[Ipmpack-users] How do I use IPMpack for a monocarpic perennial?

Bruce Kendall kendall at bren.ucsb.edu
Thu May 26 16:25:47 CEST 2016

Hi Cory (and Rob, who sent the same pointer off-list),

Thanks for the tip. I actually had that file open, but hadn't made it all the way to chapter 7!

The solution implemented there is actually the same as what I had done, except that it seems that we don't need to explicitly address the .Data slot (somehow that's implicitly addressed). I was hoping there was a formulaic approach, in much the same way that multiple formulas can be layered into a FecObj.

Speaking of FecObj, is there a recommended resource for understanding makeFecObj? The help page describes the "what" of the many options, but is limited on the "why" or "how." The most comprehensive treatment I've found so far is in chapter 3 of the Appendix you recommended, but that is still for a specific use case, and not all the used options are described (e.g., it is unclear how the constants fec2 through fec4 get applied). For a relatively simple use case I had to do some guessing, and then checking the resulting Fmatrix against an offline calculation; I still don't understand how all the parts work together.


> On May 26, 2016, at 1:57 PM, Cory Merow <cory.merow at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> You're on the right track, but you don't have to dig into the Pmatrix slots. For a full example, see page 167 (yes, really) of the appendices to our IPM guide (Merow, C., J. P. Dahlgren, C. J. E. Metcalf, D. Z. Childs, M. E. K. Evans, E. Jongejans, S. Record, M. Rees, R. Salguero-Gómez, and S. M. Mcmahon. 2014. Advancing population ecology with integral projection models: a practical guide. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:99–110.)
> Cory

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