[datatable-help] fread: support int64 package as well, or an option to make 64-bit integers characters

Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com
Thu May 16 23:00:11 CEST 2013


Hi Chris, 

There's the new colClasses argument so you can override
particular fields. But see the new ?fread manual page where I've added
an integer64 argument, documented but not yet implemented, default
"integer64" but can be set to "numeric" (as read.csv) or "character" --
think that's exactly what you're describing. I guess you would set the
global option datatable.integer64 to "character". 

I don't see how we
can support int64 because it's implemented as two integer vectors, iiuc.
data.table internals need each column to be a single vector. 


On 16.05.2013 08:46, Chris Neff wrote: 

> Hi all, 
> For reasons I
won't go into here, I do not use the bit64 package, instead opting to
use int64. When I load something that is a long numeric ID (i.e.
something I actually want as a character not an integer), fread loads
this as a 64-bit integer using the bit64 encoding. This makes it
impossible to convert those to characters without having the bit64
package loaded. 
> Would it be possible to either support int64 as well,
or if not an option to convert it to character when it would decide that
64-bit ints are necessary? 
> Thanks, 
> Chris

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