[adegenet-forum] identification of hybrids

Mark Coulson M.Coulson at MARLAB.AC.UK
Mon Nov 11 10:50:08 CET 2013



I am attempting to use adegenet in a similar fashion to how one may use
STRUCTURE to identify hybrids/admixed individuals. I know the compoplot
function will allow for a STRUCTURE-like bar plot but my question is
given the differences between STRUCTURE and compoplot, can one still
make the same inferences about the identification of hybrids? In
STRUCTURE I have been using a q-value cut-off from known individuals to
identify possible hybrids (also simulating known hybrids) so that
individuals falling below the q-value for 'pure species membership'
would fall into this category. Given compoplot is a probability rather
than a membership coefficient, is this type of an approach valid?






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