[Roxygen-devel] Line break bug when use.Rd2=TRUE

Vinh Nguyen vqnguyen at uci.edu
Fri Oct 8 22:30:41 CEST 2010

Dear roxygen list,

I'm getting some errors from the following two documentation:

##' An S4 class that stores inferential values of a fitted model object.
##' An S4 class that inherits from the \code{matrix} class.  Rows
##' correspond to different coefficients and columns consist of point
##' estimates (point.est), confidence intervals (ci.lo and ci.hi),
##' p-values (p.value), and sample size (n).
##' @name inference-class
##' @rdname inference-class
##' @slot .Data Object of class \code{matrix}.
##' @slot model Class of model fit; object of class \code{character},
##' such as "lm".
##' @slot sample.size Sample size used in model fit; object of class
##' \code{numeric}.
##' @slot robust.se Boolean indicator whether robust standard errors were
##' used; object of class \code{logical}.
##' @slot two.sided Boolean indicator whether p-values corresond to a
##' two-sided test or one-sided; object of class \code{logical}.
##' @slot ci.level Confidence level; object of class \code{numeric}.


##' Inference for fitted model objects.
##' Extract point estimates, standard errors, confidence intervals,
##' p-values, and sample size.
##' @name infer-methods
##' @rdname infer-methods
##' @aliases infer-methods infer
##' @param fitobj Fitted model object, such as those of class \code{lm}.
##' @param vars Vector of variable names to obtain inference information
##' for.  Defaults to \code{NULL} which corresponds to all variables
##' in the fitted model.
##' @param robust.se Boolean indicator for whether robust standard
##' errors should be use.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param two.sided Boolean indicator for whether p-values should
##' correspond to a two-sided test or one-sided.  Defaults to
##' \code{TRUE}.
##' @param ci.level Confidence level.  Defaults to 0.95.
##' @return S4 \code{inference} object.
##' @examples
##' infer(lm(rnorm(100) ~ runif(100)))
##' @author Vinh Nguyen

The first yields inference-class.Rd, which gives me:

The error is coming from the newline in the alias line (gives me an
error with R CMD check).

Similarly, the second documentation yields

Same error.

Why is it generating this new line?  Thanks.

Vinh Nguyen
Department of Statistics
Donald Bren School of ICS
2231 Bren Hall
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92607
vqnguyen at uci.edu | http://www.ics.uci.edu/~vqnguyen/
Schedule a meeting: http://tungle.me/VinhNguyen

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