[adegenet-forum] Understanding DAPC scatter plot

Nikki Vollmer nlv209 at hotmail.com
Thu May 12 21:44:32 CEST 2022

I am looking for a better understanding of the DAPC scatter plot. Is it correct that with the code below, after running the DAPC, the scatter plot is plotting/color-coding based on the prior groups? If so, why not the posterior groups? I thought that the result of running a DAPC is the posterior group information and I just figured that is what the scatter plot would be showing me, but perhaps I am not understanding something correctly?  I know that you can look at the posterior information with compoplot, I am now just wanting to know how to correctly interpret scatter plots when I see them.

the basic code I am referring to is:
data_scaled <- tab(data,NA.method="mean")
grp<-find.clusters(data_scaled, max.n.clust=40)
dapc1<-dapc(data_scaled, grp$grp)

I appreciate any help with clarifying this!
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