[Zooimage-commits] r222 - in pkg: phytoimage/inst/gui zooimage zooimage/R zooimage/inst/gui zooimage/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Jul 10 19:59:48 CEST 2012

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2012-07-10 19:59:48 +0200 (Tue, 10 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 222

Further clean up and elimination of unnecessary code in ZooImage

Modified: pkg/phytoimage/inst/gui/MenusZIDlgWin.txt
--- pkg/phytoimage/inst/gui/MenusZIDlgWin.txt	2012-07-08 22:43:40 UTC (rev 221)
+++ pkg/phytoimage/inst/gui/MenusZIDlgWin.txt	2012-07-10 17:59:48 UTC (rev 222)
@@ -24,11 +24,6 @@
 |||From the &assistant	Ctrl+X			~~ closeAssistant()
 |||From &PhytoImage				~~ closePhytoImage()
-||&Start process...                		~~ realtimeStart()
-||&Stop process...                 		~~ realtimeStop()
-||&Export results...               		~~ realtimeSave()
-||&Remove data...                  		~~ realtimeReset()
 ||&Load						~~ loadObjects()
 ||&Save						~~ saveObjects()

Modified: pkg/zooimage/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/zooimage/NAMESPACE	2012-07-08 22:43:40 UTC (rev 221)
+++ pkg/zooimage/NAMESPACE	2012-07-10 17:59:48 UTC (rev 222)
@@ -25,36 +25,23 @@
@@ -93,15 +80,18 @@
 # Zic
+# Zip
 # Zis
@@ -124,6 +114,8 @@
 # File-Utilities
@@ -173,12 +165,11 @@
 # GUI-Utilities
 # S3 methods
 S3method(predict, nnet2)
@@ -190,27 +181,3 @@
 S3method(print, ZIE)
 S3method(plot, ZITable)
 S3method(merge, ZITable)
-# The following objects are NOT exported (and should be eliminated too!)
-# backspaces
-# finishLoop
-# imagemagick
-# imagemagick_convert
-# imagemagick_identify
-# imageViewer
-# misc
-# misc_dcraw
-# netpbm
-# netpbm_pgmhist
-# netpbm_ppmtopgm
-# netpbm_tifftopnm
-# program
-# unzip
-# xite
-# xite_biff2tiff
-# xite_divide
-# xite_pnm2biff
-# xite_statistics
-# zip
-# zipNoteAdd
-# zipNote

Deleted: pkg/zooimage/R/RealTime.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/RealTime.R	2012-07-08 22:43:40 UTC (rev 221)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/RealTime.R	2012-07-10 17:59:48 UTC (rev 222)
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
-## This file is part of ZooImage
-## ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-## Functions and dialog box created for the real time recogntion
-realtimeStart <- function ()
- 	## Process real time recognition during a FlowCAM experiment
-	## First remove existing file from the global environment before
-	## we read a new sample
-	realtimeReset()
-	## Ask for an algorithm and one or several samples to compare with
-	defval <- "Only One Sample"
-	opts <- c("Only One Sample",
-			  "Comparison with One Other Sample",
-			  "Comparison with Several Other Samples")
-	## Then, show the dialog box
- 	#res <- modalAssistant(paste(getTemp("ZIname"),
-	#	"Real-Time recognition for FlowCAM"),
-	#	c("This is a beta version of the real time recognition",
-	#	"of FlowCAM samples developed for the AMORE III project.",
-	#	"Warning! This method is only developed for FlowCAM data,",
-	#	"and with a classifier made with FlowCAM parameters only.",
-	#	"", "Select an option:", ""), init = defval,
-	#	options = opts, help.topic = "makeClass")
-	#if (res == "ID_CANCEL") return(invisible())
-	res <- dlgList(opts, preselect = defval, multiple = FALSE,
-		title = "Select an option:")$res
-	if (!length(res)) return(invisible())
-	## Only one sample
-	if (res == "Only One Sample") {
-		## Use default values for the classifier creation
-		cat("Classify one sample at a time in real-time mode\n")
-		mode <- 0
-	} else if (res == "Comparison with One Other Sample") {
-		cat("Comparison of current sample with previous one activated\n")
-		mode <- 1
-	} else if (res == "Comparison with Several Other Samples") {
-		cat("Comparison of current sample with a list of samples already digitized\n")
-		mode <- 2
-	} else stop("Unknown option!")	
-	flush.console()
-	## Look if we have a classifier object defined
-	ZIC <- getTemp("ZI.ClassName")
-	if (is.null(ZIC)) ZIC <- ""
-	ZIC <- getVar("ZIClass", multi = FALSE, default = ZIC,
-		title = "Choose a classifier (ZIClass object):", warn.only = FALSE)
-	if (length(ZIC) == 0 || (length(ZIC) == 1 && ZIC == ""))
-		return(invisible())
-	ZICobj <- get(ZIC, envir = .GlobalEnv)
-	## Select the current sample
-	Current <- dlgOpen(title = "Select a lst file",
-		filters = matrix(c("FlowCAM list file", ".lst"),
-		ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))$res 
-	if (mode == 1) { # Select the Previous sample
-		Prev <- dlgOpen(title = "Select the lst file for the previous sample",
-			filters = matrix(c("FlowCAM list file", ".lst"),
-			ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))$res 
-	} else if (mode == 2) {
-		## Select the Previous samples
-	    List <- list.files(dlgDir(title = "Select general directory")$res,
-			recursive = TRUE, pattern = ".lst$", full.names = TRUE)
-	    ListSamples <- selectSamples(Samples = List)
-	} else Prev <- NULL
-	## Select a conversion table
-	ConvFile <- getOption("ZI.ConversionFile", file.path(getTemp("ZIetc"),
-		"Conversion.txt"))
-	## Ask for selecting a Conversion file
-	ConvFile <- dlgOpen(title = "Select a conversion file",
-			filters = matrix(c("Biomass Conversion table (*Conversion.txt)",
-			"Conversion.txt"), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))$res
-	if (length(ConvFile) == 0 || ConvFile == "")
-		return(invisible()) # Cancelled dialog box
-	## Select the size spectra option
-	brks <- dlgInput("Breaks for size spectrum classes in mm (empty for no spectrum):",
-		default = "seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1)")$res
-	if (!length(brks)) return(invisible())
-	brks <- eval(parse(text = brks))
-	## Choose options
-	## Default options
-	## Without sample comparison
-	Abd.all <- TRUE
-	Abd.gp <- NULL
-	Spec.all <- NULL
-	Spec.gp <- NULL
-	Bio.all <- NULL
-	Bio.gp <- NULL
-	## With one or more samples for comparison
-	ZICompAbd <- TRUE
-	ZICompSpectra <- NULL
-	ZICompBiomass <- NULL
-	ZICompSlope <- NULL
-	ZICompAbd.gp <- NULL
-	ZICompBio.gp <- NULL
-	## Options for all modes
-	defval_Graphs <- "Total Abundance"
-	if (mode == 0) {
-		opts_Graphs <- c("Total Abundance", "Abundance of groups",
-			"Total Size Spectra", "Size Spectra of groups",
-			"Total Biomass", "Biomass of groups")
-	} else {
-		opts_Graphs <- c("Total Abundance", "Abundance of groups",
-			"Total Size Spectra", "Total Biomass", "Biomass of groups",
-			"Slope of size spectra")
-	}
-	#res <- modalAssistant(paste(getTemp("ZIname"),
-	#	"Real-Time classification with the FlowCAM"),
-	#		c("Select one type of plot you want to do",
-	#		"", "Select an option:", ""), init = defval_Graphs,
-	#		options = opts_Graphs, help.topic = "makeClass")
-	res <- dlgList(opts_Graphs, preselect = defval_Graphs, multiple = FALSE,
-		title = "Select one type of plot:")$res
-	if (!length(res)) return(invisible())
-	if (mode == 0) {
-		if (res == "Total Abundance")
-			Abd.all <- TRUE
-		if (res == "Abundance of groups") {
-			Abd.all <- NULL
-			Abd.gp <- selectGroups(ZICobj)
-		}
-		if (res == "Total Size Spectra") {
-			Abd.all <- NULL
-			Spec.all <- TRUE
-		}
-		if (res == "Size Spectra of groups") {
-			Abd.all <- NULL
-			Spec.gp <- selectGroups(ZICobj)
-		}
-		if (res == "Total Biomass") {
-			Abd.all <- NULL
-			Bio.all <- TRUE
-		}
-		if (res == "Biomass of groups") {
-			Abd.all <- NULL
-			Bio.gp <- selectGroups(ZICobj)
-		}
-	} else { # mode 1 or 2
-		if (res == "Total Abundance")
-			ZICompAbd <- TRUE
-	    if (res == "Abundance of groups") {
-			ZICompAbd <- NULL
-			ZICompAbd.gp <- selectGroups(ZICobj)
-	    }
-	    if (res == "Total Size Spectra") {
-			ZICompAbd <- NULL
-			ZICompSpectra <- TRUE
-	    }
-	    if (res == "Total Biomass") {
-			ZICompAbd <- NULL
-			ZICompBiomass <- TRUE
-	    }
-	    if (res == "Biomass of groups") {
-			ZICompAbd <- NULL
-			ZICompBio.gp <- selectGroups(ZICobj)
-	    }
-	    if (res == "Slope of size spectra") {
-			ZICompAbd <- NULL
-			ZICompSlope <- TRUE
-	    }
-	}
-	## Loop parameters
-	#realtimeOptions(lstdir = Current, # path of the list file of the FlowCAM run
-	#	ZIClass = ZICobj, # Classifer
-	#	ZIprevSmp = NULL, # Comparison with one previous sample
-	#	ZIlist = NULL, # Comparison several previous samples
-	#	################## One Sample
-	#	Abd.all = Abd.all, # NULL or TRUE
-	#	Abd.gp = Abd.gp, # NULL or groups to plot
-	#	Spec.all = Spec.all, # NULL or TRUE
-	#	Spec.gp = Spec.gp, # NULL or groups
-	#	Bio.all = Bio.all, # NULL or TRUE
-	#	Bio.gp = Bio.gp, # NULL or groups
-	#	breaks = brks, # in mm
-	#	conv = ConvFile, # or conversion table
-	#	################## More than one sample
-	#	ZICompAbd = ZICompAbd,
-	#	ZICompSpectra = ZICompSpectra,
-	#	ZICompBiomass = ZICompBiomass,
-	#	ZICompSlope = ZICompSlope,
-	#	ZICompAbd.gp = ZICompAbd.gp,
-	#	ZICompBio.gp = ZICompBio.gp
-	#)
-	## Run automatic recognition and plot
-## TODO: we need a depends on tcltk2 here!		
-#	tclFun(realtimeLoop)
-	realtimeLoop()
-realtimeSave <- function ()
-	lst <- getOption("Path")
-	classif <- getOption("Classifier")
-	breaks <- getOption("breaks")
-	conv <- getOption("conv")
-	save.dir <- dirname(getOption("Path"))
-	rec <- getTemp("rtRecord")
-	if (is.null(rec))
-		rec <- predict(classif, lstRead(lst),
-			calc.vars = TRUE, class.only = FALSE)
-	if (!is.null(save.dir)) {
-		if (!is.character(save.dir))
-			stop("The exportation path must be a character string")
-	} else save.dir <- dlgDir()$res
-	Bio.tab <- sampleBio(ZIDat = rec, conv = conv, exportdir = NULL,
-		realtime = TRUE)
-	write.table(Bio.tab, file = paste(save.dir, paste(basename(dirname(lst)),
-		"AbdBio.txt", sep = "_"), sep = "\\"), sep = "\t", dec = ".",
-		col.names = TRUE, na = "NA", row.names = FALSE)
-	## Delete objects from R environment
-	rmTemp("rtData")
-	rmTemp("rtRecord")
-	rmTemp("rtTime")	
-realtimeStop <- function ()
-	assignTemp(".realtimeStopItFlag", TRUE)
-realtimeReset <- function () {
-	assignTemp("rtData", NULL)
-	assignTemp("rtRecords", NULL)
-	assignTemp("rtTime", NULL)
-realtimeSlope <- function (ZIDat, breaks, log = TRUE)
-	if (!"FIT_Diameter_ABD" %in% names(ZIDat))
-		stop("The 'FIT_Diameter_ABD' column is required in 'ZIDat' but not found")
-	Dat <- as.vector(table(cut(ZIDat$FIT_Diameter_ABD / 1000, breaks = breaks)))
-	if (isTRUE(log)) Dat <- log10(Dat + 1)
-	midpoints <- (breaks[-1] + breaks[-length(breaks)]) / 2
-	Lm <- lm(Dat ~ midpoints)
-	res <- coef(Lm)[2]
-	attr(res, "lm") <- Lm
-	return(res)
-## Loop to run process and comparisons in real-time (delay interval is in ms)
-realtimeLoop <- function (delay = 15000)
-	continue <- TRUE
-	## Function to execute at regular interval
-	realtimeProcess(List = getOption("Path"), ZIClass = getOption("Classifier"),
-		conv = getOption("conv"), collage = getOption("collage"),
-		flow.cell = getOption("flow.cell"), images.per.sec = getOption("images.per.sec"),
-		size = getOption("size"), lag = getOption("Lag"))
-	#realtimePlotMobile(ZIDat = rec, group = getOption("group"),
-	#	identify = getOption("identify"), breaks = getOption("breaks"),
-	#	log = getOption("log"), realtime = TRUE)
-	#realtimePlot(ZIDat = rec, type = getOption("type"), abd = getOption("abd"),
-	#	bio = getOption("bio"), group = getOption("group"),
-	#	concentration = getOption("concentration"),
-	#	spectra = getOption("spectra"), breaks = getOption("breaks"),
-	#	compare.smp = getOption("compare.smp"), log = getOption("log"))
-	## Is there a stop signal?
-	if (existsTemp(".realtimeStopItFlag")) {
-		rmTemp(".realtimeStopItFlag")
-		timer <- NULL
-	} else { # Continue...
-		## Run realtimeLoop after 'delay' ms
-		timer <- .Tcl(paste("after", as.integer(delay)[1], "realtimeLoop"))
-	}
-	return(invisible(timer))
-realtimeOptions <- function (
-lstdir = ".", 		# Path of the list file of the current FlowCAM experiment
-ZIClass,			# Classifier to use
-type = "b", 		# "b" : barplot, "l" : line alpha code
-size.threshold = NULL, # NULL or Size threshold in µm alpha code
-breaks = seq(0.05, 3, by = 0.1),  # in mm
-conv.dir = ".", 		# Path of the conversion table
-images.per.sec = 7,
-flow.cell = 600,
-concentration = "p/mL",	# "Absolute", "Relative" or "p/mL"
-collage = NULL, 	# NULL: no mobile window, TRUE: use collage, FALSE: use number of vignettes
-size = 5,			# The size of the mobile window
-lag = 2,			# The lag between two successive mobile windows
-abd = NULL,			# NULL, TRUE or FALSE
-bio = NULL,			# NULL, TRUE or FALSE
-spectra = NULL,		# NULL, TRUE or FALSE
-compare.smp = NULL,		# NULL, FALSE or a path of a list of sample to compare with
-group = NULL,		# The group to recognize and/or plot
-identify = FALSE,	# Identify points on plot (TRUE or FALSE)
-log = FALSE,		# Transform data in log10(x + 1)
-slope = FALSE)
-	## Check and/or convert arguments
-	lstdir <- as.character(lstdir)[1]
-	if (!inherits(ZIClass, "ZIClass"))
-		stop("'ZIClass' must be a classifier of class 'ZIClass'")
-	type <- as.character(type)[1]
-    if (!type %in% c("b", "l"))
-		stop("type must be 'b' (barplot) or 'l' (lines)")
-	if (!is.null(size.threshold) && !is.numeric(size.threshold))
-		stop("'size.threshold' must be a numeric value in microns or NULL")
-	if (!is.numeric(breaks))
-		stop("breaks must be the size interval (a vector of numeric values)")
-	conv.dir <- as.character(conv.dir)[1]
-	images.per.sec <- as.numeric(images.per.sec)[1]
-	if (images.per.sec < 0)
-		stop("'images.per.sec' must be the number of images taken by the FlowCAM per second")
-	flow.cell <- as.integer(flow.cell)[1]
-	concentration <- as.character(concentration)[1]
-	if (!concentration %in% c("p/mL", "Relative", "Absolute"))
-		stop("'concentration' must be \"p/mL\", \"Absolute\" or \"Relative\"")
-	if (!is.null(collage)) collage <- isTRUE(collage)
-	size <- as.numeric(size)[1]
-	if (size <= 0)
-		stop("'size' must be the value of the interval size (a positivce number)")
-	lag <- as.numeric(lag)[1]
-	if (lag < 0)
-		stop("'lag' must be the value of the lag between two mobile windows (postive or zero)")
-	if (!is.null(abd)) abd <- isTRUE(abd)
-	if (!is.null(bio)) bio <- isTRUE(bio)
-	if (!is.null(spectra)) spectra <- isTRUE(spectra)
-	if (!is.null(compare.smp)) {
-		compare.smp <- as.character(compare.smp)
-		if (length(compare.smp) == 1) {
-			if(length(grep(pattern = ".[Zz][Ii][Dd]", x = compare.smp)) >= 1) {
-				## This a zid file
-				Smp <- zidDatRead(compare.smp)
-			} else {
-				## This is a list file
-				Smp <- lstRead(compare.smp)
-			}
-			Smp <- predict(ZIClass, Smp, calc.vars = FALSE, class.only = FALSE)
-			Smp <- calcBiomass(ZIDat = Smp, conv = conv.dir, realtime = TRUE)
-			List <- list(Smp)
-			names(List) <- noExtension(compare.smp)
-		} else {
-			List <- list()
-			if (length(grep(pattern = ".[Zz][Ii][Dd]", x = compare.smp)) >= 1) {
-				## This a zid file
-				for (i in 1 : length(compare.smp))
-					List[[i]] <- calcBiomass(ZIDat = predict(ZIClass,
-						zidDatRead(compare.smp[i]), calc.vars = FALSE,
-						class.only = FALSE), conv = conv.dir, realtime = TRUE)
-			} else {
-				## This is a list file
-				for (i in 1 : length(compare.smp))
-					List[[i]] <- calcBiomass(ZIDat = predict(ZIClass,
-						lstRead(compare.smp[i]), calc.vars = FALSE,
-						class.only = FALSE), conv = conv.dir, realtime = TRUE)
-			}
-			names(List) <- noExtension(compare.smp)
-		}
-      	compare.smp <- List
-    } else compare.smp <- FALSE
-	if (!is.null(group)) group <- as.character(group)[1] 
-	identify <- isTRUE(identify)
-	log <- isTRUE(log)
-	slope <- isTRUE(slope)
-	## Construct the options object and save it in options
-	opts <- list(lstdir, ZIClass, type, size.threshold, breaks, conv.dir,
-		images.per.sec, flow.cell, size, lag, concentration, abd, bio, spectra,
-		group, compare.smp, identify, log, slope)
-	options("ZIrealtimeOpts" = opts)
-	return(invisible(opts))
-realtimeProcess <- function (List, ZIClass, conv = c(1, 0, 1), collage = NULL,
-flow.cell = 600, images.per.sec = 5, size = 5, lag = 2)
-	if (!existsTemp("rtData")) {
-		## First iteration
-		## Calculation of elapsed time
-		Time <- elapsedTime(List)
-		## Read the list file
-		tab <- lstRead(List, skip = 2)
-		## If no measurements in the list file
-		if (dim(tab)[1] == 0) {
-			cat("The list file is empty\n")
-			flush.console()
-			rmTemp("rtData")
-		} else {
-			rec <- getTemp("rtRecord")
-			if (is.null(rec)) {
-				rec <- predict(ZIClass, tab, calc.vars = FALSE,
-					class.only = FALSE) # Ident
-				rec <- calcBiomass(ZIDat = rec, conv = conv,
-					realtime = TRUE) # Biomass
-				## Proceed to the mobile window
-				if (!is.null(collage))
-					rec <- mobileWindow(realtime = TRUE)
-				## Add Sec and Vol column to the general table
-				if (!"sec" %in% names(rec))
-					rec <- addSecVol(ZIDat = rec, flow.cell = flow.cell,
-						images.per.sec = images.per.sec)
-				assignTemp("rtRecord", rec)
-			}
-		}
-		## Create Attributes
-		if (!is.null(rec)) {
-			abd <- table(rec$Ident)
-			bio <- tapply(rec$Biomass, rec$Ident, sum)
-			## Remove NA and 0 from tables abd and bio to avoid any log problem
-			abd[is.na(abd)] <- 1e-09
-			abd[abd == 0] <- 1e-09
-			bio[is.na(bio)] <- 1e-09
-			bio[bio == 0] <- 1e-09
-			## Add attributes to rec
-			attr(rec, "abd") <- abd
-			attr(rec, "bio") <- bio
-			attr(rec, "skip") <- nrow(tab)
-			## Used to know the number of row to skip to get new measurements
-			attr(rec, "rowToSkip") <- nrow(rec)
-			## Used to create a trnasect after the cruise
-			attr(rec, "volumeDigitized") <- volumeDigitized(rec = rec,
-				flow.cell = flow.cell, images.per.sec = images.per.sec)
-			## Attribute for time elapsed
-			attr(rec, "elapsedTime") <- Time
-			## This parameter is used by volumeDigitized(List)
-			assignTemp("rtRecord", rec)
-		}
-	} else {
-		## There is one lst (non empty tab) list in memory
-		rec1 <- rec # classification table from the previous iteration
-		abd1 <- attr(rec1, "abd") # abd from the previous iteration
-		bio1 <- attr(rec1, "bio") # bio from the previous iteration
-		## Read the complete table to know if new results have been added
-		## Calculation of elapsed time
-		Time <- elapsedTime(List)
-		New <- lstRead(List, skip = 2) # Read new tab after the elapsed time
-		## Check if new measurements added in New
-		skp <- attr(rec, "skip")
-		attr(rec, "skip") <- c(skp, nrow(New))
-		skp <- attr(rec, "skip")
-		## Comparision with the previous skip
-		if (skp[length(skp)] != skp[length(skp)- 1]) {
-			## Extract only new measurements
-			tab <- New[(skp[length(skp) - 1] + 1):skp[length(skp)], ]
-			## Return the object in R
-			tab <- getTemp("rtData")
-			## recognition of tab
-			rec <- predict(ZIClass, tab, calc.vars = FALSE,
-				class.only = FALSE) # Ident
-			## Biomass
-			rec <- calcBiomass(ZIDat = rec, conv = conv, realtime = TRUE)
-			## Add Sec and Vol information
-			if (!"sec" %in% names(rec)) 
-				rec <- addSecVol(ZIDat = rec, flow.cell = flow.cell,
-					images.per.sec = images.per.sec)
-			## Create new tables
-			abd <- table(rec$Ident)
-			bio <- tapply(rec$Biomass, rec$Ident, sum)
-			## Remove NA and 0
-			abd[is.na(abd)] <- 1e-09
-			abd[abd == 0] <- 1e-09
-			bio[is.na(bio)] <- 1e-09
-			bio[bio == 0] <- 1e-09
-			## Paste the two tables : the previous and the new ones
-			rec <- rbind(rec1, rec)
-			if (!is.null(collage)) {
-				## Calculation of the rest of the mobile window
-				Interv <- attr(rec1, "intervals")
-				attr(rec, "intervals") <- Interv
-				## Because it is used to determine the range in mobileWindow
-				rec <<- mobileWindow(realtime = TRUE)
-				NewInterval <- Interv
-				## Extracted here (will be lost after the rbind operation)
-				NewMobileTab <- attr(rec, "mobileTab")
-				NewTime <- attr(rec, "time")
-			}
-			## When we rbind rec, we loose attributes --> Add new attributes
-			attr(rec, "skip") <- c(attr(rec, "skip"), nrow(New))
-			if (!is.null(abd1)) attr(rec, "abd") <<- cbind(abd1, abd)
-			if (!is.null(bio1)) attr(rec, "bio") <<- cbind(bio1, bio)
-			if (!is.null(collage)) {
-				## Attribute of the mobile window
-				recTime <- attr(rec1, "time")
-				attr(rec, "time") <- c(recTime[-length(recTime)], NewTime)
-				## Everything except last iteration
-				Interv <- attr(rec1, "intervals")
-				attr(rec, "intervals") <- cbind(Interv[ , -ncol(Interv)],
-					NewInterval)
-				## idem
-				MobileTab <- attr(rec1, "mobileTab")
-				attr(rec, "mobileTab") <- cbind(MobileTab[ , -ncol(MobileTab)],
-					NewMobileTab[, -1])
-				## idem
-				attr(rec, "size") <- size
-				attr(rec, "lag") <- lag
-				attr(rec, "collage") <- collage
-				assignTemp("rtRecord", rec)
-			}
-		} else {
-			## There are no new measurements in list file
-			cat("There are no new measurements in list file or run done\n")
-			flush.console()
-			## Remove the last element of the skip attribute
-			skip <- attr(rec, "skip")
-			attr(rec, "skip") <- skip[-length(skip)]
-			## Add attributes
-			if (!is.null(abd1)) {
-				abd <- attr(rec, "abd")
-				attr(rec, "abd") <- cbind(abd, rep(1e-09, nrow(abd)))
-			}
-			if (!is.null(bio1)) {
-				bio <- attr(rec, "bio")
-				attr(rec, "bio") <- cbind(bio, rep(1e-09, nrow(bio)))
-			}
-			assignTemp("rtRecord", rec)
-		}
-		## Attributes with the number of rows to skip
-		attr(rec, "rowToSkip") <- c(attr(rec, "rowToSkip"), nrow(rec))
-		## Attribute for time elapsed
-		attr(rec, "elapsedTime") <- Time
-		## This parameter is used by volumeDigitized()
-		## Calculation of digitized volume
-		attr(rec, "volumeDigitized") <- c(attr(rec, "volumeDigitized"),
-			volumeDigitized(rec = rec, flow.cell = flow.cell,
-			images.per.sec = images.per.sec))
-		assignTemp("rtRecord", rec)
-	}
-	## Write a table with Volume and nrow of rec
-	Time <- attr(rec, "elapsedTime")
-	Vol <- attr(rec, "volumeDigitized")
-	Row <- attr(rec, "rowToSkip")
-	write.table(data.frame(Time, Vol, Row), file = file.path(dirname(List),
-		paste(basename(List), "RowToSkip.txt", sep = "_")),
-		sep = "\t", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE)
-	## Save data as RData
-	save(rec, file = file.path(dirname(List),
-		paste(basename(List), "rec.Rdata", sep = "_")))
-	## Change class(rec)
-	if (!inherits(rec, "realtime"))
-		class(rec) <- c("realtime", class(rec))
-	assignTemp("rtRecord", rec)
-#### Utility functions for real-time process ###################################
-## Calculation of elapsed time and create the attr(rec, "elapsedTime")
-elapsedTime <- function (List)
-	## Info <- file.info(getOption("Path"))
-	Info <- file.info(List)
-	Time <- getTemp("rtTime")
-	if (is.null(Time)) {
-		## First iteration
-		Elapsed <- difftime(time1 = Info$ctime, time2 = Sys.time(),
-			units = "sec")
-		Time2 <- abs(as.numeric(Elapsed))
-		assignTemp("rtTime", Time2)
-	} else {
-	    Elapsed <- difftime(time1 = Info$ctime, time2 = Sys.time(),
-			units = "sec")
-	    Time2 <- abs(as.numeric(Elapsed)) - sum(Time)
-	    assignTemp("rtTime", c(Time, Time2))
-	}
-	return(Time)
-## Calculation of the digitized volume using the Time elapsed attirbute
-volumeDigitized <- function (rec, flow.cell = 600, images.per.sec = 5)
-	CalConst <- unique(rec$FIT_Cal_Const)
-	Height <- 767 * CalConst
-	Width <- 1023 * CalConst
-	Area <- Height * Width
-	Volume <- (Area / 10^8) * (flow.cell/10000) # mL
-	ElapsedTime <- attr(rec, "elapsedTime")
-	lElapsedTime <- length(ElapsedTime)
-	RowToSkip <- attr(rec, "rowToSkip")
-	lRowToSkip <- length(RowToSkip)
-	if (all(is.na(rec$FIT_Source_Image))) {
-		## We have to calculate volume using the elapsed time
-		res <- Volume * images.per.sec * ElapsedTime
-	} else {
-		## We have the information from the new FlowCAM about the raw images
-		if (lRowToSkip == 1) { 
-			## First iteration completed
-			Raw <- rec$FIT_Source_Image[RowToSkip]
-		} else {
-			## More than one iteration
-			if (RowToSkip[lRowToSkip - 1] == RowToSkip[lRowToSkip]) {
-				## No new data added at the list file --> Use the elapsed time
-				## to approximate number of raw images
-				Raw <- images.per.sec * ElapsedTime[lElapsedTime]
-			} else {
-				## New measurements are added at hte end of the list file
-				NewRaw <- rec$FIT_Source_Image[RowToSkip[lRowToSkip]]
-				PrevRaw <- rec$FIT_Source_Image[RowToSkip[lRowToSkip - 1] + 1]
-				Raw <- NewRaw - PrevRaw + 1
-			}
-		}
-		res <- Volume * Raw
-	}
-	return(res)
-## Function to add a column for biomass calculation
-calcBiomass <- function (ZIDat, conv = c(1, 0, 1), realtime = FALSE)
-	if (!isTRUE(realtime)) {
-		if (!inherits(ZIDat, "ZIDat"))
-			stop("ZIDat must be a 'ZIDat' object")
-	}
-	## Convert ECD (biomass calculation, etc.)
-	## Check arguments
-	Smp <- ZIDat
-	if (nrow(Smp) == 0)
-		stop("no data for this sample/taxa in ZIDat")
-	## Add P1/P2/P3 conversion params to the table
-	if (inherits(conv, "data.frame")) {
-		if (!all(names(conv)[1:4] == c("Group", "P1", "P2", "P3") ||
-			c("Group", "a", "b", "c")))
-			stop("conv must have 'Group', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' or 'a', 'b', 'c' columns!")
-		IdSmp <- as.character(Smp$Ident)
-		IdSmpU <- unique(IdSmp)
-		IdConv <- as.character(conv$Group)
-		## Eliminate [other] from the table and the list
-		## and keep its values for further use
-		IsOther <- (IdConv == "[other]")
-		Other <- conv[IsOther, ]
-		if (sum(IsOther) > 0) {
-			IdConv <- IdConv[!IsOther]
-			conv <- conv[!IsOther, ]
-			conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-		}
-        if (!all(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)) {
-            if (nrow(Other) > 0) {
-                ## Fill all the other groups with the formula for other
-				## and issue a warning
-                NotThere <- IdSmpU[!(IdSmpU %in% IdConv)]
-                warning("Applying default [other] biomass conversion for ",
-					paste(NotThere, collapse = ", "))
-                N <- length(NotThere)
-                conv2 <- data.frame(Group = NotThere, P1 = rep(Other[1, 2], N),
-                    P2 = rep(Other[1, 3], N), P3 = rep(Other[1, 4], N))
-                conv <- rbind(conv, conv2)
-                conv$Group <- as.factor(as.character(conv$Group))
-            } else {
-                ## All groups must be there: stop!
-                stop("Not all 'Ident' in sample match 'Group' in the conv table")
-            }
-        }
-		## Line number of the corresponding parameter
-		## is calculated as the level of a factor whose levels
-		## are the same as in the conversion table
-		Pos <- as.numeric(factor(IdSmp, levels = as.character(conv$Group)))
-		Smp$P1 <- conv[Pos, "P1"]
-		Smp$P2 <- conv[Pos, "P2"]
-		Smp$P3 <- conv[Pos, "P3"]
-	} else { # Use the same three parameters for all
-		if (length(conv) != 3)
-			stop("You must provide a vector with three numbers")
-		Smp$P1 <- conv[1]
-		Smp$P2 <- conv[2]
-		Smp$P3 <- conv[3]
-	}
-	## Individual contributions to biomass by m^3
-	if (!isTRUE(realtime)) {
-		Smp$Biomass <- (Smp$P1 * Smp$ECD + Smp$P2)^Smp$P3 * Smp$Dil
-	} else {
-		Smp$Biomass <- (Smp$P1 * Smp$FIT_Diameter_ABD + Smp$P2)^Smp$P3
-	}
-    ## AZTI special treatment
-    ## introducimos la formula de montagnes y la correccion para ESD(2.61951)
-	#Smp$Biomass <- (0.109 * (pi*4/3*((2.61951*Smp$ECD)/2)^3)^0.991) * Smp$Dil
-	## Add metadata attribute
-	attr(Smp, "metadata") <- attr(ZIDat, "metadata")
-	return(Smp)
-## Add Sec and Volume column
-addSecVol <- function (ZIDat, flow.cell, images.per.sec)
-	calcVol <- function (lst, flow.cell) {
-		CalConst <- unique(lst$FIT_Cal_Const) 
-		Height <- 767 * CalConst
-		Width <- 1023 * CalConst
-		Area <- Height * Width
-		Volume <- (Area / 10^8) * (flow.cell / 10000) # mL
-		return(Volume)
-	}
-	if (!inherits(ZIDat, "data.frame"))
-		stop("ZIDat must be an object of class 'data.frame'")
-	if (!is.numeric(flow.cell))
-		stop("flow.cell must be a numrical value with the depth of the flow cell used")
-	if (!is.numeric(images.per.sec))
-		stop("images.per.sec must be the number of image per second saved by the FlowCAM")
-	ZIDat$Sec <- ZIDat$FIT_Source_Image / images.per.sec
-	Vol <- calcVol(ZIDat, flow.cell)
-	ZIDat$Vol <- ZIDat$FIT_Source_Image * Vol
-	return(ZIDat)
-## Mobile window
-mobileWindow <- function (ZIDat, size = 1, lag = 1, collage = FALSE, flow.cell,
-images.per.sec, realtime = FALSE)
-	if (!isTRUE(realtime)) {
-		rec <- getTemp("rtRecord")
-		Time <- numeric()
-		if (!inherits(ZIDat, "data.frame"))
-			stop("ZIDat must be an object of class 'data.frame'")
-		if (!"Ident" %in% colnames(ZIDat))
-			stop("ZIDat must contain a column Ident")
-		if (lag < 1)
-			stop("lag must be higher than 1")
-		if (size < lag)
-			stop("size must be larger or equal to lag")
-		if (!"sec" %in% names(ZIDat))
-			ZIDat <- addSecVol(ZIDat = ZIDat, flow.cell = flow.cell,
-				images.per.sec = images.per.sec)
-		if (isTRUE(collage)) {
-			for (i in 1:(length(levels(ZIDat$FIT_Filename)) - (2 * size))) {
-				if (i <= 1) {
-					df <- data.frame(Int = (0 + i):(i + (2* size)))
-					Tab <- data.frame(table(ZIDat[ZIDat$FIT_Filename %in%
-						levels(ZIDat$FIT_Filename)[df[, i]], ]$Ident))
-				} else {
-					df[, i] <- data.frame(Int = df[, (i - 1)] + lag)
-					Tab[, i+1] <- table(ZIDat[ZIDat$FIT_Filename %in%
-						levels(ZIDat$FIT_Filename)[df[, i]], ]$Ident)
-				}
-				Time[i] <- mean(ZIDat[ZIDat$FIT_Filename %in%
-					levels(ZIDat$FIT_Filename)[df[size + 1, i]], ]$Sec)
-				if (!all(df[, i] < length(levels(ZIDat$FIT_Filename)))) {
-					warning("The loop is stopped because the end of the table is reached")
-					break
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			for (i in 1:(dim(ZIDat)[1] - (2 * size))) {
-				if (i <= 1) {
-					df <- data.frame(Int = (0 + i) : (i + (2* size)))
-					Tab <- data.frame(table(ZIDat[df[, i],]$Ident))
-				} else {
-					df[, i] <- data.frame(Int = df[, (i - 1)] + lag)
-					Tab[, i+1] <- table(ZIDat[df[, i], ]$Ident)
-				}
-				Time[i] <- ZIDat[df[size, i], ]$Sec
-				if (!all(df[, i] < nrow(ZIDat))) {
-					warning("The loop is stopped because the end of the table is reached")
-					break
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		attr(ZIDat, "time") <- Time
-		attr(ZIDat, "size") <- size
-		attr(ZIDat, "lag") <- lag
-		attr(ZIDat, "intervals") <- df
-		attr(ZIDat, "mobileTab") <- Tab
-		attr(ZIDat, "collage") <- collage
-		return(ZIDat)
-	} else {
-		Temp <- numeric()
-		if (!"sec" %in% names(rec))
-			assignTemp("rtRecord", addSecVol(ZIDat = rec,
-				flow.cell = getOption("flow.cell"),
-				images.per.sec = getOption("images.per.sec")))
-		if (getOption("collage")) {
-			## Determine the starting point for the loop
-			if (is.null(attr(rec, "intervals"))) {
-				Range <- 1:(length(levels(rec$FIT_Filename)) -
-					(2 * getOption("size")))
-			} else {
-				Range <- attr(rec, "intervals")[1, ncol(attr(rec, "intervals"))]:
-					(length(levels(rec$FIT_Filename)) - (2 * getOption("size")))
-			}
-			for (i in Range) {
-				if (grep(i, Range)[1] <= 1) {
-					df <- data.frame(Int = (0 + i):
-						(i + (2* getOption("size"))))
-					Tab <- data.frame(table(rec[rec$FIT_Filename %in%
-						levels(rec$FIT_Filename)[df[, (i + 1) -
-						Range[1]]], ]$Ident))
-				} else {
-					df[, (i + 1) - Range[1]] <- data.frame(Int = df[, ((i + 1) -
-						Range[1] - 1)] + getOption("lag"))
-					Tab[, ((i + 1) - Range[1]) + 1] <-
-						table(rec[rec$FIT_Filename %in%
-						levels(rec$FIT_Filename)[df[, (i + 1) -
-						Range[1]]], ]$Ident)
-				}
-				Temp[(i + 1) - Range[1]] <- mean(rec[rec$FIT_Filename %in%
-					levels(rec$FIT_Filename)[df[getOption("size") + 1, (i + 1) -
-					Range[1]]], ]$Sec)
-				if (!all(df[, (i + 1) - Range[1]] <
-					length(levels(rec$FIT_Filename)))) {
-					warning("The loop is stopped because the end of the table is reached")
-					break
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			## Determine the starting point for the loop
-			if (is.null(attr(rec, "intervals"))) {
-				Range <- 1:(dim(rec)[1] - (2 * getOption("size")))
-			} else {
-				Range <- attr(rec, "intervals")[1, ncol(attr(rec, "intervals"))]:
-					(dim(rec)[1] - (2 * getOption("size")))
-			}
-			for (i in Range) {
-				if (grep(i, Range)[1] <= 1) {
-					df <- data.frame(Int = (0 + i):
-						(i + (2 * getOption("size"))))

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/zooimage -r 222

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