[Ipmpack-users] How do I use IPMpack for a monocarpic perennial?

Bruce Kendall kendall at bren.ucsb.edu
Wed May 25 23:28:35 CEST 2016


I'm trying to learn IPMpack by implementing the models in Ellner et al's new book (the project also forces me to read the book!). However, I'm stymied by the very first model, which is of a monocarpic perennial. In particular, I can't figure out how to kill off the reproductive individuals.

I have one regression for the survival of nonreproductive individuals, and another for the probability of flowering. These are different, so I can't just combine them into a single survival function. What I need for the survival component of P matrix is (1 - Pr(flowering)) * Pr(survival | not flowering). The only way I can think of doing this is to go into the Pmatrix itself and modify it directly* --- which seems against the spirit of the IPMpack package. Is there a better way?


* Something like:
Pmatrix at .Data <- t(t(Pmatrix at .Data) * (1 - predict(FlowReg, newdata = data.frame(size = Pmatrix at meshpoints), type = "response")))
which seems awfully likely to introduce errors!

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