[adegenet-forum] Use of Lag spca$ls values.

Nevil Amos nevil.amos at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 13:00:01 CEST 2010

  It is noted in the draft manual that the "The lag vectors of the 
scores can be displayed graphically instead of basic scores
so as to better perceive global structures".  In some cases I have 
examined the pattens showed by the lag vectors are similar to those 
shown by the spca$li score.

In some other cases though the pattern is quite different.  How should I 
interpret this?

If the score represents the maximised  spatial spatial 
autocorrelation*genetic variance, what does the lag Vector represent.

I have read Jombart et al 2008, but it is not clear to me, probably as a 
result of my limited mathematics!


Nevil Amos

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