[FLR-list] Multiple Rbuilds active

Hintzen, Niels Niels.Hintzen at wur.nl
Mon Nov 7 21:54:47 CET 2011

Dear all,

Sorry for posting this question here, but wasn't in the mood to get flamed by Ripley. 
I was wondering, is it possible to have multiple Rtools installed under windows (7)?

I've installed Rtools for 2.11.x and 2.12.x (and need to keep it for a while too) but at the same time want to install some packages from source in R2.13.x

I had the idea to do this using R CMD INSTALL ...source... but my PATH refers to R2.11.x, not R2.13.x and rather not change my path all the time.

Suggestions are more than welcome!



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