
- no.var <- NCOL(input)
- #---------------------
- # Extreme event output
- #---------------------
- # Summary statistics
- summ.st <- attr(input,"sumstat")
- colnames(summ.st) <- NULL
- summ.st <- t(summ.st)
- # Distribtution of events
- event.dist <- attr(input,"extreme.events.distribution")
- # Run length distribution
- runlength <- runlength.dist(input)
- # Quantile extreme values
- qnt.values <- quantile.extreme.values(input)
- # Yearly distribution of extreme event dates
- yearly.exevent <- yearly.exevent.dist(input)
- #---------------------
- # Compiling the output
- #---------------------
- output <- lower.tail <- upper.tail <- list()
- # Compiling lower tail and upper tail separately
- # Lower tail
- lower.tail$extreme.event.distribution <- event.dist$lower.tail
- lower.tail$runlength <- runlength$lower.tail
- lower.tail$quantile.values <- qnt.values$lower.tail
- lower.tail$yearly.extreme.event <- round(t(yearly.exevent$lower.tail),2)
- # Upper tail
- upper.tail$extreme.event.distribution <- event.dist$upper.tail
- upper.tail$runlength <- runlength$upper.tail
- upper.tail$quantile.values <- qnt.values$upper.tail
- upper.tail$yearly.extreme.event <- round(t(yearly.exevent$upper.tail),2)
- # Output
- output$data.summary <- summ.st
- output$lower.tail <- lower.tail
- output$upper.tail <- upper.tail
- return(output)
-# Functions used for formatting clusters
-# Categorzing tail events
-# for ES analysis
-# Generates returns for the series
-# Mark left tail, right tail events
-gen.data <- function(d,probvalue,value="nonreturns"){
- res <- data.frame(dates=index(d),value=coredata(d))
- if(value=="returns"){
- res$returns <- c(NA,coredata(diff(log(d))*100))
- }else{
- res$returns <- d
- }
- pval <- c(probvalue/100,(1-(probvalue/100)))
- pval <- quantile(res$returns,prob=pval,na.rm=TRUE)
- res$left.tail <- as.numeric(res$returns < pval[1])
- res$right.tail <- as.numeric(res$returns > pval[2])
- res$both.tails <- res$left.tail + res$right.tail
- res <- res[complete.cases(res),]
- if(value=="returns"){
- return(res[-1,])
- }else{
- return(res)
- }
-# Summarise patterns
-summarise.rle <- function(oneseries){
- tp <- rle(oneseries)
- tp1 <- data.frame(tp$lengths,tp$values)
- tp1 <- subset(tp1,tp1[,2]==1)
- summary(tp1[,1])
-# Summarise the pattern of cluster
-summarise.cluster <- function(obj){
- rle.both <- summarise.rle(obj$both.tail)
- rle.left <- summarise.rle(obj$left.tail)
- rle.right <- summarise.rle(obj$right.tail)
- rbind(both=rle.both,left=rle.left,right=rle.right)
-# Getting location for the length
-exact.pattern.location <- function(us,pt,pt.len){
- st <- rle(us)
- len <- st$length
- loc.cs <- cumsum(st$length)
- loc <- loc.cs[which(st$values==pt & st$length==pt.len)]-pt.len+1
- return(loc)
-# Identify and mark mixed clusters
-identify.mixedclusters <- function(m,j){
- m$remove.mixed <- 0
- rownum <- which(m$pattern==TRUE)
- for(i in 1:length(rownum)){
- nextnum <- rownum[i]+j-1
- twonums <- m$returns[c(rownum[i]:nextnum)] > 0
- if(sum(twonums)==j || sum(twonums)==0){
- next
- }else{
- m$remove.mixed[c(rownum[i]:nextnum)] <- 5
- }
- }
- m
-# Formatting clusters
-# This function takes does the following transformation:
-# What the function does?
-# i. Get extreme events from event.series
-# ii. Remove all the mixed clusters
-# iii. Get different types cluster
-# iv. Further club the clusters for event series and
-# corresponding response series to get
-# clustered returns
-# v. Throw the output in timeseries format
-# Input for the function
-# event.series = Series in levels or returns on events
-# is to be defined
-# response.series = Series in levels or returns on which
-# response is to be generated
-# prob.value = Tail value for defining an event
-# event.value = What value is to be studied
-# returns or levels
-# Similarly for response.value
-# Output = Formatted clusters in time series format
-get.clusters.formatted <- function(event.series,
- response.series,
- probvalue=5,
- event.value="nonreturns",
- response.value="nonreturns"){
- # Getting levels in event format
- tmp <- gen.data(event.series,
- probvalue=probvalue,
- value=event.value)
- res.ser <- gen.data(response.series,
- probvalue=probvalue,
- value=response.value)
- # Storing old data points
- tmp.old <- tmp
- # Get pattern with maximum length
- res <- summarise.cluster(tmp)
- max.len <- max(res[,"Max."])
- #------------------------
- # Removing mixed clusters
- #------------------------
- for(i in max.len:2){
- which.pattern <- rep(1,i)
- patrn <- exact.pattern.location(tmp$both.tails,1,i)
- # If pattern does not exist move to next pattern
- if(length(patrn)==0){next}
- tmp$pattern <- FALSE
- tmp$pattern[patrn] <- TRUE
- tmp <- identify.mixedclusters(m=tmp,i)
- me <- length(which(tmp$remove.mixed==5))
- if(me!=0){
- tmp <- tmp[-which(tmp$remove.mixed==5),]
- cat("Pattern of:",i,";",
- "Discarded event:",me/i,"\n")
- }
- }
- tmp.nc <- tmp
- # Merging event and response series
- tmp.es <- xts(tmp[,-1],as.Date(tmp$dates))
- tmp.rs <- xts(res.ser[,-1],as.Date(res.ser$dates))
- tmp.m <- merge(tmp.es,res.ser=tmp.rs[,c("value","returns")],
- all=F)
- # Formatting
- if(event.value=="returns"){
- which.value <- event.value
- }else{
- which.value <- "value"
- }
- # Converting to data.frame
- temp <- as.data.frame(tmp.m)
- temp$dates <- rownames(temp)
- n <- temp
- # Get pattern with maximum length
- res <- summarise.cluster(temp)
- max.len <- max(res[,"Max."])
- cat("Maximum length after removing mixed clusters is",
- max.len,"\n")
- # Marking clusters
- n$cluster.pattern <- n$both.tails
- for(pt.len in max.len:1){
- mark <- exact.pattern.location(n$both.tails,1,pt.len)
- if(length(mark)==0){next}
- n$cluster.pattern[mark] <- pt.len
- }
- #-------------------
- # Clustering returns
- #-------------------
- print("Clustering events.")
- for(pt.len in max.len:2){
- rownum <- exact.pattern.location(n$both.tails,1,pt.len)
- # If pattern does not exist
- if(length(rownum)==0){
- cat("Pattern",pt.len,"does not exist.","\n");next
- }
- # Clustering
- while(length(rownum)>0){
- prevnum <- rownum[1]-1
- lastnum <- rownum[1]+pt.len-1
- # Clustering event series
- if(event.value=="returns"){
- newreturns <- (n$value[lastnum]-n$value[prevnum])*100/n$value[prevnum]
- n[rownum[1],c("value","returns")] <- c(n$value[lastnum],newreturns)
- }else{
- newreturns <- sum(n$value[rownum[1]:lastnum],na.rm=T)
- n[rownum[1],c("value","returns")] <- c(n$value[lastnum],newreturns)
- }
- # Clustering response series
- if(response.value=="returns"){
- newreturns.rs <- (n$value.1[lastnum]-n$value.1[prevnum])*100/n$value.1[prevnum]
- n[rownum[1],c("value.1","returns.1")] <- c(n$value.1[lastnum],newreturns.rs)
- }else{
- newreturns <- sum(n$value.1[rownum[1]:lastnum],na.rm=T)
- n[rownum[1],c("value.1","returns.1")] <- c(n$value.1[lastnum],newreturns)
- }
- n <- n[-c((rownum[1]+1):lastnum),]
- rownum <- exact.pattern.location(n$both.tails,1,pt.len)
- }
- }
- # Columns to keep
- cn <- c(which.value,"left.tail","right.tail",
- "returns.1","cluster.pattern")
- tmp.ts <- zoo(n[,cn],order.by=as.Date(n$dates))
- colnames(tmp.ts) <- c("event.series","left.tail","right.tail",
- "response.series","cluster.pattern")
- # Results
- attr(tmp.ts, which = "sumstat") <- sumstat(input = event.series)
- attr(tmp.ts, which = "extreme.events.distribution") <- extreme.events.distribution(input = event.series, gcf.output = tmp.ts, prob.value = probvalue)
- attr(tmp.ts, which = "probvalue") <- probvalue
- class(tmp.ts) <- c("ees","zoo")
- return(tmp.ts)
-# Summary statistics functions
-# Table 1: Summary statistics
-# INPUT: Time series data-set for which
-# summary statistics is to be estimated
-# OUTPUT: A data frame with:
-# - Values: "Minimum", 5%,"25%","Median",
-# "Mean","75%","95%","Maximum",
-# "Standard deviation","IQR",
-# "Observations"
-sumstat <- function(input){
- no.var <- NCOL(input)
- if(no.var==1){input <- xts(input)}
- # Creating empty frame: chassis
- tmp <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=11,ncol=NCOL(input)))
- colnames(tmp) <- "summary"
- rownames(tmp) <- c("Min","5%","25%","Median","Mean","75%","95%",
- "Max","sd","IQR","Obs.")
- # Estimating summary statistics
- tmp[1,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){min(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[2,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){quantile(x,0.05,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[3,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){quantile(x,0.25,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[4,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){median(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[5,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[6,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){quantile(x,0.75,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[7,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){quantile(x,0.95,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[8,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){max(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[9,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[10,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){IQR(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
- tmp[11,] <- apply(input,2,function(x){NROW(x)})
- tmp <- round(tmp,2)
- return(tmp)
-# Getting event segregation
-# - clustered and unclustered
-# 'input': Data series for which event cluster distribution
-# is to be calculated;
-# Note: The input series expects the input to be in levels not in returns,
-# if the some the inputs are already in return formats one has to
-# use the other variable 'already.return.series'
-# 'already.return.series': column name is to be given which already has
-# return series in the data-set
-# 'prob.value': Probility value for which tail is to be constructed this
-# value is equivalent to one side tail for eg. if prob.value=5
-# then we have values of 5% tail on both sides
-# Functions used: get.event.count()
-# Distribution of extreme events
-extreme.events.distribution <- function(input, gcf.output, prob.value){
- # Creating an empty frame
- no.var <- NCOL(input)
- lower.tail.dist <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=no.var,ncol=6))
- upper.tail.dist <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=no.var,ncol=6))
- colnames(lower.tail.dist) <- c("Unclustered","Used clusters",
- "Removed clusters","Total clusters",
- "Total","Total used clusters")
- rownames(lower.tail.dist) <- colnames(input)
- colnames(upper.tail.dist) <- c("Unclustered","Used clusters",
- "Removed clusters","Total clusters",
- "Total","Total used clusters")
- rownames(upper.tail.dist) <- colnames(input)
- # Estimating cluster count
- #--------------
- # Cluster count
- #--------------
- # Non-returns (if it is already in return format)
- tmp <- get.event.count(input, gcf.output, probvalue=prob.value,
- value="nonreturns")
- lower.tail.dist <- tmp[1,]
- upper.tail.dist <- tmp[2,]
- #-----------------------------
- # Naming the tail distribution
- #-----------------------------
- mylist <- list(lower.tail.dist,upper.tail.dist)
- names(mylist) <- c("lower.tail", "upper.tail")
- return(mylist)
-# Functions used in event count calculation
-get.event.count <- function(series,
- probvalue=5,
- gcf.output,
- value="returns"){
- # Extracting dataset
- tmp.old <- gen.data(series,probvalue,value)
- cp <- gcf.output[,"cluster.pattern"]
- lvl <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(cp)))
- lvl.use <- lvl[which(lvl>1)]
- # Calculating Total events
- tot.ev.l <- length(which(tmp.old[,"left.tail"]==1))
- tot.ev.r <- length(which(tmp.old[,"right.tail"]==1))
- # Calculating Unclustered events
- un.clstr.l <- length(which(gcf.output[,"left.tail"]==1 &
- gcf.output[,"cluster.pattern"]==1))
- un.clstr.r <- length(which(gcf.output[,"right.tail"]==1 &
- gcf.output[,"cluster.pattern"]==1))
- # Calculating Used clusters
- us.cl.l <- us.cl.r <- NULL
- for(i in 1:length(lvl.use)){
- tmp1 <- length(which(gcf.output[,"cluster.pattern"]==lvl.use[i] &
- gcf.output[,"left.tail"]==1))*lvl.use[i]
- tmp2 <- length(which(gcf.output[,"cluster.pattern"]==lvl.use[i] &
- gcf.output[,"right.tail"]==1))*lvl.use[i]
- us.cl.l <- sum(us.cl.l,tmp1,na.rm=TRUE)
- us.cl.r <- sum(us.cl.r,tmp2,na.rm=TRUE)
- }
- # Making a table
- tb <- data.frame(matrix(NA,2,6))
- colnames(tb) <- c("unclustered.events","used.clustered.events","removed.clustered.events","total.clustered.events","total.events","total.used.events")
- rownames(tb) <- c("lower","upper")
- tb[,"total.events"] <- c(tot.ev.l,tot.ev.r)
- tb[,"unclustered.events"] <- c(un.clstr.l,un.clstr.r)
- tb[,"used.clustered.events"] <- c(us.cl.l,us.cl.r)
- tb[,"total.used.events"] <- tb$unclustered.events+tb$used.clustered.events
- tb[,"total.clustered.events"] <- tb$total.events-tb$unclustered.events
- tb[,"removed.clustered.events"] <- tb$total.clustered.events-tb$used.clustered.events
- return(tb)
-# Yearly summary stats
-# 'input': Output from get.clusters.formatted function
-# 'prob.value': Probility value for which tail is to be constructed this
-# value is equivalent to one side tail for eg. if prob.value=5
-# then we have values of 5% tail on both sides
-# Functions used: yearly.exevent.summary()
-# Yearly distribution of extreme events
-yearly.exevent.dist <- function(input){
- mylist <- list()
- ## Estimating cluster count
- tmp.res <- yearly.exevent.summary(input)
- tmp.res[is.na(tmp.res)] <- 0
- ## Left and right tail
- lower.tail.yearly.exevent <- tmp.res[,1:2]
- upper.tail.yearly.exevent <- tmp.res[,3:4]
- output <- list()
- output$lower.tail <- lower.tail.yearly.exevent
- output$upper.tail <- upper.tail.yearly.exevent
- mylist <- output
- return(mylist)
-# Get yearly no. and median for good and bad days
-yearly.exevent.summary <- function(tmp){
- tmp.bad <- tmp[which(tmp[,"left.tail"]==1),]
- tmp.good <- tmp[which(tmp[,"right.tail"]==1),]
- # Bad days
- tmp.bad.y <- apply.yearly(xts(tmp.bad),function(x)nrow(x))
- tmp.bad.y <- merge(tmp.bad.y,apply.yearly(xts(tmp.bad[,1]),function(x)median(x,na.rm=T)))
- index(tmp.bad.y) <- as.yearmon(as.Date(substr(index(tmp.bad.y),1,4),"%Y"))
- # Good days
- tmp.good.y <- apply.yearly(xts(tmp.good),function(x)nrow(x))
- tmp.good.y <- merge(tmp.good.y,apply.yearly(xts(tmp.good[,1]),function(x)median(x,na.rm=T)))
- index(tmp.good.y) <- as.yearmon(as.Date(substr(index(tmp.good.y),1,4),"%Y"))
- tmp.res <- merge(tmp.bad.y,tmp.good.y)
- colnames(tmp.res) <- c("total.events.l","median.value.l",
- "total.events.u","median.value.u")
- output <- as.data.frame(tmp.res)
- cn <- rownames(output)
- rownames(output) <- sapply(rownames(output),
- function(x)substr(x,nchar(x)-3,nchar(x)))
- return(output)
-# Quantile values for extreme events
-# 'input': Output of get.clusters.formatted
-# Note: The input series expects the input to be in levels not in returns,
-# if the some the inputs are already in return formats one has to
-# use the other variable 'already.return.series'
-# 'already.return.series': column name is to be given which already has
-# return series in the data-set
-# Functions used: get.clusters.formatted()
-# Lower tail and Upper tail quantile values
-quantile.extreme.values <- function(input){
- # Creating an empty frame
- lower.tail.qnt.value <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=6))
- upper.tail.qnt.value <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=6))
- colnames(lower.tail.qnt.value) <- c("Min","25%","Median","75%","Max",
- "Mean")
- rownames(lower.tail.qnt.value) <- "extreme.events"
- colnames(upper.tail.qnt.value) <- c("Min","25%","Median","75%","Max",
- "Mean")
- rownames(upper.tail.qnt.value) <- "extreme.events"
- # Estimating cluster count
- # Left tail
- tmp.left.tail <- input[which(input$left.tail==1),
- "event.series"]
- df.left <- t(data.frame(quantile(tmp.left.tail,c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1))))
- tmp.left <- round(cbind(df.left,mean(tmp.left.tail)),2)
- rownames(tmp.left) <- "extreme.events"
- colnames(tmp.left) <- c("0%","25%","Median","75%","100%","Mean")
- # Right tail
- tmp.right.tail <- input[which(input$right.tail==1),
- "event.series"]
- df.right <- t(data.frame(quantile(tmp.right.tail,c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1))))
- tmp.right <- round(cbind(df.right,
- mean(tmp.right.tail)),2)
- rownames(tmp.right) <- "extreme.events"
- colnames(tmp.right) <- c("0%","25%","Median","75%","100%","Mean")
- lower.tail.qnt.value <- tmp.left
- upper.tail.qnt.value <- tmp.right
- mylist <- list(lower.tail.qnt.value,upper.tail.qnt.value)
- names(mylist) <- c("lower.tail", "upper.tail")
- return(mylist)
-# Run length distribution
-# 'input': Data series in time series format
-# Note: The input series expects the input to be in levels not in returns,
-# if the some the inputs are already in return formats one has to
-# use the other variable 'already.return.series'
-# 'already.return.series': column name is to be given which already has
-# return series in the data-set
-# Functions used: get.clusters.formatted()
-# get.cluster.distribution()
-# numbers2words()
-# Lower tail and Upper tail Run length distribution
-runlength.dist <- function(input){
- # Finding maximum Run length
- # Seed value
- max.runlength <- 0
- #---------------------------
- # Estimating max. Run length
- #---------------------------
- tmp.runlength <- get.cluster.distribution(input,"event.series")
- max.runlength <- max(max.runlength,as.numeric(colnames(tmp.runlength)[NCOL(tmp.runlength)]))
- # Generating empty frame
- col.names <- seq(2:max.runlength)+1
- lower.tail.runlength <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=1,
- ncol=length(col.names)))
- upper.tail.runlength <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=1,
- ncol=length(col.names)))
- colnames(lower.tail.runlength) <- col.names
- rownames(lower.tail.runlength) <- "clustered.events"
- colnames(upper.tail.runlength) <- col.names
- rownames(upper.tail.runlength) <- "clustered.events"
- #----------------------
- # Run length estimation
- #----------------------
- tmp.res <- get.cluster.distribution(input,"event.series")
- for(j in 1:length(colnames(tmp.res))){
- col.number <- colnames(tmp.res)[j]
- lower.tail.runlength[1,col.number] <- tmp.res[1,col.number]
- upper.tail.runlength[1,col.number] <- tmp.res[2,col.number]
- }
- # Replacing NA's with zeroes
- lower.tail.runlength[is.na(lower.tail.runlength)] <- 0
- upper.tail.runlength[is.na(upper.tail.runlength)] <- 0
- # creating column names
- word.cn <- NULL
- for(i in 1:length(col.names)){
- word.cn[i] <- numbers2words(col.names[i])
- }
- colnames(lower.tail.runlength) <- word.cn
- colnames(upper.tail.runlength) <- word.cn
- mylist <- list(lower.tail.runlength,upper.tail.runlength)
- names(mylist) <- c("lower.tail", "upper.tail")
- return(mylist)
-# Get cluster distribution
-# Input for this function is the output of get.cluster.formatted
-get.cluster.distribution <- function(tmp,variable){
- # Extract cluster category
- cp <- tmp[,"cluster.pattern"]
- lvl <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(cp)))
- lvl.use <- lvl[which(lvl>1)]
- # Get numbers for each category
- tb <- data.frame(matrix(NA,2,length(lvl.use)))
- colnames(tb) <- as.character(lvl.use)
- rownames(tb) <- c(paste(variable,":lower tail"),
- paste(variable,":upper tail"))
- for(i in 1:length(lvl.use)){
- tb[1,i] <- length(which(tmp[,"cluster.pattern"]==lvl.use[i]
- & tmp[,"left.tail"]==1))
- tb[2,i] <- length(which(tmp[,"cluster.pattern"]==lvl.use[i]
- & tmp[,"right.tail"]==1))
- }
- return(tb)
-# Converting numbers to words
-numbers2words <- function(x){
- helper <- function(x){
- digits <- rev(strsplit(as.character(x), "")[[1]])
- nDigits <- length(digits)
- if (nDigits == 1) as.vector(ones[digits])
- else if (nDigits == 2)
- if (x <= 19) as.vector(teens[digits[1]])
- else trim(paste(tens[digits[2]],
- Recall(as.numeric(digits[1]))))
- else if (nDigits == 3) trim(paste(ones[digits[3]], "hundred",
- Recall(makeNumber(digits[2:1]))))
- else {
- nSuffix <- ((nDigits + 2) %/% 3) - 1
- if (nSuffix > length(suffixes)) stop(paste(x, "is too large!"))
- trim(paste(Recall(makeNumber(digits[
- nDigits:(3*nSuffix + 1)])),
- suffixes[nSuffix],
- Recall(makeNumber(digits[(3*nSuffix):1]))))
- }
- }
- trim <- function(text){
- gsub("^\ ", "", gsub("\ *$", "", text))
- }
- makeNumber <- function(...) as.numeric(paste(..., collapse=""))
- opts <- options(scipen=100)
- on.exit(options(opts))
- ones <- c("", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
- "eight", "nine")
- names(ones) <- 0:9
- teens <- c("ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
- "sixteen", " seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
- names(teens) <- 0:9
- tens <- c("twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy",
- "eighty",
- "ninety")
- names(tens) <- 2:9
- x <- round(x)
- suffixes <- c("thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion")
- if (length(x) > 1) return(sapply(x, helper))
- helper(x)
-# Extreme event study plot
-# This function generates event study plot for clustered and un-clustered data
-# Input for the function
-# z = Data object with both the series response.series and event.series
-# response.series.name = Column name of the series for which response is observed
-# event.series.name = Column name of the series on which event is observed
-# titlestring = Title string for the event study plot
-# ylab = Y - axis label
-# width = width of event window for event study plot
-# prob.value = Probability value for which extreme events is determined
-## Extreme event dates
-## Input: get.clusters.formatted (GCF) output
-## Output: Extreme Event dates for normal and purged data
-eesDates <- function(input){
- ##-----------------
- ## Get event dates
- ##-----------------
- ## Get only unclustered data
- data.only.cluster <- input[which(input$cluster.pattern==1),]
- data.no.cluster <- input[which(input$cluster.pattern!=0),]
- ## get dates for bigdays and baddays
- days.bad.normal <- index(data.only.cluster[which(data.only.cluster[,"left.tail"]==1)])
- days.good.normal <- index(data.only.cluster[which(data.only.cluster[,"right.tail"]==1)])
- days.bad.purged <- index(data.no.cluster[which(data.no.cluster[,"left.tail"]==1)])
- days.good.purged <- index(data.no.cluster[which(data.no.cluster[,"right.tail"]==1)])
- ## Event list
- events.good.normal <- data.frame(outcome.unit=rep("response.series",
- length(days.good.normal)),
- event.when=days.good.normal)
- events.bad.normal <- data.frame(outcome.unit=rep("response.series",
- length(days.bad.normal)),
- event.when=days.bad.normal)
- events.good.purged <- data.frame(outcome.unit=rep("response.series",
- length(days.good.purged)),
- event.when=days.good.purged)
- events.bad.purged <- data.frame(outcome.unit=rep("response.series",
- length(days.bad.purged)),
- event.when=days.bad.purged)
- dates <- list(events.good.normal=events.good.normal,
- events.bad.normal=events.bad.normal,
- events.good.purged=events.good.purged,
- events.bad.purged=events.bad.purged)
- for(i in 1:length(dates)){dates[[i]][,1] <- as.character(dates[[i]][,1])}
- return(dates)
-## Getting ees inference
-## Event study plot for EES (extreme event studies)
-## Input: Output of GCF
-## eventLists: Output of eesDates
-eesInference <- function(input, eventLists, to.remap, remap, width,
- inference = TRUE, inference.strategy = "bootstrap"){
- inf <- list()
- ## Computing inference
- ## Normal
- # Good days
- inf$good.normal <- eventstudy(input, eventList=eventLists$events.good.normal,
- type="None", to.remap=to.remap,
- remap=remap, width=width, inference=inference,
- inference.strategy=inference.strategy)
- # Bad days
- inf$bad.normal <- eventstudy(input, eventList=eventLists$events.bad.normal,
- type="None", to.remap=to.remap,
- remap=remap, width=width, inference=inference,
- inference.strategy=inference.strategy)
- ## Purged
- # Good days
- inf$good.purged <- eventstudy(input, eventList=eventLists$events.good.purged,
- type="None", to.remap=to.remap,
- remap=remap, width=width, inference=inference,
- inference.strategy=inference.strategy)
- # Bad days
- inf$bad.purged <- eventstudy(input, eventList=eventLists$events.bad.purged,
- type="None", to.remap=to.remap,
- remap=remap, width=width, inference=inference,
- inference.strategy=inference.strategy)
- class(inf) <- "ees"
- return(inf)
-plot.ees <- function(x, xlab = NULL, ...){
- ## assign own labels if they're missing
- if (is.null(xlab)) {
- xlab <- "Event time"
- }
- ## Inference
- es.good.normal <- x$good.normal$eventstudy.output
- es.bad.normal <- x$bad.normal$eventstudy.output
- es.good.purged <- x$good.purged$eventstudy.output
- es.bad.purged <- x$bad.purged$eventstudy.output
- # Width
- width <- (NROW(x[[1]]$eventstudy.output)-1)/2
- ##---------------
- ## Plotting graph
- ##---------------
- big.normal <- max(abs(cbind(es.good.normal,es.bad.normal)))
- big.purged <- max(abs(cbind(es.good.purged,es.bad.purged)))
- big <- max(big.normal,big.purged)
- ylim.max <- c(-big,big)
- # Plotting graph
- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
- # Plot very good days
- plot(-width:width, es.good.normal[,2], type="l", lwd=2,
- ylim=ylim.max, col="red", xlab=xlab,
- main="Very good days", ...)
- lines(-width:width, es.good.purged[,2], lwd=2, lty=1,type="l", col="orange")
- points(-width:width, es.good.normal[,2], pch=19,col="red")
- points(-width:width, es.good.purged[,2], pch=25,col="orange")
- lines(-width:width, es.good.normal[,1], lwd=0.8, lty=2, col="red")
- lines(-width:width, es.good.normal[,3], lwd=0.8, lty=2, col="red")
- lines(-width:width, es.good.purged[,1], lwd=0.8, lty=4, col="orange")
- lines(-width:width, es.good.purged[,3], lwd=0.8, lty=4, col="orange")
- abline(h=0,v=0)
- points(-width:width, es.good.normal[,1], pch=19,col="red")
- points(-width:width, es.good.purged[,1],pch=25,col="orange")
- points(-width:width, es.good.normal[,3], pch=19,col="red")
- points(-width:width, es.good.purged[,3],pch=25,col="orange")
- legend("topleft",legend=c("Un-clustered","Clustered"),
- cex=0.7,pch=c(19,25),
- col=c("red","orange"),lty=c(1,1),bty="n")
- # Plot very bad days
- plot(-width:width, es.bad.normal[,2], type="l", lwd=2,
- ylim=ylim.max, col="red", xlab=xlab,
- main = "Very bad days",...)
- lines(-width:width, es.bad.purged[,2], lwd=2, lty=1,type="l", col="orange")
- points(-width:width, es.bad.normal[,2], pch=19,col="red")
- points(-width:width, es.bad.purged[,2], pch=25,col="orange")
- lines(-width:width, es.bad.normal[,1], lwd=0.8, lty=2, col="red")
- lines(-width:width, es.bad.normal[,3], lwd=0.8, lty=2, col="red")
- lines(-width:width, es.bad.purged[,1], lwd=0.8, lty=2, col="orange")
- lines(-width:width, es.bad.purged[,3], lwd=0.8, lty=2, col="orange")
- points(-width:width, es.bad.normal[,1], pch=19,col="red")
- points(-width:width, es.bad.purged[,1], pch=25,col="orange")
- points(-width:width, es.bad.normal[,3], pch=19,col="red")
- points(-width:width, es.bad.purged[,3], pch=25,col="orange")
- abline(h=0,v=0)
- legend("topleft",legend=c("Un-clustered","Clustered"),
- cex=0.7,pch=c(19,25),
- col=c("red","orange"),lty=c(1,1),bty="n")
-# Suppress the messages
- return(function(...) {capture.output(w<-f(...));return(w);});
Copied: pkg/R/eesInference.R (from rev 324, pkg/R/ees.R)
--- pkg/R/eesInference.R (rev 0)
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svnlook diff /svnroot/eventstudies -r 325
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