[Basta-users] MakeLifeTable function for 50% only?

Cliff Cunningham cliff at duke.edu
Thu Nov 10 12:28:50 CET 2011

Dear Basta,

	With Owen's gracious help, I am able to generate Xq and use these to make a life table.  Unfortunately, the resulting life table is a conglomerate of the 2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% deaths.  How can I look at one at a time, starting with 50%.  I'm sure its a simple argument, but I couldn't find it in the help.

MakeLifeTable(Fem79and80WEnoMak$Xq, ax = 0.5, n = 1)

	Thanks so much,

   	Cliff Cunningham

	Biology Department
    	Duke University
        130 Science Drive
	Durham NC 27708
	Phone 919-660-7356


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