[Basta-users] Question on survivorship for pre-emergence

Ezequiel Fabiano chimbioputo at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 13:48:48 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I am trying to run analyse a data set with BaSTA but running to a problem
whenever I tried to constrain recapture probabilities and or run more than
one simulation. It runs perfectly when either is not included. I would
appreciate any help.

Histories<- read.csv("Histories1.csv", header = TRUE)

newData<-DataCheck(Histories,studyStart=1988, studyEnd=2000,
autofix=rep(1,7), silent = TRUE) #checking for errors

rawCovMat<- read.csv("SexAndFarmType.csv", header = TRUE) #inputting

covMat <- MakeCovMat(x = c("sex", "farm"), data = rawCovMat) #constructing
the covariate matrix for BaSTA,

inputMat <- as.data.frame(cbind(Histories, covMat[, -1]))   #merging
capture histories with covariates
out<-basta(object=inputMat,studyStart=1988,studyEnd=2000) #model runs

As soon as I add recaptTrans or try multiple simulations then I get an
error message:
the error message says: Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "pi[1987]")
  length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent

out<-basta(object=inputMat,studyStart=1987,studyEnd=2000, model = "WE",
shape = "simple", minAge = 1, recaptTrans = c(1987, 1995)) # error message
out <- basta(object = inputMat, studyStart = 1987, studyEnd = 2000,
recaptTrans = c(1987, 1995), model = "GO", shape = "simple", niter = 1000,
burnin = 100, thinning = 10, nsim = 2) # error message

 No problems were detected with the data. # data check


2012/4/3 Ezequiel Fabiano <chimbioputo at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I am busy sorting out my data to run with BaSTA. I have a question. In
> most cases no data in available for pre-emergence litters. How does BaSTA
> handles this? Or is it similar to ways previously used like in life-tables?
> Thanks
> Fabiano

Ezequiel C. Fabiano, MEnvDev
PhD student at Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Senior Research Assistant at Cheetah Conservation Fund, Namibia
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