[Phylobase-devl] failed mac build

Steve Kembel skembel at berkeley.edu
Sat Mar 22 19:29:19 CET 2008

Hi Marguerite,

I was investigating this on my system (Mac OS 10.5.2) and was  
surprised to get a very similar error when I tried to R CMD install  
pkg after updating to the latest version of phylobase with svn update.  
I had not had this error previously. I tinkered with the configure  
file for a while but then tried starting fresh by deleting the entire  
phylobase directory and grabbing a fresh copy from the SVN repository.  
After doing this, the package installed fine with no errors. Does this  
work for you? Junk files seem to accumulate in the local copy of the  
repository after every update/install.


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