[adegenet-forum] rupica dataset genind2df error

Zhian Kamvar kamvarz at science.oregonstate.edu
Sun Oct 21 03:26:31 CEST 2012


I noticed a little error pop up when attempting to convert the rupica
dataset to a data frame with each allele in a separate column:

> genind2df(rupica, oneColPerAll=T)
> Error in data.frame(Bm1818 = c("272", "272", "272", "272", "272", "280",
> :
>   arguments imply differing number of rows: 335, 334
> In addition: Warning messages:
> 1: In matrix(unlist(e), ncol = x at ploidy, byrow = TRUE) :
>   data length [669] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of
> rows [335]
> 2: In matrix(unlist(e), ncol = x at ploidy, byrow = TRUE) :
>   data length [667] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of
> rows [334]

It appears that some genotypes do not list both alleles and do not indicate
missing data. From other data sets in adegenet, I gathered that missing
data was coded as "NA".

Were these supposed to be indicated as homozygous or are they actually
missing, and if they are missing, why are they not coded in the normal

Zhian Kamvar
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