[Ipmpack-users] using a SSlogis model for survival

Joachim Spindelböck joachim.spindelbock at bio.uib.no
Tue Apr 2 13:49:39 CEST 2013

Thanks, this works really well! 

But now I need to do the same thing for clonality and fecundity
in my
species the probabilities of survival, making clones and making flowers
basically increase until a certain size from which on these probabilities
stay about constant. When plotting squared models against means of
sequential values (or using picSurv), data & model do not really show the
same trends at large sizes
i.e. survival, clonality & fecundity at the
largest sizes end up being underestimated.

Is there any way to see the setClass() & setMethod() codes used for
makeClonalObj and makeFecObj? Or could you otherwise post them? Having
“templates” that one could try to change would be helpful.

Cheers & thanks,



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