[Basta-users] Errors when attempting to run multiple chains

Graham, Jennifer jlg208 at exeter.ac.uk
Fri Mar 30 14:24:21 CEST 2012


I have a long-term mark-recapture dataset and the data checking function works great and I have been able to run single simulations. However when using the same data, and general model settings I get an error when I attempt to run multiple chains, I tried running with and without parallel= TRUE and I get a different error each time, see below for R Code used and errors.

Thanks for your help and a great R package.

Kind Regards 



Output from DataCheck:

No problems were detected with the data.
- Number of individuals         =    1,460 
- Number with known birth year  =    1,351 
- Number with known death year  =       0 
- Number with known birth
 AND death years                =       0 
- Total number of detections
 in recapture matrix            =    7,697 
- Earliest detection time       =      25 
- Latest detection time         =     112 
- Earliest recorded birth year  =       1 
- Latest recorded birth year    =     109

out<-basta(DATA,studyStart=25,studyEnd=112) #  This single simulation works 

out<-basta(DATA,studyStart=25,studyEnd=112,,nsim=4,parallel=TRUE,ncpus=4)#  I get the following error which occurs regardless  of the number of simulations I request or the ncpus value

Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : 
  2 nodes produced errors; first error: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

#As I thought it could be due to the snowfall package I also ran parallel=FALSE and then get another error

Error in if (post == -Inf) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed


Jennifer Graham
PhD Researcher
Centre for Ecology and Conservation
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus
TR10 9EZ

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