[Rspatial-devel] vignette that depends on PosgreSQL data base access

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Jul 12 21:54:56 CEST 2011

On 12.07.2011 14:26, Edzer Pebesma wrote:
> I wrote a vignette for package spacetime that explains how massive
> spacetime data sets in a PosgreSQL data base can be proxied by R objects
> in package spacetime; see
> https://svn.52north.org/svn/geostatistics/main/spacetime/inst/doc/stpg.Rnw
> To compile it, it needs read/write access to a postgresql data base that
> has postgis extensions. I assume CRAN doesn't have these. How do I carry
> on with this? Can I tell CRAN to not try to compile it, or should I
> upload it somewhere else? Or simply upload&  ignore?


you can think about

1. if it is possible to include some objects derived from the data 
rather than the whole data, but that contradicts the aim of the package, 
as far as I understand.

2. just provide the pdf rather than the Rnw and calculate the vignette 
for yourself only, but this way the users cannot run the code, if that 
is relevant.

3. ask CRAN maintainers not to check the vignettes of your package. This 
is not standard and I am a bit reluctant to suggest exceptions, but 
since most (if not all) of us have code in place to easily omit vignette 
checks for particular packages this might be the most appropriate 
solution here.

Kurt is on vacations, so it may take a while to get his response on 
this. CCing Brian Ripley who runs checks for CRAN but does not read CRAN at ...

Best wishes,

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