[Ipmpack-users] bayesian functions in IPMpack

Eelke Jongejans e.jongejans at science.ru.nl
Wed Apr 3 18:18:22 CEST 2013

Dear Maria Paula,

Good question (see below). Probably you have to specify 
Family=categorical. However, we've decided to leave out the bayesian 
functions from the next version of IPMpack onwards. Instead we will 
place the current functions (including makePostFecObjs) on the website 
for those people who want to write such code themselves. If you are 
interested in including uncertainty in your analyses you can also use 
the current functions getListRegObjects and getListRegObjectsFec in 
conjunction with makeListPmatrix, makeListFmatrix and makeListIPMs, 

best wishes,
Cory, Eelke






----- Mensaje reenviado -----

Dear IPMpack team,
2.The function *makePostFecObjs *is not working*when I use *Family = 
c("binomial",……..but it supposes to works with binomial: /Family : a 
character vector containing the names of the families to be used for the 
glms, e.g., *binomial*, poisson, etc. Again, these must appear in the 
order defined by the alphabetical order of column names containing "fec"/
fvlist <- makePostFecObjs(dataf = Sp, fecNames =c("fec0", "fec1"),
fecConstants= data.frame(NA),
     explanatoryVariables = c("size", "size"),
Family = c("binomial", "poisson"), Transform=c("none", "none"),
meanOffspringSize=NA, sdOffspringSize=NA,
vitalRatesPerOffspringType=data.frame(NA), burnin=3000, nitt = 5000)
Once I ran the code, I got this message: Error in MCMCglmm(Formula, data 
= dataf[!is.na(dataf[, fecNames[i]]),  :
binomial not a supported distribution
Thank for your help.
Maria Paula

*Maria Paula Balcázar-Vargas
Instituut voor Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica (IBED),
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Tel: + 31-(020) 5258421
Science Park 904, kamer C4.165
NL-1098 XH  Amsterdam
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