[Roxygen-devel] Roxygen2 3.0.0

Hadley Wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 21:10:39 CET 2014

> Um, I'm still unclear on what information I do need to properly document the
> S4 methods.  Without adding any roxygen documentation, check is unhappy,
> e.g.
>     Undocumented S4 methods:
>       generic 'c' and siglist 'codeDefinition'
> What should I be doing here?

Adding some documentation? ;)

You need to decide how to document the methods. There's basically three options:

* document methods with generic (only an option if you created the
generic) - @rdname generic
* document methods with class (only an option if you created the
class) @rdname class-classname (I think)
* document method in its own file (only suitable if it's a complex method)



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