[Rcicr-users] Obtaining Noise Image

Dotsch, R. (Ron) R.Dotsch at uu.nl
Sat Aug 22 14:29:48 CEST 2015

Hi Dan,

This looks fine to me. If you have a ci object, for instance the output of:

someCI <- generateCI2IFC(…)

you can get the raw noise in a 512x512 pixel matrix without base image using:


This is not well-documented yet, but you can rely on it (so does rcicr).



Ron Dotsch
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Utrecht University

On 21 Aug 2015, at 17:48, Daniel Albohn <d.albohn at gmail.com<mailto:d.albohn at gmail.com>> wrote:


I am writing the listserv to get some feedback on how to obtain just a noise image from a reverse correlation task (i.e., without the base image). Through looking at the documentation, I believe this is possible, although there are not many examples or supporting documents to confirm my suspicious. As such, I wanted to make sure my code was actually giving me what I want it to give me.

----R code----

data <- read.csv("rcicrData1.csv")

##Apparently this is unneeded for creating just a noise image?##
n <- 'rcicrdata.Rdata'

responses <- as.vector(data$correct)

s <- generateNoisePattern(img_size = 512, pre_0.3.0 = TRUE)

noise <- generateCINoise(data$Face, data$correct, s)
image(noise) #it's in color?

##output grey scale image##
     width = 512, height = 512, units = "px")
par(mar = rep(0,4))
image(noise, axes=FALSE, col = grey(seq(0,1, length = 512)))

---End Code---

Any thoughts, suggestions, or critiques would be appreciated! Again, I am looking to output a noise image from RC data, much like generating a CI, but without the base image underneath.



Daniel Albohn
Website<http://www.sites.psu.edu/albohn> | 484-332-7688
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