[adegenet-forum] problems in importing data

Dragani Tommaso Tommaso.Dragani at istitutotumori.mi.it
Thu Dec 16 11:26:37 CET 2010

Sorry to disturb you again, but I do not succeed in importing in 'adegenet' a relatively simple .txt dataset like:

Id      mk1     mk2     mk3
A45     AA      AB      BB
A46     BB      AA      AB
A47     AB      BB      AA

Where Id is the sample identification and mk1 to mk3 are the names of the SNPs.
I tried to follow the manual and the tutorial, but without good results.

I would like to run adegenet to identify the number of clusters in our population of about 1500 individuals genotyped at about 100 autosomal SNPs.

With many thanks for your help.


Tommaso A. Dragani

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