[Zooimage-commits] r234 - in pkg: mlearning mlearning/R mlearning/man phytoimage/inst/etc zooimage zooimage/R zooimage/inst/etc zooimage/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Aug 13 01:46:31 CEST 2012

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2012-08-13 01:46:30 +0200 (Mon, 13 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 234

svm added in mlearning. ZIres refactored ans ZIMan eliminated in zooimage

Modified: pkg/mlearning/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/mlearning/NAMESPACE	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/mlearning/NAMESPACE	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
 S3method(mlRforest, default)
 S3method(mlLvq, default)
 S3method(mlNnet, default)
+S3method(mlSvm, default)
 S3method(mlNaiveBayes, default)
 #S3method(mlNaiveBayesWeka, default)
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
 S3method(mlRforest, formula)
 S3method(mlLvq, formula)
 S3method(mlNnet, formula)
+S3method(mlSvm, formula)
 S3method(mlNaiveBayes, formula)
 #S3method(mlNaiveBayesWeka, formula)
@@ -77,3 +80,4 @@
 S3method(predict, mlQda)
 S3method(predict, mlRforest)
 S3method(predict, mlLvq)
+S3method(predict, mlSvm)

Modified: pkg/mlearning/R/confusion.R
--- pkg/mlearning/R/confusion.R	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/mlearning/R/confusion.R	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
 ## TODO: implement weights
-.confusion <- function (classes, labels, prior, ...)
+.confusion <- function (classes, labels, useNA, prior, ...)
-	res <- table(classes, dnn = labels)
+	## useNA can be "no", "always" or "ifany", but with the later value
+	## one takes the risk to get non square matrix if there are NAs in only
+	## on vector of classes => change to "no" or "always", depending if there
+	## are missing data or not
+	if (useNA == "ifany")
+		if (any(is.na(classes))) useNA <- "always" else useNA <- "no"
+	res <- table(classes, dnn = labels, useNA = useNA)
 	total <- sum(res)
 	truePos <- sum(diag(res))
 	row.freqs <- rowSums(res)	
@@ -28,7 +34,7 @@
 confusion.default <- function (x, y = NULL, vars = c("Actual", "Predicted"),
-labels = vars, merge.by = "Id", prior, ...)
+labels = vars, merge.by = "Id", useNA = "ifany", prior, ...)
 	## If the object is already a 'confusion' object, return it
 	if (inherits(x, "confusion")) {
@@ -122,14 +128,15 @@
 	## Construct the confusion object
 	if (missing(prior)) {
-		.confusion(classes = clCompa, labels = labels, ...)
+		.confusion(classes = clCompa, labels = labels, useNA = useNA, ...)
 	} else {
-		.confusion(classes = clCompa, labels = labels, prior = prior, ...)
+		.confusion(classes = clCompa, labels = labels, useNA = useNA,
+			prior = prior, ...)
 confusion.mlearning <- function (x, y = response(x),
-labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"), prior, ...) {
+labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"), useNA = "ifany", prior, ...) {
 	## Check labels
 	labels <- as.character(labels)
 	if (length(labels) != 2)
@@ -153,10 +160,10 @@
 	## Construct the confusion object
 	if (missing(prior)) {
 		.confusion(data.frame(class1 = y, class2 = class2),
-			labels = labels, ...)
+			labels = labels, useNA = useNA, ...)
 	} else {
 		.confusion(data.frame(class1 = y, class2 = class2),
-			labels = labels, prior = prior, ...)
+			labels = labels, useNA = useNA, prior = prior, ...)
@@ -284,7 +291,6 @@
-## TODO: a precision-recall diagram for all groups with F1-score lines
 plot.confusion <- function (x, y = NULL,
 type = c("image", "barplot", "stars", "dendrogram"), stat1 = "Recall",
 stat2 = "Precision", names, ...)
@@ -342,7 +348,7 @@
 	## Recode row and column names for more compact display
 	colnames(x) <- names2 <- formatC(1:n, digits = 1, flag = "0")
-	rownames(x) <- names1 <- paste(names2, rownames(x))
+	rownames(x) <- names1 <- paste(rownames(x), names2)
 	## Transform for better colorization
 	## (use a transfo to get 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15, 25+)
@@ -690,15 +696,23 @@
 	Fmicro <- 2 * meanRecall * meanPrecision / (meanRecall + meanPrecision)
 	Fmacro <- sum(Fscore, na.rm = TRUE) / Ngp
-    res <- data.frame(
+    ## Take care to avoid missing data for data frame rownames!
+	nms <- names(Fscore)
+	nms[is.na(nms)] <- "<NA>"
+	names(Fscore) <- nms
+	## Create a data frame with all results
+	res <- data.frame(
 	   Fscore = Fscore, Recall = Recall, Precision = Precision,
 	   Specificity = Specificity, NPV = NPV, FPR = FPR, FNR = FNR, FDR = FDR,
 	   BalAcc = BalAcc, MCC = MCC, Chisq = Chisq, Bray = Bray, Auto = TP_FP,
 	   Manu = TP_FN, A_M = Auto_Manu, TP = TP, FP = FP, FN = FN, TN = TN)
-    rownames(res) <- lev <- rownames(object)
+    lev <- rownames(object)
+    lev[is.na(lev)] <- "<NA>"
+	rownames(res) <- lev
 	## Sort the table in function of one parameter... by default Fscore
 	if (length(sort.by) && sort.by != FALSE) {
 		if (sort.by %in% names(res)) {

Modified: pkg/mlearning/R/mlearning.R
--- pkg/mlearning/R/mlearning.R	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/mlearning/R/mlearning.R	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -975,6 +975,112 @@
 	.expandFactor(lvqtest(object, newdata), n, ndrop)
+## svm from e1071 package
+mlSvm <- function (...)
+	UseMethod("mlSvm")
+mlSvm.formula <- function(formula, data, scale = TRUE, type = NULL,
+kernel = "radial", classwt = NULL, ..., subset, na.action)
+	mlearning(formula, data = data, method = "mlSvm", model.args =
+		list(formula  = formula, data = substitute(data),
+		subset = substitute(subset)), call = match.call(),
+		..., subset = subset, na.action = substitute(na.action))
+mlSvm.default <- function (train, response, scale = TRUE, type = NULL,
+kernel = "radial", classwt = NULL, ...)
+	dots <- list(...)
+	.args. <- dots$.args.
+	dots$.args. <- NULL
+	if (!length(.args.)) {
+		if (is.factor(response)) {
+			Type <- "classification"
+		} else Type <- "regression"
+		.args. <- list(levels = levels(response),
+		n = c(intial = NROW(train), final = NROW(train)),
+		type = Type, na.action = "na.pass",
+		mlearning.call = match.call(), method = "mlSvm")
+	}
+	dots$scale <- scale
+	dots$type <- type
+	dots$kernel <- kernel
+	dots$class.weigths <- classwt
+	#dots$probability <- TRUE
+	## Return a mlearning object
+	structure(e1071:::svm.default(x = sapply(train, as.numeric), y = response,
+		scale = scale, type = type, kernel = kernel, class.weights = classwt,
+		probability = TRUE, ...), formula = .args.$formula, train = train,
+		response = response, levels = .args.$levels, n = .args.$n, args = dots,
+		optim = .args.$optim, numeric.only = TRUE, type = .args.$type,
+		pred.type = c(class = "class", membership = "raw"),
+		summary = "summary", na.action = .args.$na.action,
+		mlearning.call = .args.$mlearning.call, method = .args.$method,
+		algorithm = "support vector machine",
+		class = c("mlSvm", "mlearning", "svm"))
+predict.mlSvm <- function(object, newdata,
+type = c("class", "membership", "both"), method = c("direct", "cv"),
+na.action = na.exclude, ...)
+	if (!inherits(object, "mlSvm"))
+		stop("'object' must be a 'mlSvm' object")
+	## If method == "cv", delegate to cvpredict()
+	method <- as.character(method)[1]
+	if (method == "cv") {
+		if (!missing(newdata))
+			stop("cannot handle new data with method = 'cv'")
+		return(cvpredict(object = object, type = type, ...))	
+	}
+	## Recalculate newdata according to formula...
+	if (missing(newdata)) { # Use train
+		newdata <- attr(object, "train")
+	} else if (attr(object, "optim")) { # Use optimized approach
+		## Just keep vars similar as in train
+		vars <- names(attr(object, "train"))
+		if (!all(vars %in% names(newdata)))
+			stop("One or more missing variables in newdata")
+		newdata <- newdata[, vars]
+	} else { # Use model.frame
+		newdata <- model.frame(formula = attr(object, "formula"),
+			data = newdata, na.action = na.pass)[, names(attr(object, "train"))]
+	}
+	## Only numerical predictors
+	newdata <- sapply(as.data.frame(newdata), as.numeric)
+	## Determine how many data and perform na.action
+	n <- NROW(newdata)
+	newdata <- match.fun(na.action)(newdata)
+	ndrop <- attr(newdata, "na.action")
+	attr(newdata, "na.action") <- NULL
+	## Delegate to the e1071 predict.svm method
+	if (as.character(type)[1] == "class") proba <- FALSE else proba <- TRUE
+	class(object) <- class(object)[-(1:2)]
+	if (attr(object, "type") == "regression")
+		return(predict(object, newdata = newdata, ...))
+	## This is for classification
+	res <- predict(object, newdata = newdata,
+		probability = proba, ...)
+	proba <- attr(res, "probabilities")	
+	## Rework results according to what we want
+	switch(as.character(type)[1],
+		class = .expandFactor(factor(as.character(res), levels = levels(object)),
+			n, ndrop),
+		membership = .expandMatrix(.membership(proba, levels = levels(object)),
+			n, ndrop),
+		both = list(class = .expandFactor(factor(as.character(res),
+			levels = levels(object)), n, ndrop),
+			membership = .expandMatrix(.membership(proba, levels = levels(object)),
+			n, ndrop)),
+		stop("unrecognized 'type' (must be 'class', 'membership' or 'both')"))
 ## NaiveBayes from e1071 package
 mlNaiveBayes <- function (...)

Modified: pkg/mlearning/man/confusion.Rd
--- pkg/mlearning/man/confusion.Rd	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/mlearning/man/confusion.Rd	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 confusion(x, \dots)
 \method{confusion}{default}(x, y = NULL, vars = c("Actual", "Predicted"),
-    labels = vars, merge.by = "Id", prior, \dots)
+    labels = vars, merge.by = "Id", useNA = "ifany", prior, \dots)
 \method{confusion}{mlearning}(x, y = response(x),
-    labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"), prior, \dots)
+    labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"), useNA = "ifany", prior, \dots)
 \method{print}{confusion}(x, sums = TRUE, error.col = sums, digits = 0,
     sort = "ward", \dots)
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
     the same as \code{vars} or the one in the confusion matrix. }
   \item{merge.by}{ a character string with the name of variables to use to merge
     the two data frames, or \code{NULL}. }
+  \item{useNA}{ do we keep NAs as a separate category? The default \code{"ifany"}
+    creates this category only if there are missing values. Other possibilities
+    are \code{"no"}, or \code{"always"}. }
   \item{prior}{ class frequencies to use for first classifier that
     is tabulated in the rows of the confusion matrix. For its value, see here
     under, the \code{value} argument. }

Modified: pkg/mlearning/man/mlearning.Rd
--- pkg/mlearning/man/mlearning.Rd	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/mlearning/man/mlearning.Rd	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
@@ -92,6 +96,14 @@
 \method{predict}{mlLvq}(object, newdata, type = "class", method = c("direct", "cv"), 
     na.action = na.exclude,...)
+\method{mlSvm}{default}(train, response, scale = TRUE, type = NULL, kernel = "radial",
+    classwt = NULL, ...)
+\method{mlSvm}{formula}(formula, data, scale = TRUE, type = NULL, kernel = "radial",
+    classwt = NULL, ..., subset, na.action)
+\method{predict}{mlSvm}(object, newdata, type = c("class", "membership", "both"),
+    method = c("direct", "cv"), na.action = na.exclude,...)
 \method{mlNaiveBayes}{default}(train, response, laplace = 0, ...)
 \method{mlNaiveBayes}{formula}(formula, data, laplace = 0, ..., subset, na.action)
@@ -150,7 +162,8 @@
     \code{membership} and \code{both} are almost always available too.
     \code{membership} corresponds to posterior probability, raw results,
     normalized votes, etc., depending on the machine learning algorithm. With
-    \code{both}, class and membership are both returned at once in a list. }
+    \code{both}, class and membership are both returned at once in a list. For
+    \code{mlSvm()}, it is the type of algorithm to use (see \code{?svm}). }
   \item{train}{ a matrix or data frame with predictors. }
   \item{response}{ a vector of factor (classification) or numeric (regression),
     or \code{NULL} (unsupervised classification). }
@@ -177,6 +190,10 @@
   \item{k.nn}{ k used for k-NN test of correct classification. Default is 5. }
   \item{algorithm}{ an algorithm among 'olvq1' (default, the optimized lvq1),
     'lvq1', 'lvq2', or 'lvq3'. }
+  \item{scale}{ are all the variables scaled? If a vector is provided, it is
+    applied to variables with recycling. }
+  \item{kernel}{ the kernel used by svm, see \code{?svm}. Can be "radial",
+    "linear", "polynomial" or "sigmoid". }
   \item{laplace}{ positive double controlling Laplace smoothing for the naive
     Bayes classifier. The default (0) disables Laplace smoothing. }
@@ -202,7 +219,7 @@
   \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}, \code{\link[MASS]{qda}},
   \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}, \code{\link[class]{olvq1}},
   \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}, \code{\link[e1071]{naiveBayes}},
-  \code{\link[RWeka]{make_Weka_classifier}}}
+  \code{\link[e1071]{svm}}}
 ## Prepare data: split into training set (2/3) and test set (1/3)
@@ -335,6 +352,24 @@
 confusion(predict(res, newdata = irisTest), irisTest$Species) # Test set perfs
+## Supervised classification using support vector machine
+summary(res <- mlSvm(Species ~ ., data = irisTrain))
+predict(res) # Default type is class
+predict(res, type = "membership")
+predict(res, type = "both")
+confusion(res) # Self-consistency
+confusion(predict(res, newdata = irisTest), irisTest$Species) # Test set perfs
+## Another dataset
+summary(res <- mlSvm(Class ~ ., data = HouseVotes84, na.action = na.omit))
+confusion(res) # Self-consistency
+## Regression using support vector machine
+summary(ozone.svm <- mlSvm(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality, na.action = na.omit))
+plot(na.omit(airquality)$Ozone, predict(ozone.svm))
+abline(a = 0, b = 1)
 ## Supervised classification using naive Bayes
 summary(res <- mlNaiveBayes(Species ~ ., data = irisTrain))
 predict(res) # Default type is class

Modified: pkg/phytoimage/inst/etc/Conversion.txt
--- pkg/phytoimage/inst/etc/Conversion.txt	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/phytoimage/inst/etc/Conversion.txt	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Group	P1	P2	P3
+Class	P1	P2	P3
 Copepoda	1	0	1
 Cope lateral	1	0	1
 Cope dorsal	1	0	1

Modified: pkg/zooimage/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/zooimage/DESCRIPTION	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/zooimage/DESCRIPTION	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 Description: ZooImage is a free (open source) solution for analyzing digital
 	images of zooplankton. In combination with ImageJ, a free image analysis
 	system, it processes digital images, measures individuals, trains for
-	automatic identification of taxa, and finally, measures zooplankton samples
+	automatic classification of taxa, and finally, measures zooplankton samples
 	(abundances, total and partial size spectra or biomasses, etc.)
 License: GPL (>= 2)
 URL: http://www.sciviews.org/zooimage

Modified: pkg/zooimage/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/zooimage/NAMESPACE	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/zooimage/NAMESPACE	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -7,26 +7,18 @@
 # Zic
@@ -95,7 +87,12 @@
+# ZIRes
 # Utilities
@@ -130,7 +127,7 @@
 # GUI
@@ -157,7 +154,7 @@
 # Not in menus yet!
 # GUI-Utilities
@@ -179,7 +176,7 @@
 S3method(summary, ZIClass)
 S3method(confusion, ZIClass)
-S3method(plot, ZITable)
-S3method(merge, ZITable)
+S3method(print, ZIRes)
+S3method(rbind, ZIRes)
 S3method(print, ZIE)

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIClass.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIClass.R	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIClass.R	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -52,10 +52,6 @@
 		attr(ZI.class, "strat") <- cv.strat
-	## Make sure the '+others+' group exists
-	lev <- levels(ZI.class)
-	if (!"+others+" %in% lev) attr(ZI.class, "levels") <- c(lev, "+others+")
@@ -103,17 +99,17 @@
 		na.rm = na.rm, ...)
-predict.ZIClass <- function (object, ZIDat, calc = TRUE, class.only = TRUE,
+predict.ZIClass <- function (object, newdata, calc = TRUE, class.only = TRUE,
 type = "class", ...)
 	## Make sure we have correct objects
 	if (!inherits(object, "ZIClass"))
 		stop("'object' must be a 'ZIClass' object")
-	if (!inherits(ZIDat, c("ZIDat", "data.frame")))
-		stop("'ZIDat' must be a 'ZIDat' or 'data.frame' object")
+	if (!inherits(newdata, c("ZIDat", "data.frame")))
+		stop("'newdata' must be a 'ZIDat' or 'data.frame' object")
     class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
-	data <- as.data.frame(ZIDat)
+	data <- as.data.frame(newdata)
 	if (isTRUE(as.logical(calc)))
 		data <- attr(object, "calc.vars")(data)
@@ -128,15 +124,16 @@
 	## Perform the prediction
 	res <- predict(object, newdata = data, ...)
-	## Return either the prediction, or the ZIDat object with Ident column append/replaced
+	## Return either the prediction, or the ZIDat object with Predicted
+	## column append/replaced
 	if (class.only) res else {
-		ZIDat$Ident <- res
-		ZIDat
+		newdata$Predicted <- res
+		newdata
 confusion.ZIClass <- function (x, y = response(x),
-labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"), prior, use.cv = TRUE, ...) {
+labels = c("Actual", "Predicted"), useNA = "ifany", prior, use.cv = TRUE, ...) {
 	## Check labels
 	labels <- as.character(labels)
 	if (length(labels) != 2)
@@ -170,9 +167,9 @@
 	## Construct the confusion object
 	if (missing(prior)) {
 		mlearning:::.confusion(data.frame(class1 = y, class2 = class2),
-			labels = labels, ...)
+			labels = labels, useNA = useNA, ...)
 	} else {
 		mlearning:::.confusion(data.frame(class1 = y, class2 = class2),
-			labels = labels, prior = prior, ...)
+			labels = labels, useNA = useNA, prior = prior, ...)

Deleted: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIMan.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIMan.R	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIMan.R	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (c) 2004-2012, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
-## This file is part of ZooImage
-## ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-## Function to classify vignettes using automatic prediction by a ZIClass object
-classVignettes <- function (zidfile, ZIDat = NULL, Dir = "_manuValidation",
-ZIClass, log = TRUE, ProbaThreshold = NULL, ProbaBio = NULL, DiffMax = 0.2,
-Filter = NULL)
-	DirName <- dirname(zidfile)
-	ZidName <- noExtension(zidfile)
-	ZidDir <- file.path(DirName, ZidName)
-	## Check if Directory with the same names as ZIdfile
-	if (file.exists(ZidDir) && file.info(ZidDir)$isdir) {
-		## There is a directory which already exists
-		stop(paste(ZidName, "already exists in your directory!"))
-	}
-	## If we want to extract vignette in a directory with a special name
-	if (Dir == ZidName) {
-		## Temporary name for vignettes extraction
-		## ... will be renamed at the end of process!
-		dir <- paste(ZidName, "_Temp", sep = "")
-		## We have to rename the directory at the end of the process!
-		Rename <- TRUE
-	} else {
-		dir <- Dir
-		## We don't have to rename this directory at the end!
-		Rename <- FALSE
-	}
-	## What is the final Directory name?
-	if (Rename) {
-		FinalDirName <- ZidDir
-	} else {
-		FinalDirName <- file.path(DirName, dir)
-	}
-	## Check Rdata if Rdata exist in the final directory:
-	## useful to add new vignettes to one directory
-	ContinueProcess <- TRUE
-	if (file.exists(FinalDirName) && file.info(FinalDirName)$isdir) {
-		## There is a directory which already exists
-		Pattern <- "_dat1.RData"
-		RdataFiles <- list.files(path = FinalDirName, pattern = Pattern)
-		## List Rdata Files in this direcotroy
-		if (length(RdataFiles) > 0) { # At least one Rdata in the directory
-			## Check if the current zid file correspond to one RData file
-			if (ZidName %in% gsub(Pattern, "", RdataFiles)) {
-				## Stop this zidfile has already been validated
-				cat(paste(ZidName, "has already been manually validated in",
-					basename(FinalDirName), "directory", "\n", sep = " "))
-				ContinueProcess <- FALSE
-			} 
-		}
-	}
-	## Do we continue the process for this zid file?
-	if (isTRUE(ContinueProcess)) {
-		## Do we use a ZIDat object allready recognized?
-		if (is.null(ZIDat)) {
-			Zid <- zidDatRead(zidfile)
-		} else Zid <- ZIDat
-		## Code for suspect detection!
-#    	# Recognition of the zid file only if we don't have a probability
-#    	if (is.null(attr(Zid, "ProbaParam"))) {
-#    	  Rec <- predict(ZIClass, Zid, proba = TRUE, ProbaBio = ProbaBio,
-#    	       DiffMax = DiffMax)
-#    	} else {
-#    	  Rec <- Zid
-#    	}
-		## Code for simple prediction!
-		## Recognition of the zid file only if we don't have an 'Ident' column
-		if (!isTRUE("Ident" %in% names(Zid))) {
-			Rec <- predict(ZIClass, Zid)
-		} else Rec <- Zid
-		## Prediction of table
-		Predictions <- Rec$Ident
-		## Classify only suspect particles
-		## TODO: Suspect_Threshold() is not found!!!
-#		if (!is.null(ProbaThreshold))
-#   	   Rec <- Suspect_Threshold(ZIDat = Rec, Threshold = ProbaThreshold)
-		## Do we apply a filter?
-		if (!is.null(Filter)) {
-			Rec <- subpartThreshold(ZIDat = Rec, Filter = Filter)
-			cat("Only", nrow(Rec), "filtered vignettes have been classified\n")
-		}
-		## List of groups in the sample
-		Gp <- unique(Rec$Ident)
-		## Path of all directories  
-		if (!is.null(attr(ZIClass, "path"))) {
-			## There is a 'path' attribute associated with the classifer
-			GpDir <- file.path(DirName, dir, attr(ZIClass, "path"))
-		} else { # Only create classifier without taxonomic relationship
-			GpDir <- file.path(DirName, dir, Gp)
-		}
-		## Create directories for new groups on harddisk
-		for (i in 1:length(GpDir)) {
-			if (!file.exists(GpDir)[i])
-				dir.create(GpDir[i], showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
-		}
-		zidUncompress(zidfile)
-		## Copy vignettes from zidfile directory to group directories
-		Rec$Vign <- makeId(Rec)
-		for (i in 1:nrow(Rec)) {
-			From <- file.path(ZidDir, paste(Rec$Vign[i], "jpg", sep = "."))
-			To <- file.path(GpDir[basename(GpDir) %in% as.character(Rec$Ident[i])],
-				paste(Rec$Vign[i], "jpg", sep = "."))
-			file.copy(from = From, to = To, overwrite = FALSE)
-			file.remove(From)
-		}
-		## Copy RData in root directory
-		From <- file.path(ZidDir, paste(ZidName, "_dat1.RData", sep = ""))
-		To <- file.path(file.path(DirName, dir),
-			paste(ZidName, "_dat1.RData", sep = ""))
-		file.copy(from = From, to = To, overwrite = FALSE)
-		Rdata <- To
-		file.remove(From)
-		## Remove directory
-		unlink(ZidDir, recursive = TRUE)
-		## Add Automatic recognition column to Rdata!
-		addIdent(RdataFile = Rdata, Auto = Predictions)
-		if (Rename) # Rename the Directory where the zid file were exported!
-			file.rename(from = file.path(dirname(zidfile), dir),
-				to = FinalDirName)
-		## Message to confirm the end of the treatment
-		if (log)
-			cat("Vignettes of", ZidName,"have been exported into",
-				basename(FinalDirName), "directory\n")
-	}
-## Loop to classify vignettes from several zid files in _manuValidation
-classVignettesAll <- function (zidfiles, ZIClass, Dir = "_manuValidation",
-log = TRUE)
-	for (i in 1:length(zidfiles))
-		classVignettes(zidfile = zidfiles[i], ZIClass = ZIClass, Dir = Dir,
-			log = log) 
-	cat("--- Process Done ---\n")
-## Function to add 'Ident' column to a ZIDat directly in the Rdata file
-addIdent <- function (RdataFile, Auto)
-	if (!is.character(RdataFile))
-		stop("'RdataFile' must be the path of the RData file to update")
-	## Load Rdata in memory
-	load(file = RdataFile)
-	## Add the Ident column
-	ZI.sample$Ident <- as.factor(Auto)
-	## Replace existing Rdata
-	save(ZI.sample, file = RdataFile)
-	## Return data invisibly
-	invisible(ZI.sample)
-# Read manual validation
-ZIManRead <- function (dir, creator = NULL, desc = NULL, keep_ = FALSE,
-na.rm = FALSE)
-	## Use getTrain() function to read vignette
-	ManValidation <- getTrain(traindir = dir, creator = creator, desc = desc,
-		keep_ = keep_, na.rm = na.rm)
-	## Add attributes with names of samples already manually validated
-	RDataFiles <- list.files(dir, pattern = "_dat1.RData")
-	RDataSamples <- gsub("_dat1.RData", "", RDataFiles)
-	attr(ManValidation, "Samples") <- RDataSamples
-	## Change classes of the object
-	class(ManValidation) <- c("ZIMan", class(ManValidation))
-	ManValidation
-## Provide groups after manual validation
-reclass <- function (ZIMan)
-	## Check arguments
-	if (!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
-		stop("'ZIMan' must be an object of class 'ZIMan'")
-	if (!isTRUE("Class" %in% names(ZIMan)))
-		stop("'ZIMan' doesn't contain a column named 'Class'")
-	## New identification
-	res <- table(ZIMan$Class)
-	return(res)
-## Confusion matrix before and after Manual validation
-confusionCompa <- function (ZIMan)
-	## Check arguments
-	if (!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
-		stop("'ZIMan' must be an object of class 'ZIMan'")
-	if (!isTRUE("Class" %in% names(ZIMan)))
-		stop("'ZIMan' does not contain a column named 'Class'")
-	if (!isTRUE("Ident" %in% names(ZIMan)))
-		stop("'ZIMan' does not contain a column named 'Ident'")
-	## Confusion matrix
-	table(Class = ZIMan$Class, Predict = ZIMan$Ident)
-## Difference between prediction
-ZIManCompa <- function (ZIMan)
-	# Check arguments
-	if (!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
-		stop("'ZIMan' must be an object of class 'ZIMan'")
-	if (!isTRUE("Class" %in% names(ZIMan)))
-		stop("'ZIMan' does not contain a column named 'Class'")
-	if (!isTRUE("Ident" %in% names(ZIMan)))
-		stop("'ZIMan' does not contain a column named 'Ident'")
-	list(Predicted = table(ZIMan$Ident), Validated = table(ZIMan$Class))  
-## Substract a ZIDat table according a threshold formula
-subpartThreshold  <- function (ZIDat, Filter = NULL)
-	## Do we use a Filter directly?
-    if (is.null(Filter)) {
-		Threshold <- createThreshold(ZIDat = ZIDat)
-    } else {
-        if (!is.character(Filter))
-			stop("Filter must be like 'Parameter < Value'")
-        Threshold <- Filter
-    }
-    ## Determine particle responding to the threshold
-    SubPart <- within(ZIDat, {
-        Index <- eval(parse(text = (Threshold)))
-    })
-    res <- ZIDat[SubPart$Index, ]
-    attr(res, "Threshold") <- Threshold
-    res

Modified: pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.R
--- pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.R	2012-08-10 14:09:22 UTC (rev 233)
+++ pkg/zooimage/R/ZIRes.R	2012-08-12 23:46:30 UTC (rev 234)
@@ -15,696 +15,339 @@
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with ZooImage.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-processSample <- function (zidbfile, ZIClass = NULL, use = "both",
-ZIDesc, abd.taxa = NULL, abd.groups = NULL,
-abd.type = "absolute", bio.taxa = NULL, bio.groups = NULL, bio.conv = c(1, 0, 1),
-headers = c("Abd", "Bio"), spec.taxa = NULL, spec.groups = NULL,
-spec.breaks = seq(0.25, 2, by = 0.1), spec.use.Dil = TRUE, exportdir = NULL,
-SemiTab = NULL, Semi = FALSE)
-	zidbfile <- as.character(zidbfile)[1]
-	if (hasExtension(zidbfile, "zidb")) dbext <- "zidb" else dbext <- "zid"
-    if (!checkFileExists(zidbfile, dbext)) return(invisible(FALSE))
-	## Check if ZIClass is of the right class
-	if (!is.null(ZIClass) && !inherits(ZIClass, "ZIClass")) {
-		warning("'ZIClass' must be a 'ZIClass' object")
-		return(invisible(FALSE))
+print.ZIRes <- function (x, ...)
+	X <- x
+	class(X) <- "data.frame"
+	print(X)
+	## Are there size spectra?
+	spectrum <- attr(x, "spectrum")
+	if (length(spectrum)) {
+		cat("\nWith size spectrum:\n")
+		print(spectrum)
-	if (dbext == "zidb") { # This is a ZIDB file
-		ZIDat <- zidbDatRead(zidbfile)
-        Sample <- sampleInfo(zidbfile, type = "sample",
-            ext = extensionPattern(".zidb"))
-		RES <- zidbSampleRead(zidbfile)
-	} else { # This is an old ZID file
-		 ZIDat <- zidDatRead(zidbfile)
-        Sample <- sampleInfo(zidbfile, type = "sample",
-            ext = extensionPattern(".zid"))
-		ZIDesc <- zisRead(ZIDesc)
-		RES <- ZIDesc[ZIDesc$Label == Sample, ] 
-		if (nrow(RES) == 0)
-			stop("'ZIDesc' has no data for that sample!")
-	}
-#	## By default, we have to predict zidbfile with a classifier
-#	MakePredictions <- TRUE
+	invisible(x)
+## TODO... with inspirations from histSpectrum() and plotAbdBio()
+#plot.ZIRes <- function (x, y, ...)
-#	## Modified by Kevin 2010-08-03
-#	if (!is.null(ZIMan)) {
-#		## We want to use a ZIMan table
-#		if (!inherits(ZIMan, "ZIMan"))
-#			stop("'ZIMan' must be a data.frame of class 'ZIMan'")
-#		## List of samples allready manually validated
-#		AllSamples <- attr(ZIMan, "Samples")
-#		## Check if manual validation exists for this zid file
-#		if (noExtension(ZidFile) %in% AllSamples) {
-#			## The ZidFile was manually validated
-#			## --> use Class column for identification
-#			## Subtable of ZidFile vignettes
-#			Vignettes <- makeId(ZIDat)
-#			ZIDat <- ZIMan[ZIMan$Id %in% Vignettes, ]
-#			## Sort the table
-#			ZIDat <- ZIDat[order(ZIDat$Item), ]
-#			## We don't have to predict this sample anymore!
-#			MakePredictions <- FALSE
+#histSpectrum <- function (spect, class = 1:18 * 0.3 / 3 + 0.2, lag = 0.25,
+#log.scale = TRUE, width = 0.1, xlab = "classes (mm)",
+#ylab = if (log.scale) "log(abundance + 1)/m^3" else "Abundance (ind./m^3",
+#main = "", ylim = c(0, 2), plot.exp = FALSE)
+#	## Plot of histograms and optionally line for exponential decrease
+#	## for size spectra
+#	plot.exp <- isTRUE(as.logical(plot.exp))
+#	log.scale <- isTRUE(as.logical(log.scale))
+#	if (plot.exp) {
+#		spect.lm <- lm(spect ~ class)
+#		print(summary(spect.lm))
+#		slope <- format(coef(spect.lm)[2], digits = 3)
+#		main <- paste(main, " (slope = ", slope, ")", sep = "")
+#		class2 <- class - lag
+#		spect.lm2 <- lm(spect ~ class2)
+#		if (log.scale) {
+#			spect <- 10^spect - 1
+#			expdat <- 10^predict(spect.lm2) - 1
 #		}
 #	}
-#	if (isTRUE(MakePredictions)) {
-#		## We have to recognize the zid file with a classifier
-#		ZIDat <- predict(ZIClass, ZIDat)
+#	barplot(spect, width = 0.1, space = 0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
+#		main = main, ylim = ylim)
+#	if (plot.exp) {
+#		if (log.scale) {
+#			abline(coef = coef(spect.lm2), col = 2, lwd = 2)
+#		} else {
+#			lines(class2, expdat, col = 2, lwd = 2)
+#		}
+#		return(invisible(spect.lm2))
 #	}
+#plotAbdBio <- function (t, y1, y2, y3, ylim = c(0,3), xlab = "Date",
+#ylab = "log(abundance + 1)", main = "", cols = c("green", "blue", "red"),
+#pchs = 1:3, hgrid = 1:3, vgrid = t, vline = NULL, xleg = min(vgrid),
+#yleg = ylim[2], legend = c("series 1", "series 2", "series 3"), type = "o")
+#	## Custom plot for abundance and biomass
+#	plot(t, y1, type = type, ylim = ylim, xlim = range(vgrid), ylab = ylab,
+#		xlab = xlab, main = main, col = cols[1], xaxt = "n", pch = pchs[1])
+#	axis(1, at = vgrid, labels = format(vgrid, "%b"))
+#	lines(t, y2, type = type, col = cols[2], pch = pchs[2])
+#	lines(t, y3, type = type, col = cols[3], pch = pchs[3])
+#	## Grid
+#	abline(h = hgrid, col = "gray", lty = 2)
+#	abline(v = vgrid, col = "gray", lty = 2)
+#	## Vertical line(s) to spot particular time events
+#	if (!is.null(vline))
+#		abline(v = as.Date(vline), lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = 2)
+#	if (!is.null(xleg))
+#		legend(xleg, yleg, legend, col = cols, lwd = 1, pch = pchs,
+#			bg = "white")
-	## Depending on 'us', rework ZIDat$Ident...
-	if (use == "Class") {
-		ZIDat$Ident <- ZIDat$Class
-	} else {
-		if (!is.null(ZIClass)) {

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/zooimage -r 234

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