[Rcppoctave-user] Cannot load RcppOctave.so onto Mac OS

Renaud Gaujoux renaud at mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
Fri Nov 22 14:57:08 CET 2013

> I have successfully compile, install and load RcppOctave on my Mac
> (running Mavericks). In order to do this I have to reinstall Rcpp with
> customized ~/.R/Makevars (CC=clang, etc).


> I can load the library from the command line R but not from the GUI. It
> should be something related to the search path because octave-config could
> not be found. I will post it here if I find a way. In the meantime, any
> suggestions would be very welcome.

Interesting. Can you please try directly loading the library with:

library.dynam(RcppOctave, RcppOctave, dirname(path.package('RcppOctave)))

I am wondering if the library could still load despite octave-config not
being in the path.

Please let me know if calling Octave functions work fine.
Ideally, you would also run the following to make a complete check (from
command line), you may need to install the Suggests dependencies:

R CMD check --as-cran RcppOctave_0.13.3.tar.gz

Thank you.

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