[Eventstudies-commits] r163 - pkg/R
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Thu Feb 6 13:51:28 CET 2014
Author: vikram
Date: 2014-02-06 13:51:28 +0100 (Thu, 06 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 163
Removing old AMM wrapper function
Deleted: pkg/R/AMM.R
--- pkg/R/AMM.R 2014-02-06 12:50:39 UTC (rev 162)
+++ pkg/R/AMM.R 2014-02-06 12:51:28 UTC (rev 163)
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-## Event study AMM function
-# Generalised AMM function
-AMM <- function(...) {
- modelArgs <- list(...)
- # Checking required arguments
- if (match("market.returns", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- stop("Input market.returns (stock market index) is missing")
- }
- if (match("others", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- stop("Input 'others' (time series of other regressor or interest) is missing")
- }
- if (match("market.returns.purge", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- stop("Input market.returns.purge is missing")
- }
- if (match("switch.to.innov", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- stop("Input switch.to.innov is missing")
- }
- firm.returns <- modelArgs$firm.returns
- market.returns <- modelArgs$market.returns
- others <- modelArgs$others
- switch.to.innov <- modelArgs$switch.to.innov
- market.returns.purge <- modelArgs$market.returns.purge
- # Checking remaining arguments
- if (match("nlags", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- nlags <- 0
- } else {
- nlags <- modelArgs$nlags
- }
- if (match("verbose", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- verbose <- FALSE
- } else {
- verbose <- modelArgs$verbose
- }
- if (match("dates", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- dates <- NULL
- } else {
- dates <- modelArgs$dates
- }
- ## One firm
- if(NCOL(firm.returns)==1){
- # Checking required arguments
- if (match("firm.returns", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- stop("Input firm.returns (firm data) is missing")
- }
- X <- makeX(market.returns, others, switch.to.innov,
- market.returns.purge, nlags, dates, verbose)
- result <- onefirmAMM(firm.returns, X, nlags, verbose, dates)
- result <- result$residuals
- }
- ## Many firms
- if(NCOL(firm.returns)>1){
- # Checking required arguments
- if (match("firm.returns", names(modelArgs), nomatch = -1) == -1) {
- stop("Input firm.returns (firm data) is missing")
- }
- if(NCOL(firm.returns)<2){
- stop("Less than two firms in inputData")
- }
- X <- makeX(market.returns, others, switch.to.innov,
- market.returns.purge, nlags, dates, verbose)
- tmp.result <- onefirmAMM(firm.returns[,1], X, nlags, verbose, dates)
- result <- tmp.result$residuals
- remove.columns <- NULL
- for(i in 2:NCOL(firm.returns)){
- cat("Computing AMM residuals for",
- colnames(firm.returns)[i],"and", "column no.",i,"\n")
- ## Checking number of observations
- tmp <- onefirmAMM(firm.returns[,i], X, nlags, verbose, dates)
- if(is.null(tmp)){
- remove.columns <- c(remove.columns,colnames(firm.returns)[i])
- next("Cannot compute AMM residuals due to less observations")
- }
- result <- merge(result,tmp$residuals)
- }
- ## Removing columns with less obs
- if(is.null(remove.columns)!=TRUE){
- cn.names <- colnames(firm.returns)[-which(colnames(firm.returns)%in%remove.columns)]
- cat(length(remove.columns), "columns removed:",remove.columns,"\n")
- } else {
- cn.names <- colnames(firm.returns)
- }
- colnames(result) <- cn.names
- }
- ## index(result) <- as.Date(index(result))
- return(result)
-# AMM for one firm
-onefirmAMM <- function(firm.returns,X,nlags=1,verbose=FALSE,dates=NULL,residual=TRUE){
- ## Creating empty frames
- if(is.null(dates)){
- dates.no <- c(start(firm.returns),end(firm.returns))
- } else{
- dates.no <- dates
- }
- exposures <- data.frame(matrix(NA,ncol=ncol(X),nrow=(length(dates.no)-1)))
- colnames(exposures) <- colnames(X)
- sds <- exposures
- periodnames <- NULL
- ## Getting firm exposure, amm residuals
- if(is.null(dates)){
- res <- firmExposures(firm.returns,X,verbose=verbose,nlags=nlags)
- if(is.null(res)!=TRUE){
- exposures <- res$exposure
- sds <- res$s.exposure
- m.residuals <- xts(res$residuals,as.Date(attr(res$residuals,"names")))
- if(residual==TRUE){
- m.residuals <- xts(res$residuals,as.Date(attr(res$residuals,"names")))
- }
- rval <- list(exposures=exposures,sds=sds,residuals=m.residuals)
- } else {
- rval <- NULL
- }
- }else{
- tmp <- window(firm.returns,start=dates[1],end=dates[1+1])
- rhs <- window(X,start=dates[1],end=dates[1+1])
- res <- firmExposures(firm.returns=tmp,
- X=rhs,
- verbose=verbose,
- nlags=nlags)
- exposures[1,] <- res$exposure
- periodnames <- c(periodnames,paste(dates[1],dates[1+1],sep=" TO "))
- sds[1,] <- res$s.exposure
- m.residuals <- xts(res$residuals,as.Date(attr(res$residuals,"names")))
- colnames(m.residuals) <- paste(dates[1],"to",dates[1+1],sep=".")
- for(i in 2:(length(dates)-1)){
- tmp <- window(firm.returns,start=dates[i],end=dates[i+1])
- rhs <- window(X,start=dates[i],end=dates[i+1])
- res <- firmExposures(firm.returns=tmp,
- X=rhs,
- verbose=verbose,
- nlags=nlags)
- exposures[i,] <- res$exposure
- periodnames <- c(periodnames,paste(dates[i],dates[i+1],sep=" TO "))
- sds[i,] <- res$s.exposure
- period.resid <- xts(res$residuals,as.Date(attr(res$residuals,"names")))
- colnames(period.resid) <- paste(dates[i],"to",dates[i+1],sep=".")
- m.residuals <- merge(m.residuals, period.resid, all=TRUE)
- }
- rownames(exposures) <- rownames(sds) <- periodnames
- rval <- list(exposures=exposures,sds=sds,residuals=m.residuals)
- }
- return(rval)
-# Many firms AMM
-manyfirmsAMM <-
- lags,dates=NULL, periodnames=NULL,verbose=FALSE){
- require("doMC")
- registerDoMC()
- if(is.null(dates)){
- dates=c(start(regressors),end(regressors))
- periodnames="Full"
- }
- nperiods <- length(periodnames)
- if(length(dates) != (nperiods+1)){
- cat("Mistake in length of dates versus length of periods.\n")
- return(NULL)
- }
- nfirms <- ncol(regressand)
- # Let's get "exposure' and 'sds'. Setting up structures:-
- exposures <- matrix(NA,nrow=nfirms,ncol=nperiods*ncol(regressors))
- rownames(exposures) <- colnames(regressand)
- tmp <- NULL
- for(i in 1:length(periodnames)){
- for(j in 1:ncol(regressors)){
- tmp <- c(tmp, paste(colnames(regressors)[j],
- periodnames[i],sep="."))
- }
- }
- colnames(exposures) <- tmp
- sds <- exposures
- colnames(sds) <- paste("sd",colnames(exposures),sep=".")
- # Setup a list structure for an OLS that failed
- empty <- list(exposures=rep(NA,ncol(regressors)),
- s.exposures=rep(NA,ncol(regressors)))
- for(i in 1:ncol(regressand)){
- cat("Doing",colnames(regressand)[i])
- if (verbose) {cat ("Doing", colnames(regressand)[i])}
- firm.returns <- regressand[,i]
- dataset <- cbind(firm.returns, regressors) # This is the full time-series
- this.exp <- this.sds <- NULL
- for(j in 1:nperiods){ # now we chop it up
- t1 <- dates[j]
- t2 <- dates[j+1]
- this <- window(dataset,start=t1, end=t2)
- fe <- firmExposures(this[,1],this[,-1],nlags=lags,verbose)
- if(is.null(fe)) {fe <- empty}
- this.exp <- c(this.exp, fe$exposures)
- this.sds <- c(this.sds, fe$s.exposures)
- }
- exposures[colnames(regressand)[i],] <- this.exp
- sds[colnames(regressand)[i],] <- this.sds
- }
- list(exposures=exposures, sds=sds, sig=exposures/sds)
-## Estimating one firm's exposure in one period.
-firmExposures <- function(firm.returns, X, nlags=NA, verbose=FALSE) {
- do.ols <- function(nlags) {
- tmp <- cbind(firm.returns, X[,1]) # Assume 1st is stock index, and no lags are required there.
- labels <- c("firm.returns","market.returns")
- if (NCOL(X) > 1) {
- for (i in 2:NCOL(X)) {
- for (j in 0:nlags) {
- tmp <- cbind(tmp, lag(X[,i], -j))
- labels <- c(labels, paste(colnames(X)[i], j, sep="."))
- }
- }
- }
- tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
- if (nrow(tmp) < 30) { # refuse to do the work.
- return(NULL) # returns out of do.ols() only
- }
- colnames(tmp) <- labels # So the OLS results will look nice
- lm(firm.returns ~ ., data=as.data.frame(tmp))
- }
- if (is.na(nlags)) {
- if (verbose) {cat("Trying to find the best lag structure...\n")}
- bestlag <- 0
- bestm <- NULL
- bestAIC <- Inf
- for (trylag in 0:min(10,log10(length(firm.returns)))) {
- thism <- do.ols(trylag)
- thisAIC <- AIC(thism, k=log(length(thism$fitted.values)))
- if (verbose) {cat(trylag, " lags, SBC = ", thisAIC, "\n")}
- if (thisAIC < bestAIC) {
- bestlag <- trylag
- bestAIC <- thisAIC
- bestm <- thism
- }
- }
- nlags <- bestlag
- m <- bestm
- } else {
- m <- do.ols(nlags)
- if (is.null(m)) {return(NULL)}
- }
- # In either event, you endup holding an "m" here.
- if (verbose) {cat("\n\nThe OLS:\n"); print(summary(m))}
- # Compute a series of exposure measures, and their standard errors.
- beta <- m$coefficients
- Sigma <- vcovHAC(m)
- # First the market.returns
- exposures <- beta[2] # no lags for market.returns
- s.exposures <- sqrt(Sigma[2,2])
- # From here on, there's a block of 1+nlags coeffs for each
- # of the non-market.returns regressors.
- if (NCOL(X) > 1) {
- for (i in 2:NCOL(X)) {
- n.block1 <- 2 + ((i-2)*(1+nlags)) # Just 2 for the 1st case.
- n.block2 <- length(beta) - n.block1 - (1 + nlags)
- w <- c(rep(0, n.block1), rep(1, 1+nlags), rep(0, n.block2))
- exposures <- c(exposures, w %*% beta)
- s.exposures <- c(s.exposures, sqrt(w %*% Sigma %*% w))
- }
- }
- residuals <- m$resid
- names(exposures) <- names(s.exposures) <- colnames(X)
- results <- list(exposures=exposures,residuals=residuals,
- s.exposures=s.exposures, nlags=nlags,
- lm.res=m)
- class(results) <- "amm"
- results
-# Maintaing NAs in AR model
-ARinnovations <- function(x) {
- stopifnot(NCOL(x) == 1)
- dt <- NULL
- if (class(x) == "zoo") {
- dt <- index(x)
- x <- as.numeric(x)
- }
- non.na.locations <- !is.na(x)
- x <- x[non.na.locations]
- m <- ar(x)
- e <- m$resid
- # Relocate with the old NA structure
- result <- rep(NA, length(non.na.locations))
- result[non.na.locations] <- e
- if (!is.null(dt)) {result <- zoo(result, order.by=dt)}
- list(result=result, m=m)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The workhorse called by makeX to return a nice matrix of RHS
-# variables to be used in an analysis.
-do.one.piece <- function(market.returns, others, switch.to.innov, market.returns.purge, nlags, verbose=FALSE) {
- thedates <- index(market.returns)
- if (verbose) {
- cat(" Doing work for period from ",
- as.character(head(thedates,1)), " to ",
- as.character(tail(thedates,1)), "\n")
- }
- otherlags <- NULL
- for (i in 1:NCOL(others)) {
- if (switch.to.innov[i]) {
- a <- ARinnovations(others[,i])
- innovated <- a$result
- if (verbose) {
- cat(" AR model for ", colnames(others, do.NULL=FALSE)[i], "\n")
- print(a$m)
- }
- otherlags <- c(otherlags, a$m$order)
- } else {
- innovated <- others[,i]
- otherlags <- c(otherlags, 0)
- }
- if (i > 1) {
- innov <- cbind(innov, innovated)
- } else {
- innov <- innovated
- }
- }
- if (NCOL(innov) > 1) {colnames(innov) <- colnames(others)}
- market.returns.purged <- market.returns
- if (market.returns.purge) {
- firstpass <- TRUE
- for (i in 1:NCOL(innov)) {
- for (j in 0:nlags) {
- if (firstpass) {
- z <- lag(innov[,i],-j)
- labels <- paste(colnames(innov,do.NULL=FALSE)[i],j,sep=".")
- firstpass <- FALSE
- } else {
- z <- cbind(z, lag(innov[,i], -j))
- labels <- c(labels, paste(colnames(innov,do.NULL=FALSE)[i],j,sep="."))
- }
- }
- }
- if (NCOL(z) > 1) {colnames(z) <- labels}
- m <- lm(market.returns ~ ., as.data.frame(cbind(market.returns, z)))
- if (verbose) {
- cat(" Model explaining market.returns:\n")
- print(summary(m))
- }
- how.many.NAs <- nlags + max(otherlags)
- market.returns.purged <- zoo(c(rep(NA,how.many.NAs),m$residuals),
- order.by=thedates)
- }
- # if (verbose) {cat(" Finished do.one.piece()\n")}
- list(market.returns.purged=market.returns.purged, innov=innov)
-# A function that calls do.one.piece, and works through several
-# different periods to provide the right RHS matrix.
-makeX <- function(market.returns, others,
- switch.to.innov=rep(TRUE, NCOL(others)),
- market.returns.purge=TRUE,
- nlags=5,
- dates=NULL,
- verbose=FALSE) {
- if (verbose) {cat("0. Checking args\n")}
- stopifnot(all.equal(index(market.returns), index(others)),
- length(switch.to.innov)==NCOL(others))
- if (!is.null(dates)) {
- stopifnot(class(dates) == "Date")
- }
- if (verbose) {cat("1. Checking dates.\n")}
- if (is.null(dates)) {
- dates <- c(start(market.returns),end(market.returns))
- }
- if(head(dates,1)!=head(index(market.returns),1)){
- stop("Start date provided and the start date of the dataset do not match \n")
- }
- if(tail(dates,1)!=tail(index(market.returns),1)){
- stop("End date provided and the end date of the dataset do not match \n")
- }
- if (verbose) {cat("2. Run through all the pieces --\n")}
- for (i in 1:(length(dates)-1)) {
- t1 <- dates[i]
- t2 <- dates[i+1]
- if (i != (length(dates)-1)) {t2 <- t2 -1}
- if (verbose) {
- cat(" Focusing down from date = ", as.character(t1), " to ", as.character(t2), "\n")
- }
- tmp.market.returns <- window(market.returns, start=t1, end=t2)
- tmp.others <- window(others, start=t1, end=t2)
- a <- do.one.piece(tmp.market.returns, tmp.others, switch.to.innov, market.returns.purge, nlags, verbose)
- if (i > 1) {
- res.market.returns <- c(res.market.returns, a$market.returns.purged)
- res.innov <- rbind(res.innov, a$innov)
- } else {
- res.market.returns <- a$market.returns.purged
- res.innov <- a$innov
- }
- }
- if (verbose) {cat("2. Make a clean X and send it back --\n")}
- X <- cbind(res.market.returns, res.innov)
- if (NCOL(res.innov) == 1) {colnames(X) <- c("market.returns","z")}
- else {colnames(X) <- c("market.returns", colnames(res.innov))}
- X
-# Exposure is a vector of exposures
-# var.exposures is a vector of the s.error of each exposure
-# X is a matrix of firm characteristics
-# Note: They all should have the same number of rows.
-lm.for.amm.exposure <- function(exposures, var.exposures, X) {
- m.ols <- lm(exposures ~ -1 + X)
-# Likelihood function for OLS-by-MLE where each obs has a known standard error --
- mine.lf <- function(theta, y, X, y.se2) {
- if (theta[1] <= 0) return(NA) # Refuse to look at -ve sigma.
- -sum(dnorm(y, mean= X %*% theta[-1], sd=sqrt(theta[1]+y.se2), log=TRUE))
- }
- ## Use OLS as starting values for the MLE --
- seeds <- c(summary(m.ols)$sigma, coef(m.ols))
- p <- optim(seeds, method="L-BFGS-B", fn=mine.lf, hessian=TRUE,
- lower=c(1e-2, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf), upper=rep(Inf, 4),
- y=exposures, X=X, y.se2=var.exposures)
- inverted <- solve(p$hessian)
- # Now get to generation of a nicely organised matrix collecting up the results.
- # First setup a clean set of OLS results --
- results <- summary(m.ols)$coefficients[,c(1,3)]
- rownames(results) <- substr(rownames(results), 2, 1000)
- colnames(results) <- c("OLS estimates", "OLS t stats")
- results <- rbind(results, c(summary(m.ols)$sigma, "NA"))
- rownames(results)[nrow(results)] <- "Sigma"
-# Now augment it on the right with the MLE --
- tmp <- p$par/sqrt(diag(inverted))
- results <- cbind(results, cbind(c(p$par[-1], p$par[1]),
- c(tmp[-1], tmp[1])))
- colnames(results) <- c(colnames(results)[1:2], "MLE estimates", "MLE t stats")
- results
-print.amm <-
-function(amm, verbose=FALSE) {
- if (verbose) {print(summary(amm$lm.res))}
- cat("Summary statistics of exposure:\n")
- sstats <- cbind(amm$exposure, amm$s.exposure,
- amm$exposure/amm$s.exposure)
- colnames(sstats) <- c("Exposure", "Std.Err", "t statistic")
- rownames(sstats) <- names(amm$exposures)
- print(sstats)
- return(0)
-# You got to write a plot function that does cool stuff with the AMM results!
-simulated.mean <- function (beta, stdev, fun=NULL, no.of.draws){
- na1 <- is.na(beta)
- na2 <- is.na(stdev)
- if (!identical(na1, na2)) {
- cat("Panic - two is.na() are not identical.\n")
- return(-1)
- }
- b <- beta[!is.na(beta)]
- s <- stdev[!is.na(stdev)]
- N <- length(b)
- draws <- NULL
- for (i in 1:no.of.draws) {
- if(!is.null(fun)){
- draws <- c(draws, mean(fun((rnorm(N) * s) + b)))
- }else{
- draws <- c(draws, mean(rnorm(N)*s+b))
- }
- }
- draws
-kernel.plots <- function(draws, logscale=NULL) {
- nplots <- ncol(draws)
- hilo <- range(draws)
- par(mfrow=c(nplots,1), mai=c(.4,.8,.2,.2))
- for (i in 1:nplots) {
- if(!is.null(logscale)){
- plot(density(draws[,i]), main=colnames(draws)[i], xlab="",
- col="blue", xlim=hilo, log=logscale,lwd=2)
- }else{
- plot(density(draws[,i]), main=colnames(draws)[i], xlab="",
- col="blue", xlim=hilo, lwd=2)
- }
- }
- }
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