[Gsdesign-commits] r334 - in pkg/gsDesign: . R inst/NewTests man

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Fri May 25 00:12:15 CEST 2012

Author: keaven
Date: 2012-05-25 00:12:14 +0200 (Fri, 25 May 2012)
New Revision: 334

Fixing minor issues with gsSurv and its documentation.

Modified: pkg/gsDesign/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/gsDesign/NAMESPACE	2012-05-16 01:45:30 UTC (rev 333)
+++ pkg/gsDesign/NAMESPACE	2012-05-24 22:12:14 UTC (rev 334)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 export(nSurvival, nEvents, nNormal)
 export(plot.gsDesign, plot.gsProbability, print.gsProbability, print.gsDesign)
-export(print.nSurvival, xtable.gsDesign, gsBoundSummary)
+export(print.nSurvival, xtable.gsDesign, gsBoundSummary, xtable.gsSurv)
 export(sfPower, sfHSD, sfExponential, sfBetaDist, sfLDOF, sfLDPocock, sfPoints, sfLogistic, sfExtremeValue, sfExtremeValue2, sfLinear, sfTruncated)
 export(sfCauchy, sfNormal, sfTDist, spendingFunction)
 export(checkScalar, checkVector, checkRange, checkLengths, isInteger)

Added: pkg/gsDesign/R/gsSurv.R
--- pkg/gsDesign/R/gsSurv.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gsDesign/R/gsSurv.R	2012-05-24 22:12:14 UTC (rev 334)
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+### code chunk number 2: eEvents1
+eEvents1<-function(lambda=1, eta=0, gamma=1, R=1, S=NULL, 
+                   T=2, Tfinal=NULL, minfup=0, simple=TRUE)
+   if (is.null(Tfinal))
+   {   Tfinal <- T
+       minfupia <- minfup
+   }
+   else minfupia <- max(0, minfup-(Tfinal - T))
+   nlambda <- length(lambda)
+   if (length(eta)==1 & nlambda > 1) 
+     eta <- array(eta,nlambda)
+   T1 <- cumsum(S)
+   T1 <- c(T1[T1<T],T)
+   T2 <- T - cumsum(R)
+   T2[T2 < minfupia] <- minfupia
+   i <- 1:length(gamma)
+   gamma[i>length(unique(T2))] <- 0
+   T2 <- unique(c(T,T2[T2 > 0]))
+   T3 <- sort(unique(c(T1,T2)))
+   if (sum(R) >= T) T2 <- c(T2,0)
+   nperiod <- length(T3)
+   s <- T3-c(0,T3[1:(nperiod-1)])
+   lam <- array(lambda[nlambda],nperiod)
+   et <- array(eta[nlambda],nperiod)
+   gam <- array(0,nperiod)
+   for(i in length(T1):1)
+   {  indx <- T3<=T1[i]
+      lam[indx]<-lambda[i]
+      et[indx]<-eta[i]
+   }
+   for(i in min(length(gamma)+1,length(T2)):2) 
+     gam[T3>T2[i]]<-gamma[i-1]
+   q <- exp(-(lam+et)*s)
+   Q <- cumprod(q)
+   indx<-1:(nperiod-1)
+   Qm1 <- c(1,Q[indx])
+   p <- lam/(lam+et)*Qm1*(1-q)
+   P <- cumsum(p)
+   B <- gam/(lam+et)*lam*(s-(1-q)/(lam+et))
+   A <- c(0,P[indx])*gam*s+Qm1*B
+   if (!simple)
+      return(list(lambda=lambda, eta=eta, gamma=gamma, R=R, S=S,
+                  T=T, Tfinal=Tfinal, minfup=minfup, d=sum(A), 
+                  n=sum(gam*s), q=q,Q=Q,p=p,P=P,B=B,A=A,T1=T1,
+                  T2=T2,T3=T3,lam=lam,et=et,gam=gam))
+   else
+      return(list(lambda=lambda, eta=eta, gamma=gamma, R=R, S=S,  
+                  T=T, Tfinal=Tfinal, minfup=minfup, d=sum(A), 
+                  n=sum(gam*s)))
+### code chunk number 4: eEvents
+eEvents<-function(lambda=1, eta=0, gamma=1, R=1, S=NULL, T=2,
+                  Tfinal=NULL, minfup=0, digits=4)
+{  if (is.null(Tfinal))
+	{	if (minfup >= T)
+      stop("Minimum follow-up greater than study duration.")
+		Tfinal <- T
+		minfupia <- minfup
+	}
+	else minfupia <- max(0, minfup-(Tfinal - T))
+	if (!is.matrix(lambda)) 
+    lambda <- matrix(lambda, nrow=length(lambda))
+	if (!is.matrix(eta)) 
+    eta <- matrix(eta,nrow=nrow(lambda),ncol=ncol(lambda))
+	if (!is.matrix(gamma))
+    gamma<-matrix(gamma,nrow=length(R),ncol=ncol(lambda)) 
+	n <- array(0,ncol(lambda))
+	d <- n 
+	for(i in 1:ncol(lambda))
+	{	a <- eEvents1(lambda=lambda[,i],eta=eta[,i],
+                    gamma=gamma[,i],R=R,S=S,T=T,
+                    Tfinal=Tfinal, minfup=minfup)
+		n[i]<-a$n
+		d[i]<-a$d
+	}
+	T1 <- cumsum(S)
+	T1 <- unique(c(0,T1[T1<T],T))
+	nper <- length(T1)-1
+	names1 <- round(T1[1:nper],digits)
+	namesper <- paste("-",round(T1[2:(nper+1)],digits),sep="")
+	namesper <- paste(names1,namesper,sep="")
+	if (nper < dim(lambda)[1])
+    lambda <- matrix(lambda[1:nper,],nrow=nper)
+	if (nper < dim(eta)[1]) 
+    eta <- matrix(eta[1:nper,],nrow=nper)
+	rownames(lambda) <- namesper
+	rownames(eta) <- namesper
+	colnames(lambda) <- paste("Stratum",1:ncol(lambda))
+	colnames(eta) <- paste("Stratum",1:ncol(eta))
+	T2 <- cumsum(R)
+	T2[T - T2 < minfupia] <- T - minfupia
+	T2 <- unique(c(0,T2))
+	nper <- length(T2)-1
+	names1 <- round(c(T2[1:nper]),digits)
+	namesper <- paste("-",round(T2[2:(nper+1)],digits),sep="")
+	namesper <- paste(names1,namesper,sep="")
+	if (nper < length(gamma)) 
+    gamma <- matrix(gamma[1:nper,],nrow=nper)
+	rownames(gamma) <- namesper
+	colnames(gamma) <- paste("Stratum",1:ncol(gamma))
+	x <- list(lambda=lambda, eta=eta, gamma=gamma, R=R, 
+            S=S, T=T, Tfinal=Tfinal,
+            minfup=minfup, d=d, n=n, digits=digits)
+	class(x) <- "eEvents"
+	return(x)
+### code chunk number 5: periods
+periods <- function(S, T, minfup, digits)
+{  periods <- cumsum(S)
+	if (length(periods)==0) periods <- max(0, T - minfup)
+	else
+	{	maxT <- max(0,min(T - minfup, max(periods)))
+		periods <- periods[periods <= maxT]
+		if (max(periods) < T - minfup)
+      periods <- c(periods, T - minfup)
+	}
+	nper <- length(periods)
+	names1 <- c(0, round(periods[1:(nper-1)],digits))
+	names <- paste("-",periods,sep="")
+	names <- paste(names1,names,sep="")
+	return(list(periods,names))
+### code chunk number 6: print.eEvents
+print.eEvents <- function(x,digits=4,...){
+  if (class(x) != "eEvents") 
+    stop("print.eEvents: primary argument must have class eEvents")
+	cat("Study duration:              Tfinal=", 
+      round(x$Tfinal,digits), "\n", sep="")
+	cat("Analysis time:                    T=", 
+      round(x$T,digits), "\n", sep="")
+	cat("Accrual duration:                   ", 
+			round(min(x$T - max(0, x$minfup-(x$Tfinal - x$T)), 
+        sum(x$R)),digits), "\n", sep="")
+	cat("Min. end-of-study follow-up: minfup=", 
+      round(x$minfup,digits), "\n", sep="")
+  cat("Expected events (total):            ", 
+     round(sum(x$d),digits), "\n",sep="")
+  if (length(x$d)>1)
+  {  cat("Expected events by stratum:       d=",
+         round(x$d[1],digits))
+     for(i in 2:length(x$d)) 
+       cat(paste("",round(x$d[i],digits)))
+     cat("\n")
+  }
+  cat("Expected sample size (total):       ", 
+     round(sum(x$n),digits), "\n", sep="")
+  if (length(x$n)>1)
+  {  cat("Sample size by stratum:           n=",
+         round(x$n[1],digits))
+     for(i in 2:length(x$n)) 
+       cat(paste("",round(x$n[i],digits)))
+     cat("\n")
+  }
+	nstrata <- dim(x$lambda)[2]
+	cat("Number of strata:                   ", 
+      nstrata, "\n", sep="")
+	cat("Accrual rates:\n")
+	print(round(x$gamma,digits))
+	cat("Event rates:\n")
+	print(round(x$lambda,digits))
+	cat("Censoring rates:\n")
+	print(round(x$eta,digits))
+  return(x)
+### code chunk number 12: nameperiod
+"nameperiod" <- function(R, digits=2)
+{   if (length(R)==1) return(paste("0-",round(R,digits),sep=""))
+    R0 <- c(0,R[1:(length(R)-1)])
+    return(paste(round(R0,digits),"-",round(R,digits),sep=""))
+### code chunk number 14: LFPWE
+LFPWE <- function(alpha=.025, sided=1, beta=.1,
+  lambdaC=log(2) / 6, hr=.5, hr0=1, etaC=0, etaE=0,
+  gamma=1, ratio=1, R=18, S=NULL, T=24, minfup=NULL)
+{  # set up parameters
+  zalpha <- -qnorm(alpha/sided)
+  zbeta <- -qnorm(beta)
+  if (is.null(minfup)) minfup <- max(0,T-sum(R))
+  if (length(R)==1) {R <- T-minfup
+  }else if (sum(R) != T-minfup)
+  { cR<-cumsum(R)
+    nR<-length(R)
+    if (cR[length(cR)] < T - minfup) {cR[length(cR)]<-T-minfup
+    }else
+    { cR[cR>T-minfup]<-T-minfup
+      cR <- unique(cR)
+    }
+    if (length(cR)>1) {R <- cR-c(0,cR[1:(length(cR)-1)])
+    }else R <- cR
+    if (nR != length(R))
+    { if (is.vector(gamma)) {gamma <- gamma[1:length(R)]
+      }else gamma<-gamma[1:length(R),]
+    }
+  }
+	ngamma <- length(R)
+	if (is.null(S)) {nlambda <- 1
+	}else nlambda <- length(S) + 1
+	Qe <- ratio / (1 + ratio)
+	Qc <- 1 - Qe
+	# compute H0 failure rates as average of control, experimental
+  if (length(ratio)==1){
+     lambdaC0 <- (1 + hr * ratio) / (1 + hr0 * ratio) * lambdaC
+     gammaC <- gamma*Qc
+     gammaE <- gamma*Qe
+  }else{
+    lambdaC0 <- lambdaC %*% diag((1 + hr * ratio) / (1 + hr0 * ratio))
+    gammaC <- gamma%*%diag(Qc)
+    gammaE <- gamma%*%diag(Qe)
+  }
+	# do computations
+	eDC0 <- sum(eEvents(lambda=lambdaC0, eta=etaC, gamma=gammaC,
+                       R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)$d)
+	eDE0 <- sum(eEvents(lambda=lambdaC0 * hr0, eta=etaE, gamma=gammaE,
+                       R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)$d)
+	eDC <- eEvents(lambda=lambdaC, eta=etaC, gamma=gammaC,
+                  R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)
+	eDE <- eEvents(lambda=lambdaC * hr, eta=etaE, gamma=gammaE, 
+                  R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)
+	n <- ((zalpha * sqrt(1 / eDC0 + 1 / eDE0) +
+   zbeta * sqrt(1 / sum(eDC$d) + 1 / sum(eDE$d))
+   ) / log(hr / hr0))^2	
+	mx <- sum(eDC$n + eDE$n)
+	rval <- list(alpha=alpha, sided=sided, beta=beta, power=1-beta,
+    lambdaC=lambdaC, etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=n * gamma, 
+    ratio=ratio, R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup,
+    hr=hr, hr0=hr0, n=n * mx, d=n * sum(eDC$d + eDE$d),
+    eDC=eDC$d*n, eDE=eDE$d*n, eDC0=eDC0*n, eDE0=eDE0*n,
+    eNC=eDC$n*n, eNE=eDE$n*n, variable="Accrual rate")
+  class(rval) <- "nSurv"
+  return(rval)
+  if (class(x) != "nSurv") 
+		stop("Primary argument must have class nSurv")
+  x$digits<-digits
+  x$sided <- 1
+  cat("Fixed design, two-arm trial with time-to-event\n")
+  cat("outcome (Lachin and Foulkes, 1986).\n")
+  cat("Solving for: ",x$variable,"\n")
+  cat("Hazard ratio                  H1/H0=", 
+      round(x$hr,digits),
+      "/", round(x$hr0,digits),"\n",sep="")
+	cat("Study duration:                   T=", 
+      round(x$T,digits), "\n", sep="")
+	cat("Accrual duration:                   ", 
+      round(x$T-x$minfup,digits),"\n",sep="") 
+	cat("Min. end-of-study follow-up: minfup=", 
+      round(x$minfup,digits), "\n", sep="")
+  cat("Expected events (total, H1):        ", 
+      round(x$d,digits), "\n",sep="")
+  cat("Expected sample size (total):       ", 
+      round(x$n,digits), "\n", sep="")
+  enrollper <- periods(x$S, x$T, x$minfup, x$digits)
+	cat("Accrual rates:\n")
+	print(round(x$gamma,digits))
+	cat("Control event rates (H1):\n")
+	print(round(x$lambda,digits))
+  if (max(abs(x$etaC-x$etaE))==0)
+	{  cat("Censoring rates:\n")
+	   print(round(x$etaC,digits))
+	}
+  else
+  {  cat("Control censoring rates:\n")
+     print(round(x$etaC,digits))
+     cat("Experimental censoring rates:\n")
+     print(round(x$etaE,digits))
+  }
+  cat("Power:                 100*(1-beta)=", 
+      round((1-x$beta)*100,digits), "%\n",sep="")
+  cat("Type I error (", x$sided, 
+      "-sided):   100*alpha=", 
+      100*x$alpha, "%\n", sep="")
+	if (min(x$ratio==1)==1) 
+    cat("Equal randomization:          ratio=1\n")
+	else cat("Randomization (Exp/Control):  ratio=", 
+           x$ratio, "\n")
+### code chunk number 19: KTZ
+KTZ <- function(x=NULL, minfup=NULL, n1Target=NULL, 
+                lambdaC=log(2) / 6, etaC=0, etaE=0,
+                gamma=1, ratio=1, R=18, S=NULL, beta=.1, 
+                alpha=.025, sided=1, hr0=1, hr=.5, simple=TRUE)
+{ zalpha<- -qnorm(alpha/sided)
+  Qc <- 1/(1+ratio)
+  Qe <- 1 - Qc
+  # set minimum follow-up to x if that is missing and x is given
+  if (!is.null(x) && is.null(minfup))
+  {   minfup <- x
+      if (sum(R)==Inf) 
+        stop("If minimum follow-up is sought, enrollment duration must be finite")
+      T <- sum(R)+minfup
+      variable <- "Follow-up duration"
+  }
+  else if (!is.null(x)&&!is.null(minfup))
+  {   # otherwise, if x is given, set it to accrual duration
+      T <- x+minfup
+      R[length(R)]<-Inf
+      variable <- "Accrual duration"
+  }
+  else
+  {  # otherwise, set follow-up time to accrual plus follow-up
+     T <- sum(R) + minfup
+     variable <- "Power"
+  }
+  # compute H0 failure rates as average of control, experimental
+  if (length(ratio)==1){
+     lambdaC0 <- (1 + hr * ratio) / (1 + hr0 * ratio) * lambdaC
+     gammaC <- gamma*Qc
+     gammaE <- gamma*Qe
+  }else{
+    lambdaC0 <- lambdaC %*% diag((1 + hr * ratio) / (1 + hr0 * ratio))
+    gammaC <- gamma%*%diag(Qc)
+    gammaE <- gamma%*%diag(Qe)
+  }
+  # do computations
+	eDC <- eEvents(lambda=lambdaC, eta=etaC, gamma=gammaC,
+                  R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)
+	eDE <- eEvents(lambda=lambdaC * hr, eta=etaE, gamma=gammaE, 
+                  R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)
+  # if this is all that is needed, return difference 
+  # from targeted number of events 
+  if (simple && !is.null(n1Target))
+    return(sum(eDC$d+eDE$d)-n1Target)
+  eDC0 <- eEvents(lambda=lambdaC0, eta=etaC, gamma=gammaC,
+                       R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)
+	eDE0 <- eEvents(lambda=lambdaC0 * hr0, eta=etaE, gamma=gammaE,
+                       R=R, S=S, T=T, minfup=minfup)
+  # compute Z-value related to power from power equation
+  zb <- (log(hr0 / hr) - 
+        zalpha * sqrt(1 / sum(eDC0$d) + 1 / sum(eDE0$d)))/
+		    sqrt(1 / sum(eDC$d) + 1 / sum(eDE$d))
+  # if that is all that is needed, return difference from
+  # targeted value
+  if (simple) 
+  { if (!is.null(beta)) return(zb + qnorm(beta))
+    else return(pnorm(-zb))
+  }
+  # compute power
+  power <- pnorm(zb)
+  beta <- 1-power
+  # set accrual period durations
+  if (sum(R) != T-minfup)
+  {  if (length(R)==1) R <- T-minfup
+     else
+	   {	nR <- length(R)
+        cR <- cumsum(R)
+		    cR[cR>T-minfup] <- T - minfup
+		    cR <- unique(cR)
+        cR[length(R)] <- T - minfup
+		    if (length(cR)==1) R <- cR
+		    else R <- cR - c(0,cR[1:(length(cR)-1)])
+        if (length(R) != nR)
+		    {  gamma <- matrix(gamma[1:length(R),], nrow=length(R))
+           gdim <- dim(gamma)
+		    }
+	   }
+  }
+  rval <- list(alpha=alpha, sided=sided, beta=beta, power=power,
+           lambdaC=lambdaC, etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE,
+           gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio, R=R, S=S, T=T, 
+           minfup=minfup, hr=hr, hr0=hr0, n=sum(eDC$n + eDE$n), 
+           d=sum(eDC$d + eDE$d), tol=NULL, eDC=eDC$d, eDE=eDE$d,
+           eDC0=eDC0$d, eDE0=eDE0$d, eNC=eDC$n, eNE=eDE$n,
+           variable=variable)
+  class(rval)<-"nSurv"
+  return(rval)
+### code chunk number 21: KT
+KT <- function(alpha=.025, sided=1, beta=.1, 
+  lambdaC=log(2) / 6, hr=.5, hr0=1, etaC=0, etaE=0,
+  gamma=1, ratio=1, R=18, S=NULL, minfup=NULL,
+  n1Target=NULL, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
+{  # set up parameters
+	ngamma <- length(R)
+	if (is.null(S)) {nlambda <- 1
+	}else nlambda <- length(S) + 1
+	Qe <- ratio / (1 + ratio)
+	Qc <- 1 - Qe
+	if (!is.matrix(lambdaC)) lambdaC <- matrix(lambdaC)
+	ldim <- dim(lambdaC)
+	nstrata <- ldim[2]
+	nlambda <- ldim[1]
+	etaC <- matrix(etaC,nrow=nlambda,ncol=nstrata)
+	etaE <- matrix(etaE,nrow=nlambda,ncol=nstrata) 
+	if (!is.matrix(gamma)) gamma <- matrix(gamma) 
+	gdim <- dim(gamma)
+	eCdim <- dim(etaC)
+	eEdim <- dim(etaE)
+	# search for trial duration needed to achieve desired power
+	if (is.null(minfup))
+  {  if (sum(R)==Inf){ 
+       stop("Enrollment duration must be specified as finite")}
+     left <- KTZ(.01, lambdaC=lambdaC, n1Target=n1Target,
+                  etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio,
+                  R=R, S=S, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, sided=sided,
+                  hr0=hr0, hr=hr)
+     right <- KTZ(1000, lambdaC=lambdaC, n1Target=n1Target,
+                  etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio,
+                  R=R, S=S, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, sided=sided,
+                  hr0=hr0, hr=hr)
+     if (left>0) stop("Enrollment duration over-powers trial")
+     if (right<0) stop("Enrollment duration insufficient to power trial")
+     y <- uniroot(f=KTZ,interval=c(.01,10000), lambdaC=lambdaC,
+                  etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio,
+                  R=R, S=S, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, sided=sided,
+                  hr0=hr0, hr=hr, tol=tol, n1Target=n1Target)
+     minfup <- y$root
+     xx<-KTZ(x=y$root,lambdaC=lambdaC,
+      etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio,
+      R=R, S=S, minfup=NULL, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, 
+      sided=sided, hr0=hr0, hr=hr, simple=F)
+     xx$tol <- tol
+     return(xx)
+  }else 
+  {  y <- uniroot(f=KTZ, interval=minfup+c(.01,10000), lambdaC=lambdaC, 
+           n1Target=n1Target,
+           etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio, 
+           R=R, S=S, minfup=minfup, beta=beta,
+           alpha=alpha, sided=sided, hr0=hr0, hr=hr, tol=tol)
+     xx <- KTZ(x=y$root,lambdaC=lambdaC,
+        etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, gamma=gamma, ratio=ratio,
+        R=R, S=S, minfup=minfup, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, 
+        sided=sided, hr0=hr0, hr=hr, simple=F)
+     xx$tol<-tol
+     return(xx)
+  }
+### code chunk number 25: nSurv
+nSurv <- function(lambdaC=log(2)/6, hr=.6, hr0=1, eta = 0, etaE=NULL, 
+  gamma=1, R=12, S=NULL, T=NULL,  minfup = NULL, ratio = 1,
+  alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.10,  sided = 1, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
+{ if (is.null(etaE)) etaE<-eta
+# set up rates as matrices with row and column names
+# default is 1 stratum if lambdaC not input as matrix
+  if (is.vector(lambdaC)) lambdaC <- matrix(lambdaC)
+  ldim <- dim(lambdaC)
+  nstrata <- ldim[2]
+	nlambda <- ldim[1]
+	rownames(lambdaC) <- paste("Period", 1:nlambda)
+	colnames(lambdaC) <- paste("Stratum", 1:nstrata)
+	etaC <- matrix(eta,nrow=nlambda,ncol=nstrata)
+	etaE <- matrix(etaE,nrow=nlambda,ncol=nstrata) 
+	if (!is.matrix(gamma)) gamma <- matrix(gamma) 
+	gdim <- dim(gamma)
+	eCdim <- dim(etaC)
+	eEdim <- dim(etaE)
+  if (is.null(minfup) || is.null(T))
+    xx<-KT(lambdaC=lambdaC, hr=hr, hr0=hr0, etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, 
+  gamma=gamma, R=R, S=S,  minfup = minfup, ratio = ratio,
+  alpha=alpha, sided=sided, beta = beta, tol = tol)
+  else if (is.null(beta))
+    xx<-KTZ(lambdaC=lambdaC, hr=hr, hr0=hr0, etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, 
+      gamma=gamma, R=R, S=S,  minfup = minfup, ratio = ratio,
+      alpha=alpha, sided=sided, beta = beta, simple=F)
+  else
+    xx<-LFPWE(lambdaC=lambdaC, hr=hr, hr0=hr0, etaC=etaC, etaE=etaE, 
+  gamma=gamma, R=R, S=S, T=T,  minfup = minfup, ratio = ratio,
+  alpha=alpha, sided=sided, beta = beta)
+  nameR<-nameperiod(cumsum(xx$R))
+  stratnames <- paste("Stratum",1:ncol(xx$lambdaC))
+  if (is.null(xx$S)) nameS<-"0-Inf"
+  else nameS <- nameperiod(cumsum(c(xx$S,Inf)))
+  rownames(xx$lambdaC)<-nameS
+  colnames(xx$lambdaC)<-stratnames
+  rownames(xx$etaC)<-nameS
+  colnames(xx$etaC)<-stratnames
+  rownames(xx$etaE)<-nameS
+  colnames(xx$etaE)<-stratnames
+  rownames(xx$gamma)<-nameR
+  colnames(xx$gamma)<-stratnames
+  return(xx)
+### code chunk number 33: gsnSurv
+gsnSurv <- function(x,nEvents)
+{  if (x$variable=="Accrual rate")
+   {  Ifct <- nEvents/x$d
+      rval <- list(lambdaC=x$lambdaC, etaC=x$etaC, etaE=x$etaE,
+               gamma=x$gamma*Ifct, ratio=x$ratio, R=x$R, S=x$S, T=x$T, 
+               minfup=x$minfup, hr=x$hr, hr0=x$hr0, n=x$n*Ifct, d=nEvents,
+               eDC=x$eDC*Ifct,eDE=x$eDE*Ifct,eDC0=x$eDC0*Ifct,
+               eDE0=x$eDE0*Ifct,eNC=x$eNC*Ifct,eNE=x$eNE*Ifct,
+               variable=x$variable)
+   }
+   else if (x$variable=="Accrual duration")
+   {  y<-KT(n1Target=nEvents,minfup=x$minfup,lambdaC=x$lambdaC,etaC=x$etaC,
+         etaE=x$etaE,R=x$R,S=x$S,hr=x$hr,hr0=x$hr0,gamma=x$gamma,
+         ratio=x$ratio,tol=x$tol)
+      rval <- list(lambdaC=x$lambdaC, etaC=x$etaC, etaE=x$etaE,
+               gamma=x$gamma, ratio=x$ratio, R=y$R, S=x$S, T=y$T, 
+               minfup=y$minfup, hr=x$hr, hr0=x$hr0, n=y$n, d=nEvents,
+               eDC=y$eDC,eDE=y$eDE,eDC0=y$eDC0,
+               eDE0=y$eDE0,eNC=y$eNC,eNE=y$eNE,tol=x$tol,
+               variable=x$variable)
+   }
+   else
+   {  y<-KT(n1Target=nEvents,minfup=NULL,lambdaC=x$lambdaC,etaC=x$etaC,
+         etaE=x$etaE,R=x$R,S=x$S,hr=x$hr,hr0=x$hr0,gamma=x$gamma,
+         ratio=x$ratio,tol=x$tol)
+      rval <- list(lambdaC=x$lambdaC, etaC=x$etaC, etaE=x$etaE,
+               gamma=x$gamma, ratio=x$ratio, R=x$R, S=x$S, T=y$T, 
+               minfup=y$minfup, hr=x$hr, hr0=x$hr0, n=y$n, d=nEvents,
+               eDC=y$eDC,eDE=y$eDE,eDC0=y$eDC0,
+               eDE0=y$eDE0,eNC=y$eNC,eNE=y$eNE,tol=x$tol,
+               variable=x$variable)
+   }
+   class(rval) <- "gsSize"
+   return(rval)
+### code chunk number 35: tEventsIA
+tEventsIA<-function(x, timing=.25, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
+{   T <- x$T[length(x$T)]
+    z <- uniroot(f=nEventsIA, interval=c(0.0001,T-.0001), x=x,
+          target=timing, tol=tol,simple=TRUE)
+    return(nEventsIA(tIA=z$root,x=x,simple=FALSE))
+nEventsIA <- function(tIA=5, x=NULL, target=0, simple=TRUE)
+{  Qe <- x$ratio/(1+x$ratio)
+  eDC <- eEvents(lambda=x$lambdaC, eta=x$etaC,
+    gamma=x$gamma*(1-Qe), R=x$R, S=x$S, T=tIA, 
+    Tfinal=x$T[length(x$T)], minfup=x$minfup)
+  eDE <- eEvents(lambda=x$lambdaC * x$hr, eta=x$etaC,
+    gamma=x$gamma*Qe, R=x$R, S=x$S, T=tIA, 
+    Tfinal=x$T[length(x$T)], minfup=x$minfup)
+  if (simple) 
+  {   if (class(x)[1] == "gsSize") d<-x$d
+      else d <- sum(x$eDC[length(x$eDC)]+x$eDE[length(x$eDE)])
+      return(sum(eDC$d+eDE$d)-target*d)
+  }
+  else return(list(T=tIA,eDC=eDC$d,eDE=eDE$d,eNC=eDC$n,eNE=eDE$n))
+### code chunk number 36: gsSurv
+gsSurv<-function(k=3, test.type=4, alpha=0.025, sided=1,  
+  beta=0.1, astar=0, timing=1, sfu=sfHSD, sfupar=-4,
+  sfl=sfHSD, sflpar=-2, r=18,
+  lambdaC=log(2)/6, hr=.6, hr0=1, eta=0, etaE=NULL,
+  gamma=1, R=12, S=NULL, T=NULL, minfup=NULL, ratio=1,
+  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
+{ x<-nSurv(lambdaC=lambdaC, hr=hr, hr0=hr0, eta = eta, etaE=etaE, 
+  gamma=gamma, R=R, S=S, T=T,  minfup = minfup, ratio = ratio,
+  alpha = alpha, beta = beta,  sided = sided, tol = tol)  
+  y<-gsDesign(k=k,test.type=test.type,alpha=alpha/sided,
+      beta=beta, astar=astar, n.fix=x$d, timing=timing,
+      sfu=sfu, sfupar=sfupar, sfl=sfl, sflpar=sflpar, tol=tol)
+  z<-gsnSurv(x,y$n.I[k])
+  eDC <- NULL
+  eDE <- NULL
+  eNC <- NULL
+  eNE <- NULL
+  T <- NULL
+  for(i in 1:(k-1)){
+    xx <- tEventsIA(z,y$timing[i],tol)
+    T <- c(T,xx$T)
+    eDC <- rbind(eDC,xx$eDC)
+    eDE <- rbind(eDE,xx$eDE)
+    eNC <- rbind(eNC,xx$eNC)
+    eNE <- rbind(eNE,xx$eNE)
+  }
+  y$T <- c(T,z$T)
+  y$eDC <- rbind(eDC,z$eDC)
+  y$eDE <- rbind(eDE,z$eDE)
+  y$eNC <- rbind(eNC,z$eNC)
+  y$eNE <- rbind(eNE,z$eNE)
+  y$hr=hr; y$hr0=hr0; y$R=z$R; y$S=z$S; y$minfup=z$minfup; 
+  y$gamma=z$gamma; y$ratio=ratio; y$lambdaC=z$lambdaC;
+  y$etaC=z$etaC; y$etaE=z$etaE; y$variable=x$variable; y$tol=tol
+  class(y) <- c("gsSurv","gsDesign")
+  nameR<-nameperiod(cumsum(y$R))
+  stratnames <- paste("Stratum",1:ncol(y$lambdaC))
+  if (is.null(y$S)) nameS<-"0-Inf"
+  else nameS <- nameperiod(cumsum(c(y$S,Inf)))
+  rownames(y$lambdaC)<-nameS
+  colnames(y$lambdaC)<-stratnames
+  rownames(y$etaC)<-nameS
+  colnames(y$etaC)<-stratnames
+  rownames(y$etaE)<-nameS
+  colnames(y$etaE)<-stratnames
+  rownames(y$gamma)<-nameR
+  colnames(y$gamma)<-stratnames
+  return(y)
+  cat("Time to event group sequential design with HR=",x$hr,"\n")
+  if (x$hr0 != 1) cat("Non-inferiority design with null HR=",x$hr0,"\n")
+  if (min(x$ratio==1)==1) 
+    cat("Equal randomization:          ratio=1\n")
+  else {cat("Randomization (Exp/Control):  ratio=", 
+            x$ratio, "\n")
+        if (length(x$ratio)>1) cat("(randomization ratios shown by strata)\n")
+  }
+  print.gsDesign(x)
+  y<-cbind(x$T,(x$eNC+x$eNE)%*%array(1,ncol(x$eNE)),
+           (x$eDC+x$eDE)%*%array(1,ncol(x$eNE)),
+           round(zn2hr(x$lower$bound,x$n.I,x$ratio,hr0=x$hr0,hr1=x$hr),3),
+           round(zn2hr(x$upper$bound,x$n.I,x$ratio,hr0=x$hr0,hr1=x$hr),3))
+  colnames(y)<-c("T","n","Events","HR futility","HR efficacy")
+  rnames<-paste("IA",1:(x$k))
+  rnames[length(rnames)]<-"Final"
+  rownames(y)<-rnames
+  print(y)
+  cat("Accrual rates:\n")
+  print(round(x$gamma,digits))
+  cat("Control event rates (H1):\n")
+  print(round(x$lambda,digits))
+  if (max(abs(x$etaC-x$etaE))==0)
+  {  cat("Censoring rates:\n")
+     print(round(x$etaC,digits))
+  }
+  else
+  {  cat("Control censoring rates:\n")
+     print(round(x$etaC,digits))
+     cat("Experimental censoring rates:\n")
+     print(round(x$etaE,digits))
+  }
+xtable.gsSurv <- function(x, caption=NULL, label=NULL, align=NULL, digits=NULL,
+                          display=NULL, footnote=NULL, fnwid="9cm", timename="months",...){
+  k <- x$k
+  stat <- c("Z-value","HR","p (1-sided)", paste("P\\{Cross\\} if HR=",x$hr0,sep=""),
+            paste("P\\{Cross\\} if HR=",x$hr,sep=""))
+  st <- stat
+  for (i in 2:k) stat <- c(stat,st)
+  an <- array(" ",5*k)
+  tim <- an
+  enrol <- an
+  fut <- an
+  eff <- an
+  an[5*(0:(k-1))+1]<-c(paste("IA ",as.character(1:(k-1)),": ",
+                             as.character(round(100*x$timing[1:(k-1)],1)), "\\%",sep=""), "Final analysis")
+  an[5*(1:(k-1))+1] <- paste("\\hline",an[5*(1:(k-1))+1])
+  an[5*(0:(k-1))+2]<- paste("N:",ceiling(x$eNC[1:x$k]+x$eNE[1:x$k]))
+  an[5*(0:(k-1))+3]<- paste("Events:",ceiling((x$eDC)+(x$eDE)))
+  an[5*(0:(k-1))+4]<- paste(round(x$T,1),timename,sep=" ")
+  fut[5*(0:(k-1))+1]<- as.character(round(x$lower$bound,2))
+  eff[5*(0:(k-1))+1]<- as.character(round(x$upper$bound,2)) 
+  fut[5*(0:(k-1))+2]<- as.character(round(gsHR(z=x$lower$bound,i=1:k,x,ratio=x$ratio)*x$hr0,2))
+  eff[5*(0:(k-1))+2]<- as.character(round(gsHR(z=x$upper$bound,i=1:k,x,ratio=x$ratio)*x$hr0,2)) 
+  asp <- as.character(round(pnorm(-x$upper$bound),4))
+  asp[asp=="0"]<-"$< 0.0001$"
+  eff[5*(0:(k-1))+3] <- asp
+  bsp <- as.character(round(pnorm(-x$lower$bound),4))
+  bsp[bsp=="0"]<-" $< 0.0001$"
+  fut[5*(0:(k-1))+3] <- bsp
+  asp <- as.character(round(cumsum(x$upper$prob[,1]),4))
+  asp[asp=="0"]<-"$< 0.0001$"
+  eff[5*(0:(k-1))+4] <- asp
+  bsp <- as.character(round(cumsum(x$lower$prob[,1]),4))
+  bsp[bsp=="0"]<-"$< 0.0001$"
+  fut[5*(0:(k-1))+4] <- bsp
+  asp <- as.character(round(cumsum(x$upper$prob[,2]),4))
+  asp[asp=="0"]<-"$< 0.0001$"
+  eff[5*(0:(k-1))+5] <- asp
+  bsp <- as.character(round(cumsum(x$lower$prob[,2]),4))
+  bsp[bsp=="0"]<-"$< 0.0001$"
+  fut[5*(0:(k-1))+5] <- bsp
+  neff <- length(eff)
+  if (!is.null(footnote)) eff[neff] <- 
+    paste(eff[neff],"\\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{4}{p{",fnwid,"}}{\\footnotesize",footnote,"}")
+  xxtab <- data.frame(cbind(an,stat,fut,eff))
+  colnames(xxtab) <- c("Analysis","Value","Futility","Efficacy")
+  return(xtable(xxtab, caption=caption, label=label, align=align, digits=digits,
+                display=display,...))

Added: pkg/gsDesign/inst/NewTests/sfTruncatedTests.R
--- pkg/gsDesign/inst/NewTests/sfTruncatedTests.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gsDesign/inst/NewTests/sfTruncatedTests.R	2012-05-24 22:12:14 UTC (rev 334)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# test param failures

Added: pkg/gsDesign/man/eEvents.Rd
--- pkg/gsDesign/man/eEvents.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gsDesign/man/eEvents.Rd	2012-05-24 22:12:14 UTC (rev 334)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+\alias{Expected number of events for survival studies}
+\title{Expected number of events for a time-to-event study}
+\description{\code{eEvents()} is used to calculate the expected number of events for a population with a time-to-event endpoint. 
+It is based on calculations demonstrated in Lachin and Foulkes (1986) and is fundamental in computations for the sample size method they propose.
+Piecewise exponential survival and dropout rates are supported as well as piecewise uniform enrollment.
+A stratified population is allowed.
+Output is the expected number of events observed given a trial duration and the above rate parameters. 
+eEvents(lambda=1, eta=0, gamma=1, R=1, S=NULL, T=2,
+                  Tfinal=NULL, minfup=0, digits=4)
+\method{print}{eEvents}(x, digits=4,...)
+\item{lambda}{scalar, vector or matrix of event hazard rates; rows represent time periods while columns represent strata; a vector implies a single stratum.}
+\item{eta}{scalar, vector or matrix of dropout hazard rates; rows represent time periods while columns represent strata; if entered as a scalar, rate is constant accross strata and time periods; if entered as a vector, rates are constant accross strata.}
+\item{gamma}{a scalar, vector or matrix of rates of entry by time period (rows) and strata (columns); if entered as a scalar, rate is constant accross strata and time periods; if entered as a vector, rates are constant accross strata.}
+\item{R}{a scalar or vector of durations of time periods for recruitment rates specified in rows of \code{gamma}. Length is the same as number of rows in \code{gamma}. Note that the final enrollment period is extended as long as needed.}
+\item{S}{a scalar or vector of durations of piecewise constant event rates specified in rows of \code{lambda}, \code{eta} and \code{etaE}; this is NULL if there is a single event rate per stratum (exponential failure) or length of the number of rows in \code{lambda} minus 1, otherwise.}
+\item{T}{time of analysis; if \code{Tfinal=NULL}, this is also the study duration.}
+\item{Tfinal}{Study duration; if \code{NULL}, this will be replaced with \code{T} on output.}
+\item{minfup}{time from end of planned enrollment (\code{sum(R)} from output value of \code{R}) until \code{Tfinal}.}
+\item{x}{an object of class \code{eEvents} returned from \code{eEvents()}.}
+\item{digits}{which controls number of digits for printing.}
+\item{...}{Other arguments that may be passed to the generic print function.}
+\code{eEvents()} produces an object of class \code{eEvents} with the number of subjects and events for a set of pre-specified trial parameters, such as accrual duration and follow-up period. The underlying power calculation is based on Lachin and Foulkes (1986) method for proportional hazards assuming a fixed underlying hazard ratio between 2 treatment groups. The method has been extended here to enable designs to test non-inferiority. Piecewise constant enrollment and failure rates are assumed and a stratified population is allowed. See also \code{\link{nSurvival}} for other Lachin and Foulkes (1986) methods assuming a constant hazard difference or exponential enrollment rate.
+\code{print.eEvents()} formats the output for an object of class \code{eEvents} and returns the input value.
+\code{eEvents()} and \code{print.eEvents()} return an object of class \code{eEvents} which contains the following items:
+\item{lambda}{as input; converted to a matrix on output.}
+\item{eta}{as input; converted to a matrix on output.}
+\item{gamma}{as input.}
+\item{R}{as input.}
+\item{S}{as input.}
+\item{T}{as input.}
+\item{Tfinal}{lanned duration of study.}
+\item{minfup}{as input.}
+\item{d}{expected number of events.}
+\item{n}{expected sample size.}
+\item{digits}{as input.}
+\seealso{\link{gsDesign package overview}, \link{Plots for group sequential designs}, \code{\link{gsDesign}}, \code{\link{gsHR}}, \code{\link{nSurvival}}
+\author{Keaven Anderson \email{keaven_anderson at merck.com}}
+Lachin JM and Foulkes MA (1986),  Evaluation of Sample Size and Power for Analyses of Survival with Allowance for Nonuniform Patient Entry, Losses to Follow-Up,
+  Noncompliance, and Stratification. \emph{Biometrics}, 42, 507-519.

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/gsdesign -r 334

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